The Columbus Ledger from Columbus, Georgia (2024)

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The Columbus Ledgeri

Columbus, Georgia

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I iBfMSMETS stations tnGsorgla rMrtrsd 1ms tM Newsy Niles si The ThH HEATERS state auditor HEATERS HEATERS 'According to an article In the Ope 1 000 Co tr SHORT SESSION Houses CITY COUNCIL them to you City a i Al i ans ere Close Bonds were steady i nr tor Ver Green Georgians la A Row $4075 thereof made by 6 Sept Oct MURPHY LOSES li ltd TO SAVANNAH GA PRINCIPALSHIP Sept I ton long In Tor chedules engagement of fiitj edaea'ers a opelled a Ask the Ticket Agent ins HUNT err Street or COLUMBUS GA my fr'e ad tom! Hotel Raymond na wrot fnr on hop late question hnngM ery Woman days upon Its progm vc mor a the You want the beat in druggists Ask foe bortlot telling of Smith St TA in per per at 43d at 7tt TICKETS INCLUDE MEALS AND BERTH ABOARD SHIP bow very bushel 77 1 bushel 120 July Aur to fom (j beforo trio i'Jon a' I anninl ejection of nr rj i a comiiHl procedure of repnb first from groan bi a me a 6 3" 0 Cl 11100 Close 1223 Roosevelt badge dozen willing hands negro Or Chicago who mid hp finer New York June I gold abort 2'xw October December an Jar Anderson Aik your oruarlctfM It in caaoot cuaatr MARVEL accept iw oUmwjw kut moA Mawi for IlwotratoA wale It rive full panics New York June li Bailey Mont gomery: Good spots demand Liver pool will go far towards to preventing easier market b4 64 Rath have tam' after Local Cotton Market Market firm Good middling 12 Strict middling 11 7 8 Middling 11 3 4 middling 11 1 4 Strict good ordinary 10 6 8 The Woodmen meet tonight twid there a a good deal of important bus liew to be trunsato! especially the initiation of candidates the mora country to protes st ikes straight principle of cl'G ca ty 4 Continued from pa the Meamr irl" "Hit UT LITTLE BUSINESS WAS TRANSACTED AT SEMI MONTH 6 16 fl'? 634 34 650 can It will be our pleasure to show and demonstrate ANNOUNCEMENT COMES ROM MONTGOMERY THAT COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL MAN HAS LOST OUT feat ATE AUDITOR SMITH TELLSGOVERNOR O'NEAL THERE'S ONLY 9454 IN PENSION UND THENCE STEAMSHIP THE SAVANNAH LINE AND A CO 829 ront St Columbus Ga Price change nominal at the open ing of stock market minimum of trading A reactionary trend wm akown in now in perfect 155 lb 1 feel cer 1 my life to 1 Convenient to theatre and especially suited tor ladies visiting New Ycrk alona SINGLE ROOM 1M I I lW Timea Cigmocrat Summery Ni urn June IS Supply I merchants believe that prices mw i vo Hd encourage consetueia uu new crop coinmttnients in volume New York June 1 Riordan beat seder on tali Sentiment the market and nng selling Buying scat tered Anderson "1176 so S6 anmmary Roosevelt delegates early thia morning voted not to accept tem porary organisation unieaa approved by 540 contented delegate thia la preliminary move for bolt in cnee Roosevelt ta defeated National Pack log Co so called beef trust notifies department of justice that it win dis solve Chicago dispatch says Roose velt platform win touch lightly on in itative referendum and recall and to control trusts by industrial comm! about the MARVEL Wkirhsg Sfng Tke new Vaalnel SrHnpa Beat Mrt ecmveftMfcta cMaaact laataattvl ian 1177 ctli'ued receipt tomorrow (jijear VI 473 lab WHEAT July Sept CORN July Sept OITS July Sept PORK July Sept LARD ilv Sept H1HS July Sept $3710 $3230 the corri the hotel by wincing Taft Ih manifest enthusiasm the ceMcus was la progress 'throw ilm out be be bert' cam through the moment th" dr'or NEW rCHK 2 Blocks East of Broadway 78th Street Subway Station at tte door 3 block east Trm Hudson tubes at tth Ave and 2tth Street is minu tes to Grand Central Station Street or Penn Station V3s in direct on tr erning the national and to long established lr I'unporary organization 1'cair national contentions mederate nK tiburi lb Jan eb eb March March April Apru May CENTRAL fi GEORGIA RAILWAY NO MONEY OR OLD SOLDIERS PHONE 384 government rnn cp jurc the na'ic i by rh' eon aiSPta'Jv been comm prr ci i i g5 mean thj an party an become habitual wreck of popula 'lAjOv Rusk Lat 'd to the council that had to done to uj bndgo on North Rillrcad street This true tbs ram am less promising crop with a total ezbaus Cioe 631 6 31 Consumption i a disease and the sufferer i filled unh bright hope of improvement Cali it by its own dread name and then take Eckman Alterative because it ie effective in Tubcrculosi No one doubt there Is plenty of ev idence from live witnesses Investi gate the Local Provision Market lour per barrel $5 S5 Oats Cora Bran per 1TO pounds $1 SO Hay per ton $2500Sugar per 100 pounds 6 I useful and: 1 then I wisn ou I mean it and I shall yon are through with me for thl flght i far too great to permit us to concern ourseives about any one man' wel fare If we are true to ourselves by putting far above our own interests the triumph of the high cause for which we bwttle we shall not lose It would lie far better to fail honora bly for the cauee we champion than It would be to win by foul the foul victory for which our oppo nents hope Rut the victory shall be sure and it shall be won as we have already wqn so many victories by clean and honest fighting for the loftiest of causes We fight in hon orable fashion for the good of man kind IrtrteM of the fathers' unhesi tating of our iMlvidual fate with flinching )MMt anandtmnMd area iioomh rit rs hr he rery was iak buiitiini re thour abdabb niii ad mis Ion policemen held them A "'f expect higher ecs i li is 'ng ivirchasc of December Roose vett and 'the Taft forces weral trying hide him luker th St Louke's hospital with three rib broken and hi alternate A Bry 1 ant will take hl seat in the conven tion Taft 'supporter denied they dvad tried to hide luker To prercnc pee tiie olcneb gave up hA roll He 'h hi Chief opponents ca uaiinnul cum mttve ere wi had been ro pudbited in tb lr 'vn siat "It i bad eon igh complainei: hv the victory mien by the Market Gossip New Orleans Jua IS Texas cinudj coo' Hcny rain reporte 1 all ''reef ions Oklanorra City reports rd so rain over tn state past' 1 iurs Mempt? splen did rams ins J2ttle Rock 2': Biuff i'' Tavlor in: San An tonio Pale tine 258 Shreveport I Smith "76 Nashville 38 Houston IK Thorrpeon Towle A Co: "We 'o reuton for a lower market Spearsen and Wilson buying on the advance Anderson New York Market Open 1 1 iiiii The city coti Jj of Girarde will In at'rri esGoti tonight but up to the present there are no very important matters on the known STANLEY Phone 1289 ifteen were added to the city coffers of Girard cuter lay as a result of layer lo cs' Monday giineo which wa3 a 'title Jighier than usual for Monday COWLES: cannot find words Cotton Opinion New June 1 Havden Stone Cr Spec ilaticn fceni' to bp committing itecifto theshort side SUMMER TRIPS BY RAIL and SAIL Mio 'earl Newman of I Ahj bis be cn in returned to her home yesterdayA X5 acvt mpanie i her vter Cro'vder who ill visit in city far a few ay The polonel gave a new definition of rhe national committee "Th" nation': 1 commitM ex claimed "who are they? About fifty people with ratio of honest? rang mg from about fourteen to iwenty CASKZTS AND ROBBS We employ lady assistant Calls answered anywhere at any time al or ganlrailon counselled against the resolution declaring that a 'tempts to secure bs adoption would precipi tate a decisb contest at one andthe Iid not revolutionary an to their rcme in rtlng relative Nov Dec Dec Jan Sales 1 Receipt Spot GG Steady A4I ord ar Model al! alike except th bodfwt The two paaaenger runabout coats I55G the f' engr touring cr th delivery car $7Cfi ite town car 96T Detroit equipped Get lat est catalogue from ord Motor Company Michigan and ourieenth treet or direct from Detroit factory Better ett JI ee co ild do to in S'ision In his favor There 'as 'third ciar? at il whicb proper" hrri fro i 'is mainly 'r' fir tu Roosevelt Scores His Opponents Phen ixr Girard "'Gentlemen: Prior to eb I wii suffering with IaGrippe which developed into Tuberculoal My phy elcian gave me one month to live My father who I a clergyman heard of Eckman'a Alterative and in duced me to take it The night sweat and chill disappear my cough became easier and gradually dtnnniehed am health back to tain that I owe Alterative'' Gentlemen: I to exprea my appreciation of what your remedy' haa done for my son" (Signed) REV A COWLESL i Paator Preabytfcrlan Church Eckman' Alterative 1 effective in Bronchitis Asthma Hay ever Throat and Lung Trouble' and In upbuilding the system Does not con tain poison opiate or habit form ing drag or sale by City Drug storo retail agents Brannon Carson wholesale agent and other leading Th rc is crlv IM 5: Dft in fun "he ic: be'rnin 1 asd'endi ierN 3 1512 1143 116" sun tuce tburs tf (Continued loom page one yas the election of Henry Jack sen cf Atlanta a national couttuR teeman to auitx ci Henry Rhn Jr of anur Mr Hiun as chosen a Georgia's memltr of the redent ini committee 'J barn' for rule Martin for resolution Ros oe Pickett far organi sation' Morton to notify the president and Peterson to notify the vice president After the meeting th? negroes at tracted much attention dor of fong! While to ihc Apartment are now up to a "xtn 1 he News says that n'th tne exception of cooi and windy days two weks nave been favorab'e to fhe crops A ccnsiderable percent go of the crop is yet un hopr ed Coston sa4d to be about week Ivct than i ast and i reported In healthy condition ei vry considered men" Rjwi o'elt I oran In ail AST" VV yi rnU uf sowc ht ronHirxl I unr iv trad would PJe a l' ri WV i Voa 4 JH I Ak a grrar came WrU naiJiC Lb roar wpien i about to crime ha The triumph of at moment of repul If such procordin: it would mean ther government The nctions the Taft leaders in ibe a' tionni commit tec tlt no ic" aid Mr Taft's rriv try and oie of Mr cabinet and they ind'imantlv condemned bj cuiimcnt of the whale we comr tot th i rm in i crime he rcir of ry deer nr rt cri'T 'b ch i the 'pi and th pailon of the sov rc mtv of he peo ple I Irre ponsILlo political iio rt sinis'er inline it Pert hero in this ball enraged tat only in a fleht for th" rip! "a of 'ery fier nt repuh liran At' ar enimscl a fiuht tbe riaipK of rvcrv dr whitOrVrr hls'p srtj may Weather Report Washington June IS Gov i rnr'ent's weekly weather report: Pre' I pt ft on generally over tlie cotton growing state except that a 1 trge area In eastern and southern pcbe Co: On any marked re rtlor we ihinjt "he posit on a "purcbat for the long pvl Rulh elti' I Co Technically the iiviei is in a good porilion to res pond to ar unfavorable to inform you" Willingham member to Superintendent I ro aooi coin inis Ion trxiay tin declined to ratify the nom of My p'iy pri NEW YO3K BOSTON PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE ROUND TRIP pool cable were not up to expecta tion the large Mies were seriously considered and probably prevented further depression Tne aenmg ever around the opening was heavy coming it i said from Wan reet and uptown crowd weather map was favorable with good rain In the western and the weekly i weather report is rather favorable I and woiie a decline would eem in order it seema hard to bring It about with the pot situation so strong Sen Had Well a a means for aecuring the trl of principle ponder these facts abd refrain in this crisis from piny ins into the bands of our Concluding Roosevelt said: "What happens io me Is not of tre slight' st ion' equence: I am to be used a In a dreadful battle any utw is used to his hurt or not so leas fr fk a Vi th 1 cast at Ido or left to die 1 ba thia 1 need no sympathy when northWMrtrn Gaevaia and ths northwwtarn partio of Mouta I Carolina The groaiaot wartly amount 7 20 inerts occurred at ranklin Louisiana Maa ntompsrature ware above normal la Arkau Oklahoma apd Texas the mcom ranging from 1 to degree Over the remainder of ths cotton bolt the tomperacaroo ranged from normal to 4 dogrees be low The highest weakly mean tem perature wag 84 degrees at Hau An tonio Liverpool Market Or er 6 irtl'rs But with Mr Tsft's a ar! his diC' ticin and in hl intor bl followers h''e rimed an vurh all 'c i w'T' Ji Its not a partisan issue it ir rnbre tban a politicrf issue: it is a moral isssu If po'itira! if we do 't rr' eot kind of wrong an 1 Injustir that in "et the whole nation that ir democratic 'orm bntour itilizatlon ft df If method adopt' 'y commi'toe are B' prOvcd i nr Montgomery Ala June 18 Con dition growing cotton various nearbys'ctiop: Eufaula Ala weather ba been very favorable good outlook in tMt alhunv cron toot? i AfUntu ga weather peat nrteec days favorable chopping fimened Kxd I a 4S ai VM a mri a a i i i 1 men Ate ias me Thl complicate the Ks'd tllw general vlewpcdut w711 Opelika I All firTBn well nr with their Work I outlook very good Penasco a crops fine condition well cultivated growing test proceedings in connection with tem porary organization could be Juftti med SiturJav Se'le an placed in yesterday by county out heating the whole house lioaters for the Cottage up Council era? ted the clerk mvrshal and police a ten furlo'Th to suit their convenience with full pay ns th nako ir sppal to all honest far sighted and abiotic vni cf no matter where they mar dwell Hl Entry In the Race ima in ebruary fast 1 made up mind it as my ditty this I eh: jt wag atrr long and a r'rii r' mn 1 had Iu 'otp thr Mr Taft had definite ly iU'l co'njdei rd aba udoned the i'i'tn of the r( id and" bad e'irren dered elf wholly to the biddings of the rcf poiltleai bosses and of the great Sieged intr rests Mail 1 la frl'Ic them had be con sit inlc made Hie Pcrlit it wonlj not be made at ail and Mr Taft's nomination would com hinn serious npposi Tim cni ha1 justified both efs I verv earnestly ak our who sup? other candidate to rememlser in the cardinal principle of the doctrines which tre hoid fn common our duty normallv loy ally and in good faith to abide by the well thought out and bonoatlv ox nressert action of a majority The overwhelming majority of the repub I'csn progressive have declared for me ha become clear beyond the ehadow of doubt that had not I made the jirorreesfve flght it would have completely broken down and 'there would 'b'en no substantial op position tn the force of reaction and of pol iti crookedness lxt those progress he who stand for principle and who are eoncaraed with th tortaaea ot aAy pgrtKulac map Her commission All right high motihb tion tpal of tho county hirt achooh I "I sho il'l lUe to know if youri county board wishes to make another! nomination of for the coun i ty nigh fiooi cr io yo pr cr to' th" 'gh school commission ifeleet a principal without noraina iition?" ORD The ostrich fly has too much weight for its wing power The Vanadium built ord haaJi the weight it needs for strength but the lightest car for its size in the world sell seventy five new orde this year principally because cot an ostrich rar i Savannah Juno firm rosin Sim IT 726A 725 72vit era! rschcr than i to the re election The state auditor irssl' tba act abolishing the fo irth ias According to dispatchers trom Mont gomery which will be of interest to oli cldlers residing in the twin cities it is likely that they will get no money for the quarter beginning July 1st The fund it i stated ta been exhaisteil there hut Iff IM on hand sir'1 payment of the lor the April quarter ronws from a Brook Smttb ov Tne the si the pens io ne rs on an average of about Jfl 'iJ prr and in we pud them 000: Atr 14fl0n 5 off Mur tv los au principal of 4h srhcni state hign "school ncen th it i sly declined io affirm county ochnoi pour I in The Day In Big Markets Z1 VaA J47 (By Aartclrtrt PrM) New York Jne 18 Totton opened steady today at a decline of to point on Liverpool cable favorable weather reported and a renewal of yeaterday a realizing of aelling Of fering! were well taken however and the market rallied five or six point latar on' called by Mr Jsnnett mov to Columbus dlnarcc the priv ate me ten I the sunering inciaeat to its con mm i summation But for ills smm and' discomforts nature provides i remedies and in' riend iy AUUIIM MICUAKlIiq? value to every expectant mother i lit is an emulsion for external ao 1 asm 1 plication composed of ingredients i which act with beneficial and soothing effect on those portions qp qn vi tuc ojiiciii nivutvcu xu la in lie i nt vlUwJ tended to nrenare the ivitem tnr i 1 ithe crisis and thus relieve in? a kv part the suffering through! John Mullin and baby ar visiting relative whch the mother usually passes and fnend in Phenix city for a feThe regular use of Mothers: day riend will repay any mother in uu in the world the the helpful restoration to healtu market was Vigorously old this year In gr i IVn 'e Tian fa inth'tt there Is not th light tinge of fctirnalfsm the fight a'e nor iipanr prin' ij ln tip vjtnl for i nrtb th a uh far moie bearish condition the market holds and even on weatuer londitlona which well might at nine a bumper yield for the west 1 1 states Thl difference In the Ldavlor of the market now anl last I ar ls enUrelv due to th different Mtl of leading speculative In Tbev have shifted to thei ie the market nover broad no to liquidate and the iefen i've couequeutly must be kept up issue to extent and disturbs I men who of late' have begun tortfr lOkltive ituonw rrgaraing trc rrop Bear beiieie In de because the large quantity of world Well inf irm ed farr' rs know that heavy forward ciiirjs summer mean aug mented drnanl for the actual during the fall ar I winter And It foi lc'w! tat tne number of men in the bc' s' an IBing it It La To are mining decline ad' out'Ate it have 'cn by xree the rturLr cf nin are ar amerg I talking advances at tbl particular 'tn o' Rov el ifn or true reason the Gilew re action ei If von yest'rdi: masing th crop tondl ahnut tno to of lg'tes fr Hon leK rlurtlon between May 25th sealed not fc Lind 1 June li tn six tenth a ro'rt itik the "any 'h rarr he I a and utcotd tne i SfS" he when la Se coul nk nim self hc rd "tsy sh11 "As far Mr Taft and I ponwly corcerne1 It BAITTON BATTON yRaa Prtna 70 1 1 Phone 828 XJiiL udertakers and Embalmers New Orleans ine IS orecast: howers and thunder dorms in south cooler Thursday Xrl nnsae Oklahoma fair cool er Jn eastern portion Wednesday fair east rexss fair cooler on eoar an ast Wedresiay in Texas tutr warmer except In southeast North CarohriB Sc itn Geor gia local thunder showers' cooler i im iii gertotailv fair except thunderoow rs in riortn cooler Aiat'atna if MZ'i thowers cooler of Professor Murphy egntiorts from OH'xa the commission fTnfo supported by while trc opposition gates and man gosition U' a teacher" "jnember ih'' ontestlrg del wojid raal openly if ther charge these could not for pnldicatinn The' comtplsrion announced h'npri for School Prof j50 1 niito Camp Miss Augusta Bloodworth New Pecxtiir and Mfa Urena Harrton The highest point of womatrt Ortesm cettrt Usttw happiness is reached only throngn New Orleans Jum The weatb motherhood in the clwphtr of her US? child within her arms Yet the fQr clearing tn north TrM Okla mother to be is often fearful of and Arkaaaaa furtXy rains in nature's ordeal and shrink fromX I SJttiaaviM grt anew Art AM 1 uru dq raairrn two' Thl prospective rain for the eastern half of the belt Is the only unfavorable outlook ag the crop in the Atlantic neede more sunehirt and warm weather Liverpool eor respondents show strongly bnltiih view owing principally to good trade Our correspondent eayg that the be lief in cotton is go strong that around 6 pence for new crops enormous trade buying would appear Our market i'irtano4 iv4 I ft Wenf htlS I lar stlpput ovn appeared New topped al selling ana ramew 'prices to last nights nguree pettormance certainly gives a insight in'o tbe constitution of market interest Last year on a in Texas that was not nearly a pie and genera and on a far election of a principal fory choo! will read Lae fiven jrom the Mom iro 'with cunoldcrul i in N'ew York Jun New York Commercial While sentiment tn cotton is somewhat bullish trading ie more two sided undertone Whether you are buildinz or not take a look at the Gas Show Window and ee what a line of GAS WATER HEATERS they have The cheapest and only way to heat water with tne chairman the 1 comautu to proceed with the Orleans Open (Continued front Page til permanent ore izafion stall hivti 1 ven ffecicd" Every possible effort "as Root cv it manager to have rc sal accepted by Taft lea the latter pointed out that The funeral "of Master Richard took place yesterday afte noon at 4 oclock from the home of ht Mr and Mrs Nick Jet tenon eorvires being mduitei by Rev Crowder Tne mcr was in Lliwood the loliisinn loustns of tne little fellow as the pal! bear tionS ot a helpful nature ers: Mer sts elix Re els Homer ggADHEU) UGULATO co*k Admtat A Erjes and Graham Jefferson a Ao Eleventh Hour Scheme lookina for tel! him that he had foun I luker one of the delegates in a wreck early to day Grier had said luker was friendly to It 56 u6 II 61 Yazoo City cloudy warm r'H Vicksburg Greenwood cloud: hot Memphis raining Meri tan par cloudy back Col Roosevelt was constantly in tcrrtpted in speech by storms of nppSauso He '1'' nils tlcpartcd iioni his prepared speech for an ex tcjriporanr ous thru' which brought th people to tueir fed shouting and waving the flags which handed to tach person on entering the htil! "i ide fair and sjiiire in the open ami won" he said "I opiMjnents sliail cheat The regular seml rri rthlv meeting ol the city council of Phenix City vis th ball last njfiht wph his honor Mover Rusk presid ing and 'nre' aldermen present and strength it brings about after baby comes Mother riend is for sale at drug' stores Write fWL for our free UHMK book for ex OH if pectant motif ers which contains much valuable information and many suggert liUU3 LH A 4 I kU i Gas Light Company of Columbus MMMBim WagR? "'TWSKaSL 7 TmMwirt irMtyvarMMN I IMS 1 wjM 4 If ro ia to AiibMaa nirrt in rcuiannng nuriy sure inmg non I tr'ijir ers srrr mr bo fellow iLntirclv vcoeiaDie li II II II 'rcldfe I nation were lr7 Yjlg arly bum ot toasjts stool raoarsnse vnw mhmv ia mm a uu i eaRrfla shrd'uo Open Close 1 4 105 5 8 104 5 8 IM'S 3 4 Open Cloe '72 3 71 7 4 71 3 4 71 1 8 Open Close 4i 1 4 40 5 8 0 lx "5 IS 1885 IS 92 10 kn 1092 LL05 31 in 45 1067 1067 1.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.