The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2025)

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Buffalo, New York

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A Big Splurge Wfefe In ashion Can Be Thrifty rom a Kindergarten Viewpoint Buffalo ModERN Evening News LIVING A 10 Saturday December 28 1974 By MARJI KUNZ Kniffht News Strvict DETROIT If your closet has the blahs it may be because you have brought too much mediocre stuff And the worst part is that you may have thought you were being ever so practical and thrifty along the way Typical is the woman who gasps at a $100 price tag and shrieks could never spend that much for In truth the woman may be spend ing much more than that amount for dribs and drabs that add up to next to nothing LOOK IN your closet Do you have five $30 dresses you could have lived without? If so you might have bought one spectacular $150 something a suede jacket to wear over everything for example that would do incredible things for your morale every time you wear it If you deal with clothes shopping as if you were managing a corporate budget likely to have a more interesting wardrobe even in a time of inflation how it works: Look through your check book and your charge card bills and figure out how much you usually spend for clothes during a given season Decide how much you can spend this season and then try to make your money count SOMETIMES SPLURGES are good investments Last year I bought a silver fox muffler which be considered a necessity in book I loved it still do even convinced that spectacu lar enough that nobody notices wearing it with old clothes And by the time you think of your fur muffler investment over a five year period (surely it will last that long) it costs less than a long gown which may not look right after a season or two But your touch of luxury' be fur It might be a jeweled evening hat that makes you feel like a si lent flick dolly Or some feathers to flutter with whatever evening clothes you wear winter or sum mer I promise you with the right feather boa tossed around your shoulders nobody is going to notice that your gown came from a discount store In the what will they think of next category the newest luxury is little feathered sleeves right sleeves No dress comes with them the brainchild of a young rench designer They come in soft ivory or black and run from about $100 for a pair of sleeves up to $185 for elaborate ones combining several kinds of feathers eathered sleeves were on the cover of the November issue of Vogue over bared pajamas 1 1 CREATIVE BUDGETING involves a few gambles like buying some of your evening basics when you see them on the sale rack An attractive satin ascot shirt (forever a basic) is no less so because you found it for $1250 on a half price sale rather than at $25 to $40 "in You may find the drop dead luxuries on sale racks too at less luxurious prices The only time you lose at sales on evening clothes is when you buy some never wear when it fit or was such a freakish fashion look that it never flattered 'anyone Mom May Have a Job But Kids Say Dad Works Harder ft ANTHONY BUGL JOETRIGILIO SCOTT MOREY JUDY RANK iiL yyy Xtv DAVID PARISI CHARLES DI MARCO' i i Jr Ufwllk Bi fl JE By SUE buyer including one boy whose father was on strike Call it or It seems or on pension or to be alive and well and living in the kindergarten It all surfaced during a survey made by a News reporter who questioned kindergarten pupils on the work that mother and father did work was work on the other hand was not work The pupils are in Mrs Irene kindergar ten class in School 81 on Tacoma Ave SOME THEM knew what their parents did at work some It depended to a large extent on the complexity of the job the conversation at home and whether the job is depicted on television programs The children of truck drivers and auto mechanics understood what their dad does better than do the children of insurance salesmen and accountants But something more surprising developed as the small group conversations went on Although a few boys admitted they really wanted to grow up to be firemen all agreed that it would be fine to grow up and hold a job like BUT SONS WORKING mothers were uniform ly upset when asked if like to have a job like when they grew up The girls were equally surprised at and opposed to the idea that they might some day have a job like their dad works with explained Judy rank want to do that I want to grow up like a With only two exceptions the youngsters insisted that their fathers worked harder than their mothers 4 LYNN DZIADASZEK TAMARA DAVIES 1 '4' One exception was Judy who believes dinner washing clothes and going out to the store is as hard as fixing The other child who thought his parents worked equally hard is the son of a baker and a waitress in the Great Gatsby DAD WORKS harder than my mother be cause his work is more Anthony Bugl commented mom washes the clothes but my dad works harder because his work is real He starts the car and goes to work Sometimes he even works volunteered Joe Trigilio dad drives a truck My mom scrubs the floor and cooks She want to drive a truck rather wash the commented David Parisi know my dad works harder than my mother be cause tired when he comes explained Tammy Davies ATHER fixes cars and my mother washes dishes and wipes says Charles DiMarco know he works harder than my mother but I think he has more fun Lisa InCorvaia sees it the other way dad drives a truck Only men drive trucks My mommy stays home and scrubs the floor My dad works hard er but my mother has more Scott Morey has the same version of housework as Charles father works at Westinghouse making motors airplanes and stuff My mother just washes the he maintained "Tz 1 TA LISA INCORVAIA mother helps my brother change diapers and things What my father does is more says Lynn Dziadaszek works for a company that makes The future may bring anything but as of now those five year olds are traditionalists After all even Cinderella swept the hearth Snow White cooked and mended for the dwarves And they both lived happily ever after Princess Diane Designer: Learning To Be Tough eeSIOOO Tough is not caring who knows rather be home with the children in stead of in a flashy Miami Beach hotel room or mak ing personal appearances at department stores Tough is having this awful fear of flying but flying anyway Tough is being 27 years old and actually pleased that some people think 30 or 35 Tough is the new heavy masculine looking ring first emancipation present to AND MOST ALL tough is those fine immo bile features so classical uncertain whether you first saw them in Wear Daily or in a photograph of the murals in Egyptian tombs In the early 70s stockbroker prince Egon von urstenberg and his Brussels born wife Diane were New fun cou ple They went everywhere worth going and entertain ed everyone worth know i They were sought after because they were good looking and witty and had two equally good look i children who baby talked in Italian They were not only rich they were gallant about it Egon rode to work on the subway Diane went into the clothing business more than I did I know having more fun and rediscovering things But aside from that noth ing has really changed ex cept that every day I think better now than I was HAD TO she says I an amateur that I just someone with a name and a social life Bom into an upper bour geois family Diane Von urstenberg was a and reasonably good? child whose occasional lapses of naughtiness were limited to such exploits as leading her school class in a strike She holds an economicsy degree from the Universi ty of Geneva and speaks rench Italian English Spanish and a smattering of German i She is fluent about the future only regrets you have in life are the things1 you do never the things you By MARGARITA ICHTNER Kniflht Newt serrtee MIAMI am quite different from what people she says distractedly chewing chry santhemum petals plucked from the bouquet on the table am very vulnerable but I hide it by being And for Diane von urstenberg today tough is a combination of several things women will buy just one dress not 15 and there are some who own that many like using a name to order a good table in a res taurant In the end it ma a difference with the When the newly married Von urstenbergs came to New York from Paris in 19G9 "fashion was at its craziest In rance we have an expression pe tite the little dress something you can wear all the time what I tried to make something for that moment when you 1 wear blue jeans when you must dress properly Something to make you sit differently Complete and return Io INTERSESSION HILBERT COLLEGE 5200 South Pork Avenue Hamburg New York 14375 Name Addresi Telephone Number i Number and Name of Course II payment li endowd make check payable to Hilbert College and mail to the above oddreti partly because Diane von handsome countenance peering from ha ngtags lends them a cer tain cachet and partly be a are comfortable name helps at the she admits if only the name PRINCESS DIANE VON URSTENBERG NOW SEPARATED Diane von urstenberg is still everywhere chat ting with Cristina ord at the Waldorf banquet fol lowing the New York premiere of Great Gatsby at the Starlight Room reception after rock star Sly Madi son Square Garden wed ding at Piazza del Popolo for lunch with friends and on week ends off when she 4 year old Alexander and Tatiana 32 share their patch of Connecticut with some deer and a waterfall Has she changed? I hold to life HILBERT COLLEGE 5200 South Pork Avenue Hamburg New York 1 4O7S Hilbert College will offer iii non credit mfni courte during Intersession scheduled for Jon 6 sb 6 1975 Intersession is penod during which the evening norwredif mini courses may be token by ony persons or infer motion and questions coll 649 7900 ond ask for I Intersession A flexible registration period lor Intercession has been arranged REGISTRATION is flexible for your convenience by coupon below or during the first doss session or in person at me Admissions Office at the College between 6:00 4:00 PM on Dec 12 23 Dec 26 31 and Jon 2 6 Ail dosses will be held in the Acodemtc Building MC1 MULTI MEDIA SYSTEM INSTRUCTION OR STANDARD IRST AID eeS200 Curt Bolehunot Red Intfrueter Monday Joa 6 132027 7:00 0:30 PM Room 118 MC 2 MINI COURSE IN STATISTICS OR CLASSROOM TEACHERS Dr Robert Grenell Adjunct Profewor SUCNY redonia InitruclOf Wednesday Jon 8 15 22 29 7:00 9:00 PM Room 77 MC3 NEGOTIATIONS WORKSHOP for employers and employes ee $1500 Mr Edwrn Oiborne Coordmotor Tuesday Jon 7 14 21 700 9100 PM Room 77 MC4 INCOME TAX PREPARATION fee2000 James Grubko Internal Pevenue Service Agent Thursdays Jan 16 23 30 eb 6 7 00 900 PM Room 25 MC5 BEGINNING NEEDLEPOINT ee $1200 Including materials Mr Mtml Lanfea? I Thursday Jan 9 6 23 30 700 PM Room 77 MC 6 BEGINNING eeJIOGO Mr Wlkim Horboeheski Injfrucfor Mondays Jon 6 13 20 27 7 00 8 30 PM Root 69 HER DRESSES sell at the rate of 1500 a clay 1 8 iMi zr s'" I JHP ijffl 1 I 'lzWy 1 "i IMHMi 1 '7 HH3 i Kb I 1 few a SIMKa WHITE TIE AND TAILS the ultimate in elegance for a night on the town suggests Quarterly Suit and cummerbund cost $750 the shirt with attached cravat $100 Designed to order by Piero Dimitri of Italy A Touch of The Elegant BLACK VELVET and ostrich feathers If a dramatic combination by Biki of Italy The long black velvet skirt slightly gath ered at the waist is worn with a purple bolero all of feathers Heap Of Trying By BEN BURROUGHS It takes a heap of trying ito look up when you feel low it takes a heap of trying just to stop when others go it despite fame for great are your temptations when the world honors your name it takes a heap of trying with prayer you can succeed takes a lot of grit and strength to climb a rugged hill because there are so many falls to break the strongest will and too it takes an extra push to smile instead of frown al though your heart is breaking and your world hasl tumbled down it takes a man of character speak highly of all instead of ridiculing those who may have caused his fall it takes a heap of trying to be humble and reach the goal of happiness if only God you heed IMyIano 3 Thousands of our exquisite 3 hand made tree ornaments Tin Painted Rocking Hoik EIvi Hand Knit Skir Animal Plc Mang Solid Wood Hand Blown Glass Originally 750 and up Everything Wonderful 3175 Lakeshore Rd.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.