The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

TIJE ATLAMTA CONSTITUTION, Thursday, Jan. 1956 to Athens, one of Georgia'! BLUE DEVILS DARKHORSE toughest. In that game," Cryk sank 21 of 25 foul shots, Marietta Cagers Banking on Anderson, Crook Maybe It la Impossible. Only the league's strongest, Cedartown, Anderson and Crook returned Bulldog 'Kids' Play Tulane Five Tonight Dinwiddie Only Senior Listed In Probable Starting Lineup By LARRY FOX Down 1-5, but rot out, Georgia's young basketball team opens its official Southeastern Conference basketball campaign at Tulane Thursday night on the first lap of a two-game Louisiana hoop-ride. His son is a six-foot lad named Harry Anderson, who sets up the plays for this year's Devils.

And THIS WEEK ONLY ANTIQUE SHOW I pm to 10:30 pm Daily MUKISIPAL AUDITORIUM in a game that saw Crook out-score Bill Burnham, who nipped Pettet for last year's scoring title. They lost by just a point, ill A i Charles Moss, 6-0, was Installed at the guard position Ken Turner once manned, Larry McMillan and Carroll Raines went In at the forwards. The three new men were relatively untrained, and although Raines came through weir and the others look promising, Marietta drop iiiiim mm iiiiiniiii "IS By MORT Conatitutien Spott Writer MARIETTA, Jan. 4 What kind of a felow is this Andy Anderson, you ask, to depend on his son and a Crook to get him through a crucial period? It's not so bad lus teaching his son, you say, but what about teaching this Crook everything he knows? Well, Anderson Isn't the sinister fellow that kind of talk makes him seem. In fact, he may be on his way to becoming Marietta's public hero No.

1. Because Anderson is coach of Marietta's basketball Blue Devils, and the crucial pfriod he wants to get through with some merit is the 1955-56 basketball season. A The won-ioss record is unim ped five ot eight preseason games. 3 the only thing crooked about straight, tall Jerry Crook is the way his 6-4 frame zigzags around and over Region 4-AA enemies to stash 20 points a game in the Marietta till. Crook and the younger Anderson are the boys who make the elder Anderson a dark horse in 4-AA's race, which comes fresh out of the wrapper Friday night.

They've been overlooked in early speculation largely because It seemed improbable Marietta could lose the region's No. 2 scorer of 1954-55 (and that's what Tommy: Pettet was) and still field a win-: ner. TANKS BOILERS STEEL FABRICATORS BOILER REPAIRS QUALIFIED WELDING pressive, to S8y the least, but the eyes or Coach Harbin (Red) Law- Glenn- Simons, James Mclntyre, son see his kids making steady isruce uone, uraay jeiiKins ana i K3 -S3 Jack Tebeau, who represent the, team reserve strength, haven been able to give a lot of help because of their lack of experience. But Marietta has beaten one of Staff Photo Van Toolo JERRY CROOK Goes Straight (For Basket) improvement and "before too long, maybe on this trip, we'll be ready to start beating some people." It's possible that not a senior will be in the starting lineup when the Bulldogs get set for the opening jump against Tulane and again at LSU on Saturday. Uinr4.t4i.r-ii4ft nmi' i' niwium i muniMt Bean Cablneas Bill Ensley miserable start but can he a fire Morris Dinwiddle, the little guard from Scotlsville, is the only senior listed as a probable starter and he shares his "probable" status with three other back court men.

ball when his shooting eye is on "We've finished our experi menting," Lawson says, "and arc ready to get down to serious busi ness. We're improved. I know The front line for Georgia is definitely set. Junior Bill Ensley, but we still may have a hard time winning a lot of games be tremendously improved this sea son, is the center with sophom*ore PUT YOUR SiONEY Where it Henry Cabaniss and junior col cause the opposition is, too." In Tulane, the Bulldogs face an In-and-out quintet that owns a 5-5 record and a fourth-place finish In the eight-team Orange Bowl tournament. Tulane ace cal grosscup, i lege transfer Curtis Gleaton the forwards.

Cabaniss is perhaps the brightest of Lawson's several sophs while Gleaton is adjusting 1 game by game to the faster call fine shot-maker, is back In shape ber of play. Gleaton, Lawson reports, broke his arm during the and GROW: after an injury and with other Inman Brandon Vict PresH Director Samuel Welch Exec. Vice President Northside Branch, lads like Stan Stumpf, Roy Stoll and Bobby Delpit to help should be too tough for the Bulldogs. is the team that edged Georgia In the consolation finals summer and is just now getting confident enough to mix it up under the boards. As guards, Lawson lists sophom*ores Ray Allen and Don Harts-field, junior Ronald Bradley and Dinwiddie.

Among the sophs, Allen has the offense, Hartsfield the defense. Bradley is a rugged chap, while Dinwiddie is off to a of the recent Gator Bowl Tournament and if high-scoring Roger 1 1 bigler can be shackled, Georgia has a pretty fair chance. The Bengals are 2-7. Basketball 1 Marist Trips Smith, 78-54 Joe Grotenrath, who hit a shoot SEO Arkansu State 78 Olt Mis 71 coli.foe Uirquttt 74 Paria (Franrh) 43 southern Methodist 87 Kice tit) I i i Duke 71 Wake Forest 84 Robert W. Crenshaw Jr.

Secretary, Director ing slump the night before, hit Holcombe Green Chmn. Board of Directort Parrlf Island 111 Holy Croat 85 Western Michigan 82 Notre Dame 83 Maryland 76 Wayne 88 Hope 71 VII anova 70 Catawba 94 Connecticut H8 Bowling Green 63 Butler 69 South Carolina 57 Mich. Normal 65 Alma U9 West Chester 62 Tulsa 50 his stride again Wednesday night as he and Tom Supensky led 1 Marist's Cadets past Smith in an Oklahoma City 68 Loyola I Baltimore) 54 i4 tseton nail Marshall 99 Miami tunioi im Rhode Island 81 COP 36 Rutgers 73 Oklahoma AM 62 Lehigh 48 Fordham 63 Vermont 64 Dillard 45 Miss. So. 55 (ot) St Johns 86 Kansas State 67 Delaware 64 Kansas 65 Temple 81 Canklua 71 St Michael's 81 Xarier (La.) 84 Loyola fLa.) 60 Bethel (Tenn.) 69 Austin Feay 7 Belmont Abbey 84 82 76 70 Here at The Northside Brancli of Fulton County' Federal (Formerly Northside Federal) the year 1935 was the biggest and best in our history and with the advent of a bright New Year we eagerly look forward to even greater progress: WHY? Because if we have been humming up until now, then we are really going to GROW now that our merger with Fulton County Federal has become effective as of December 30th, 1955.

1 As the new Northside Office of Fulton County Federal which is the oldest and one of the largest Federal Associations in the entire southeast, we will still have the same folks whose pictures you see here serving you "in the Northside Atlanta operation of our combined institutions, which will be a $50,000,000.00 giant to make available TO YOU a savings and home financing service that will be second to none in the whole U. S. A. Craph shows the steady and rapid growth of Northside Federal prior to merger with Fulton County Federal, Dec. 30th, 1955 MILLIONS Richmond prettier Baylor Cornell Texas inter-regional game, 78-54.

Smith's girls whipped Sacred Heart, 56-43, in the lid-lifter. Grotenrath flipped up 23 points and Tom Supensky 21, as the Maristers hopped off to a 40-31 half-time lead. Lamar Echols, Smith's classy center, had 17 points, but the winners let him down without a field goal after the half. Center Ken Adamson, who helped Grotenrath keep the boards clean, notched 14 points Dave Supensky had 10 to round out the list of four Cadets in double figures. 1 SI 67 67 gi Texas AM SO Syracuae 85 TCU 73 West Teias 72 Geneva 111 Oklahoma City 58 Memphis State 79 Texas Tech 71 -i St Francis 83 Tulsa 50 Miami (Fla.) 71 ess sane 5S m.

josepn a tig Belolt 71 Guitavui Adolphua 60 Manchester 71 Montana 56 F.arlham 90 illiam M. Lester Jr. Treasurer 1 i tan 71 Valparaiso 79 fit Bonaventure 80 Louisville 112 Bellarmlne 70 Ft Wayne 88 Minneapolis 94 Wm. M. Flemistcr Director Ball state 67 LeMoyne 70 Morehead 94 Berea 57 Rochester 86 St Louis 76 Smith (54) Ballard (14) I7 (171 Oakes Marist (78) Orotenrath (23).

Hardy (2) Adamson (14). T. Supensky (21) D. Supensky (10) Br Gregory 8 Rcom at half: Marist 40. Smith 31 1 I iff Subs: Marist Doherty.

Lacy, Jolluck. Markley. Dessert (2). Sutter. Roper (21.

Rhino (4). Smith Christopher (6), Gumm. Evans (7), Harmon. Schram (1). Senior Bowl Tourney Memphis Bute 79 Miami 71 Spring Hill 102 Clemson 91 NBA New York 103 Boston 88 HIGH SCHOOL Boys) Cordele 69 Warwick 38 Marist 78 Smith 54 Kavette County 37 Jonesboro 54 North Clayton 45 Forest Park 38 Perry 53 Lanier 51 (Girls) Cordele 92 Warwick Rmlth 56 Sacred Heart 43 Pike County 41 Forest Park 31 North Clayton 48 Henry County 44 iiimiiiiiiiiimimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 8 Cuban Nettcr Upsets Golden TAMPA, Jan.

4 I Or 5 s- 5 Solunar, lando Garrido, Cuban Davis Cup aWaaaaiiaal player, defeated Grant Golden of Cranger Hansell Director 7 6 5 Chicago in the first real upset of Dr. L. Marvin Roberts Director NORTHSIDE FEDERAL'S GROWTH IN ASSETS DY YEARS (I'riur to Mcinfr) 3 the annual Dixie Tennis Tournament today. Garrido, unseeded, set back Golden, No. 3 in this tournament, 6-3, 2-6, 6-4.

Fishing Guide iiiiiiiiiMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiim By JOHN ALDEN KNIGHT The major periods are shown In boldface type. These begin at the times shown and last for an hour and a half or two hours thereafter. The minor periods, shown in regular type, are of somewhat shorter duration. Use Eastern Standard Time. Defending champion Eddie Moy- 1 1 lan of Trenton, N.J., also was pressed by Reynaldo Garrido, brother of Orlando, before win 1 ning 6-3, 7-5.

Bob Bedard, a Canadian Davis i Cup player and No. 4 in the foreign seedings, got unexpected opposition from Shelby Creagh, -98 "Wilfc A.M. P.M. Minor Mutnt Minor Main, 11:35 8:50 6:10 12:25 8:35 12:45 7:110 1:15 7:25 1:35 7:50 2:05 8:18 2:25 8:40 January 5 lhu'soa? 6 Fridav 7 Saturday Sunday young Bradenton player. Bedard won 7-5, 5-7, 6-2.

Warren T. Jackson Director Dr. John II. Mitchell Director YEAR ENDING 1948 '49 '50 '5 '52 '52 '54 '55 For a perfect combination of safety, availability, and return on your savings you can't beat a Federal Savings Account that's why we Crow and Crow. Southern Intercollegiate Slated for Athens May 3 Hollis Expects Record Ffeltl For South' Top College Meet By BERT PKATHER The 19th annual Southern Intercollegiate golf tournament, second biggest college links golfing fixture in the country, will be played May 3-5 at Athens Country Club, the perennial site.

fKg-y Tf'C'lt 4 I Dividend paid Dec. 30, 1955 2 plus Vi0 Extra. As Northside Federal MEMBER: Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Or3 Al'cn Atst. Seaetary Howell Hollis, University of V'v Georgia assistant athletic direc- I 4 i I .5 'i Mrs. Gara Pirhardson rlsst.

Secretary V- 1 0 NORTHSIDE BRANCH Jake Howard Jr. Jack Lunpfcln 11 teaera. lui emu uvacu ivu acivcs as director of the tournament, announced the datrs Wednesday. Coach Hollis said he expects this year's tournament to be the biggest yet. Only the NCAA tourney is rated above the Southern in importance and size of field.

As usual the Southeastern Conference tournaments will run concurrently with the Southern. The two tournaments usually draw a field of between 150 and 160 players representing some 30 colleges nd universities. Florida's a raptured both the SF and Southern Into TollPfJate tetm title last yrar with a ncnr of 575. Louisiana State's team, which fin-HhM ftrrond, two trokrj bark at Athens, Wftit on to take the A'C'AA team rhamplnmhip. '4 'A with a ficore of 281 for the 72-hole stroke play meet.

Kelly has graduated, but LSU's Johnny Pott, and Georgia's Jake Howard who finished second and third behind Kelly, will be back. Georgia'? vtrsity team this year will be headed hy Howard, Jack Lumpkin, Earl Bowdfn and sophom*ore star Hugh Royer Jr. Other varsity candidates are football quarterback Jimmy Harper, Billy 3079 PEACHTREE ROAD. N. E.

yi'i' Mitchell -yikkteper Mn. Aurelia Beach Teller MAIN OFFICE 26 Pryor N. E. WILLIAM M. SCURRY, Preiideni EAST POINT BRANCH 106 Thompson Avt.

ttVCll PHILLIPS, Vice hesMenl Georgia's Lester Kelly captured! Baird. Dick Doetsch and Frink the individual crown last ye.irjBrumby..

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)
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