Mission Control: Not My Mission, Not My Control - NixRaine (2024)

Chapter 1: The Abyss, The Shadows, and The Stars: Lan Zhan's Journey


!!! Please heed ALL extra tags that appear before each chapter. These tags might get redundant after a while but it's better than forgetting something that someone will have a tizzy over later. Yes the descriptions of tags will contain spoilers. !!!

Extra CW & TW for this chapter:

Graphic Violence: descriptions of side effects
Family Conflict: Strained dynamics.
Explicit Sexual Content: Voyeur? Lan Zhan had to watch some things… it was for research… really, it was!
Animal Sensitivity: Description of animals killed by wildlife.
Ages during main plotline/timeline:
Wei Ying: Escort - age 32 (18 when he realized what an escort was and became one.)
Lan Zhan: Assassin - age 34
Xue Yang: Pimp - age 57

Ch 1 & 2 are timeline progressions both solely focusing on each character from childhood to adulthood that leads into the main timeline of the story for the rest of the chapters.

Setting the scene:
-I wanted this place to look like the Sailor Moon color palette on cyberpunk steroids. The entire Abyss is sparkly, light pastel, luminescent / holographic look. I imagine even people’s outfits reflect the Abyss too.
(This is hardly relevant right now but it sets the scene)
The soft color pallets the Woman wear:
Green #daffd1
Orange #ffbc9e
Pink #ffebef
The soft color pallets the Men wear:
Blue: #d5e7ff
Purple: #edd5ff
Yellow: #fcffd5

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Deep below the Earth's surface flowed a Silver River whose waters were infused with enchanting magic. Gradually, the Silver River dripped into an expansive cave that was just beneath its currents. Over time, each drop from the magical river grew mountains of luminescent crystal which radiated with a divine shimmer.

When the ancestors of the Lan Clan sought refuge from the surface, they stumbled upon this subterranean wonder. The cave was deep enough that it had its own weather system. With their cultivation abilities, the Lan Clan carved out homes and tall city buildings from the crystalline structures. In the heart of the crystal city, there was a waterfall that fell from their clouds and into a large body of water that never overflowed. The water in the pool under the waterfall churned violently like a river, and its powerful suction was capable of pulling anything beneath its surface. The pool area flowed as fast as a flowing river, thus, was named Silver River.

Above the city's towering structures, suspended in front of the waterfall, was a luminous orb, known as their MoonSun. It emitted rays of magical energy that were vital to the Abyss’ people, wildlife and ecosystem.

This radiant underground sanctuary was known as Gusu’s Crystal Abyss, but over time its locals commonly called their haven, Crystal Gusu.

The Abyss was protected by two things. First was the clan's ancestral home itself that sat on the surface. The home was a labyrinthine, making it very difficult for outsiders to navigate. Second was a natural barrier in the soil that surrounded the Abyss. The MoonSun’s energy created a forcefield around the entirety of the Abyss, which kept them safe from the properties in the soil.

There were two ways to ascend and descend the Abyss. The most popular and safest way was an elevator that took three days to move from the bottom of Crystal Gusu to the surface. The elevator limits the effects of the barrier in the soil. The elevators are located in the wall of the Abyss and outside of the MoonSun’s barrier. When inside the elevator, people would often feel nauseous and experience headaches, throw up, and sometimes, in rare cases, they would lose their minds and talk nonsense.

The least popular and most dangerous option to ascend and descend was on foot. There was a single staircase that spiraled around the outside of the elevator. This was generally used for maintaining the elevator and was not used for traveling.

For every storey climbed, the staircase veered off to a platform that led into the ground horizontally. There were sealed off pods made of the same metal as the elevator to help repel the curse. Each room contained places to rest, and rations of food and water. These rooms were there for the maintenance workers to take shelter from the curse when it became overbearing.

When exposed directly to the barrier in the staircase, it acted like a curse that made people absent minded and they would forget the need to take shelter. The curse made them become insanely itchy and people would begin to scratch themselves to the bone which leads to severe infections. If someone tried to stop them after they had already gone mad, they would be violently attacked and eaten. They would lose humanity completely and die in the shafts of the elevator.

Children who ascended, even by elevator, were almost certain to die.

Most outsiders that lived in the Abyss were defectors of their own clan. When they left the surface and were accepted by the Lan Clan, they were given their own space in the Abyss on the outskirts of their Crystal City. A place where they could keep their own traditions alive, and away from the Lan clan’s rules and regulations. They were free to enter the city but most of them were quite happy establishing new life in their own section of the Abyss, which was later named Jade Refugee Village.

From the moment Lan Zhan showed potential, he was destined to become a tool for the Lan Clan to control. It was something he learned very early on in life, just at the age of three.

On one crisp morning, as Lan Zhan wandered along the banks of the Silver River, he stumbled upon a small, baby Luminabbit lying motionless in the tall grasses. He knelt down beside the tiny creature to take a closer look. When he did, his heart sank. The baby was badly injured and hardly breathing. The poor thing was covered in blood and dark crystals were protruding out from all over its body. There is only one creature capable of inflicting this kind of damage; Crystal Dust Foxes. They release crystal dust laced with poison from their tails. When it is inhaled, crystals begin to slowly grow inside the body, painfully killing them. It is harmless to almost every species except the Luminabbit.

Gusu’s people liked to protect this shimmering pastel rabbit species because of how beautiful they were. The one Lan Zhan was holding was pastel blue and purple with light yellow eyes that looked like precious gemstones.

Lan Zhan looked around but there was no adult in sight so he panicked. He couldn't bear to see the innocent creature suffer so he gently cradled the bunny in his hands and he made his way to the Silver River. Lan Zhan walked through fencing to get to the bank of the Silver River. The border surrounding the pool was made of shimmering sand and rocks, akin to a beach with wild and dangerous currents. He not only placed the bunny in the water, but Lan Zhan submerged himself in the water with the baby rabbit. The currents were strong and braced himself against a rock so neither he, nor the bunny's head sank below the surface. He held the little one close to his heart and pleaded silently to the river.

Lan Zhan had heard tales of the river’s magic, but no one in his family's time had ever witnessed the river actually showcase its true wonder.

"Please." Lan Zhan whispered in his heart. “Please save this baby bunny.”

But the Silver River remained unchanged. The water’s currents showed no mercy and seemed like they'd already made up their mind about not slowing down and helping them out. Desperation gnawed at his heart as he felt the bunny’s heart rapidly slow down. He pleaded once more, his words carrying much more urgency this time.

"Please, I beg of you! Use your magic to bring this bunny back to good health." Lan Zhan cried out. He felt his eyes sting from the water spraying into his eyes.

“Hey kid, get out of the river—” A man dressed in scholar robes yelled. “That water is haunted! Don't let it release its devastating power!”

Lan Zhan looked behind him to where a crowd of people had started forming around the restricted area. The adults seemed too tall to crawl through the outer fencing to get to the sand and rocks section. Lan Zhan ignored the man yelling and turned his back to the people. He looked up at the Silver MoonSun that shone in the sky above the center of the river.

“The water's currents will pull you under!” A woman wearing Silver River Healing robes cried out. “This isn't a place for children to swim!”

"What's a little boy doing outside of the male section of our clan?" Another woman in Silver River Healing robes complained. "He shouldn't be anywhere near the city's center at this age!”

“No time for why!” A man dressed as a farmer started to cut the fencing to get through but was stopped by a group of others. “Let go of me! The child is–”

“You'll only put yourself in danger!” One person holding the farmer back was a Silver River Healer and she pulled on him so hard he spun around. “The more disturbance the water has, the bigger chance of the underwater currents sweeping the boy under!”

“Please, river.” Lan Zhan started to speak out loud.

Still, the river didn't answer and Lan Zhan's hopes began to wane. However he refused to give up easily. Closing his eyes, he focused all of his energy on the injured bunny cradled in his hands, pouring every ounce of his will into the plea.

“I’ll give him my magic! Just please save the baby Luminabbit, their species is dying!” Lan Zhan felt his eyes fill with tears. He looked at the bunny who was now completely still and breathless. The tears flowed from his eyes down his face and into the Silver River, causing the water to react and move differently around him.

“The spirits have spoken!” The man in scholar robes yelled.

“They're showing him the way!” Another scholar said in awe.

“It’s the whirlpool! The surface stills first!” A Silver River Healing woman yelled. “The kid will be sucked under and sent beneath the Abyss!”

The Silver River’s surface calmed, and soon after, the entire pool of water and waterfall stopped moving. Water droplets hovered in the air, and he felt a surge of warmth emanating from the water, enveloping him and the bunny. The water soon turned hot, and bubbles began rising from the river's bottom. Lan Zhan felt himself become weightless as the bubbles beneath him formed a small surface under his feet. He was lifted out of the water and raised to the height of the Silver MoonSun. The still droplets of Silver River water in the air started to glow around him. Holding the bunny close to his heart, he looked at the MoonSun and pleaded once more.

“Please.” Lan Zhan said aloud. “The baby isn't breathing.”

The bunny was pulled out of Lan Zhan’s hands and the baby hovered in the air in front of him. Lan Zhan watched as the bunny's wounds began to heal before his eyes. Its life returned to its fragile little body. Lan Zhan felt a strange sensation coursing through him, and as the bunny healed, its fur grew darker and darker until it was completely black. For a moment, Lan Zhan could only stare in awe at the miraculous sight unfolding before him, but the sight was short-lived. Lan Zhan's vision turned black, and he was pulled to the water's surface and swept under.

“He’s been pulled under!” The farmer broke away from the Silver River Healers holding him down. As soon as he jumped towards the water, another farmer tackled him to the ground.

“He's a goner now, let the boy go!” The second farmer yelled at the man. There's a reason no one goes into this river!”

Two farmers argued and fought over going into the water. The uproar caused all the people surrounding the river to break up the fight. Everyone screamed and cried and started blaming each other.

Fortunately, the tense atmosphere was interrupted by a sudden shift in the river's behavior. The water stirred, and a wave emerged from beneath the surface, surging toward the gathered crowd. As the wave reached the shore, its crest split open, showering the bystanders with silver water.

The crowd inspected the phenomenon and found that the river had enveloped Lan Zhan and the bunny in a protective bubble. At the bottom of this watery enclosure, Lan Zhan laid balled up on a solidified watery surface that Lan Zhan and the bunny couldn't fall through.

When Lan Zhan awoke, he was in his bed and the baby bunny was sleeping on his chest. He got up out of bed carefully holding the little one close. He stood in front of his mirror and looked at the two of them together.

That's when he realized what happened.

He giggled. “Looks like we both went through a transformation.” Lan Zhan said to the bunny as he patted it gently, stirring him awake. The bunny finally glanced up and two beautiful ruby colored eyes stared back at him. He looked back into the mirror and ran his hands through his long hair. “I think I like this color, what do you think, little one?”

Lan Zhan’s hair had turned completely silver.

The bunny made a little noise that melted his heart. Lan Zhan nuzzled the baby bunny, nose to nose. “I think I'll call you… Bichen.”

People were convinced the Silver River listened to Lan Zhan’s request. Since it was the first magical spectacle in years, Lan Zhan had gone through hundreds of medical work ups and examinations to see why the river responded to him. No one knew why or how, but from then on Lan Zhan was expected to live up to a standard his father created for him. The Silver River water didn't glow for Lan Zhan again, but his father was convinced this meant that he was special.

‘He was destined for greatness’ Or well, that's what his father told all of Crystal Gusu. ‘His second heir would be the one to surpass him.’

Because Lan Zhan was ‘special’, his adolescent years were a blur of discipline and training. His father put him in LanShadow training where Lan Zhan learned martial arts, strategy, stealth and the art of espionage. The rigid structure of the group left little room for personal pursuits. Lan Zhan embraced rigorous training with a dedication that bordered on obsession because he was convinced his father was right. If training as a potential member to LanShadow made him stronger, that's what he’d do. The Abyss chose him and he wouldn't let his people down.

Lan Zhan had mastered the art of combat even before he learned to spell his own name. From an early age, it was clear that Lan Zhan was able to take on any task his father threw at him. He completed task after task without hesitation and soon his skills were honed to a deadly spear.

LanShadow was the Lan Clan’s top-tier group. Their jobs were multifaceted: they acted as protectors of Gusu, guardians against external threats, and gatherers of vital external information. LanShadow stood as the first line of defense, ensuring the sanctity and survival of their subterranean haven. They were assigned special missions on the surface to carry out and were seen as heroes by the Lan Clan’s people. Only the most skilled and trusted were chosen to become a part of LanShadow. Their operative group consisted of Shadow Guardians who learn fearsome skills, and Handlers.

LanShadow taught that if you want to win against your enemy, you must become one with your enemy. Learn their skills, and understand their motivations.

They learned deception, infiltration, and manipulation. The belief was that to protect Gusu effectively, they must not only be skilled in combat but also possess a deep understanding of the intricacies of the outside world. Outside knowledge served as a defense against external influences which could potentially compromise their haven.

LanShadow was the only group that allowed its members to go above ground, which was their main enticing factor. Everyone wanted to see what the surface looked like, but they stayed underground because it was the founder of the Lan Clan's will. The group’s numbers never exceeded more than five, which made spots limited when replacing members. LanShadow missions are extremely hazardous, with a high mortality rate that often deterred even the bravest souls. Because of this nature, the clan leader sometimes made people battle each other to prove they could survive. However, the leader usually has his mind made up when selecting new members.

Though the LanShadow was the most honored job in their clan, there were other jobs that were also just as vital to the clan.

These divisions were:

Archive Guards: Responsible for protecting and maintaining historical records of the Lan Clan in the forbidden chambers. They ensured the security of sacred spaces. (This was a less dangerous job than being a guardian on the surface and was seen as the lazy version of LanShadow.)

Scholars: Dedicated to the study of philosophy, meditation, and the deeper spiritual aspects of the clan's old ways of teachings. (They were viewed as kooks by the rest of the clan. They tried to spread old traditions and views.)

Silver River Healers: Trained in the healing arts and medicine using the silver river's essence. They provided care for the injured and sick members of the clan. They possessed a deep understanding of the river's properties and its intricate water currents. (They were widely loved by all and quite powerful. Men did not have this ability and it was considered a bloodline responsibility for their female members. Women were mostly seen becoming healers. Some could work in other fields if they chose to but when they did, it was looked down upon.)

Farmers: Responsible for ensuring that everyone had essential resources and supplies to sustain life within the underground community. (The backbone of their society.)

Lan Zhan paid little attention to the other jobs within the clan – not because he didn't like them, just as he didn't train because he loved the idea of putting himself on the front line. His true desire to continue with LanShadow stemmed from an encounter he had with his brother when they were children.

Lan Zhan and Lan Huan were about ten and thirteen when they wandered into a forbidden area. On their way to training, the pair decided to break up what would have been a mundane routine with a game, the two were having a great time until Lan Huan realized where they were.

Lan Huan grabbed Lan Zhan’s arm which made Lan Zhan halt his movements. “I think we made it into the forbidden chambers… We shouldn't go any further.”

Lan Zhan stopped and looked around. “That’s strange.” It wasn't until after they walked into the chamber that they realized the guards were not yelling at them to stop fooling around. “A-Huan, I think we're alone… Where are the guards?”

“Don't know.” Lan Huan said cautiously. “But we should turn around. We will be late for training.”

“We won’t be late! Come on, let’s check it out before the guards come back.” Lan Zhan suggested. He was already wandering deeper into the chamber before Lan Huan could object.

Lan Huan faltered and followed his younger brother. They stealthily maneuvered through the dimly lit halls. They were already very skilled at moving without making a sound, but the path they were leading down was lined with traps to avoid.

“This place is spooky.” Lan Huan whispered to his brother as he hesitated to walk over a thin wire that was sure to release poison darts from the wall.

“You must overcome fear in order to become great!” Lan Zhan mimicked his father’s words while waving a pointed finger in the air. Lan Zhan moved through several traps with ease as he watched his brother stand there hesitantly.

Lan Huan wasn’t as fearless as Lan Zhan. “No fear— I have to be fearless—” Lan Huan muttered, giving himself a pep talk.

Lan Zhan felt a bit of his inner playfulness come out. When Lan Huan managed to make it through the traps and felt secure in his skills, Lan Zhan leaned in his brother's personal space and whispered into his ear. “Boo.”

Lan Huan jumped and almost fell into a trap. Lan Zhan grabbed his brother's arm insuring he doesn't fall onto a trap and set one off. Lan Huan grabbed his mouth to stifle the sound, but a small sound still escaped his lips. His face became bright red with anger.

“Not funny, A-Zhan!” Lan Huan half yelled, trying to be as quiet as possible.

“Yes it is. You're the one who is scared of nothing.” Lan Zhan grabbed his brother's hand and dragged him deeper into the chamber. They walked through another threshold that opened up to another part of the archives.

“It wasn't nothing! It was—woah…” Lan Huan’s words trailed off as the two absorbed the massive library they walked into. Their eyes widened and jaws dropped.

Lan Zhan walked inside immediately to look around. There were leather-bound books and old paper scrolls weathered by time. The dust that laid around was inches tall and it was clear that these books have been there for ages. To think, the Lan Clan was sitting on this vast amount of knowledge and it was just wasting away in a dirty old room. Lan Zhan wanted to read every book and learn something new. He had never seen such an amazing display of knowledge before.

Lan Huan looked nervous but started looking around with him. Lan Huan’s fingers danced delicately over the spines until they landed on a dusty, leather-bound book with gilded edges. With anticipation, he pulled it off the shelf, cracked it open, and revealed pages filled with intricate sketches of celestial bodies.

The dust flew in his face and he started to cough. Lan Huan choked words out. "Look—” he coughed, “A-Zhan I found something." He pointed at the book when Lan Zhan approached.

Lan Zhan leaned closer and sneezed immediately from the dust. The smell of the musty scent of ancient parchment burned his sinuses. "What does it say?"

"It speaks of these things called stars." Lan Huan murmured.

“Stars? Like the things that the Scholars speak of?” Lan Zhan asked.

"Yeah, and check this out! It says that the Earth is wrapped in a dark blanket that’s filled with countless holes! Each hole is its own doorway to a fiery realm!” Lan Huan looked at his brother, the excitement in his face filled Lan Zhan with happiness. “It says that's where stars are born. They ignite in the darkness and set off light from the heat! They stay there forever and never die."

They normally don't get to have personal time, so seeing his brother begin to enjoy this made Lan Zhan happy.

"But why do they form?” Lan Zhan inquired, his eyes fixed on the illustrations. He leaned over the book, tracing the images of galaxies and constellations with his fingers. “What purpose do they serve?"

Lan Huan scanned the pages, his brows furrowed looking for an answer to give. "It's said that stars are born from the remnants of a dying Lan. They light up the sky to guide lost souls and offer hope in the darkness."

Lan Zhan was a bit confused. “Well, then why can't we ever go see them? If they are our ancestors, why are we not allowed to go and honor them above ground?”

“We shouldn’t question the founders' will.” Lan Huan said. “But maybe our job becomes showing others the light when they are lost in the darkness on the surface.”

Lan Zhan sighed. “Become the stars? Must be our way to free ourselves from the underground world.”

“Free ourselves? You make it sound like we're prisoners. Life underground isn’t bad!” Lan Huan looked upset as if his entire life was criticized in one moment.

“It isn't necessarily ‘bad’. We have everything we need down here. We have great protection from outside wars and conflicts because of LanShadow. We have food, supplies and happy people for us to lead one day. But… I just can’t help but to wonder what else is out there.” Lan Zhan said. He paused and thought for several moments. “I want to see them A-Huan. The stars sound extraordinary.”

Lan Huan huffed a small laugh. “Only LanShadow can traverse the surface freely and legally. And almost no one gets picked to become a member of their operations these days. Plus they do dangerous work, making sure we're safe.” Lan Huan reminded him. “You and I are the Clan heirs, we stay here where it's safe so we can lead our people one day. You aren't really thinking of pursuing being part of their group, are you?”

“Why not?” Lan Zhan shrugged. “How about we go check it out and if we like it we’ll pursue it.”

“How are we supposed to get up there by ourselves anyway? Even for us heirs, we can't just go wherever we please.” Lan Huan said.

Lan Zhan thought for a moment. “We’ll sneak up the elevator. Maybe we'll even make friends with someone up there—”

“Friends?” Lan Huan looked annoyed. “Lan can’t just go up there and expect to be accepted by sun-soaked surface crawlers. We have been underground for centuries. Our founder wants us here. Ever since the Abyss was created, it has been the founders' heirs' duty and responsibility to safeguard the ancient wisdom that’s been hidden in this very room. This stuff is old and can be easily destroyed if mishandled.”

“I get that!” Lan Zhan was hardly listening. “But imagine what other things must be up there!”

Silence enveloped them. Lan Huan wasn't budging on the idea of going to the surface just to see something that might not even be there.

Lan Zhan's voice broke the stillness. "Don't you want to see what else is up there, A-Huan?"

“No.” His brother replied bluntly.

“Not even the stars?” Lan Zhan asked.

Lan Huan’s gaze drifted upwards. “We become the stars Lan Zhan. We don't go and see them.” Lan Huan said.

"Shouldn't we see them before we become them?" Lan Zhan asked.

Lan Huan paused. "Lan Zhan, do you truly believe the stars exist? Read between the lines. Father says only the kooks talk about the stars. They are but stories, not realities. Most of the stories in books are tales that are spun to keep us focused on our duties and this book seems like one of them. This library contains vast knowledge but also old philosophy and needs serious updating.”

“I believe they're real, A-Huan.” A shadow of doubt flickered across Lan Zhan's face. "I've heard whispers from those who dared to dream of the surface.”

“From whom?” Lan Xichen crossed his arms.

”What if…” Lan Zhan shrugged. “What if the scholars aren't one hundred percent wrong? Maybe there is more to our society than what the founder told us? Learning about the stars gives a reason to believe that there is more to our existence than what we've been taught.”

“The scholars? Do you hear yourself? Those dreamers are certified crazy.” Lan Huan said dryly. “They were on a tangent last week about how our clan was originally descendants of ancient alchemists who stumbled upon the secret of eternal life, so they mixed a bunch of Silver River water into a vat of diseased worms and drank it to prove it true. That radical group is hardly acknowledged by our clan as a real division.” Lan Huan pinched the bridge of his nose. “Those idiots were in the infirmary for a month.”

“I know some of their stories sound wild, but just think about it." Lan Zhan felt a bitter sadness envelop him. He admired the scholars for their creative minds.

Lan Huan's eyes reflected uncertainty as he sighed. "If they do exist, would they be as magnificent as these stories describe? Would they be worth going through the insane amount of trouble to see?"

"Even if there's the slightest chance, I want to see them. I want to know for myself if they are real." Lan Zhan knew dreaming was dangerous in this clan, but once his heart was set on something, he would see it through to the end. “I'm willing to break every rule, challenge every belief, just to see the stars. I'll find a way to the surface, even if it means—"

“Sshh!" Lan Xichen cut in, glancing around the hallowed archives. "Don't say such things. You'll sound crazy. Our father and elders won't understand."

"But don't you feel it too, A-Huan? This urge to see something beyond what we've been taught? What we’ve seen? The stars—they're more than just stories." Lan Zhan looked through the book at more drawings of the stars. He was astonished.

“Do we really have to sneak out?” Lan Huan's gaze softened. "I understand your longing, but we can't risk our futures by chasing fantasies." He pointed out.

Lan Zhan turned to Lan Huan. "Then I’ll just have to become a member of LanShadow if you don’t want to sneak out."

Lan A-Huan's brow furrowed in concern. "But Lan Zhan, you know how difficult it is to become a part of LanShadow. It's not just a matter of skill… The trials, the tests—they're beyond challenging. Not to mention the favoritism by the elders. We won't be picked. It's futile to even try. We have other duties anyway.”

Lan Zhan sighed. "Every skill we are currently honing is a waste if we don't use them! Father already put us on this path, we just have to follow it. I doubt he wants us in another division anyway. Why else would he put us through LanShadow training if he didn't expect us to try for it?”

“I think you're missing the point. Father doesn't want us to go to the surface. He wants us trained just enough to protect ourselves, show the people they can create strong leaders. We’re examples for the people. We’re the last in line to protect our people if an invasion happens. He’s just preparing us for our real job: leading our people.”

Lan Zhan sighed. “You're missing the point A-Huan. Why give us skills we won't use? Besides, no land hugger has ever come down here in the hundreds of years we've been underground. They’re all too afraid of the dark!”

Lan Huan placed a hand on Lan Zhan's shoulder. "But Lan Zhan, you can't join LanShadow solely for this single dream. Most members that are sent up there don't come back in great health. Your dream is admirable, but there's more to life than this one goal. We can find other ways, explore other paths."

“Or I can just sneak out to see them, if you don't want me to join.” Lan Zhan suggested.

“Have you gone mad? Sneaking out to see the surface is a fate worse than being abandoned on the surface for the day-gazers to eat you whole!” Lan Huan said. “If you even managed to survive that and make it back, then it's capital punishment from the Lan elders. Don't double screw yourself and your future for something that may not even exist.”

Even though Lan Huan was looking at him harshly, Lan Zhan was set on the idea. There was no changing his mind.

Lan Huan sighed softly. "If you insist on pursuing this path, then I guess I have no choice but to join you."

Lan Zhan's eyes widened in surprise. "No way. I don't want to put you through that for my sake."

Lan Huan had a gentle smile playing on his lips. "But as your older brother, I can't let you face this alone."

Lan Zhan's heart swelled with gratitude and concern. "But you said it yourself, the trials are intense and it is a fact that you aren't as strong as me."

Lan Huan took the book back and put it back on the shelf. “There's another way for me to assist you than being a Shadow Guardian, remember?”

“What other way?” Lan Zhan asked.

Lan Huan smiled. “LanShadow has a home base for handlers and data collectors. I’ll join them and assist you from underground. You get to see the stars and I go through training with you."

Lan Zhan was shocked. “What? You have to see them with me!”

Lan Huan sighed. “I'm sure past LanShadow teams have made excuses to come and go as they please. As long as we carry our Crystal tokens, the alarms won't go off and we won't technically be breaking any real rules. No sneaking off until we get into LanShadow though.”

Lan Zhan pondered this idea for another moment. “Alright. We’ll have to establish a routine of missions first to gain the elders' trust before being able to get you to the surface too.”

“I can't believe I'm saying it... But” Lan Huan nodded his head. “Let's pursue LanShadow together!”

"Who’s in here?" A man’s voice reverberated through the chamber.

The boys looked at eachother and panicked.

“Ut-oh.” Lan Huan panicked and looked at Lan Zhan. “What now?”

Lan Zhan grabbed his brother's arm and yelled, “Run!”

The day Lan Zhan came of age to receive his courtesy name happened to coincide with the selection day for LanShadow. Everyone met in the heart of the city at the main stage. With his brother alongside him and fellow disciples gathered around, they stood in front of Qingheng-Jun, who was flanked by the elite members of the clan— Lan Qiren, Lan Anzhi and Lan Yiying.

Better known by their LanShadow code names— Q, A, and Y— these were prominent figures within the operatives for the past several years. Despite being younger than Qingheng-Jun and Lan Qiren, A and Y were older than Lan Zhan and Lan Huan. Lan Zhan was familiar with Lan Anzhi and Lan Yiying, as he had seen and heard of them before. They were from the clan’s female section and quite popular among the clan. It was quite rare for women to become Shadow Guardians because most of, not all, female members carried a type of cultivation magic used for healing. But they became Shadow Guardians because they were devoid of this healing ability.

Lan Qiren, or Q, was a Weapons Specialist who taught every member of LanShadow their techniques. He was widely respected for his skills and every new recruit feared his brutal classes.

Each of this year's candidates eagerly waited to be picked by these members. The room they were in was brimming with young eager faces. The elites discussed quietly amongst themselves leaving everyone in anticipation. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting and the crowd becoming restless, two names broke through the crowd.

“Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen.” Qingheng-Jun called out.

The crowd went dead silent and Lan Zhan could feel everyone's eyes focusing on him and his brother. A surge of emotions rushed over him. It was a hint of pride mixed with a ripple of anxiety that almost knocked him over.

The brothers exchanged worried glances before approaching the elites. As they walked, Lan Zhan heard faint murmurs like, "Of course the heirs were chosen," "We've worked harder than those two," and "This isn't fair. Why bother training if they were guaranteed a spot?"

Selection comes when members choose to leave or are too old to be on the field. When they retire they often work from the control rooms as handlers helping the Shadow Guardians from behind the scenes. There is never a set day or year they have selection. It just happens every few years at random, when members need to be replaced.

Lan Xichen seemed unaffected by the whispers so he followed his brother's lead and put on a stone cold expression. They walked side by side through the crowd and found their spot in front of their father and the LanShadow elites.

Qingheng-Jun lifted up his chin. "Lan Zhan, my son.” A tight smile graced his lips—an unusual, albeit scary sight.

Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen straightened their posture and turned their attention forward.

“You have shown remarkable dedication and skill in your training. Today, I am pleased to not only bestow upon you a courtesy name, but a spot among the elites. Starting today your courtesy name is Wangji. You will wear it with pride."

Lan Zhan stood with unwavering grace. “Lan Wangji.” He repeated it aloud to himself. He lowered his head slightly, acknowledging the honor.

Qingheng-Jun cracked his knuckles and tapped his foot as if he was growing impatient. He wasted no time in outlining Lan Zhan's next steps. "Alright, it is time to take your place among the LanShadow forces. You will undergo even more rigorous training to become a Shadow Guardian. This is a path that demands even greater devotion than before… Do you accept?

Lan Zhan felt a wave of nervousness wash over him once more. “I accept.”

There was no point in asking this question since, if anyone denied the position, they would be thrown out of training and marked with a physical curse mark in the shape of a red X that would be displayed on their forehead. Lan forehead ribbons were not wide enough to cover up the mark. These individuals would become dishonorable and the curse would be passed down genetically from parent to child. This creates a branch family and no one from that branch would ever be able to become a member of LanShadow. Not only from being dishonorable, but the curse caused them to qi deviate, or, if they were born with the curse, they could never form a core.

Lan Zhan bowed respectfully. "I am ready, Father. I will serve the Lan Clan with my life."

“If you accept, then you know what to do.” Qingheng-Jun said plainly.

“Of course, father.” Without hesitation, Lan Zhan began to untie his forehead ribbon. The moment was solemn as he removed it. He held the ribbon in his hand and offered it to his father in dedication to his new role. He felt naked after removing it, and something about removing it didn't sit right with him. However, he was adamant on becoming a member. So he did it.

To join the LanShadow forces, you must renounce your traditional Lan Clan forehead ribbon, their main symbol of the Lan Clan. The Operatives cannot wear them on the surface. Removing it signifies your profound loyalty to not only the Lan Clan but to LanShadow.

"I renounce this headband willingly, to dedicate myself entirely to the path of LanShadow. I am ready to serve as an elite guardian of our clan."

Qingheng-Jun accepts the ribbon and holds it up in the air as if it was a prize to show off to everyone. "Wangji, your unwavering commitment is commendable. Carry our clan's honor with you in your new role. Your journey begins now, as a defender of the shadows, guardian of our clan’s ancient wisdom and holders of our founder’s true will!”

As the room applauded Lan Zhan's commitment, Qingheng-Jun shifted his attention to Lan Xichen.

“My other son…” Qingheng-Jun’s eyes narrowed, his words carried an unexpected sharpness of sarcasm. "You're a living example that evolution occasionally takes a detour.”

The room chuckled but was immediately quieted by Lan Qiren. It then plunged into an uneasy silence. The other operatives on the stage exchanged quick nervous glances that not many people caught. Lan Zhan's heart sank. If the elites were uneasy, Lan Zhan was even more so.

He really didn't like his brother being treated like this. Lan Zhan couldn't help but clench his fists. The tension in the room was suffocating, and he wished he could shield Lan Xichen from the harsh judgment and he knew more insults were coming.

“You are an absolute liability on the field. ” Qingheng-Jun continued and raised his tone. “Your lack of situational awareness and impulse-driven escapades puts not only yourself but the entire clan at risk. LanShadow demands precision, subtlety, and quick thinking—traits that seem to have missed your evolutionary path.”

Lan Xichen boldly retorted. “I’m not stupid.”

The entire room's energy shifted on a dime. There were faint chuckles and gasps at the fact Lan Xichen talked back.

Their father's expression morphed into a wry smirk. His eye twitched, and he shot Lan Xichen a pointed look. "I'm not questioning your intelligence. It's more of a refined art to navigate situations with a touch of grace and not, well, reckless abandon."

Lan Xichen maintained his composure, although the sharp words seemed to pierce through the stoic facade.

"However," Qingheng-Jun continued, his voice carrying a cold authority. "I've considered your strengths and weaknesses."

Lan Xichen slightly perked up, looking like he hoped for something positive to be said.

Qingheng-Jun turned to his elites and said, “If he isn't placed as Lan Wangji’s support specialist, I think he might have a bitch fit.” The elites looked as though they didn't know what to say.

Lan Xichen’s shoulders slouched and his body stiffened.

Qingheng-Jun turned to the elites. “Let him be LanShadow’s handler. I’ll have my brother keep a close eye on him. I dont think he can f*ck up too much in that position...” Qingheng-Jun hummed in displeasure. He turned back to his boys and continued. "It's time for you to prove your worth. Your dedication will be tested, and you'll have one chance to redeem yourself. Your best chance of surviving in LanShadow is for you to gather and analyze information. As a handler, you'll operate behind the scenes, away from the frontline where your... shortcomings could prove to be disastrous."

“A handler…” Lan Xichen repeated the title. This is exactly what he hoped for.

His father still did not look pleased. “Even though you are useless in combat, your proficiency with computers is... It might just make you useful." He spoke with a slight sneer while his lips curled downward in disdain. He folded tightly across his chest, a defensive stance that emphasized his lack of faith in Lan Xichen's abilities. “You… might become useful to us if you studied a bit more.”

The room's brief chuckles were again quickly stifled by the elites, leaving an uncomfortable tension in the air. Even though the room was uncomfortable, Lan Zhan was happy that his brother would still be working with him. Lan Zhan knew that his brother only trained to help him. Everyone knew that Lan Xichen was physically weaker than Lan Zhan.

“Do you accept?” Qingheng-Jun asked dryly.

“Yes father.” Lan Xichen replied. He bowed and removed his ribbon before being asked. He knew their father didn't like him and wanted to make this as quick and painless as it could be. He handed over his ribbon and stood tall next to his brother.

Qingheng-Jun stood up in front of them and continued. “Lan Xichen, your LanShadow code name is X. Lan Wangji, your code name is Z. Your assigned team is with our top members, A, Q, and Y. All retired members of LanShadow will act as backup and keep maintaining the elevator shaft for the elite's travel.”

The brothers bowed once more and the crowd applauded reluctantly. None of them looked thrilled. They turned around to face the crowd. The elites stood with them as their father continued another long speech that Lan Wangji managed to drown out.

Lan Zhan couldn’t believe he was standing next to their clan's elites, as an equal. He knew this was only the beginning and there would be a lot more training ahead of him.

It felt like a huge achievement, but he also felt stripped of identity. They had been given new names and sworn to even more secrecy than before. They could never tell other members of their clan where they go or when they will be back.

“This isn't fair!” A man yelled from the crows.

Qingheng-Jun’s expression was more than sour.

The man made his way up to the stage front and center. “You said it yourself! Your eldest son is useless! I have way more handler skills than he does. Please reconsider!”

“You dare question my final decisions?” Qingheng-Jun asked.

“No sir, but I have been training my whole life for this! What if he makes a crucial mistake and we’re invaded?”

“No.” Qingheng-Jun said.

“What?” The man let out an aggressive yell. “Then f*ck this clan! f*ck their stupid rules! I’m done with all of this.” The man snapped and pulled out his weapons and started swinging them around. “Who wants to show Qingheng-Jun who’s truly powerful!!” The man cackled and charged at the elites.

Qingheng-Jun flicked his wrist and a ball of energy was thrown at the man's head. The man screamed in pain.

“You and your offspring will never defy me ever again.” Qingheng-Jun replied.

The crowd screamed and watched as the man fell to the ground and a red X formed on his forehead.

“You want to leave the Abyss?” Qingheng-Jun asked. “Then Suffer the consequences of your actions and never come back..”

If any member of LanShadow was found guilty of betrayal, the consequences would be immediate removal from LanShadow as well as banishment from the Abyss. Such individuals were banished to the surface, effectively casting them into the clutches of the barbaric cLan above ground. Returning home was not an option; if they dared to show their face, their own clan would execute them without hesitation.

“There is one more spot open for a Shadow Guardian. I will make my decision in the next few days.” Qingheng-Jun looked at the man on the ground as if happy to announce another slot that the man isn't allowed to have.

Lan Qiren stepped forward. “Today's selection is over. Go home, eat and spend time with your family. May the Abyss look over you all.”

Qingheng-Jun and the elites made their way off the stage without any more words. The brothers exited out the back of the stage with the elites, as official members of LanShadow.

After selection day, Lan Zhan’s schedule was drastically changed. He and his brother were moved to a remote location within Gusu to train and live with other members of LanShadow. They resided in a dormitory-style building, the only place not segregated by gender. While they each had private sleeping quarters, the living, eating, and bathroom areas were shared in the main corridor. The rationale behind this arrangement was that in order to have a fully functional team, members needed to be intimately familiar with each other's habits, footsteps, and routines.

Lan Zhan couldn’t leave his family's home without his bunny Bichen so he packed all of his favorite toys and bedding before packing his own clothes. He knew he wouldn't be back home for a very, very long time so he took everything that would make him comfortable in the new place. He knew he would be back one day, but not until after his LanShadow missions were complete. Since no one can know when he comes and goes to the surface, he can't come back to his family's home for safety.

They were placed in several new courses that were specifically designed for honing their skills. These courses don't use magic or cultivation, just physical and mental strength.

Then the four of them arrived at their first class. Lan Qiren introduced Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen, Lan Anzhi, Lan Yiying to their fifth and last Shadow Guardian member.

“This is Lan Guiwei. LanShadow codename, G. She cannot heal like you two, but her combat skills are extraordinary.” Lan Qiren gestured towards the woman. She looked like a real warrior that was combat ready. Lan Zhan wondered if she trained her whole life for this.

Lan Guiwei bowed respectfully. “Pleased to meet your acquaintance.”

Lan Qiren looked at them and gestured for Lan Guiwei to take a seat with the rest of the group.“I hope you all will get along and—”

Lan Yiying ran towards Lan Guiwei and hugged her. “Oh, I know we’ll just become super besties!” Lan Yiying jumped in excitement and the squeal made Lan Qiren plug his ears with his fingers. She had a very bubbly personality that made Lan Guiwei growl and shove her off.

“If you want to hug something…” Lan Guiwei patted off her clothes. “Go hug a tree.”

“Y, don't annoy the newcomer so soon.” Lan Anzhi laughed. “Excuse my sister, she's excitable.”

“Sister?” Lan Zhan had no idea. He had heard of the heroic feats that these girls had done to protect their borders, but not a single one mentioned that they were related. It made sense though, having siblings on a team meant they knew each other's habits already.

Lan Qiren looked at her. “This is your leader, Lan Anzhi. Don't give her too much trouble.”

“Wouldn't think of it.” Lan Guiwei replied.

Lan Yiying hopped on her toes back over to Lan Zhan and his brother. “Twins, in fact!”

“And we couldn't be or look more different.” Lan Anzhi replied.

Lan Zhan agreed. They looked nothing alike. Lan Yiying had longer, thicker, flowing hair that was tied in a high ponytail. Lan Anzhi on the other hand had chin length wavy hair with one side shaved.

These girls were simple, compared to Lan Guiwei’s style. Her hair was completely braided. There was a central braid that ran from her forehead to the nape of her neck, flanked by two braids on each side. Silver rings were intricately woven through the top braid, creating a shimmery line of metallic accents that caught the light with every movement. Small, ornate silver hair cuffs adorned the smaller side braids. At the nape of her neck, the braids came together and were tied off, allowing the remaining hair to flow freely down her back and to her waist. The contrast between the structured braids and the natural fall of her hair gave her a fierce, seasoned warrior look.

Once they were introduced, Lan Qiren went over the details of their courses.

In his course on Weapons Proficiency, Lan Zhan mastered both traditional and modern weapons. In Combat Training he honed his physical agility and combat prowess, and became adept in both offensive and defensive techniques. In Stealth he developed the art of moving in the shadows and methods to infiltrate undetected.

Physical Conditioning pushed his limits. It enhanced his strength, endurance, and overall fitness. Intelligence Gathering refined his analytical skills and taught him to gather information discreetly. Practical Field Exercises provided hands-on experiences which allowed Lan Zhan to apply his training in real scenarios. Psychological Resilience courses were a challenge, but he maintained focus, and adapted swiftly to unexpected situations.

But the hardest and most mentally draining course of them all was Escape Tactics classes. They learned how to escape and evade capture by enemies. They drilled this over and over until everyone could break free from restraints, find and utilize escape routes, and survive while on the run. Part of this course was to leave them with no food or water in the Abyss’ coldest layer. Underneath Crystal Gusu’s Abyss, where the Silver River pool drains and its droplets turn to snow.

Each course tested his limits, but Lan Zhan’s determination and dedication helped him excel, earning recognition among his peers within LanShadow.

Lan Xichen was separated from the physical tasks and practiced instructing each Shadow Guardian through mazes and navigating them through various tasks through a headset.

Lan Zhan watched Lan Anzhi and Lan Yiying go off to do missions for years while he had to train extra with Lan Guiwei. Well, she insisted on training alone so Lan Zhan had no other choice but to practice his sword skills and martial arts on mannequins. Though he was bored with it, he would prefer this because when Lan Anzhi and Lan Yiying trained with him, he knew he was going to be more than exhausted. The twins’ training regimen was harder than Lan Qiren’s!

Because the twins already passed the training courses, they commonly took on solo missions while Lan Zhan and Lan Guiwei trained to pass the course to receive clearance to go to the surface.

Lan Zhan watched Lan Guiwei train with only a staff for hours. He would often try to spar with her but she refused. She wielded her staff so quickly that it looked like it created a solid shield around her.

He enjoyed watching the twins spar when they were not on missions. Lan Yiying liked to use small knives while Lan Anzhi was a dual wielder and always had two longswords.

He learned a lot just by watching them. He used a longsword of his own to train. He tried all kinds of weapons but always went back to a sword. It felt like an extension of his body and he had more control over the blade than any other weapon he tried out.

Over the years Lan Zhan started to become agitated. ‘How could he protect the borders and do the work his clan founder would be so proud of, if he isn't given a mission!?’ It took years to complete his training courses but finally, at age thirty four, Lan Zhan was finally given clearance and his first mission above ground.

The entire LanShadow team was called to the meeting room. It was the first time Lan Zhan was allowed into this chamber because this is where private missions are discussed. It was in the same building they moved into, so they did not travel far. Lan Zhan scanned the room. It was dimly lit and decorated with ancient Lan Clan artifacts. His team and a few other retired LanShadow members were there.

Lan Xichen was already there with the girls and their uncle. He motioned for Lan Zhan to join them.

"Z." Lan Qiren greeted. “Glad you could make it.”

Lan Zhan wanted to greet his uncle but remembered they had to use their code names.No one was supposed to address them by their names anymore.

“Q.” Lan Zhan greeted his uncle. He turned to the others. “A, Y, X, G.” He sat with them and waited for further instructions.

After a while, Qingheng-Jun entered the room and made his way to the front. Everyone became silent. It didn't take long before Qingheng-Jun handed out a piece of paper to Lan Qiren, and left the room.

That was it. Qingheng-Jun said nothing.

Lan Qiren looked over the paper and spoke to his team. "This mission requires infiltrating a surface establishment in Lotus Pier.”

Lan Zhan felt his heart skip. He was so excited to go to the surface. He didn't care what the mission entailed; he was just eager to finally see the world above.

Lan Qiren continued. “This place is known for its night activity. It is a club and bar. However its main function serves as a brothel.”

Lan Zhan and his brother made eye contact. ‘They had to infiltrate a brothel?’ He had many questions as to why this was necessary but he was not going to question unnecessarily. Rather he engaged thoughtfully. “Is the establishment illegal?”

Lan Qiren took a deep breath as he scanned the paper. “The establishment itself is legal. However, there have been reports of suspicious activity that could threaten the balance of power. Our task is to investigate and ensure that nothing there poses a risk to our clan or the overall stability of the region. The surface world has its own politics and power struggles, and while we remain largely autonomous, any significant disruptions above could have ripple effects below.”

Lan Zhan nodded, understanding the broader implications. “So, we are ensuring that no threats from above can destabilize our clan's security?”

“Precisely,” Lan Qiren affirmed. “Our neutrality must be maintained, and sometimes that means addressing potential threats before they can grow. This mission is about gathering information and ensuring our safety from any potential spillover conflicts. The cLan above have their own interests, and while we do not serve them, their actions can affect us. We need to be vigilant.”

“A brothel huh? This will be fun.” Lan Anzhi said with a side smile.

Lan Yiying snickered. “Totally. I’m ready to pull out my best party tricks to get them boys talking.”

Lan Qiren rolled his eyes. “Our intel says that the owner of the brothel - Xue Yang, is illegally collecting money through various side businesses that he runs.” He flips the paper over and reads the back. “It seems that this isn't the first time they have done this sneaky work.”

Lan Zhan felt a surge of determination. This mission, while unconventional, was crucial for the safety of their clan. He knew he had to succeed, not just for his own sake, but for the sake of everyone in the Abyss. This was a huge responsibility, and failure was not an option.

Lan Qiren continued, “The threat comes from the potential alliances and power plays Xue Yang might be making. If he is gathering resources and allies in secret, he could shift the balance of power among the surface clans. This shift could lead to conflicts that might spill over and impact us. Moreover, if he uncovers any information about our operations in the Abyss, he could use it against us or sell it to the highest bidder, putting our entire clan at risk.”

Lan Guiwei hummed in agreement. “In other words, we need to ensure he isn't gaining too much power or information? So we’ll just take the information before he gets his grimy paws on it.” She punched her fists together and looked ready for a fight.

“Exactly.” Lan Qiren said. “Our goal is to gather intelligence, disrupt any of his illicit operations, and ensure that his activities do not pose a threat to our clan or the region's stability. The balance of power is delicate, and any disruption could have severe consequences for us all.”

The team nodded and stood alert. Lan Qiren continued the details.

“The mission is as follows:

  1. Infiltrate the brothel.
  2. Locate their computer system.
  3. Plug this USB drive into their system. X will then download the files about their side business. Read their recent files about where their next transaction of funds will be located.
  4. Go to the location and intercept the transaction. Take the money.
  5. Make your way back to the elevator with the intel and money he will use for his next side operation. Descend for Gusu.
  6. Report back to this room with the funds and intelligence on the USB drive.”

Lan Qiren looked up from the paper. “And be cautious. Xue Yang possesses a unique demonic cultivation art called Hemokinetic Binding. A demonic cultivation technique used for control. Capable of creating chains from one's blood. It allows the user to exert extreme force on the victim going as far as being able to summon the victim at will. An unbreakable contract.

He handed the paper to Lan Anzhi. “You're leading this operation.”

“Like always, you have my trust.” She took it and nodded.

Lan Zhan felt a bit conflicted. “Isn't this just stealing?”

“Not when the money he's extorting is from illegal businesses,” Lan Qiren replied. “By disrupting his operations, we are protecting our clan by maintaining the balance of power. This isn't just about money; it's about preventing a potential threat from gaining the resources to challenge our stability. Remember, the consequences of his actions could extend far beyond his brothel. This is about safeguarding our future. Not many know that the Lan clan still exists, and those who do can destroy our safe haven the founder gave us. We don't want people to know where we are. We must protect our people. Surely you all understand.”

“I do, Q.” Lan Zhan shifted his eyes to the ground.

Lan Qiren continued. “A , Y, G, and Z, will go to the elevator and start your ascension. X and I will go to the Control Room adjacent to the elevator and stairs and assist you from there. We will provide technical support, coordinate logistics, and inform you of any additional intelligence that may aid the team." Lan Qiren turned to the girls. "A , Y and G, please ensure Z’s safety. As a direct descendant to Lan An, his bloodline is special. I’d say the same for X but he will be in the Abyss— and furthermore he's never possessed some uncanny ability like Z displayed as a child." Lan Qiren’s look became more serious. "Do not let the bloodline die in the clutches of surface barbarians. And remember, your actions reflect the honor of our clan."

The Shadow Guardians nodded in unison. You could feel in the air that the girls were ready. They understood and were committed to their mission.

Lan Qiren continued. “Once you're all in the elevator we will establish contact.” He gave everyone their assigned headphones for communication. "You depart immediately." Lan Qiren concluded, his eyes resting on Lan Zhan. "May the founder's guidance be with you. The surface crawlers are dangerous and unpredictable. We train for that reason. Watch your back as well as your teammates."

With a collective bow, the Guardians dispersed.

Lan Zhan and the girls arrived at the building containing the elevator. For the first time in his life, he felt unready. It didn't look like much from the outside. All he could see was the edge of the Abyss wall with a door going into the rock.

Lan Guiwei opened the heavy metal door for everyone and they walked inside.

Behind this door was a room with three additional doors providing access to the elevator, stairwell, and the adjacent control room. These rooms were protected by the MoonSun's light despite technically being outside of the protective barrier.

When the rooms were being carved into the Abyss’s wall, the Abyss reacted to the event, resulting in the MoonSun covering the rooms in its protective barrier. The last known phenomenon of this event was when the refugees were granted a space of their own. As the Lan carved into the wall, the Abyss’s barrier expanded. It was as if the Abyss reacted to its inhabitants and did whatever it could to keep them safe and ensured there was enough space for them all to live comfortably. However it was clear the Abyss didn't like their travel to the surface and was choosy about where it put its barrier. As a result, the inside of the stairwell and elevator were not protected, but because the Lan insisted on working in a part of the Abyss that was filled with cursed soil, the Abyss responded by selectively extending its protective barrier into the main room.

“Can you hear me?”

Lan Zhan jumped. He had totally forgotten about the communication device that blasted in his ear. “Yes I can hear you loud and clear.” It was Lan Xichen. He and their uncle were already inside the control room. Lan Zhan adjusted the volume on his headset as he walked around the area.

Lan Guiwei held open the elevator food and walked inside. Everyone made their way inside and immediately Lan Zhan felt his chest tighten. He looked around, amazed. The elevator inside didn't look like he imagined. This resembled a compact hotel suite, complete with sleeping pods, a mini kitchenette, and a small bathroom.

“Alright bitches, look alive.” Lan Anzhi said as she slammed the elevator door closed.

“We have to be here for three days so get cozy!” Lan Yiying chirped. “I’m claiming this pod!” She threw her bag into her sleeping quarters.

Lan Guiwei didn't say a word, just found a pod, laid her stuff down and hopped inside to sleep.

“The elevator is made of a material that only limits the barrier sickness effects. Do not solely rely on that, because you will get sick.” Lan Anzhi points over her shoulder. “I don't want to hear how sick you are; the pills for nausea, headaches, psychosis and whatever other problems you have are in this cabinet.”

Lan Zhan nodded. He had never dealt with barrier sickness and he didn’t want to. However, he really wanted to see the surface so he would endure it. He turned around and claimed a pod for his own, set his belongings inside and kept exploring the elevator's kitchen and bathroom. Moments later, Lan Zhan felt a huge shift as if the earth under him was rumbling.

“Taking off! Prepare for ascension!” Lan Yiying yelled. She was pressing a button on the side of the wall.

Lan Zhan grabbed some food and headed into his pod. He ate and took pills that were to combat barrier sickness, but they didn't help. As they ascended higher, the atmosphere inside the elevator grew tense and it became harder to breathe. Lan Zhan began to feel nausea and gained a rapid splitting headache. All he could do was sleep it off.

By day two of their ascension Lan Zhan’s body was in more physical pain then he had ever known. His bones shook and his body seized up. It seemed that the others were not faring any better.

“Satan’s taint!” Lan Anzhi leaned against the wall, running a hand through her hair as she spoke. "This ascension is making my head spin,” she said in annoyance.

Lan Yiying hung off of Lan Guiwei. "Ugh, tell me about it. I’m smelling too many colors without the pancakes to coat it."

“Have you already lost your senses?” Lan Guiwei asked Lan Yiying as she shoved her off. She looked at Lan Anzhi and folded her arms. “What's this I hear from you? Mrs. Iron stomach is complaining?” She busted out in laughter but soon found out laughing results in throwing up. Karma hit her before she was scolded by Lan Anzhi.

Lan Yiying’s peppy demeanor became extremely dampened by the sickness. Her face turned green and she seemed to stare through Lan Zhan instead of at him. “My stomach is doing somersaults." Lan Yiying stumbled around, poking at the wall. She put her ear to it and listened. “She is inside the walls.”

“Yup, we lost her.” Lan Anzhi confirmed. “She’s weaker than I am. For some reason she loses sanity every time. She can't tell what is and isn’t reality. I usually can withstand a vast amount of sickness with medication.”

“Can't you hear her?” Lan Yiying asked in all seriousness.

“Will she be okay?” Lan Zhan asked. He has read of having hallucinations as a symptom but never seen anyone go through it.

“Yup.” Lan Anzhi said curtly. “Ugh… I'm usually not this sick.” She started swaying back and forth.

Lan Guiwei rose to her feet and walked to the kitchenette.

Lan Zhan began to feel very fatigued. He was sitting on the floor leaning against his sleeping pod, feeling absolutely exhausted. "I... I'm not faring so well either…" He managed to mumble. "This sickness... it's intense."

Lan Guiwei retrieved a bottle of water and a handful of medication. She ripped open a packet and poured powdery contents in it. She shook it up before handing it off. "Here, Z. Try sipping on this. Might help settle your stomach."

Lan Anzhi looked impressed. “You know your medications well I see.”

“Medicine wasn't my forte but my parents drilled Silver Healing medicine and barrier sickness medicine.” Lan Guiwei sat down at her pod. “They're the ones who came up with this particular mixture.”

“Oh so your parents are part of the Silver Sages too?” Lan Anzhi asked. “Why have I never seen you around the meeting halls? Surely before being put into LongShadow, you were brought to follow in your parents footsteps?”

“They knew I had no potential in that area so I never went. I tried combat on my own.” Lan Guiwei said.

“Silver Sages?” Lan Zhan wasn't allowed to get familiar with the women's section of the clan. He couldn't help but be curious though.

Lan Guiwei turned to explain. “A council group that regulates all Silver Healing cultivation and Abyss Magic. They create medication for barrier sickness and have a higher status amongst women. We have days where high level healers are picked to become Silver Sages, just like selection day for Lan Shadow, except this is only for women. The children of the elites hang out like a mini cult. Never wanted to be part of it.”

“You're not wrong about that.” Lan Anzhi laughed. “Some act snobby because their mommies and daddies job gives them status.”

Lan Zhan wasn’t allowed to delve into Abyss magic so listening to this was interesting. Though he showed magical potential, the Silver River water had never reacted to him since that day he saved Bichen. He had a core, but learning about the Abyss magic was reserved for the women who used their cores to manipulate Silver River water. The result of not using it over time made mens’ cultivation weak and their cores were deemed useless. Though some men had bent the rules to expand the Abyss walls, that didn't happen often, and using their cores made them more tired than it was worth. Most men who had tried using their core and energy said it felt like it was draining their energy rather than receiving a boost.

Lan Yiying crawled to Lan Zhan’s side. "Z, you don't look too good. Can you keep it together?" Her eyes were dilated and she looked higher than a kite. “You can do that for me right? Keep it together! Almost to the surface!” She sounded like a little kid and it was funny.

That was, until she poked Lan Zhan in the face. He grabbed her hand and pushed it away.

Lan Zhan wiped the beads of sweat off his forehead that began to form. The elevator was stuffy. “The surface…” He couldn't wait for this to be over so he could finally see the stars after all this time.

Lan Guiwei attempted to keep spirits up. "We're almost through this. One more day."

Lan Anzhi turned her attention to Lan Zhan. "Don't keel over dead yet. Old man Q would never forgive us for allowing you to die before you make it to the surface.”

Lan Yiying and Lan Guiwei nodded in agreement. Lan Qiren wouldn't be happy if Lan Zhan got hurt. Lan Anzhi was acting as the caretaker even though it was clear she was not feeling good either because it seemed Lan Yiying lost her mind already and was hardly helpful.

Lan Zhan breathed heavily, clutching the bottle of water with medicine in it. He tried to fight through the discomfort. "Hn."

Lan Anzhi headed to her pod. “Get rest. We'll be at the surface tomorrow afternoon.”

Lan Zhan headed to his pod, laid down and tried to sleep it off. But he couldn't. All night he had terrible side effects. Despite his resilience, he experienced a heightened motion sickness and the movement of the elevator felt worse than being on a boat.

As the night crawled by, Lan Zhan's discomfort intensified. Each moment felt like an eternity, the unrelenting symptoms chipping away at his endurance. The medication he had drank earlier offered little respite. If anything, it amplified the queasiness, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Lan Zhan's throat felt dry, and the water he sipped tasted metallic against his tongue. His head felt as though it was being squeezed by a vice. Each throb was more agonizing than the last. The dimly lit space of the pod seemed to spin around him and the walls looked like they were beginning to melt and change color.

Somehow Lan Yiying was right… He thought to himself. ‘The smells of too many colors mixing without the pancakes to coat it, was actually sugarless.’

Lan Zhan was excited about his revelation. Two people saw this, not just one. That means it has a higher probability of being accurate… right?

Eventually Lan Zhan fell asleep, only to be woken by a bright assaulting light and the ever so charming Lan Anzhi in his face…

“Wakey wakey sleeping beauty!” Lan Anzhi ripped the doors to his pod open.

Lan Zhan falls out of the pod and onto the floor. Lan Zhan picks him up and brushes wrinkles off of him.

“You look like f*cking sh*t.” Lan Guiwei slapped the back of her hand on his chest. “What the hell happened to you in there? masturbat* too hard?”

Lan Zhan’s ears painted red. He turned to Lan Yiying who was standing behind him, already prepared to exit the elevator. “The sugar on the pancakes is red, not yellow.”

Lan Yiying tilts her head and looks like an innocent child. “What sugar?”

“What pancakes?” Lan Guiwei interrupted. “W-WHAT BITCH MADE PANCAKES WITHOUT ME?”

“No one. Calm your f*cking sh*t.” Lan Anzhi rolled her eyes. “Z, be ready in 10 minutes.”

“Aye aye, Captain.” Lan Zhan said like a drunken sailor, absolutely unaware of his actions.

The girls snickered as Lan Anzhi looked like she wanted to skin Lan Zhan alive for addressing her like that.

He got ready and it was the hardest thing he has ever done. The effects of the ascension really messed with his neurological system. But nothing was going to stop him from completing his first mission. He was not going to fail just because he felt a little sick.

They all gathered in front of the elevator door. They were all dressed in civilian surface clothes to blend in. Lan Anzhi pressed the button and it opened up to the inside of their old ancestral home. As soon as Lan Zhan set foot outside of the elevator, the weight of sickness lifted off him. He felt instantly better.

“Connect to home base and follow closely behind me.” Lan Anzhi said plainly.

They put it in their ears and connected and Lan Anzhi opened the door of the elevator. They stepped into a hallway of the Lan CLan ancestral home. As they walked, the walls lit up and began to glow. It looked like spirits that danced across the walls. The walls were decorated with intricate patterns, symbols, and writings that pulsed with an ethereal energy.

“You can hear our ancestors whispering and giggling to each other!” Lan Yiying said.

“Did the barrier scramble your brain that much?” Lan Guiwei asked.

“Yeah, Y, our ancestors live in the stars above ground, not the walls of our ancestral home.” Lan Zhan corrected.

“Seems like they have both lost their minds.” Lan Anzhi said to Lan Guiwei.

“Quit talking like scholars and pay attention.” Lan Guiwei said loudly.

Lan Anzhi sighed and touched her headset. "X, Q, do you read me?"

Lan Zhan heard his headset turn on. Static crackled through the communication device.

"Barely. The interference is immense." Lan Xichen's voice crackled through the line.

“I can hear you, X.” Lan Zhan said. It was good to hear his brother's voice.

“Z? Glad you made it!” Lan Xichen’s happiness resonated through his voice. “I’m so happy that—”

“X...” Lan Qiren’s voice cut through the headset. “Focus.”

“Right.” Lan Xichen said.

Lan Guiwei huffed a laugh. “Alright, now that they had their reunion, X, tell us how to get through the house’s maze.”

Lan Xichen proceed to give them directions

As they walked, Lan Zhan made note of every turn they made, every crack in the floor, and every paint chip flaking off of the wall. He knew the stories about people getting lost in the maze that was their protection. He followed the girls with ease as they dodged every carefully laid out booby-trap. Lan Zhan followed their steps to the letter.

After a while they ended up in a room that was a dead end, and nothing was glowing anymore. The girls started feeling the wall and Lan Zhan watched.

Lan Yiying hummed in displeasure. “We reached the end of the maze, but I can't figure out which brick to move. No brick reacts when we touch it anymore. And I always find the right one when I exit! Why is it always different?”

“This time the brick should be on the right wall when you enter.” Lan Xichen said. “The magic that runs through the house is from Abyss crystals that were placed in the home. They help change the maze so people can't memorize the maze.”

“So the house is alive.” Lan Zhan said.

“Essentially.” Lan Xichen replied.

“I can't find it! Or is this one, right here?” Lan Yiying went to touch a brick on the wall.

“Don't blow the place up.” Lan Xichen interjected. “Hit the wrong one and the entire room collapses in.”

“Comforting…” Lan Guiwei replied dryly.

Lan Anzhi examined the brick before letting anyone push it. “It is the one.”

Lan Yiying giggled nervously. “Are you sure this is the right one, X? What if it's not? This brick looks different from past bricks.”

Lan Guiwei shot her a disapproving look. "Don't jinx it, Y."

“I am sure.” Lan Xichen said.

The girls tried to press the brick but it wouldn't budge.

“It’s not working.” Lan Anzhi said as she grabbed one of her dual swords off her back to use to hit the brick.

“I think the brisk is jammed.” Lan Guiwei said.

“Z.” Lan Qiren’s voice cut through the mic.

“Hm?” Lan Zhan replied nervously. The way he called him was nerve wracking for some reason.

“Touch the brick.” Lan Qiren instructed.

Lan Zhan was almost afraid of the reaction but he walked over and placed his hand on the brick after everyone got frustrated. Lan Zhan’s aura emerged from his core and began to radiate in the same blue as the energy on the walls that lead them to this room. He could feel the vibrations all through the house and he could see the map of the labyrinth inside the home. The feeling was like when he was a kid and the river reacted, however this wasn't silver river water, but Abyss crystal magic. No sooner did the brick slide in and the whole wall split apart allowing entry. The glow on Lan Zhan’s body faded and so did the feeling though his body. It opened to another normal looking room with nothing but a door with a window on it. It looked like the front door of the ancestral home.

“What the f*ck was that all about?” Lan Guiwei asked.

“Blood heir secret.” Lan Qiren said. “Continue your mission.”

Lan Anzhi walked to the other door. “Alright, look alive. The surface crawlers can be anywhere beyond this point. Though the house sits within a gate in a yard filled with trees, people still cross into our yard.”

Lan Zhan felt his chest tighten up. He was finally here.

The group walked out and Lan Zhan was instantly blinded by sunlight. His eyes burned. He had never felt such an assault on his eyes. The sun was brutal.

They stayed there adjusting for at least a half hour. Once the entire group adjusted to the light, Lan Zhan could see that they walked out onto a front porch and the property was not maintained and very overgrown with trees and plants. It seemed like the place was well covered and hidden even on the surface.

“Move out!” Lan Anzhi said. “Let’s go!”

As Lan Zhan moved through the city of Lotus Pier with his team, he couldn't help but notice the fear and suffering that hung in these people’s eyes. He had seen brutal things growing up in the clan but the lives of people in Lotus Pier were marked by hardship, poverty, and oppression to a degree that was incomprehensible to him. He thought he knew what it was like to struggle. But Lan Zhan lived with food on the table and these people lived with nothing.

The more Lan Zhan looked around, the more the people of Lotus Pier grew uncomfortable with their presence. Some of them looked like they were getting ready for a fight. Lan Zhan and his team moved quickly and didn't interact with the locals. Lan Zhan didn't know what they would do if they were provoked. They were unpredictable and dangerous. Lan Zhan could see it now as he walked through the streets.

Lan Xichen led them around the city through the headset communication and as soon as it became dusk they arrived at a beautiful building that was labeled as Blossom Manor.

“You've made it to the location.” Lan Xichen said through the headset.

Lan Zhan was less excited about arriving at their destination and more interested in looking above him. The sky was gray and he couldn't see the stars yet. His heart sank. The first time he could glance at the night sky but the stars were nowhere to be found.

‘Why?’ Lan Zhan couldn't understand.

As they approached the brothel, Lan Zhan observed the building. It was a big structure, with intricate designs. Lanterns hung around the entrance, casting a soft glow onto the street.

Lan Zhan took in a sharp breath. This was it. His first real mission.

Lan Anzhi leaned forward. "This place has quite the reputation, doesn't it?" She giggled as she eyed a man who shamelessly entered the brothel.

“Alright, amateurs—” Lan Guiwei let down her hair and pushed up her breasts which made Lan Zhan uncomfortable beyond belief. “Watch the master of deception work her magic—” She started walking over to the entrance without hesitation.

Lan Anzhi nodded and looked at Lan Zhan. "As you talk to the patrons of the establishment, gather intel on where the computer room is and communicate back with the group before proceeding with the mission.”

Lan Yiying let out a sigh as she watched Lan Guiwei who was leaning over the bouncer who stood at the gate. The guy didn't look very impressed with her charm.

"Why do I get the feeling this will be more complicated than we expect?" Lan Yiying asked.

Lan Anzhi chuckled softly. "Because G took the lead before informing X that we made it here." Lan Anzhi unmuted her headset. “X, We have a plan. We’re proceeding.” She muted it once more. “We move one by one.”

They watched Lan Guiwei work her magic and made her way inside.

“I can't wait for her to cure her hysteria.” Lan Yiying mumbled.

Lan Anzhi elbowed her. “Don't be rude, Y.”

Lan Yiying flinched. “What? Maybe if she gets some dick she'll be less bitchy to me!” Lan Yiying stomped her foot like an angry rabbit.

Lan Anzhi raised her eyebrow. “We’re not here to indulge in personal pleasure.”

“Buuuuut since we're here…..” Lan Yiying shrugged and held her hands in the air.

Lan Anzhi huffed in annoyance. “Focus on the mission, Y.”

“Yeah yeah–” Lan Yiying moved next and Lan Anzhi followed her several minutes later. Lan Zhan watched each girl use different tactics to get inside. He had learned many techniques in school but using them in real life was different. Lan Zhan maintained a composed exterior. The approach his teammates were taking wasn’t aligned with his usual methods.

Lan Zhan slipped him some cash with a smooth, practiced motion. “You don't? I find that hard to believe. I can see it in the way you carry yourself, the way you watch everyone's moves though this establishment. You know more than you let on. Why not share a bit? It could be mutually beneficial.”

The bouncer glanced at the cash, then at Lan Zhan, assessing him. “You’re sharp, I’ll give you that.” He pocketed the money discreetly. “Fine. Head to the bar downstairs and order a 'Midnight Lotus'. You’ll know what to do from there.”

Lan Zhan gave a small, appreciative nod. “Thank you.”

As he walks down the long hallway, he passes several rooms with sheer curtains covering them. He is desperately trying to not hear the sounds coming out from them because he knows his teammates are here.

He has one goal in mind. Get in, and get out. Nothing was distracting him from doing his job. His teammates are currently in these rooms doing dirty things for information.

He made his way downstairs. It was dimly lit, with a smoky atmosphere that clung to the air. The patrons were a mix of rough-looking men and elegantly dressed women, playing all kinds of kinky alcoholic games. He made his way to the bar without looking at the unholy scene in front of him.

All he could note was there was a lot of leather, chains and leashes…

Lan Zhan approached the bartender, a stern-looking woman with a piercing gaze. He did not fear the look but he knew she meant business. Bartending might only be a front.

“What can I getcha, newcomer?” She asked. Her voice was brash and rough yet somehow comforting like a mothers love.

The fact that this woman could tell Lan Zhan is new means she's been here a while and is very observant.

“Just one Midnight Lotus please.” Lan Zhan replied.

The bartender gave him a scrutinizing look before nodding and preparing a drink. She placed it in front of him with a small, almost imperceptible smile.

“Upstairs, down the hall, third door on the left.” She whispered, barely moving her lips.

Lan Zhan nodded and took the drink. He realized it was water and he should drink it to look not suspicious.

“Thanks.” He left some cash and walked back upstairs.

Lan Zhan moved swiftly through the corridors making sure his steps were quiet as a mouse. He followed the woman's directions and came to what he thought was Xue Yang's room. The door was partly shut and he could hear people inside. He was able to peak in and assess the situation.

The room was decked out in animal fur. There were skin rugs and blankets draped over the bed and floor. It was wealthy and felt warm and inviting. On the side of the room was a desk with a computer.

‘That must be it.’ Lan Zhan thought.

He heard unforgiving sounds from the other side of the room. His eyes betrayed him and they drew him towards the sounds. When he did, his eyes laid on the most beautiful man he's ever seen. However this man was in absolutely unforgivable positions. He was tied up with what looked like red chains made of someone's cultivation magic.

Lan Zhan recognized the power. It was Hemokinetic Binding. A demonic cultivation technique used for control.

This man was definitely Xue Yang. He now had no doubt. This was the room he could obtain the most amount of information on him.

Lan Zhan had been taught to recognize all forms of magic arts. However, this art was not only capable of creating chains from one's blood, but it allows the user to exert extreme force on the victim going as far as being able to summon the victim at will. It was an unbreakable contract.

Lan Zhan watched this beautiful man be f*cked by Xue Yang with no mercy. The man looked miserable. Lan Zhan felt increasingly uncomfortable and had to leave the establishment entirely. Even if the computer is in that room, he can't get in there right now.

He left and walked all the way back to the clan's ancestral home. Lan Zhan had a burned image of the clan's home in his mind when he touched the brick earlier and the maze didn't change yet. He made his way back to his pod and waited for the others.

Lan Zhan went back and forth between the Manor and his pod for several days. Neither he nor the girls were able to get inside Xue Yang’s room. Everyone was exhausted with the mission but they were in no rush to leave.

Every time Lan Zhan went to look inside that room, he was tortured with the sight of someone using Hemokinetic Binding on this one person. He watched this man be absolutely abused by Xue Yang day in and day out. The man looked frail, as if he didnt eat much. The helplessness weighed heavily on Lan Zhan as he moved back and forth between the Blossom Manor and his pod.

More days passed, and the constant exposure to such brutality began to take its toll on Lan Zhan’s heart. He maintained his stoic exterior, but the turmoil within him grew. The pod became a haven where he could retreat momentarily, seeking solace from the disturbing scenes that played out in Xue Yang's room.

Lan Zhan grappled with the moral dilemmas of the mission. The unattainable goal of accessing the computer in Xue Yang's room frustrated him, but the ethical imperative to rescue the stranger fueled his determination to find a solution. No matter how impossible it seemed.

All in all, there was an unspoken understanding among the group that they could not abandon the task. So they tried to go back to the manor again.

This time when he got to the room, it was empty.

Lan Zhan assessed his surroundings before proceeding. Before he moved he paged his brother. “X, I have located the computer. I am proceeding forward.”

“Okay. Let me know when you have inserted the drive.” Lan Xichen said nervously through the headset. “Don’t waste time.”

“Understood.” Lan Zhan muted his mic. He approached the computer and moved the mouse. The computer was unlocked and opened. It gave him chills.

‘How could this be so easy?’ LanZhan carefully inserted the USB drive into the computer's port.

“It's in.” Lan Zhan said over the headset.

There was no response but the computer soon was taken over by Lan Xichen at home base. He watched as the computer opened up files that Lan Xichen copied onto the harddrive.

“Okay. Remove the drive.” The computer pulled up a separate file. “This is the recent file you need to read. This is the location of their pick up for today.” Lan Xichen said.

Lan Zhan reads the file and finds the location for today's pick up. However, the time on this document was this morning. The money was already picked up.

He removed the drive and put it away. Lan Zhan's gaze wandered around the room. His sharp eyes caught sight of a bag partially hidden under the desk. He approached and found a bag filled with cash. His jaw dropped. The fact that he had today's money in his hands so quickly was astonishing. His first mission was perfect. He couldn't wait to tell his teammates. Without hesitation, he pocketed it and left.

With the mission accomplished, he navigated the corridors, heading towards the designated rendezvous point to regroup with Lan Anzhi, Lan Yiying, and Lan Guiwei. However… When the girls did not come to the meeting location it occurred to him that the girls were distracted with some of the men. They would be at the brothel for… a while.

Lan Zhan took this opportunity to leave the brothel and go see the stars by himself. He already did his part of the job, so there isn't any harm.

“Indulge and celebrate girls, I’ve got the information.” Lan Zhan said over the headset. “No need to hurry.”

Neither girl responded but instead turned on their mics as a reply and all you could hear were sex noises.

“MOVE TO ANOTHER CHANNEL!” Lan Qiren yelled over the headset. Soon the channel went dead silent again.

Lan Zhan shook his head and walked towards the clan's home. On his journey back he encountered a man kneeling by a grave, illuminated by the soft glow of incense and candles. He was playing a flute that wasn't too loud, but it drew in Lan Zhan’s attention. Something about it was calming. Lan Zhan hid around the side of an abandoned home and continued to observe from the shadows.

The man finished his playing and prayers, he turned to leave. The man walked towards the direction Lan Zhan was hiding and now Lan Zhan could finally see his face in full. Lan Zhan looked the man up and down and a piece of him felt saddened upon realization.

It was the man who Xue Yang had under blood contract.


-Fun fact, I gave Lan Guiwei several name changes. It started with Qi, Then to Qing, then to Qigi. I settled with Qigi for the majority of my writing right until the very end. I still use Qigi in my head which isn't even a real name?
-This is the first fic i had to make OC characters for extra bodies
Next Chapter: Wei Ying's POV

Chapter 2: Dripped in Crimson: Wei Ying’s Journey


Extra CW & TW for this chapter:

Violence & Death: witnessing brutality
Abuse: Exploitation. Manipulation. Drugs given to minors.
Substance Use: Smoking
Psychological Distress: Grief, fear
Nudity: Characters undressing uncomfortably.
Prostitution: Sex work.
Explicit Sexual Content: Oral sex, anal penetration.
Non-consensual Elements: Reluctance.

This chapter is from childhood to adulthood. Similar to the previous chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The downtown city of Lotus Pier had certainly seen better days. It had fallen at the hands of the Lan Clan’s power who were brutal criminals that destroyed everything in their path. The Lan held extreme power, deadly flashy skills and a zero tolerance policy. The Lan were the scariest clan known to exist in the entire cultivation empire.

But no matter how fierce the Lan were, they were not immune to the Wen Clan.

If it wasn't for the Wen, there would be no Lotus Pier to inhabit. The Wen stopped the attack on Lotus Pier and forced the Lan clan to live deep underground, but sometimes, a Lan still figures out how to escape and cause trouble on the surface.

So how did the scariest clan known to man become nothing but expendable pawns who bent at the whim of another’s demand? The common people thought that the Wen truly feared the Lan power, especially if left unsupervised.

Even though the Lan were removed, the city did not recover. Wei Ying grew up in a city where his people were starved out, homes burned to the ground, streets filled with drugs, underage sex and crime to a degree that no one could comprehend. The city was in complete mayhem after the attack, and the Wen never helped rebuild the city.

When Wei Ying was a child, his house was raided. He hid, watching through the spaces of the wooden door of his closet, biting his own hand to muffle his own screams and cries. Through the cracks he witnessed his parents be killed at the hands of a Lan.

Wei Ying thought he had escaped his own death by hiding but the man in white then released a pack of vicious dogs, to scour the house. The door of the closet was forcibly breached, the aggressive growls and menacing bites of the dogs mauled Wei Ying until he lost consciousness.

Wei Ying awakened to a persistent tapping on his head. He could barely move his body but he managed to move his head away from the incessant tapping. He surveyed his surroundings and quickly realized that the tapping on his head was water dripping from the collapsed ceiling above the closet. He started to sit up but there was nothing but pain throughout his body. Once he shifted some more to only realize his body was soaked.

Wei Ying let out a sigh. He wanted to call for his parents to help him…But all he could picture was the man dressed in white that dripped in crimson after he slaughtered his parents.

After several more minutes he heard someone's voice. It was then that he knew he was still not alone. Fear shot through him and he still couldn't get up yet. All he could do was look at the man who was now standing over him. Wei Ying only calmed down when he noticed this man was not a Lan, and this man was missing a finger.

“Wake up kid.” The man kicked Wei Ying over with his foot. “It looks like your mama is dead. That bitch still owed me money and a good lay.” He took a puff on something, and blew the smoke into Wei Ying's face, causing his throat to sting. It forced him into a coughing fit. "Don't worry, kid. It’s for the pain."

Wei Ying forced himself to sit up, his vision was blurred but the pain subsided. "What did you give me?"

"Just a bit of weed." The man replied, stowing away his pipe. "Call me Xue Yang. I'm your mama's pimp."

"What's a pimp?" Wei Ying asked innocently. He has never seen this man before.

The man laughed and put a hand on his hip and raised the other. “What are you? Like ten?”

“Seven.” Wei Ying admitted. He didn't see a reason to lie. He didn't know this man but if his mom knew him it must be alright.

“Old enough to work.” Xue Yang said.

“Work?” Wei Ying was thoroughly confused.

Kneeling to Wei Ying's level, Xue Yang explained, "You see, your daddy managed a side business we kindly granted him access to, straight into the ground. He got involved in some shady sh*t to cover his tracks before we discovered them. Your mama courageously stood up to defend her husband and offered to help settle her husband's debts."

"So, my mama worked for you?" Wei Ying mumbled with a deepening sense of unease.

The man nodded with an unsettling sweet smile. "She became my escort and compensated me quite generously." His gaze hardened, and Wei Ying could feel the sinister undertone.

"Escort?" Wei Ying asked, seeking clarification.

“A pretty thing like you will grow up to make Blossom Manor rich again. But for now, let's set aside that occupation. I have several other tasks for you to start with." Xue Yang assured him.

Wei Ying was still grappling with this abrupt twist of fate. "Me?"

"Starting today, you work for me, paying off the debt you owe. I know it's unfair for someone your age to bear such a burden, but that's the way things go when family members pass on— The duty and responsibility are passed down." With these words, Xue Yang handed him a piece of paper, which Wei Ying reluctantly accepted.

The numbers were practically running off the edge of the paper. Wei Ying couldn't process the tremendous debt hanging over him.

"The Wen are brutal. They show no mercy. " Xue Yang remarked as he surveyed the lifeless bodies scattered across the room. "The dogs were a new touch."

"The Lan were responsible for this." Wei Ying replied.

"The Lan? Hm." Xue Yang's eyebrows arched with interest. "That's intriguing. Regardless, your first task is to clean up and bury your deceased. Leaving them there like this would be improper.”

“Bury?!” Wei Ying couldn't believe his ears. “They are twice the size of me.”

“You have three days. My henchmen will check on you and bring you food and medical supplies. But don't get used to it, it's only to get you on your feet." Without further elaboration, Xue Yang departed, leaving Wei Ying devastated and confused.

Wei Ying was left alone to navigate the aftermath of the Lan Clan's merciless assault, all while nursing his own aches and wounds. He wrapped his body up and he felt like a mummy. He didn't know how to dress his wounds properly but he managed to stop the bleeding and prevent infection.

It took Wei Ying an entire day to move. Only then was Wei Ying able to begin the heartbreaking process of burying his parents. One thing he knew was that Xue Yang was right, it was improper to leave his loved ones the way they were.

Once he took a good look at the bodies still lying on the floor, he broke down. Their once-loving faces were now marred with wounds and dried blood. Wei Ying tried his best, but there was no stopping the tears in his eyes as he dragged his parents' lifeless forms.

He used the bedsheets from his parents' bed to wrap their bodies. He was doing his best to preserve their dignity even in death but he had no idea how to do any of this properly.

He tried to drag the bodies outside but he couldn't. There were too many broken things in the way for him to drag them. The house was in shambles. There was broken furniture, shattered glass, and bloodstains marking every corner of the house. Wei Ying, driven by a mixture of grief and determination, began the grueling task of cleaning up the house before moving his parents outside.

He picked up the broken shards of glass one by one, his small hands trembling as he did his best to clear the debris. The shattered pieces of their chairs split and splintered which he tried hard to avoid. Other than the bodies themselves, the bloodstains on the floor were the most painful to look at. Wei Ying scrubbed and scrubbed to erase the stains. Though the blood wasn't an object that prevented him from bringing his parents outside, he didn't want to drag them through their own blood. The stains washed away but the emotional scars would prove much harder to scrub from his mind.

Once he had done all he could to clean the house, Wei Ying moved on to dig the graves for his parents. He knew this was going to be a physically hard task so he decided to work smarter not harder. With a small shovel, he dug one deep grave in the backyard. The physical exhaustion was nothing compared to the emotional toll this process took on him.

Digging a hole big enough took all day but he didn't stop for any breaks. He just wanted his parents to rest in peace. Finally, he laid his parents into one big grave. He replaced the soil overtop, and by now he was filthy. Once the burial was complete, Wei Ying said a quiet prayer for them and sat at the grave for the night.

“Nice job kid.”

Wei Ying turned around to see that Xue Yang’s henchmen came to assess his work. They gave him a meal which he quickly ate.

“Here.” The other henchmen handed Wei Ying three incense sticks. “For a final goodbye.”

Wei Ying felt his soul light up in happiness. He took the incense and walked to the grave. He sat there praying until all of the incense went out.

One of the men approached Wei Ying. “Come on. You need to pack your things. Whatever wasn't destroyed, and get going.”

Wei Ying understood that meant they wanted him to come live with them and Wei Ying felt uneasy about it. But he had no skills, a home that was in shambles and now will find himself trapped in a vicious cycle of debt and despair if he doesn't seek out help.

He packed his things and the men carried what Wei Ying couldn't hold. They were acting nicer than Xue Yang but they looked more serious.

They started walking back towards the manor Xue Yang came from and Wei Ying followed.

“What are your names?” Wei Ying asked. They were not people he could make casual conversation with. They were clearly just doing their job, and they looked like they dreaded dealing with a child. But they followed Xue Yang's instructions to the letter.

The man holding Wei Ying's hand, making sure he came along, looked down at him and then looked at the other man carrying Wei Ying’s things for confirmation.

Wen Chao.” The man holding Wei Ying’s bags replied.

Wei Ying looked at the man holding his hand. “Wen Xu. But don't go around blabbing our names okay?” He scratched his head and sighed in annoyance. “We're just doing what we're told. I don't need anyone throwing a tantrum over ‘bonding’ with an orphaned child.” The man looked rather irritated and just wanted to get back to doing his normal job.

Somehow Wei Ying understood. He was a child who had to have someone look out for him. So he would obey in the best way he knew how so he didn’t become a burden on them for taking him in.

Since that day, Wei Ying grew up under the roof of Xue Yang in Blossom Manor.

As days stretched into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, Wei Ying's resentment towards the Lan grew like a smoldering fire. If he ever had the chance at revenge he wouldn't hesitate to take it. And that's just what he wanted to do when he saw a Lan on the surface for the first time since he was a child.

He was thirteen when Wei Ying walked outside of Blossom Manor, only to stumble upon a scene that made him feel pure rage. A Lan Clan member dressed in white was tormenting a helpless woman. He stole her bag and ran off with it. This man did not have a forehead ribbon but instead had a red X on his head.

Unable to contain his rage, Wei Ying ran after him without hesitation. Wei Ying was agile and he caught the Lan off guard. Wei Ying swiftly grabbed the woman's possessions and took off. He thought he was quick but the Lan managed to jab him with a knife. He quickly removed the blade and lunged at the Lan.

Wei Ying had no idea what happened, but he was suddenly on his back, looking up at the sky with the breath knocked out of his lungs. He didn't have time to think. He knew he was in trouble. He never saw the man move, he was way too fast. He looked around him for anything to use but the carts on this street only sold flowers. The people running the establishments ran away and hid as soon as the commotion began.

The Lan stood over him and was about to throw a wooden water barrel on top of him. He only had a split second to react and when the Lan dropped the water barrel, Wei Ying rolled to the side and sprang back onto his feet. The Lan started coming at him with precise, disciplined movements before he was able to stand up straight. Wei Ying realized quickly that this man was well trained and this would be a hard fight if he didn't come up with a strategy. This man may have been skilled, but due to Wei Ying’s past trauma, his reflexes became as fast as a cat dodging a snake that the Lan never saw coming. When Wei Ying dodged his attack the Lan ran himself into a heavy metal sign from the flower shop’s storefront.

Wei Ying did have the advantage of fighting in his own home. And that's the only way he thinks he'll win.

The man shook his head, looking a bit dizzy from the hard hit. After the man recovered, he looked directly at Wei Ying. The man's eyes looked cold and hollow.

“You have the eyes of a lethal assassin.” Wei Ying would fight for his life and would not let this Lan hurt him or others in his neighborhood again. He stood ready, fists up, protecting his face. “Who are you? Who sent you?”

The Lan lunged at him again without answering him. Wei Ying sidestepped and grabbed a handful of dirt from a flower pot along the store front, and flung it into the Lan's eyes. The Lan staggered back, momentarily blinded. Wei Ying seized the opportunity. He used the knife the Lan used to hit him and landed a powerful jab into the Lan's midsection. Wei Ying followed up with a swift kick that sent the man sprawling to the ground. “Don't make me ask you again. Who are you, and why are you tormenting my people?”

Hearing the Lan scream in pain on the ground was the best sound he's ever heard. He hated the twisted feeling, but damn does revenge taste good. He still did not respond so Wei Ying spoke again.

“We could do this the easy way or the hard way.” Wei Ying said aggressively.

“f*ck you surface peasant.” Than man spit at Wei Ying

“The hard way it is, vile assassin.” Wei Ying said. He placed his food on the knife, shoving it deeper into the Lan midsection. The man began coughing up blood. He got a good look at his face and he concluded one thing; this wasn't the man that killed his parents. But maybe this man knew something.

“Tell me, who's responsible for letting your kind above ground?” Wei Ying said as he practically stood on top of the Lan. “Is it the same Lan who killed Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren?”

“I know nothing of LanShadows missions.” The man said as blood poured from his chest.

“What's LanShadow?” Wei Ying asked. “What missions?”

The Lan tried to move but Wei Ying’s weight held him down. “I don't know, ahh—

“Like hell you don't.” Wei Ying replied, pushing harder.

“They are trained assassins who work for the Wen. No one should know the Lan clan still exists, yet some surface pigs apparently do. But whoever killed those two you're yapping about, it would be members of LanShadow. They do the hard missions, like assassinations for the Wen.” The man replied. He looked tired and wasn't putting up much more of a fight.

“Thank you very much.” Wei Ying removed his foot and held up the woman's bag the man stole. “I will be returning this.” Wei Ying left the man on the ground; he absolutely hated feeling like he wanted to actually cause a person harm.

He found the old woman and returned her things. The look of happiness was worth the cuts and scrapes he got on the journey. Especially since he got to injure a Lan.

He went home feeling proud of himself. He walked in and went to bed in his room. Wei Ying was just falling asleep when Xue Yang dragged him from bed because someone showed up at their door.

"What's the meaning of this?" Wei Ying demanded, rubbing his eyes.

"Seems like you've made quite an impression, young master Wei. A Lan and a Wen have graced us with their esteemed presence." Xue Yang said coldly. He dragged him by the forearm all the way to the front hall.

Wei Ying’s blood ran cold and the air in Xue Yang's manor was thick with tension from the unwelcome intrusion. He looked the men in the eyes and the Lan clan member had a stern-face with a cold gaze and long beard. He had a red X on his head like the Lan he confronted earlier today, however this was a different Lan. The Lan stood in the doorway in front of the Wen, and he narrowed his eyes onto Wei Ying. "You must be the troublemaker."

Wei Ying shot back with a scoff, his resentment bubbling beneath the surface. "Troublemaker? Coming from a Lan, that's rich. What brings you criminals to our humble abode? Did you run out of innocent people to torment on the streets?"

The Lan face tightened and Wei Ying’s eyes darted between the Lan and the Wen, gauging their reaction.

Wei Ying hated his presence. “Go back to the hole you crawled out of. How the hell did you get out anyway? Thought most of your kind was dead because of the Wen—”

It took a moment to realize what happened because it happened so fast, but Xue Yang back-handed Wei Ying across the face to shut him up.

"Insolent brat!" Xue Yang yelled. “Do you realize who you are speaking to? This is Wen Ruohan and his banished Lan clan members. They live above ground as a working member of the Wen.”

Wen Ruohan’s expression hardened. "He attacked one of my members, and that cannot go unpunished."

Not holding back and ignoring Xue Yang, Wei Ying lunged forward. "You mean for saving an old woman from your thieving hands? I'd do it again in a heartbeat! You Lan have caused enough suffering, don't you think?"

“You know nothing of our duties and missions.” The Lan member said. "You will come with me to receive your punishment.”

Even Xue Yang looked displeased by that response. Xue Yang was supposed to protect him and keep him safe in the Manor.

"Try and make me." Wei Ying spat out.

Xue Yang got in the middle. “Master Wei is under my contract and is forbidden to leave.”

That was kind of a lie. Wei Ying never contracted with him. He was not his escort. Xue Yang just took him in.

“Then punish him right here. Right now. Come on. I want to witness it.” Wen Ruohan replied.

“I just hit him.” Xue Yang said. “You witnessed that.”

“20 lashes from my blade.” The Lan said.

“Not your blade.” Xue Yang insisted. His body language was different than usual. Less carefree and wild. He looked moer hollow in the eyes and more dissociative.

“Excuse me?” The Lan asked harshly.

“Mine.” Xue Yang replied. He took out his own sword and looked at Wei Ying.

Wei Ying began to shake. “I did nothing wrong, Xue Yang! They're lying! How can you believe them over me? I only helped out an old woman who was being mugged by a Lan!”

He watched Xue Yang grit his teeth. “Undress.” Xue Yang said to him.

“What?” Wei Ying froze. “Why?”

Xue Yang ripped the top half of his clothes off and forced him on his hands and knees. Wei Ying was confused and scared. He gripped the carpet beneath his fingers bracing himself for the embarrassment.

The Lan and Wen both stood wither with a disgusting smile on their faces.

Xue Yang’s usual smirk is replaced by a solemn expression. "You brought this upon yourself, Wei Ying. Learn to control that temper of yours and stop meddling with the Lans’ affairs, or it will be the end of you."

Wei Ying clenched his jaw, preparing himself for the punishment he knew was coming. The first lash cut through the air causing a searing pain on Wei Ying's flesh.

He winced but refused to cry out. As the slashes with the blade continued, the room echoed with the sound of flesh meeting steel and the muffled grunts of pain from Wei Ying. His body trembled, but his gaze remained defiant. When the Lan was satisfied with the punishment Xue Yang’s sword was put away and both the Wen and Lan members departed.

Being forcibly undressed and subjected to the lashes left him feeling exposed and vulnerable for a very long time. The very person who had seemingly stood by him, helped it happen. But Xue Yang was still giving him a place to stay and not kicking him out, so he thought maybe he should obey a little better. He doesn't want to upset Xue Yang anymore.

Xue Yang’s henchman entered the room. After they left.

“Wen Xu, bring him to the infirmary.” The henchmen did as they were asked.

Three escorts that worked in the manor took over Wei Ying’s care. He soon learned that their names were Qin Su, Bicao and Sisi.

As he healed, he learned exactly what exactly an escort does. The girls in the manor seemed nice but they were not people he was used to hanging with. But he managed to make friends with them and a few others around the Manor. He did ask some questions about the job but nothing more. Wei Ying learned they make a ridiculous amount of money for certain activities, but unfortunately, Wei Ying never learned nor listened.

A few years later, Wei Ying turned eighteen and the unpaid debt still threatened to swallow him whole. Wei Ying started paying rent and his share of food. It was becoming impossible to pay this debt.

Wei Ying felt a complex mixture of emotions at this point in his life. He was eighteen now, and he still grappled with a sense of humiliation and betrayal over the punishment he received from Xue Yang five years back.

Wei Ying asked for a better job in the Manor since he had aged, and though Xue Yang seemed hesitant, Wei Ying assured him that he would do a good job. Xue Yang agreed but only had him work the floor to bring in patrons with his charm. He was able to chat with the downstairs bartender, a few escorts when they were on break, and bouncer quite often as he brought people inside to their appointments. Xue Yang and harsh restrictions on him and he wasn't allowed to enter just any room he wanted. He didn't want to be an escort, but he sure thought about how much money they make.

Wei Ying kept seeking out other ways to pay off his debt. Eventually Wei Ying had some bright ideas to make extra money, through someone else and not Xue Yang, but Wei Ying found himself in a world of sh*t over the ordeal. The henchmen began hunting him down like prey. He didn't know what to do. He became scared to go back to the manor.

Knowing he f*cked up again, he avoided Xue Yang’s henchmen as best he could. However, lacking the proper skills, Wei Ying found himself in bad situations left and right. During this time he learned how to steal food but not without consequences. Eventually he stole from the wrong person and the news got back to Xue Yang.

Eventually Wei Ying was tracked down and cornered. He was beaten senseless by the henchmen.

Wen Chao was pulled off of Wei Ying by his buddy. “Don't bloody up his face. Xue Yang would kill us.”

The man huffed in displeasure and turned back to Wei Ying who laid on the floor half beaten to death.

“That's what you get for becoming someone else's bitch.” Wen Xu said coldly.

“Your ass belongs to Xue Yang and I'm here to make you understand that.” Wen Chao replied as he kicked Wei Ying in his side.

Apparently just working for someone else made Xue Yang very angry.The two henchmen forcefully dragged Wei Ying all the way to the Manor and he was thrown in front of Xue Yang. He was soiled with dried blood and dirt.

“You seem to be trying to make more money but you're getting yourself into more trouble than it's worth and it's reflecting back on me.” Xue Yang stood up from his chair and looked him up and down. “Do you want to make some more money than you have been?”

Finally a chance to make real money! Wei Ying became really excited. He has only been allowed to do certain jobs in the manor which have been heavily monitored. He wasn't allowed to go within certain rooms until he was a real worker there. “Yes, I do.”

Xue Yang hummed and smiled as he stood in front of Wei Ying. He wore a long purple fur coat and the only thing that covered his dick was a black speedo. Wei Ying never realized it before, but the man was dripping in gold.

“Get undressed.” Xue Yang said calmly.

“What?” Wei Ying was too distracted by the gaudy display of Xue Yang's outfit and the promise of real money to fully comprehend Xue Yang's command.

“You disobey?” Xue Yang asked.

Wei Ying looked around confused at the situation. He did not process the first request.

“The guards will leave if you wish.” Xue Yang said as he made a pointed glare to his henchmen. They left the room without another word and closed the doors. After several moments of silence Xue Yang repeated the request. “Get undressed.”

Wei Ying found himself at a crossroads, but he blindly did what Xue Yang said. Wei Ying dropped his clothes. The air inside the place was warm on his skin so he didn't shiver.

“Oh, you're as beautiful as your mother. It’s a shame you did bad things and made my guards beat you. Are you sore?” Xue Yang said as he walked around the backside of Wei Ying. He ran his hand down Wei Ying's back and started to massage the bruises— which, only then did Wei Ying finally realize what this was finally about. “Let me help you. You don't deserve to suffer anymore A-Ying.”

Wei Ying could feel the man's hot breath on the back of his neck as Xue Yang talked to him. “Stop—!” Several red flags went off in his head and Wei Ying quickly grabbed the clothes at his feet, turned to face Xue Yang and held it in front of his naked body. “Wait, I think we have a misunderstanding.” Wei Ying said frantically.

“We do? I did not think we did.” Xue Yang retracted and looked upset. “You wanted to make more money, yes?”

Wei ying blinked a few times. “Yes but–”

“Then give yourself to me. Just like your mother did. I’ll house and provide a place for you to sleep and eat for free. Life doesn't have to be all suffering. It can be pleasurable and free from hurt. You have taken dirty jobs which only soiled your beauty.” Xue Yang’s words always sounded sweet and venomous all at once. Sometimes it was nerve wracking how this man can sound so pleasing to one's ear but then seem to have ill intentions.

Wei Ying finally understood what his mother was doing to pay off debt. He looked Xue Yang in the eyes, his mind was hazy but he knew one thing. “I don't want to have sex with you.”

Xue Yang looked rather hurt. There was a long pause before he spoke. “Then, how about others? They don’t pay the same as me but you can get more money with sex work than any other job out there.”

“I just bring people inside the manor.” Wei Ying replied. He didn’t want to have sex with strangers. “That's my job. I turned people down when they wanted me because that's my job. I dont f*ck ‘em, I bring ‘em to get f*cked.” All he ever did was bring people to their preferred room. Some people have appointments and some are walkins. He’s learned which client belongs to which escort. And all in all, he gets to chat with a bunch of people along the way, especially if they're there for the bar downstairs. And the bartender finally started to make small chit chat with him.

“You have brought many new faces into the Manor A-Ying.” Xue Yang said. “A pretty thing like you has made my Blossom Manor— very rich again. You make people want to come back.”

Wei Ying put his clothes on. “Just give me another job so I can make more money.”

Xue Yang sat in his huge chair that probably made him feel like he had a god complex. “As you wish.” Xue Yang held out a piece of paper.

Wei Ying felt like he got off lucky for not following through on a job. Wei Ying grabbed the paper from his hand which held the details about the new job. Before Wei Ying walked out he turned around and glared at Xue Yang. “Question.”

“Speak.” Xue Yang said. Wei Ying never knew if the man was really a threat but after understanding what his mother may have — definitely endured — Wei Ying wanted to know one thing. “Did you force yourself on my mother?”

“Did I not stop when you asked me to stop?” Xue Yang asked.

“You did...” Wei Ying said, folding his arms. “But that's not what I asked.”

“I did not.” Xue Yang responded. He shifted in his chair uncomfortably. “I offered her many jobs. She took an escort position.”

Wei Ying wasn't sure how he felt about this response. He knew his mother loved his father very much. Wei Ying remembers how much she was always hugging him and clawing at him when she came home after work.

…when she came home… from ‘work.’

Oh… of course. She probably wanted to feel her husband when she came home, not some slimeball.

Putting the reality together was honestly heartbreaking.

It took weeks to complete his job and once he was done, the money he made from it was almost nothing. He really wanted to find other ways to pay off his debt but he got in trouble every time.

It took a while, but Wei Ying planned out an intricate idea. He wouldn't work for anyone, but if he were to sell a few useless organs then just maybe, just maybe, he could pay 75% of his debt off.

But in the end, Xue Yang told him that he had only come up with measly 5% of his 75% debt.

He didn't know what he wanted in life anymore. He had worked for years doing odd jobs Xue Yang assigned, as well as escorting people into the manor and he still made no money. Paying for food and a place to stay took most of his money. He was doing outrageous things for a debt that wasn't his. Nothing seemed to work. He wondered if he could run away entirely. Just forget about it all. Wei Ying thought he would be able to avoid the henchmen for maybe a few months at best before coming up with another plan.

And that's what he did.

But as soon as hunger turned into fainting, he re-evaluated the situation. If he was being honest with himself, Xue Yang is who kept him alive and now Wei Ying started to actually feel guilty for thinking of leaving Xue Yang’s. After all, Xue Yang gave him his own room, a job, though he carried his own weight and paid it, he even managed to make friends with the young men and women who worked in Blossom Manor. It wasn't really that bad when Wei Ying thought about the whole picture. It was most certainly better than starving to death. He wouldn’t have the energy to keep avoiding the henchmen.

Xue Yang’s henchmen eventually tracked him down after a shocking four months of Wei Ying surviving on his own. They brought him to Xue Yang who sat in Wei Ying’s room, waiting for his henchmen to bring him back. When they locked eyes, Xue Yang looked at him in pity. He shooed away all the women hanging all over him and looked at Wei Ying.

“Do I truly treat you that badly?” Xue Yang asked.

“No…” Wei Ying was tired, and worn out from lack of nutrition. He had no real energy to make conversation.

“Then why do you constantly run or get into trouble?” Xue Yang’s anger became palpable and he stood up to walk closer. “I didn't take you in just for you to run around causing havoc.”

“I’m just trying to pay off the debt…” Wei Ying admitted. Actually he was running away this last time but Xue Yang doesn’t need to know the details.

“You know how to get more money.” Xue Yang said. “I’ve told you before when you went on a tangent about your debt.”

Wei Ying knew what he meant. He wondered if he could in fact make the same money as Qin Su or even Sisi make. He just really thought he could pay his debt off in other ways, which clearly isn’t work. He didn’t necessarily want to be an escort.

“Let's make a deal A-Ying.” Xue Yang said. “How ‘bout it?

“What kind of deal? ” Wei Ying sighed. “I already owe you a sh*t ton of money.”

“I’ll double your payment, no– triple it, for you to be my personal escort.” Xue Yang smirked.

“Personal?” Wei Ying raised an eyebrow. The offer of free food and place offer hung in the air heavily, and Wei Ying found himself at a crossroads. The reality of his desperate situation became increasingly evident to him. The idea of becoming a personal escort for Xue Yang stirred conflicting emotions within him.

Xue Yang leaned down in front of him and ran his hand under Wei Ying's chin. "Consider it, darling. You get special access to my room.”

“I’ve seen others enter your room. How’s that special to me?” Wei Ying has brought people to his room specifically.

“I wont have sex with just anyone. That should make my Wei Ying feel more special.” Xue Yang replied.

Hearing his name and feeling the warmth of Xue Yang’s hand on his skin gave a confort he was almost not proud to admit he desired and he faltered just a little. His head leaned onto Xue Yang's hand

“You're a valuable asset to me and Blossom Manor. Your charming personality has brought this place to life.” Xue Yang started to smirk. “And this deal will no doubt make you richer than any other escort under my care. Not only that, but you, my most beautiful escort standing by my side, well, everyone will take notice of you. You think you're popular now? Just wait. You, the one who turns everyone down, will finally have a strong, confident man standing next to you."

Wei Ying held in a chuckle and thought for a moment. ‘Strong? This man looks like a kitten lost in its first heat. And Confident? He struts around like a peaco*ck with delusions of being a majestic dragon—more feathers than fire.’

Wei Ying has learned that his henchman does his dirty work and he rarely has to lift a finger. He only lifted a finger when a Lan was around… Anyone would cave to those sewer rats' lethal skills. The only good thing about it is that the Wen control the Lan that escape. But of course he picked a fight with one.

Wei Ying wonders if he really is strong or if it's all talk. His henchmen are the ones that pack a real punch, Xue Yang is just the ruler with an iron fist. But still, even thinking these thoughts makes Wei Ying nervous he could be in trouble for the sin of thinking it.

“What’s the catch?” Wei Ying asked sharply, his voice cutting through the stillness. Xue Yang was a charmer, Wei Ying knew this, his entire persona is built around it. He knew he's nothing special but the way Xue Yang spoke to him made him feel like he was, and maybe, Wei Ying fell for it a little bit.

“Catch?” Xue Yang chuckled with a sinister glint in his eye. "No catch, A-Ying. You get paid triple, and in return, I get to enjoy your company in whatever way I please.”

"I need specifics." Wei Ying narrowed his eyes narrowing on him. "What does 'whatever way I please' entail?"

Xue Yang leaned back, removing his hand from his face. "Oh, A-Ying, don't be so uptight. Just some simple favors and I will compensate you generously. What's a few favors between friends, hmm? No need to complicate things with unnecessary details. You'll learn to appreciate this arrangement, it’s far more lenient than Qin Su’s or Sisi’s. Even Basco’s deal has more unnecessary details."

Wei Ying glared at him until Xue Yang rolled his eyes. He knows their deals are all unique to their situations, so it doesn't seem right to compare.

“You're a cautious one.” Xue Yang added. After another minute he huffed a laugh and tried this sweet talking tone. “It’s just sex sweetie, and don't worry. I will remove a portion of your debt every time we have sex.”

Saying it out loud made Wei Ying cringe. The two looked at each other for a moment as the air grew with tension.

Xue Yang sighed. “Oh don't look at me like that. I know you haven't haven't been with anyone before. I’ll make sure your first time doesn't hurt. And to make things even better, I'll add in an extra bonus. If you can fulfill my desires I'll give you cash to spend on whatever you like. Separate from your debt.”

Wei Ying was not confident he could do well enough to earn extra money for him to spend for himself but the mere thought that he could earn money for himself that was not counted against his debt was very enticing. How could he say no? Wei Ying did not respond and so Xue Yang turned to leave the room.

Xue Yang signed. “Tell you what. I'll give you time to think about it. You know where to find me when you've made your decision.” He turned to leave to head to his own room but before leaving he said one more thing. “And please A-Ying, stop running off. I'd hate for you to get hurt just because of a little lack of money.” He heard his footsteps walk across the room to the door and not a moment sooner, Xue Yang left him on the floor of his own room.

Silence had enveloped Wei Ying since that day. As the days drifted by, he wrestled with his thoughts about the situation. About a week later, Wei Ying found himself standing outside the door of Xue Yang's personal room. He pushed it open slowly only peeking in at first. As usual he saw the usual scene within the manor. Normally, such sights didn't bother him; after all, he witnessed sex every day, though he never stepped foot inside the rooms. Many doors had only sheer curtains...

However, today was different. Wei Ying was entering with a different intention for himself, and the sight of his escort friends hanging all over Xue Yang irked him. Wei Ying had thrown the door open so hard it hit the wall with a loud crash. “Xue Yang, we need to speak.”

Xue Yang removed his face and hands from Qin Su’s puss* and looked at the door with annoyance. However the annoyance faded when his eyes met Wei Ying’s. He sat minsent on his knees and took a cloth to wipe his lips off before speaking. "Ah, A-Ying, have you come to tell me that you've finally made a decision?"

Wei Ying did not utter a single word; instead, he silently stepped into the room for the first time just staring at the three women with a glare he's never given them before. Wei Ying’s heavy stare made the air tangible and the girls looked confused.

Xue Yang addressed the three women. “Qin Su, Bicao, Sisi, would you three please excuse A-Ying and I. I have unfinished business.”

“But Master!” Qin Su yelled.

“No argument A-Su.” Xue Yang ran his hand on her leg. “Your other regular is waiting for you anyway in the other room.”

“Jin Guanyao?” Qin Su looked angry and closed her legs. “You know who that is to me right, right?”

“That's your kink.” Xue Yang laughed.

“It’s not a kink!” Qin Su said in defense.

“It is when you find out the truth and still f*ck him.” Sisi snickered. “He could have impregnated you, and then what huh?”

“Shut up. ” Qin Su replied. “sh*t just… happened…”

“Over and over and over again?” Sisi replied with a laugh trying to get dressed but failed from laughing too much. “Seriously you need to be careful.”

“He bags it.” Qin Su fixed her hair looking rather displeased with the taunts. “You’d think I’d let that man nut in me?”

Bicao helped Sisi get fully dressed while they bickered.

“I didn't even get to cum.” Bicao mumbled to herself looking disappointed to leave.

“You? I was so f*cking close!” Qin Su replied, rolling her eyes. “Then he just stopped! I’ll remember that when you close next time.”

“I’ll remember to cut your cash benefits then.” Xue Yang snickered, now sounding salty.

“Shut up and read the room.” Sisi turned to Qin Su and dragged her and Bicao to the door. “A-Ying might finally be ready for this.”

The girls giggled as they closed the door behind them, leaving Xue Yang and Wei Ying alone in the quiet air of the dimly lit room. Wei Ying didn't break eye contact as he walked over to Xue Yang who still sat in the middle of his big bed. He was completely naked. Something Wei Ying hasn’t totally seen in full before, just parts here and there before he looks away. This time it felt different to see. Wei Ying walked to the edge of the bed and began to remove his clothes without saying much else.

Xue Yang chuckled and moved body to sit more comfortably. "Seems like you've made up your mind, yes?"

Wei Ying crawled onto the bed and sat right on top of Xue Yang with no further words. Wei Ying placed his arm on his shoulder and the two just stared at each other for a moment. Their skin touching sent Wei Ying into a minor panic. He was cold and his energy that flowed through his manderens was hollow and dark.

"Let's seal the deal." Xue Yang said with a smirk that was unsettling. A moment of silence enveloped them. “You won't regret it, A-Ying.”

Wei Ying remained silent but he moved forward and placed his lips on top of Xue Yang’s seemingly catching him off guard. Wei Ying always imagined what his first kiss would be like and this wasn't it. This felt like he was fulfilling a duty rather than embracing a desire. Xue Yang savored the contact, his lips pressing against Wei Ying's with calculated tenderness. They did this for a few moments until his own body began to feel hot. He could feel Xue Yang's hand snaking all over his back.

When they parted, Xue Yang whispered in his ear which sent a shiver down his spine. “Remember, the better you pleasure me, the more money you make.”

Without hesitation Wei Ying backed off of his lap and wrapped his mouth around Xue Yang's co*ck. The feeling wasn't like he expected. It felt like a hard, hot water bottle with skin. Wei Ying didn't know what he was doing but he has seen his friends do this plenty of times though sheer curtains. It didn't seem that hard. After several minutes, Xue Yang came, shooting at the back of Wei Ying’s throat, making him gag.

Xue Yang laughed as Wei Ying gaged. He placed a hand on Wei Ying's head and smiled. “Good boy.” He grabbed dWei Ying’s waist and smoothly revered their positions.Xue Yang's hands ran along Wei Ying’s legs to his ass.

Wei Ying felt a bit shocked and vulnerable being on his back. “What are you doing?”

“Taking you.” Xue Yang ran his fingers from the base of Wei Ying’s spine to the rim of his ass. Xue Yang began massaging his hole.

“That—doesn't go there!” Wei Ying jumped but was held down by Xue Yang’s other hand on his chest.

“It’s okay, just relax.” Xue Yang lubed up his fingers and began working him open.

“AH– that feels weird. Stop–” Wei ying couldn't relax, he just tensed up.

“Breathe.” Xue Yang said.

Wei Ying cleared his throat and took a deep breath and when his body relaxed Xue Yang slipped his finger inside.

“Ahhaa—” Wei Ying’;s legs move uncontrollably around Xue Yang. This felt weird.

“Give me a minute to find the spot.” Xue Yang reassured. “It will feel good soon.”

“It doesn't, it feels— hot and–” Wei Ying squirmed around uncomfortably. He’s never seen men having sex with each other before, he's only observed a man and woman having sex. He had no idea what he was in for.

Not to say that there aren't same sex relations happening in the manor, but Wei Ying just didn't get exposed to it often. Xue Yang was always with the three women escorts and the people Wei Ying brought in usually preferred the opposite sex. Wei Ying just thought men sucked eachother off. He didn't even consider penetration being an option, and if he was being honest with himself, he wasn't sure how this was going to play out.

Once Xue Yang touched him, something clicked in his head and suddenly he didn't want this. He doesn't want to bottom if it means his asshole was going to be railed. But he didn't dare try to dictate anything now. He thought this was going to be painless and now he's already in the middle of it.

“Are you sure this is how it's done?” Wei Ying looked off to the slide and shut his eyes. “It doesn't feel that great. You said it would be painless—” He opened one eye and could see part of Xuer Yang's expression.

Xue Yang looked a bit sad. “It will soon, just relax—” Xue Yang moved around inside him and soon Wei Ying felt dizzy.

“Ahhh– wooah.” Wei Ying felt a wave rush over him. A pleasure that he's never felt before. He completely melted into the bed and his muscles relaxed. All of his worries had disappeared and were overrun with a new pleasure.

“There you go.” Xue Yang looked pleased with himself. “It Isn't often I get to play with a man. No other male in the Manor is my cup of tea.”

Wei Ying began to crave more contact, ignoring what he's saying to him. As his body became more needy Xue Yang lubed up his dick and lined the tip of his co*ck with Wei Ying’s ass.

“Are you going to whine for me?” Xue Yang asked.

Wei Ying let out a disappointed noise instead. He just wanted more physical attention now. He pulled Xue Yang in by his legs without saying any words.

“That sound is even more adorable.” Xue Yang slowly pushed the head of his dick in.

Wei Ying was overwhelmed with pleasure and soon Wei Ying was begging to be f*cked harder. He tilted his hips and relaxed his body letting Xue Yang take over. “More.” He tried to cry out but his breath was caught in his throat. He felt Xue Yang's thrusts beginning to grow more forceful, which made Wei Ying dive into new heights of pleasure. He gripped the sheets beneath him to try to prevent himself from being pushed back.

The room became filled with Wei Ying's moans, and the sounds of skin slapping.

Xue Yang's movements became more frantic as he buried himself deep inside Wei Ying, thrust after thrust. Wei Ying’s cries became louder as Xue Yang's hot seed spilled deep into him. The sensation pushed him over the edge into his own org*sm. He felt his own dick throb and he grabbed himself to finish his own release. He convulsed beneath Xue Yang, his body trembling with the intensity of his and Xue Yang’s release.

Xue Yang got up off the bed and looked at Wei Ying who felt absolutely wrecked. “You became a man today.”

Xue Yang held up his hand with the missing finger, tipping it upside down as blood poured from where his finger should be. The blood defied gravity, flowing towards Wei Ying and wrapping around his neck. It coagulated, forming an unbreakable chain that glowed dark red and felt heavier than ten bricks. The chain connected to Xue Yang’s hand, manipulated at his will. Wei Ying felt a massive amount of demonic cultivation magic flowing from this man's blood.

“What did you do to me?” Wei Ying grabbed the chain but it dispersed into thin air.

Xue Yang walked to his closet and brought Wei Ying an official escort outfit. One that not only represents Blossom Manor but one that stands out from all of the other escorts Xue Yang has contracted. Sisi, Bicao and Qin Su’s outfits looked the same, but his outfit looked special.

“We sealed the deal with my cultivation.” Xue Yang said. “A gift from me to you. Wear it with pride.”

Wei Ying took it and got dressed. It flowed nicely and it somehow made having sex with him, worth it.

After that day, Wei Ying’s life seemed to get easier. The next few weeks were so much different. Xue Yang not only took off a chunk of debt every time they f*cked, but he also gave Wei Ying a small amount of cash that he can spend on anything he wishes. Xue Yang also provided him with a new upgraded room to live in which had its own bathroom attached. Because of the extra cash he was able to go out and buy some new things to add to his room to make it feel more like his. One of the items he bought was a bamboo flute that Xue Yang asked him to play for him. He had three free hot meals every day and for the first time in a while, he didn't go hungry.

He plotted himself onto his big beg and smelled the freshly washed sheets. The male escorts did the laundry this week and Wei Ying was surprised he wasn't made to join in on the chore. He hasn't got to really talk to the other men and often stay in their own wing in the Manor. He was indeed now being pampered by Xue Yang. The luxurious surroundings felt surreal compared to his previous situation. The room he paid for was nothing close to being this nice. He could have never afforded a nice place like this with the money he made before this.

He walked to a mirror and looked at himself. He wasn't used to wearing fancy clothing. He ran his hands along the fabric, enjoying its velvet layer. As he did his hands touched his neck, imagining the chain Xue Yang wrapped around him. Though he can't see it, he can feel the energy within him. It reminded him of why he can have all of this luxury. There was a strange sense of security to this deal, but deep down Wei Ying knew this probably isn’t what his parents would've wanted for him. He just hopes he can last long enough to settle the deal, for this mother and father's sake.

This new job gave Wei Ying time to heal his body from the pain he caused from selling organs on the black market and starving himself. His body hasn't felt the same since he did that, and feels much weaker. He honestly wishes he took this job before he made such a rash decision.

As one evening approached, Xue Yang entered Wei Ying's room with his usual commanding presence. "My room or your room tonight?" He asked gently, a smirk playing on his lips.

Wei Ying looked around his room and then made eye contact. "Yours." As much as he enjoyed his new room, he rather worked and slept in two different places.

Xue Yang's gaze was something almost like affection. "Good. Come now.” Xue Yang held out his arm for Wei Ying to hold onto. “Remember, you're mine. No one else gets to have you."

Wei Ying felt a shiver run down his spine, and not in a good way. "It's a contract, not a relationship."

“Same difference.” Xue Yang said. “As long as you're inside the manor, you are mine. Safe from the cruel world that has harmed you.”

They left the room together, Wei Ying holding onto Xue Yang's arm as they walked through the manor. The other escorts glanced their way, some with envy, others with relief. As they passed through the main hall, whispers followed them, but Wei Ying kept his head high. This was his life now, and he would navigate it as best he could.

Wei Ying's name became the talk of the manor. His constant presence gave the other three escorts 'an out' and they focused on their regular clients or walk-ins instead of Xue Yang. Xue Yang didn't request the girls to fulfill their contracts as often. It was clear that Wei Ying had become Xue Yang's favorite, and people took notice which Xue Yang wasn't totally fond of. Xue Yang became protective, and no one was allowed to touch Wei Ying, no matter how steep the bribe. The henchmen swiftly intervene if anyone got too close to Wei Ying. Wei Ying's minor fame spread throughout Lotus Pier. He drew in crowds who were eager to see the man who had captured Xue Yang's favor, something no one had managed before.

The night unfolded as many others had, with Xue Yang displaying his possessiveness and Wei Ying playing his role. Wei Ying craved stability. Although he knew this dynamic was a precarious balance, for now, it was just enough for him to feel safe.

At least safer than he’s ever felt…

As Wei Ying adjusted to his new role as an official escort at Blossom Manor, he ended up finding peace in unexpected places. On a restless evening, he was met with an alluring fragrance drifting into his room that made his mouth salivate and his stomach grumble. Wei Ying was confused. It was after midnight and there was someone cooking late at night. Intrigued, he wandered through the corridors of the manor to the kitchen.

Wei Ying rarely wandered around the manor alone now. He wasn't allowed to, now that he became his personal escort. He said he trusted that Wei Ying wouldn't get into trouble but he didn't trust others to not make trouble for him so Xue Yang asked to limit his wandering even around town without a guard or him around. He now has one henchman sit at his door every night for safety. If he leaves, the guard comes with. He tried slipping out his door but Wen Xu was right there.

“Master Wei?” Wen Xu turned to face him. “Isn't it late to be wandering around?”

“I’m hungry.” Wei Ying followed the smell to the kitchen and of course Wen Xu followed. He didn't mind too much.

Once he arrived, he took a good look around before entering. He stood in the doorway marveling at all the smells wafting in his face. There were all kinds of loud clang of pots and pans and water flowing. In the midst of the culinary chaos stood Qin Su, Bicao, and Sisi. He hardly interacts with them but maybe it's time to turn the acquaintances into real friends. They have been nothing but kind to him, always helping him with injuries and such. Their laughter was louder than the clatter of the pots and pans. They flung water at each other and flour went everywhere, powdering them and the floor white.

Qin Su was the first to notice Wei Ying lingering in the doorway. "My my, look who we have here." She flashed him a warm smile as she tried to hide the bag of flour behind her. Instead she put it in water creating a bigger mess.

Bicao greeted Wei Ying with a nod. "Welcome to our humble kitchen." She said softly as she stirred a bubbling pot on the stove. She patted her face with a towel to remove the leftover flour Qin Su had a ball with. "We're preparing a feast fit for a King tomorrow."

Qin Su turned to face the doorway. "Since you've contracted with Xue Yang now too, why don't you come and join us. We could use an extra pair of hands."

Sisi chopped vegetables on the counter. “How unexpected." She remarked in a playful tone. “A-Ying is ready to become a full fledged escort, cooking for Master and all.”

Wei Ying huffed a laugh. “He won't even allow me to do laundry with the guys. You think I’m allowed to cook with you?”

“Your watchdog is right there, nothing will happen to Master’s new little pet.” Bicao said passive aggressively. “Just don't burn yourself or cut off a finger.”

A feeling of uncertainty washed over him. However, the genuine kindness in Qin Su and Sisi’s eyes encouraged him to step across the threshold of the doorway. He would tell Bicao was okay with him there, she was just a bit rough around the edges. Once he stepped further into the kitchen he looked back at the henchman who gave a solid nod before turning around to guard the door.

Sisi chimed in. “Honestly Xue Yang needs to lighten up on these restrictions for you. I haven't seen you roam the Manor like you used to. It’s… Unfair. You live here with us.”

Wei Ying felt a bit defensive. “Well… We are open twenty four hours a day. Strangers do come and go while Xue Yang sleeps. I guess I understand why…” Wei Ying looked at the floor that was covered in flour. “I tend to get myself into trouble anyway… So it's fine. If it means I can stay here rent free safe from… It’s fine.”

He immediately remembers when that Lan showed up at this Manor to make Xue Yang punish him. Xue Yang only did what he did because Wen Ruohan, effectively Xue Yang’s boss, was there and had the final say. Xue Yang could lose the Manor because of Wei Ying and he didn't want that.

“Oh hun…” Qin Su ran over and hugged him unprompted. “We’ve all been there.”

Wei Ying felt her kind energy and hugged back. It was a good feeling. Maybe he will truly befriend them.

When they were done hugging, Wei Ying confronted them. “Sooo—”

The women looked at him confused.

“You guys aren't that mad at me for being favorited?” Wei Ying asked sheepishly.

“Nah.” Sisi said.

“Bicao is the only one who truly enjoyed f*cking him—”

“Qin Su!” Bicao yelled.

“What? It's true!” Qin Su defended herself. “Don’t worry, A-Ying. With you as the main escort right now, we're all actually enjoying a break from fulfilling our contracts.”

Wei Ying felt relieved. Seems like they're not too upset at him anymore for interrupting their sessions with Xue Yang. He smiled and began assisting them with various tasks.

As they worked together, Qin Su, Bicao, and Sisi took Wei Ying under their wing. They guided him through the intricate art of cooking with much encouragement. They even shared stories of their own journeys to Blossom Manor, bonding over their trials and triumphs in this place that they now all called home.

In the midst of chopping, stirring, and tasting, Wei Ying found himself opening up to his newfound friends, sharing snippets of his past and his dreams for the future. With each passing moment, Wei Ying found himself growing more comfortable in the kitchen.

After they were done preparing tomorrow's meal, Wei Ying felt inspired. He remembered his mother's cooking, and wanted to share what he knew. He thought it would make a great addition to the feast. He began preparing a pot of her signature soup, determined to show his newfound friends what he was capable of.

With Qin Su, Bicao, and Sisi's guidance, Wei Ying chopped vegetables, meat, and seasoned the broth with spices he hasn't smelled in years. As the fragrant aroma of the soup filled the kitchen, Wei Ying's heart swelled with pride.

When the soup was finally ready, Wei Ying ladled it into small bowls for them to taste before he truly added it to tomorrow's feast. With a nervous smile, he offered a bowl to each of his companions, hoping they would enjoy the taste of his mother's cooking as much as he did. Qin Su, Bicao, and Sisi eagerly accepted the bowls. They gathered around the island of the kitchen and didn't hesitate to dig in.

“Wow! This is amazing!!” Qin Su's eyes were filled with happiness.

“This is almost housewife material.” Bicao replied plainly. “Nice job.”

“Oh he would make a great house wife!” Sisi said in between spoonfuls. “Whoever the lucky one is to truly win your heart, will never go without a delicious meal.”

"Seriously, Wei Ying," Qin Su said as she finished her bowl. “You have a real talent for cooking. You should do it more often. I'm sure master will love the idea once he tastes this."

Bicao nodded in agreement. "You certainly have a knack for it. And with access to the ingredients here at Blossom Manor, the possibilities are endless."

Wei Ying felt his cheeks flush. "Thank you." He murmured. "It means a lot to me." Wei Ying's smile widened at her words. For so long, he had doubted his abilities, but now, surrounded by friends who believed in him, he felt confident that he can cook. “But no one will fall in love with this broken body. I’m just glad you all are enjoying the food.”

Qin Su spoke up with a gentle smile. "A-Ying, don't look down upon yourself. Love has a funny way of finding its way in the most unexpected ways."

“Says the one who f*cks her half br–”

“Watch it Sisi…” Qin Su said in a mean tone.

Bicao chimed in before the conversation became an argument. "You're kind, talented, brave, and you can cook. Those are qualities that anyone would be lucky to have in a partner. Love will find you when the time is right."

“I have so many scars, physically and mentally.” Wei Ying shook his head. “Once someone sees how truly broken I am, I won't be wanted.”

Sisi shook her head in disagreement. “The one for you will see past your scars and cherish you for who you are."

For the first time in a long while, he allowed himself to entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, there was hope for him. Hope to get out of this contract. “Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe my prince charming will come sweep me off my feet and take me far away from here.” Wei Ying allowed him to get lost in the idea and chucked. He knew this was an impossible dream but thinking about it made him more comfortable. Wei Ying started to feel truly happy being around the girls. A feeling that was unexpected.

Over time, Wei Ying's bond with Qin Su, Bicao, and Sisi deepened. They became his support system, his chosen family within the walls of Blossom Manor.

The following day, Wei Ying gained Xue Yang’s approval to cook after just one spoonful of his soup.

“It tastes just like…” Xue Yang looked like he was about to cry. “Her soup.”

Wei Ying instantly knew what he meant. Xue Yang did know her after all. “Yeah. It’s my mother’s recipe.”

Xue Yang smiled over the ordeal. Wei Ying hoped this pleased Xue Yang enough to make his job and life easier. He continued to hone his culinary skills, and with each meal he prepared, he found himself growing more confident day by day.

Wei Ying’s birthday arrived and he was in a rather unusually good mood. After finishing a long day of sex and cooking, he rummaged through his room and grabbed the extra cash Xue Yang had given him. He had saved up enough to buy himself a present and he wanted to go into town to look around.

After tidying himself up and dressing in his best brothel clothes. Hee stuck his bamboo flute in his robes and prepared to go out. However, Xue Yang intercepted him, flanked by Sisi and Qin Su. “Where are you going so late? It's dark out.”

“I know, but—” He contemplated lying but that would only get him in trouble later down the road. “It's my birthday and I wanted to go out. The night sky is clear! It will be beautiful tonight.”

Xue Yang tilted his head. “Take Wen Xu with—”

“I’m thirty two years old! I don't need a babysitter.” Wei Ying complained. “I am ALWAYS with him or you. Can't I just have one day to myself?”

He watched Xue Yang’s expression falter.

“Please A-Yang—” Wei Ying began to beg and watched Xue Yang’s face become red as the girls began to giggle at Wei Ying’s nicknames. He is supposed to address him as Master, but he seems to get away with acting casual towards him more than he should. Xue Yang he cleared his throat

“I understand but—”

“Who cares about him right now, Master?” Sisi winked at Wei ying and continued to entice Xue Yang to the bedroom. “You haven’t let me f*ck you since A-Ying became your new favorite! Please fulfill my contract!” Sisi started flirting with him causing him to become distracted.

Qin Su quickly caught on. “Yeah, it's unfair! We have contacts too!”

“Okay ladies, I get it. Don't worry I was going to let him go— no need to try to distract me so he can ‘escape.’.” Xue Yang looked at Wei ying. “We all know he will leave even after being told no. So we might as well just let it happen. Don't get yourself into trouble out there Wei Wuxian. My henchmen will tell me the sh*t you get into.”

“I don't want them following me!” Wei Ying's shoulder slumped. “Just one day of true freedom! It’s not like I won't come back. I have nowhere else to go.” Wei Ying sighed. “You know you're all I have in this life.”

“It's not about that. I trust you. I don't trust others from provoking you.” Xue Yang replied. “You're more popular than before and others will try to hurt you to get to me.”

Wei Ying wasnt budging on this topic. “One night. That's all I’m asking.”

Xue Yang held his head with his hand and signed. “One night.” Xue Yang’s voice was more stern than normal which made him feel a bit scared. Wei Ying hasn't done anything ‘bad’ since becoming an escort but the fear of getting hit and beaten for not listening, still was a factor that played in his decision making.

Either way, Wei Ying still jumped up and down at the approval. “YEEES!”

The girls started pulling him towards their room but Xue Yang still had his attention on Wei Ying. “Dont attract unwanted attention.”

“Go!” Qin Su mouthed to Wei Ying as she pulled Xue Yang.

“Enjoy your birthday.” Bicao joined in and stood in front of Xue Yang’s line of vision. “You still have a contract with me too that you have happened to ignore this past week—”

Bicao forced Xue Yang in the other direction and Xue Yang was too titty happy to realize Wei Ying booked out of there like lightning.

Wei Ying was so happy that he could leave. He knows he never had a good track record but he’s been doing well. But Wei Ying can admit, when he is left alone to do what he wants, he does in fact get into trouble. He wouldn't care about it normally but Xue Yang’s Manor is the only place he has and he can't burn that bridge.

Wei Ying walked the streets looking at everything that had changed in the past several years. He bought a few things from vendors on the street and looked for very specific items. He walked down the alleyway that was near his old house. He couldn't help himself, he needed to see his home, and visit his parents.

Once he arrived, he stood in front of the same old broken and burnt down house he knew. He walked around the back to the grave. It was now covered in grass.

“Sorry it took so long for me to come back home.” Wei Ying said allowed to the grave.

He knelt in front of his parents’ grave. He took out a headstone he bought from a memorial mason and placed it on top of the grave. He spent almost all of his money on it but he wanted something for his parents. This was the gift he bought for himself on his birthday. Doing this gave him more peace of mind and happiness than anything could in the world right now. It meant a lot to him to have a headstone for his parents.

Wei Ying also pulled out incense and scented candles. He placed it into the ground and lit them. When the soft glow of the candles began to light up the area, he began paying his respects quietly. He didn't feel like he needed to hold back tears. He needed to process these emotions and this was the only way he knew how. This is why he wanted to be alone. He kept his eyes shut and just simply prayed.

The scent of sandalwood made him feel peaceful, and for the first time in years, he felt a sense of closure. He wonders how long he can enjoy his time out before Xue Yang’s henchmen will come for him. Even though he has permission to be out, he doesn't trust they'll keep their word.

After spending some quiet moments by the grave, Wei Ying extinguished the candles, and took out his flute to play a song for them before leaving. When he was done he put the flute back in his robe and rose from his kneeling position. He turned back to face the remnants of the house he once called home. However, once he stood up he saw a man standing by the house skillfully hidden in the shadows. It was eerie how well hidden he was. There were only street lights on and the area was very dim. The man stepped away from the house just enough for Wei Ying to see his face in the light. As soon as he was in full view they locked eyes with each other. Wei Ying’s jaw dropped and his voice got caught in his throat.

The man was even more beautiful now that he can see his entire figure, and not just through a crack in a door.


-We’re finally getting to the part where WY and LZ meet!
-It is not stated but I imagine that the other male escorts that work in Xue Yang’s brothel are other members of the Jin clan like Jin Chan and Jin Zixun.
-I have always read unhappy fics with Qin Su never getting a happy ending and she’s always f*cked over in some way, so I have a side mission to make her happy. If that makes you uncomfortable then this fic might not be for you since the relationship can /possibly/ develop with Jin Guangyao. But they would both /KNOW/ and still engage, ya know what I mean? I don't have to spell out the taboo do I? Listen if you're reading this fic i'm sure you're here for the long hall and want some outlandish sh*t.
-Why was stealing the money and info so easy? You'll just have to find out…
-buckle up

Chapter 3: Lost in Translation: Embers of Desire


Artwork in this chapter!!! <3

Extra CW & TW for this chapter:

Explicit Sexual Content: Bottom Lan Zhan, Top Wei Ying
Bodily harm: Bruises/scars.... I think you get it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Before Lan Zhan realized what had happened, he had been caught. He was standing in full view of someone who was looking directly at him.

“It's you—” The man uttered softly. His eyes were filled with shock.

“You recognize me?” Lan Zhan thought he had hid himself well enough on the surface. The man walked forward and Lan Zhan felt himself becoming increasingly nervous the closer he got.

“You’ve been watching me.” The man said as he closed in on Lan Zhan’s personal bubble. For the first time ever, Lan Zhan froze. Throughout all the years he has spent training, he has never experienced the feeling of his feet being as firmly rooted to the ground as they are in this moment.

“I have not.” Lan Zhan felt his ears flush.

“Don't think I didn't notice you peeking into Master Xue Yang’s room.” The man said.

He never thought he would be caught observing Xue Yang’s room. He was specially trained for this and yet, he had made a rookie mistake. If this man saw him, who else noticed Lan Zhan staking out the room?

"I apologize if I made you uncomfortable." Lan Zhan spoke calmly, trying to regain control of the conversation.

The man arched an eyebrow. “I haven't seen you on this side of town before. What brings you to the manor, and well frankly…” The man looked at the house next to them. “To my old burnt down house?”

Lan Zhan hesitated for a moment. Revealing the true nature of his mission could jeopardize everything. "I am here on official business.”

The man's eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms. "Official business?”

“Yes.” Lan Zhan stated calmly.

"In Xue Yang's manor?” The man asked suspiciously.

“Yes…?” Lan Zhan started to question everything at this point. ‘What is the right thing to say?’ The man was honestly too beautiful for Lan Zhan to think of something good to say. His beauty was distracting.

“Spying?" The man asked with a tone that was akin to a mother scolding her child. “What kind of official business is that?”

“Judging me? You're the one in a brothel outfit. What kind of official business were you doing in that room?” Lan Zhan didn’t know why he was getting worked up. Something about this man got under his skin… in a weirdly good way.

The man stuttered. “You— It’s clear what business I was conducting. What's unclear is why you were camping out in his quarters.” The man leaned even closer and spoke in a slow deep tone in his ear. “Do you like watching? You know, between you and me, I screamed just a little louder every time I saw your golden eyes peeking in on me.”

Lan Zhan jumped back several feet. “Shameless!”

The man laughed and a beautiful redness crossed his face. “What's more shameless? Me simply asking what you like? Or me catching you performing the acts you like?” The man's eyes were absolutely filled with desire and Lan Zhan could feel the man's eyes inspecting every inch of his figure. The mere look from him sent shivers down Lan Zhan’s spine.

“Do you act like this with all of your… patrons?” Lan Zhan asked in a co*cky manner.

The man’s entire expression changed. “All?”

For once Lan Zhan’s words were caught in his throat and the man spoke over him.

“You're incredibly offensive, you know that? Just because I'm in the adult entertainment industry doesn't mean I am a whor* who sleeps with every person who walks in the Manor—”

“I’m not suggesting that!” Lan Zhan didn't want this man to misunderstand. “I don't know how many people you're contracted with. I was merely saying—”

“How the hell do you know I'm in a contract?” The man looked annoyed and very irritated by the mention of it.

“I saw the Hemokinetic Binding he used on you.” Lan Zhan stated. “It's a powerful art. I just thought since he was using it on you, you may be contracted.”

“It has a name?” The man rolled his eyes. “Whatever it doesn't matter.”

“You're telling me you don't know the cultivation art? You were able to summon light from a talisman, that kind of magic comes from the same corrupt source as the technique Xue Yang used.”

“Corrupt?” The man looked majorly conflicted. “The binding doesn't hurt me.”

“Yes it can.” Lan Zhan couldn't believe that the man didn't know this.

The man huffed hair out of his face. “I just have a contract until I pay him back. Then I’ll be free.”

“Free?” Lan Zhan’s mouth hung open. “ The binding is permanent! How many of these contracts do you have?”

“One!” The man spat out angrily. “This isn't what you think… I’m… Not what you think… I’m not like the others from the brothel. Master Xue Yang he… saved me.” The man looked away and his eyes grew soft. “He saved me… I owe him… everything” The tension between them faded with the wind and was replaced with a bitter chill that Lan Zhan did like.

Lan Zhan realized this conversation was going nowhere, really fast. “Okay, maybe we got off on the wrong foot.” Lan Zhan restarted. “Why don't we start from the beginning.”

The man laughed and put his hand on his hip. “Right, back to the beginning.” He pointed at Lan Zhan and smirked. “ Why were you watching me have sex?”

Lan Zhan closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. “How about, Hi, my name is—?”

The man narrowed his eyes. “We're well past greetings when you've seen my balls.”

“I HAVEN'T SEEN—” Lan Zhan pinched the bridge of his nose. He cannot roll his eyes far back enough in his head for this. “I was here on some small business. I was checking out a few places in town and ended up at the establishment.

The man raised an eyebrow. “Several times?”

“Either way, I am not going back to the establishment.” Lan Zhan cleared up.

“Ah-ha…” The man sounded doubtful that he was telling him the truth. He turned his head back to the grave and back to Lan Zhan. “So then why are you watching me pray at my parents grave then?” The man tilted his head, waiting for an answer.

Lan Zhan’s heart sank. Some of this man’s life is starting to make sense to him. “I didn't mean to disturb your practices.” Lan Zhan really didn't know why he couldn't keep his eyes off of him and he didn't know what to say. “I was just—”

“Entranced by eternal beauty?” The man twirled around and let his outfit spin. His hair danced around him and for a moment, a genuine smile graced his lips. It was beautiful to see. The man glimmered with a light brighter than Gusu’s Crystal MoonSun.

“Yes...” Lan Zhan replied, absolutely unaware of the words he let pass his lips.

The man stopped twirling and looked at him with a serious expression. “So you were looking at me.”

“No…” Lan Zhan's ears heated up. He couldn't believe how tongue tied he was around this stranger.

“Real convincing…” He laughed. “Are you… interested? You seemed like you were eyeing me before.” The man walked around and grabbed Lan Zhan’s arm. “Say, It's my birthday today and I was looking for some fun. Want to go walking around Lotus Pier with me? I’ll show you all the cool spots! It's a bit dark but, it’ll be a date! That will really start this whole thing over.”

“A date?” Lan Zhan was genuinely charmed by this man. “But aren't you with… him?

“Master Xue Yang? We're not a couple. I just have a contract with him because I owe him money. It’s no big deal.” The man spoke casually, dismissing the weight of such a statement. The type of binding he had was one to be taken seriously, yet this man seemed to brush off such a significant magical binding, effortlessly.

“Owe him… money?” Lan Zhan asked. “What for?” He started to grow nervous about accepting this man's offer to hang around with him for the sole reason that what Lan Zhan is doing conflicts with his mission. Lan Zhan is risking hanging out with Xue Yang’s escort and being involved on this level can be detrimental. If Xue Yang finds out that someone treated his escort badly, it could attract unwanted attention to the entirety of Gusu’s Crystal Abyss. Lan Zhan wasn't sure what the right thing to do was.

“Dont worry about it.” The man started to drag him around the side of the house to the street.

Lan Zhan found himself caught in a whirlwind of confusion and uncertainty. He was told not to interact with too many surface people while he was here, but this person captivated him. He isn't supposed to attract unwanted attention.

The man, whose name Lan Zhan had yet to discover, led him to a spot in town that had markets where vendors sold goods from exotic spices to handmade items. Lan Zhan watched the man's eyes light up with excitement as he began to haggle for a few trinkets. The man chatted with a few locals who commented on how beautiful his brothel outfit was. The miserable looking people became full of light and smiles as soon as the man talked to him. The man shared some bread that he bought himself with some orphan children, which was a charming sight. Watching the display of magic that this man seemed possessed was something Lan Zhan fell in love with rapidly. This man had the ability to light up a room with his charm.

The part of Lotus Pier they were in still looked run down, but the people here made the best of what they had. He was taught to fear these people, but Lan Zhan soon came to realize that these people were some of the nicest people he's ever met.

The man brought Lan Zhan to a nearby lake where lotus flowers bloomed all over the place. The man got in a small boat and somehow convinced Lan Zhan to get in with him. The man collected an abundance of lotus pods and put them in a small bag he got at the market.

As they drifted on the lake, Lan Zhan stared into the blue sky. As much as he wanted to see the stars, he was enjoying the sky. The blue backdrop was covered in fluffy white shapes that are constantly shifting. Lan Zhan didn't expect to enjoy the surface this much. Although the sun was a lot on his eyes, some of the places were quiet… Freeing.

Lan Zhan watched as the man picked flowers and made flower necklaces out of them. He was in awe. Even if he didn't know this man at all, he felt comfortable with his presence. During their excursion on the lake, it started to get even darker, making it hard for them to see without street lights. Lan Zhan became a bit excited and started inspecting the sky even more.

“I’ve noticed you look at the sky a lot.” The man said. “Is there a reason?”

“I— Um.” He cleared his throat, looking back at the man realizing he was lost in his own world.” Lan Zhan felt butterflies in his stomach. “I want to see the stars.” He admitted.

“Stars?” The man hummed and thought for a moment. “I know a great location!!”

With a gentle but eager motion, he steered the boat to the shore. and helped Lan Zhan out of the boat. Lan Zhan stumbled on his way out and fell into the man's arms. As Lan Zhan stood to get off the boat, he lost his balance and stumbled, falling into the man’s waiting arms. For a moment, time seemed to freeze. An electric silence filled the air between them. Lan Zhan could feel the man's heartbeat against his own chest. The man's warm breath brushed against Lan Zhan's nose, causing a shiver to run down his spine.

“You baited me.” Lan Zhan realized. The man was waiting to catch him to have an excuse to be close.

“Maybe.” The man blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind Lan Zhan’s ear. “Follow me.” He gently took Lan Zhan's hand, their fingers intertwining naturally, as if they were always meant to fit together.

The touch sent a jolt of warmth through Lan Zhan. The man's hand is both comforting and exhilarating. Lan Zhan felt a pinch in his heart. He felt the man's energy intertwine with his.

As they walked, the space between them seemed to shrink, each step filled with a silent, building tension. They didn't need words; the growing connection between them spoke volumes, but Wei Ying spoke to him and pointed out all his favorite places. After a short distance they ended up at the base of a mountain on the edge of Lotus Pier. They walked away from street lights and it was now pitch black. Though Lan Zhan could see just fine, the man stopped and let go of Lan Zhan’s hand to grab something in his robes.

"What are you doing?" Lan Zhan asked the man.

“Well since it's dark, I need my talismans.” The man said.

“I can see just fine.” Lan Zhan could tell it was very dark but he didn't need a light to see.

The man took out two talismans and he began to explain. “Hold the paper upright and don't move.” The man stopped explaining for a moment and stared into Lan Zhan’s eyes before continuing. “Why do your eyes faintly glow amber?”

Lan Zhan halted for a moment. “Glow?” He raised an eyebrow. He knew nothing of this.

“Who…” The man looked in absolute awe. “What… are you?”

He didn't understand what he meant but he couldn't say he was a Shadow Guardian, a member of LanShadow’s special forces division. trained for the sole duty to serve the Lan clan's will and protect their border from harm. He can't tell him. “A cultivator with a magic core. I’m human. Just like you.”

“Magic?” The man looked even more confused. “Cultivation is an art, not magic.”

“Right…” Lan Zhan reevaluated his situation. Maybe a magical core and a cultivation core are two different things. This man isn't from the Abyss so he might not have the additional magical abilities the Abyss grants them. “I mean, some arts look magical. I’m a cultivator.” This wasn't a total lie. He had a core, he had just never trained with it. Only Lan women did, because of its special function.

“You're like no cultivator I've ever seen.” The man bit his finger and used his blood to write on the talisman. “You're quite powerful… aren't you?”

“I have some abilities.” Just not ones he uses with his core. Lan Zhan couldn't put this into words. He knew he had some abilities, like his strange connection to the Abyss. “My core isn't powerful enough to really use it efficiently.”

“Abilities like being able to see in pitch black with glowy eyes?” The man looked confused but extremely interested. At least the man wasn't scared off by it. Lan Zhan knows he'd question anyone with glowing eyes too.

He handed Lan Zhan a talisman which he took. “That's news to me.” Lan Zhan didn't know this was an ability. Now that he thinks about it, Crystal Gusu does not have true darkness, nor true daylight due to their MoonSun.

After a moment of silence the man started focusing and began reciting a chant. “Where curses rot and echoes die, a small light shines through its eye.” Both talismans started to glow a deep red and Lan Zhan could feel the demonic cultivation crawling on his hand as he held the talisman up in front of him. The man continued, their hair rising with the small wind swirling around them. “From parchment to glow, let the light bestow and Illuminate this way, where your shadows decay.”

Soon both talismans burst into flames that settled into a ball of light that illuminated everything around them. The ball hovered above his hand and moved with him. Lan Zhan was in absolute wonder and awe.

“What is this?” Lan Zhan moved his hand around and the ball of light followed. He was impressed he did it.

He has seen magic from Gusu’s Silver River but never sees true cultivation of any form, especially not performed by men. The Lan woman have put on performances to show off their magically infused core abilities and how they use it for Abyss healing and magic but Lan Zhan had never seen a performance. Seeing cultivation happen in front of his eyes was just like magic to him.

However this man seemed to use energy from the surface’s cursed ground. It was quite a unique sight.

“Demonic cultivation with a hint of my flare. I started getting weirder abilities after my contract. Nicely done.” He said with ease as he turned the other way. “Come on, pretty eyes, I want you to follow me.”

Lan Zhan felt himself blush when he heard the man start to call him pet names. He followed him quietly and after a little while Lan Zhan became uneasy. He didn’t know where he was and he was now following a stranger up a dark mountain. "Where are you taking me?”

"Just keep walking." He said. “It’ll be worth it, I promise.”

He put up his guard a bit and watched his surroundings as they walked. They were definitely alone and no one was tailing them. Maybe he was being paranoid but he really didn't know the surface well at all and the noises from the wildlife were much different from what he recognized. Still, he just kept following the man.

Finally they reached a point where the man began to veer off the main trail. He got to a spot where the man grabbed a bunch of branches and looked back at Lan Zhan. "You ready?"

Lan Zhan shook his head in replay. He wasn't ready but he tried to make it seem like he was.

The man moved the brush and Lan Zhan felt himself tense up. He moved the brush to the side creating a space that they could walk through.

The man chuckled. “Go ahead. There isn't a bear on the other side! And it's time to put the lights out.” The man closed his first and his light dispersed. Lan Zhan followed the same movements with his hand and extinguished his ball of light.

Lan Zhan relaxed. The man was able to tell that he was nervous which he found invasive. He was very good at controlling his emotions and yet this man saw right through him. Part of it was annoying. But either way, he went through the opening unafraid. When he walked though he came to a large opening on the edge of the cliff. He immediately walked forward and looked up at the sky.

There was a dark canvas that spread out above him that was adorned with countless glowing dots, each twinkling in different patterns. The stars gathered in thick lines that stretched across the sky, like a river of stardust. Their moon radiated like a pearl in the velvety darkness, casting its silvery glow upon the landscape. What captivated him more were the lights that danced gracefully, with vibrant shades of green, purple, and blue weaving through the stars. The night sky displayed a vast array of ancient legends that Lan Zhan wanted to understand.

He was captivated by the celestial spectacle above. It was a wonder that he had never thought he'd get the chance to witness. The air was crisp, carrying the subtle fragrance of pine and earth. This moment was going to be forever burned into his memory. All because of a stranger.

The man, noticing Lan Zhan's reaction, walked up next to him and stood by his side. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

This man's voice resonated through Lan Zhan’s body. “Yes, you are.” Not as smooth as he had hoped… Lan Zhan meant to say the stars were beautiful, but he also meant this too.

The man giggled, which lit up Lan Zhan’s soul.

Lan Zhan placed his hand on his arm which made the man turn to him and step in close. As if pulled in by a magnet the man pressed himself against Lan Zhan’s chest. The man slowly tilted his head, inching closer and closer to Lan Zhans face until the space between their lips closed.

The man easily slips into Lan Zhan’s embrace and they relax in each other's arms comfortably, lips completely sealed. Lan Zhan's mind was soaring with emotions as well as a thousand reasons why he shouldn't be doing this so soon. But those thoughts were soon pushed aside and his mind shut off completely. All he could do was feel.

The kiss was sweet and became increasingly needy by the second. The man wrapped his hands around Lan Zhan's neck and Lan Zhan couldn't help but pull the man in tighter.

The world around them seemed to fade away, becoming a hazy blur of colors and distant sounds as they sank deeper and deeper into their kiss. His heart raced and he could feel their energies syncing and dancing together; becoming one.

The man’s hands ran gently through Lan Zhan's hair. The sensation tingles all the way down his spine.

As their lips parted he saw the man smile wide. “Are you busy tonight? I’d love to cook you dinner.”

“Don't you have to be back at the manor?” Lan Zhan knew that this couldn't last forever even though he wanted it to.

Lan Zhan felt his heart race and before he knew it he was replying. “That sounds delightful actually.” He thought for a moment before continuing. “Are there any places for us to stay the night?”

The man eagerly grabbed his bag he was carrying around. “I know a few places around town. Never been in one though.” The man laughed and swung the bag around to his hip. “You paying?”

“Yeah.” Lan Zhan knew the only money he had on him was what he took for his mission, which he must return to Gusu. “I am. Just lead the way.”

Mission Control: Not My Mission, Not My Control - NixRaine (1)

Without an exact count for the money, how could they tell if some went missing? As long as there is still the majority of the money to give to his uncle upon returning home, it would be fine.

The two walked down the mountain and into town. The man brought him to an inn called the Golden Lotus. As they stepped inside, a wave of warmth greeted them along with the comforting scent of incense burning. The place was cozy and looked more wealthy than other places, though it wasn't rich.

The innkeeper, a friendly elderly woman, welcomed them with a smile. "A room for two, dear?"

The man side eyed Lan Zhan before responding. "Yes, please! The coziest one you have. One with a mini kitchen! My man needs some food and I need a place to cook."

The innkeeper chuckled. "Not a problem at all." She handed over the key when Lan Zhan paid. "Enjoy your stay, young couple."

“Thank you.” Lan Zhan's ears flushed and the two went up the narrow staircase to their room. The atmosphere shifted as they entered. It screamed sexy energy, and it made Lan Zhan think about all the things they could potentially do. The walls seemed thick enough so that should be a problem. There were lanterns that casted a soft glow over the simple yet elegant furnishings.

"So, about that dinner... any preferences? I'm a master in the kitchen, you know." The man sat his bag down and started looking through the kitchen.

“No meat.” Lan Zhan said.

“A vegetarian, huh?” The man smiled. "I can whip up something delightful. You're in for a treat."

As he started to unpack ingredients from his bag, Lan Zhan took a moment to appreciate the quaint room. The room had an air of serenity with candles that set the mood. Lan Zhan watched from afar as the man skillfully moved around the small kitchen from afar. He was arranging vegetables and herbs and it made his heart pound to watch.

“Would you like some assistance?” Lan Zhan couldn't help but wonder if there was something he could do.

“No silly. This is my treat.” The man looked happy doing what he was doing.

“You spoil me.” Lan Zhan replied. “I didn't do much to earn this.”

“In a strange way…” The man paused and side eyed him. “You did.”

“If you say so.” Lan Zhan walked into the bedroom and found himself changing into a robe the inn provided so his clothes could be washed. Before putting the dirty clothes in the basket for the innkeeper to take, he hid the rest of the money that he carried in his clothing.

All of a sudden he heard a static noise in his ear and he realized he still had his communication device in his ear. He hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not he should take it out and shut it off.

“Dinner’s almost ready!” The man yelled eagerly.

Lan Zhan slightly jumped. He feels guilty for hiding things. Something about the chemistry between him and this stranger felt way too natural and Lan Zhan ended up indulging in every moment.

“Coming.” Lan Zhan took the device out, shut it off and hid it with the money. In reality, after he goes back to Gusu, he doesn't know when he'll be able to return to the surface again. So right now, he will enjoy every moment he can. Since the girls seem to be doing the same anyway… He doesn't need to rush.

Plus they can wait just a little longer for him this time.

Lan Zhan sat down at the table and was greeted by a beautiful smile and a wonderful aroma that made him excited to eat. The man gave him a bowl of soup that smelled divine. Lan Zhan marveled at the intricacies of the dish and as Lan Zhan took a sip, the flavors exploded on his palate. The broth was rich and savory, with a delicate balance of herbs and spices. It was a lot spicier than he is used to, but it was absolutely delicious.

"This is incredible." Lan Zhan complimented. He was truly impressed.

Wei Ying's eyes sparkled with satisfaction. "I'm glad you like it. My mom used to make it when I was young. I don't have the flavor exactly like hers, but it's close enough to bring back good memories.”

“Nobody can take memories away.” Lan Zhan said. “They are precious.”

“Yeah…” The man’s mood seemed to falter, it was just enough for Lan Zhan to notice.

“Are you alright?” Lan Zhan asked.

“Yeah, Yeah, I’m good. It’s just my parents. I get solemn when I talk about them. That's all.” He continued to sip at the soup with his eyes closed.

Lan Zhan had an uneasy feeling about this but asked anyway. “What happened to them?”

The man almost choked on his soup and the bowl was placed on the table rather hard making a startling sound. Lan Zhan doesn't usually feel nervous but he did here. He felt like he asked the wrong question.

“They were murdered.” The man said curtly.

Lan Zhan tilted his head, implying he wanted to know more but didn't dare to verbalize it.

The man's fist hit the table and he could feel the man's anger spike from across the table. “A Lan murdered them in cold blood.”

Lan Zhan dropped his bowl of soup and the remaining broth fell into his lap. Lan Zhan jumped up to avoid burns but the bowl hit the floor and smashed while doing so. “A… Lan ?” That was all the words he could get out of his mouth, ignoring everything else happening around him.

“Oh no!” The man got up, grabbed rags and started cleaning up the mess. The man got on the floor and picked up the glass. Then he began to help wipe off Lan Zhan’s robe.

The man’s head was at dick level and Lan Zhan breath hitched when the man rubbed in the wrong spot. The man halted his movements when Lan Zhan’s breathing changed.

“I’m sorry—!” The man looked embarrassed. Lan Zhan was sure they were both interested in each other so he doesn't know why he's so embarrassed.

“No need for apologies.” Lan Zhan seized the man's wrist and the rag fell out of his hand and began questioning him. “You said a Lan?” Lan Zhan was absolutely baffled. No Lan goes to the surface to slaughter people. Especially families. They learn skills to protect their home. It’s no different than an army or military force. They are viewed as heroes to the clan for being brave enough to defend their border from surface invaders.

“Why don't I run a bath so you can clean up?” The man removed his hand from Lan Zhan’s grip and stood up. He com[p;letly avoided the question and walked towards the bathroom. But Lan Zhan isn't letting this go so he followed closely.

“Are you sure it was a Lan?” Lan Zhan asked.

The man turned sound and looked more serious than ever. “Are you seriously questioning what I witnessed with my own two eyes?”

Lan Zhan was stunned. ‘Witnessed?’ He felt bad for speaking out of line. He wishes he could take this man away from Lotus Pier. Away from this place that breeds nothing but sadness and hardship. Lan Zhan wonders if he could find peace in Crystal Gusu.

“I just meant…” Lan Zhan sighed and shifted gears. “That must have been hard for you.”

The man's defense melted away. It seems he just needs love and compassion. “I was seven when the man came into my home. I’ll never forget the man's ugly face.” The man turned on the water and plugged up the drain.

Lan Zhan sat alongside the edge of the bathtub as it filled. He listened to what the man had to say while he put soap into the water making it bubbly.

“The clan is a bunch of vial assassins.” The man said as he added soap for bubbles.

“They are not!” Lan Zhan said. He can't believe this is what people think of his clan. He is a Shadow Guardian… Not an assassin.

The man turned his head sharply. “You defend those wretched cave dwellers?”

Lan Zhan felt hurt by that. He had never intentionally hurt someone, and no Lan would ever do such a horrible act. He wanted to become angry over it, but he let the man continue explaining. Something felt off about this information.

The man gave him a weird look he couldn't identify which drove Lan Zhan a bit crazy. “It's good those criminals were banished from seeing the light of day. If you ask me, they get what they deserve. If it wasn't for the Wen forcing them to live deep underground, underneath a labyrinth of traps and a graveyard full of cursed corpses, my city and people would be extinct. Somehow they survived when they should have died under the surface.”

Lan Zhan hung his mouth open. Everything this man said about his home was insulting. The Wen never forced them to live underground. No clan controlled them, they weren’t involved in surface political matters. “That home is the clan's ancestral home.”

“Huh?” The man laughed loudly. “That was built by the Wen to prevent Lan from escaping and destroying the balance of the cLan when they found out the bastards survived.”

Lan Zhan was more confused than ever. “What?”

“You don't know the story?” This man asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Obviously not.” Lan Zhan was curious to see if the man had any other information. “But I'm interested to know more.”

The man leaned on the tub and folded his arms, occasionally looking black at Lan Zhan and then looking off into space. “The original lot was a graveyard where the people of Lotus Pier discarded the demonic corpses that came from the lake. The corpses cursed the soil and the ground collapsed in on itself. A sinkhole then opened up and it was used to throw criminals down there. The first few criminals they threw did not survive and so it was thought that it was an uninhabitable environment. When the Lan rampaged the city many years ago, the Wen captured them and banished that entire clan to this bottomless pit. The curse from the corpses was supposed to kill the people but instead, now, it acts like a barrier that prevents people from getting in and finishing them off for good. Now, who knows what kind of fortress they built, waiting for the right day to exact revenge.” The man seemed a bit frustrated talking about this topic.

“That structure is the Lan clan's ancestral home which is to protect them from surface crawlers!” Lan Zhan’s heart was becoming destroyed over this. “Why would the clan want to kill everyone? That is nonsense.”

“Surface crawlers? Don't speak as if you are one of them! You shouldn't be so defensive of a criminal based clan. They shouldn't have survived. The Wen built a structure on top of the land to make it harder for them to escape.” The man shut off the water as the tub became full.

Lan Zhan didn't know what to say. He poked at a bubble that sat on the top of the water as he absorbed the shocking revelation. He severely struggled to reconcile the story he'd grown up with and the disturbing narrative laid out before him. He felt sick to his stomach about it. Lan Zhan considered the man's words, his mind wrestling with the conflicting narratives. There was still one thing he truly didn't understand. "Your parents fell at the hands of a Lan?"

"Yes. That’s what I said, didn't I?" The man replied, his gaze becoming increasingly distant by the moment. "I was hidden away, but I saw enough. The killer, a lad in white wearing a white headband with tails that reached his waist." He hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Never have I ever seen such bloodshed taken out on innocent people before.” The man cleared his throat. “He looked different than the ones I ran into as a teen. He didn't have a red X on his head. I cornered the man and questioned him. He said the killer must be from LanShadow if he isn't banished so something of the nature. Stabbed that bastard right in the chest too!”

Lan Zhan stopped breathing. LanShadow was compromised by a banished Lan? Makes sense… But what doesn't make sense was ‘A man in white in a headband.’ No Lan comes to the surface in their traditional robes. Lan Zhan touched his forehead unconsciously thinking about the piece of himself he willingly gave up. None of this sounds right and his mind raced with questions. Do banished Lan still wear their traditional clothing? No, why would they do that? Unless it was planned… But by who?

“Does your head hurt? I’m sorry I'm bringing the mood down. It must be making you tired to hear this.” The man started to tug at Lan Zhan’s robes. “Lets… just bathe, yeah? No need to talk about old news.” The man looked around as if he was searching for something. “Oh, I know just the thing that will make this perfect! Just you wait.” The man left and came back with a few candles. He lit them and placed them around the bathroom. He turned off the main light and the room became filled with a glow of candles. The air in the room was now nice and warm, more comfortable than before.

The man faced Lan Zhan and smiled as he walked closer to him. He let the man begin to tug on his clothing. The man's sad expression vanished as soon as he slipped a few fingers into the top of Lan Zhan’s pants. Lan Zhan could feel his ears begin to heat up. He's never been in this situation and feels a bit nervous. But for some strange reason he is comfortable with this man. Something about this man made him feel warm and complete. He didn’t know how, since they just met. But Lan Zhan knew already, this night would be one he was never going to forget. This man was the most beautiful man he had ever met.

The man skillfully unfastened the buttons and zipper of Lan Zhan’s pants with a single fluid motion. His pants were on the ground in seconds and the man's hands were already underneath Lan Zhan’s shirt. For a split second Lan Zhan wonders how many times he has done this single motion in order to become so adept at seamlessly removing others’ clothing.

Lan Zhan raised his arms and let the man take his shirt off. Once his shirt was pulled over his head and his eyes refocused on the man, the man's robes were slipping off of him. They elegantly hit the floor.

However when he looked at him his stomach sank for a different reason. The man was covered in bruises and red marks. He had scars on his stomach and what looked like bite marks from an animal on his inner thighs, legs and arms.

‘This has to be from Xue Yang's abuse.’ He thought.

But marks and all, the man was more beautiful than any Abyss crystals he’s ever seen.

“I'm sorry if it's not much to look at. I do still know what a man likes though.” The man shrugged off his harsh words and sat on the edge of the tub. He swung his legs around and placed them in the water. “I’ll do whatever it takes to please you.” A genuine smile crossed the man's lips as he held out his hand for Lan Zhan to take.

‘Not much to look at?’ This man didn't think highly of himself.

It pulled on Lan Zhan's heart and he felt his eyes sting with tears for this man. He thought this man was absolutely stunning in every way. Before he knew it, Lan Zhan reached out and took the man's outreached hand and he was pulled in for a gentle kiss before being pulled completely into the water.

Despite Lan Zhan's years of training, he didn't see the man's playfulness coming. The man splashed him in the face with water. Lan Zhan felt himself grin at him and he tried hard to contain himself. "Looks like you're full of surprises." Lan Zhan remarked, brushing water from his face. "I'm not so easily caught off guard.” A bold statement for someone who is trying to make sure he still has the upper hand. “Try that trick again and it won't work out so easily for you next time.” Lan Zhan was genuinely irritated over the fact that this man was able to catch him off guard. With a swift splash, Lan Zhan retaliated, but it only sparked a water fight between them.

The man chuckled and his eyes sparkled with amusem*nt. "Oh, I like when you get angry." He replied while dodging Lan Zhan's splash. “Come on, keep getting angry.” The man grabbed the shampoo bottle from behind him and aimed it at Lan Zhan. "Let's see if you can handle a sneak attack!" He squeezed the bottle but before anything came out, Lan Zhan's reflexes kicked in.

Lan Zhan swooped in so fast that a bunch of water sloshed out of the tub. He grabbed the man's wrist and disarmed the shampoo bottle as if it was a weapon. He flipped the bottle and aimed the shampoo back at the man.

The man's mouth hung open. “What the f*ck just happened?” The man fumbled and looked between his hands and back at Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan couldn't believe his ears! The mouths of surface people are really colorful.

“I suggest you don't try that either.” Lan Zhan said plainly, still holding the shampoo bottle.

The man huffed an annoyed laugh. “Alright. Truce.”

Lan Zhan sighed. “Thank you.” He really didn't want to play around but his heart swelled uncontrollably with affection as he watched the man's playful antics. Lan Zhan found himself enjoying the moment. He doesn't remember a time when he had ‘fun’.

The man grabbed the bottle from Lan Zhan's hand and held it with both hands. He looked happy to have it back and confused about how it left his hands so quickly. “Thank you…” The man pointed the bottle at Lan Zhan. “For letting your guard down!” Before Lan Zhan grabbed the bottle again, the man squeezed it .

There was a moment of silence between them. Lan Zhan folded his arms and didn't utter a word to the man. The bottle just so happened to be pointing at the man and the shampoo was all over himself instead of Lan Zhan. The man was covered in thick white shampoo that dripped from his face onto his chest. The man's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and he tried to wipe off the shampoo with his hands but it just smeared it all around and lathered up more. The man’s body became nothing but suds.

Lan Zhan just looked at the man and began to feel himself laugh just a tiny, tiny bit. The man caught his gaze and his eyes narrowed on him. The man stopped what he was doing and raised his eyes to meet Lan Zhan’s.

“Don't say it.” The man said plainly.

Lan Zhan watched in amusem*nt for several more moments as the man made more of a mess trying to clean it off. The man bobbed in and out of the water trying hard to get the slippery shampoo off his skin. When he seemed done he looked back at Lan Zhan, eyes and ears the only thing above water. He looked angry, as he blew bubbles with his nose.

“Lesson learned?” Lan Zhan asked, trying to hold back his emotions. This man was adorable.

The man stood up and poured some shampoo into the palm of his hand. “Let me just wash your hair.”

Must have learned his lesson. “Hn.” Lan Zhan replied. He turned around and sank into the water wetting his hair completely and then settling into a position for the man to wash his hair.

As the man began to massage the shampoo into Lan Zhan's hair, a sense of relaxation washed over him. The gentle touch of the man's hands sent shivers down his spine. Lan Zhan allowed himself to fully immerse in the sensation. The man's touch was something he would never forget. For a moment, all was quiet except for the soft sound of water trickling and the gentle rustle of the man's movements. It was a serene moment and for the first time in a while, Lan Zhan felt at peace.

The man rinsed the shampoo from Lan Zhan's hair, and no sooner did he apply conditioner. This time the man brushed his naked body against Lan Zhan’s back. The man laughed slightly and backed off, as if he was trying to tease him. Lan Zhan reached behind him and pulled the man back, pushing the man's dick to his back. The skin to skin contact sent a jolt of electricity racing down his spine. It stirred an emotion deep within Lan Zhan. It was more than just desire or lust; it was a deep, undeniable connection. He knew that he had found someone truly extraordinary.

Once the man rinsed his hair, he tugged on the nape of Lan Zhan’s neck. Lan Zhan tilted his head up to see him. The man stood over him, his dick still pressed against Lan Zhan’s back, with his hair falling around Lan Zhan’s body onto the water’s surface. The man threaded his fingers into Lan Zhan’s hair and gently stroked the strands he pulled. “I've never seen someone with such extraordinary silver hair before.” The man whispered as he twirled the hair in his hand. "It's mesmerizing."

The sensation of his hair being stroked made him breathless. Lan Zhan could feel his breath against his skin, and his heart fluttered at the unexpected compliment. “People usually just stare at it.”

“Couldn't say I blame them.” The man pulled his head more forcing Lan zhan to tilt his back more and the man closed in on Lan Zhan’s lips. “I’d like to stare at it too.” He shifted his eyes away from Lan Zhan’s eyes and down at the water. His heart raced as the man's gaze traveled towards his dick. He couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of being f*cked by this man.

"Is that so?" Lan Zhan replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

His heart pounded in his chest as he pulled the man in close to his face. Lan Zhan captured the man's lips between his teeth and the man let out a soft whimper. He made a slight thrusting motion which shoved his dick into Lan Zhan’s back even harder. The man almost collapsed forward but Lan Zhan braced him. The man melted into Lan Zhan’s bite, and began moving their lips together in a passionate fiery dance.

Lan Zhan's hands roamed over the man's arms, tracing the contours of his scars. The tension built between. With each touch, each kiss, Lan Zhan felt himself falling deeper and deeper into his own Abyss. He wants this man for himself. The thought of this man being with someone who doesn't treat him right upsets him.

The man broke the kiss to soap up a cloth and began washing his back. The man had gentle touches and Lan Zhan wanted to soon repay the favor.

After the man was done, Lan Zhan took the shampoo bottle. “Your turn.”

With a smile playing on his lips, the man nodded in agreement. “Sure.”

Lan Zhan poured a generous amount of shampoo into his palm and then set the bottle aside, focusing his attention on massaging the shampoo into the man's hair. He did the exact same movements the man used on him. He felt good taking care of him like this.

He rinsed all the suds out and watched the way the water dripped off of the man’s body, tracing the curves of his spine and hips. His body glistened in the candle light. He knew this man was a flower that must have bloomed under the harshest conditions of life.

Lan Zhan reached for the conditioner and poured some into his hand. He gently massaged it into his hair and let it sit. Lan Zhan reached for a cloth and began to gently wash the man's back, again mirroring the gentle touches and soothing motions that the man had used on him previously. As Lan Zhan washed the man's back, he couldn't help but marvel at the resilience and strength that lay hidden beneath the surface of this man. Lan Zhan was positive that each scar held its own unique sad story.

Lan Zhan rinsed the man's body off and when he was done the man stood up and turned to face Lan Zhan. As soon as he turned to Lan Zhan, he found himself wrapping his arms around the man, pulling him close in a silent embrace.

Their naked bodies were pressed tightly together and now Lan Zhan could really feel how hard the man was. It seemed like the man was eager and he felt the man's tongue trail along Lan Zhan's neck liscking up the water. A terrifyingly pleasurable electric shock rippled through his body that lit up every nerve in his system like a lighting bolt.

With trembling hands, he reached for the man's dick. The tips of his fingers brushed over its slick surface he heard the man moan softly under his breath. His heart pounded as he grasped onto the man's shaft and started stroking it. He couldn't believe how thick it was. Its veins bulged out from the tip, and it was nearly as wide as his wrist at the base.

“Do you like what you found?” The man asked Lan Zhan.

Of course he did. Lan Zhan huffed a laugh. “Do you like what I found?”

The man's eyes grew wider with each stroke. “Oh my god… that is… f*ck...”

Lan Zhan let go of the man’s co*ck and sank into the water on his knees. He placed his lips over the tip of his co*ck and he felt the man buckle at the knee.

“You– Don't have to do that—” The man’s voice quivered. “Just worry about yourse—” his voice trailed off and he became a blubbering mess of noises.

Lan Zhan wanted to make him feel good. The smoothness of his dick felt amazing on his tongue. The trembling in his voice made Lan Zhan’s heart sink. He couldn't understand why he would only want him to think of himself. Lan Zhan removed his mouth and looked up with his eyes. “Do you want me to stop?”

“I’m—” The man didn't put up much of a fight. ”No… I don’t. It’s just that I’m not used to someone else taking their time on me.”

Lan Zhan wanted to cry for this man. He realized that he must be deprived of real affection. Xue Yang must just use him as a piece of meat. Once he heard the man's confirmation, Lan Zhan continued licking all the water off the shaft of the man's girthy co*ck. He flicked his tongue on the ridge at the tip of his dick and then watched it become even more engorged. “Your skin tastes sweet.”

Only garbled noises passed the man's lips. Lan Zhan temporarily stopped what he was doing to unclog the drain prompting a small, disappointed whine from the man. Grabbing a towel hanging near the tub, Lan Zhan playfully tossed it over the man's head

The man's laughter began to echo around them as he fumbled to remove the towel from his face. Lan Zhan took advantage of the distraction to dry himself off, and then headed towards the bedroom.

The man dried himself off quickly, then chased after Lan Zhan. "Not fair, leaving me hanging like that."

Lan Zhan continued toward the bed, but before he could reach it, the man's strong grip caught his arm, spinning him around with surprising force. Their bodies collided and the man landed on top of Lan Zhan, both landing on the bed.

Lan Zhan found himself pinned beneath the weight of the man's body, their faces mere inches apart. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the outside world fading into insignificance as they became lost in each other. With a gentle touch, the man brushed his fingers against Lan Zhan's cheek and he could feel his heart racing in his chest. Lan Zhan pulled the man's head closer by the back of his neck, capturing his lips.

Lan Zhan’s hands swam all over the man’s body and he didn't waste any time before he ran his fingers gently across the man’s hole. The man shivered and broke the kiss in a panic.

Lan Zhan removed his hand. He didn't plan on penetrating him, he just glided his fingers across him to feel him. “I’m sorry, I should've asked if–”

“I—” The man’s breath changed. “I don’t want to be f*cked. I want to top.” The man blurted out quickly.

Lan Zhan was concerned at the reaction. “Are you sore from him?”

The man went silent.

“Did he hurt you?” Lan Zhan asked as he gently turned the man’s chin to make him make eye contact. Lan Zhan wasn't sure about a lot of things but he knew Xue Yang was doing something wrong.

“It's… Um…” The man looked like he was caving in on himself. “I… Well…” He took in a long stressed out breath.

“I'm not like him.” Lan Zhan stated softly.

Then the man just looked at him blankly. He didn't want to confirm or deny anything, that was evident.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” Lan Zhan said softly. “I’ll let you have all the control you want.” Lan Zhan said.

The man perked up ever so slightly. Lan Zhan was sure Xue Yang wouldn't let him do what he wanted to in bed and Lan Zhan wanted the man to be comfortable here.

“Okay.” The man replied softly. He now had the most beautiful smile on his face.

As the man's lips trailed down Lan Zhan's body, he left trails of kisses and gentle bites all over his body. With every caress, Lan Zhan felt himself surrendering to the pleasure. Lan Zhan had never been vulnerable and open to anyone before and he found himself relishing the moment with this man.

The man's lips found their way to Lan Zhan's most sensitive areas, and his body arched instinctively towards the man's touch. The man continued downward until he reached Lan Zhan’s taint. He grabbed Lan Zhan’s ass with both hands and continued sucking and licking until he reached the rim of his ass.

With another soft moan, Lan Zhan lost himself and completely submitted to the man's control. He could feel the man's hot tongue lick over his hole and the feeling sent waves of ecstasy coursing all over him. Lan Zhan used his legs and feet to pull at the man's torso to push him further into his ass. When he did, Lan Zhan could feel his hot wet tongue begin to protrude inside of him.

Lan Zhan's breath hitched as the man's tongue explored his most sensitive area of his entire body. "Oh, god..." He gasped, his voice a mix of surprise and pleasure. The tingling sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He wanted more… The man's hands gripped Lan Zhan's hips firmly as he delved deeper, his tongue working magic that left Lan Zhan trembling with desire. His head rolled back into the sheets as his tongue pumped in and out, slowly working him open.

With each lick, each flick of the tongue, Lan Zhan felt himself unraveling further. "Yes," Lan Zhan whispered, his voice barely above a breathy moan. "More." The pleasure consumed him.

With one final pump with his tongue, the man pulled away, leaving Lan Zhan panting and begging for more.

The man smiled and lined his fingers up with his hole and before pushing inside he looked up at him. "Ready for this?" The man's voice was a husky whisper filled with desire.

Lan Zhan nodded. He could feel his heart pounding in his head with excitement and nervousness. "Yes." He replied softly. "Make me never forget tonight."

“Your wish is my command.”

With a slow, deliberate motion, the man pushed his fingers inside Lan Zhan. He let out a sharp hiss. The sensation was intense, overwhelming, and yet undeniably pleasurable. Lan Zhan closed his eyes and grabbed fistfuls of the sheet underneath him.

The man's fingers moved with precision, hitting every inch of Lan Zhan's quivering depths. Lan Zhan felt his body shudder in pleasure which erupted goosebumps all over his body.

It felt like the man added another finger because there was a slight burn but his fingers kept rubbing against his prostate which made Lan Zhan relax. His own dick began to ache and leak clear sticky fluid. Lan Zhan felt himself growing more and more aroused, his desire reaching new heights with each thrust of the man’s finger.

"Take me." Lan Zhan whispered. “Claim me.” He moaned softly, his body arching instinctively towards the man's touch, craving more.

The man removed his fingers and looked Lan Zhan in the eyes. “Will… you make me wet for you?” The man's cheeks blushed the most beautiful shade of pink he's ever seen. His face glistened with pastel colors that reminded him of the rabbit species he so loves and cherishes so much.

“Of course I will.” Lan Zhan reached his arm out for the man to take. “Come f*ck my face, and I’ll make you as wet as possible.”

The man's eyes widened in surprise but he looked thrilled. Without another word, he took Lan Zhan's outstretched hands, intertwining their fingers as he pulled him closer. With a gentle yet firm grip, Lan Zhan guided the man's throbbing boner towards his head. Once the man was in place with both his knees pressed against each side of Lan Zhan’s head, Lan Zhan shoved the man's dick into his mouth, his lips wrapping around the thick shaft as he began to suck and lick.

The man collapsed forward, pushing deeper inside Lan Zhan’s throat. The man let out a loud cry as he drove his hips forward. His hands tangled into Lan Zhan's hair as he began f*cking Lan Zhan’s face as he requested. The man's balls slapped against his chin and he could feel the man's co*ck throbbing against his tongue.

With sudden movements the man jumped up off Lan Zhan’s face. “I need to f*ck you before I explode.” With a sense of urgency and desire, the man positioned himself between Lan Zhan's legs. He lined up his co*ck on Lan Zhan’s hole. With a slow, deliberate motion, he began to push inside, inch by inch, until he bottomed out.

Lan Zhan felt a slight burn and he let out a gasp. He felt his co*ck fill him up completely. The man began to move his hips, rocking them back and forth steadily. With each movement, he delved deeper into Lan Zhan's depths, hitting all the right spots with flawless precision.

Lan Zhan arched his back in pleasure as the man began to make real thrusts. He’s never felt this good. Lan Zhan knew that he had made the right choice tonight. Everything about this moment felt right.

“Harder.” Lan Zhan said through quickened breaths.

The man's pace quickened in response to Lan Zhan's plea, his thrusts becoming more urgent and forceful. Lan Zhan's senses were overwhelmed by the intensity of their connection. The waves of ecstasy crashed over him and made him cry out in pleasure.

The man reached for Lan Zhan’s dick and stroked it, matching the rhythm of his thrusts. The dual sensations of being penetrated and stroked sent him spiraling into a state of euphoria unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

With each stroke of the man's hand and each thrust of his hips, Lan Zhan felt himself drawing closer and closer to the edge of release. His breaths came in short gasps, his heart pounding in his chest as the pleasure built to an almost unbearable point.

"Harder." Lan Zhan pleaded once more. He wanted to surrender completely to the overwhelming sensations coursing through his body.

The man obliged, his thrusts becoming more powerful, more relentless, driving Lan Zhan to the brink of a frenzy.

With one final, earth shattering thrust, he felt himself tipping over the edge and he shot all over his torso. As he came, he felt the man's own release spilling deep inside him. Their bodies were writhing heaps of sweat and sticky fluids. The man collapsed forward into Lan Zhan’s arms, his chest finally relaxing. Lan Zhan looked at him with a satisfied fulfillment that he truly needed.

"That was incredible." The man whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion.

Lan Zhan felt a sense of contentment wash over him. " You're incredible." He replied softly.

The man blushed. “You're incredibly sweet to me.”

Lan Zhan moved his disheveled hair from the man’s eyes. “I was ‘incredibly offensive’ earlier.”

The man laughed. “Oh yeah, that.” The man laughed some more uncontrollably. “Well, sex ain't the only thing I can do.” He said with a side smirk. “I have other redeeming qualities and passions.”

“Good to know.” Lan Zhan felt like his emotions were taking over. “Because I'd like to see them all.” He helped clean them both up so they aren't sticky.

The man sat up and smiled bashfully. "By the way." His tone softened. "I never got your name."

Lan Zhan found himself laughing. “I tried asking that earlier.”

“You were too busy being ‘incredibly offensive’ for me to reply seriously.” The man replied. “Your whole introduction was lost in translation.”

Lan Zhan sat up and pulled the man in for a quick kiss on the lips. “Just call me—” For a moment he wanted to tell him his real name. Z.

The man’s eyes shined brighter than his smile for a moment. “I’m Wei Wuxian. But I’d like you to just call me Wei Ying.” His face was a beautiful shade of pastel pink that drove Lan Zhan absolutely mad. “You can call me anything you want actually…” He laughed awkwardly.

Airen .” Lan Zhan said softly.

“Your lover…?” The man's eyes looked like they were full of affection and his mouth hung open slightly. “I am your beloved?” He asked in confusion.

“You are to me now.” Lan Zhan pulled Wei Ying in close and pulled the covers over them. Soon they both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the tangled sheets where Lan Zhan stirred awake. He slowly opened his eyes and remembered where he was. The memories of their previous night came flooding back to him. He felt at peace and never wanted this to end.

As Lan Zhan sat up, he noticed that Wei Ying wasn't in bed. Quickly, he grabbed one of the inn's robes and slipped it on before leaving the room, only to find Wei Ying by the door looking on edge, clutching something in his hand.

Lan Zhan's voice stopped Wei Ying in his tracks.

"Z," Wei Ying froze, his eyes wide as they met Lan Zhan's. " You're awake"

"I am." Lan Zhan replied calmly, though his intuition told him something was off.

"I was just going out to..." Wei Ying's voice trailed off as Lan Zhan's gaze fell on the bag in his hand.

Wei Ying's grin faltered, guilt creeping into his expression. But before he could come up with an excuse, Lan Zhan spoke, his voice calm yet firm. "Wei Ying, what are you doing?" Lan Zhan asked. "Why... Do you have my bag?" That was the bag of money he needed to return to for his mission.

"I—" Wei Ying's shoulders slumped in defeat, his fingers loosening their grip on the bag. His gaze dropped to the floor. "I thought I could use it." His voice barely above a whisper.

Lan Zhan felt a pang of betrayal. "That's stealing." He said firmly, his tone heavy with disappointment.

"I owe Master Xue Yang so much money." Wei Ying's voice was strained with emotion. “He’ll let me go if I pay it off.”

The pieces fell into place, and suddenly everything made sense. Lan Zhan walked closer to him and when he did Wei Ying flinched in a way that made Lan Zhan’s stomach turn. Lan Zhan realized he may have moved in on Wei Ying’s personal space too quickly which startled him. After all, this man was surely abused by Xue Yang, and Wei Ying looks like he was prepared to be hit.

“Do you always call him master?” Lan Zhan asked.

The man looked taken back. “I only do it because I'm contracted. All the people I ever met who are under blood contract call their holders that. I never used to call him that.” He huffed. ”I don't look at him like he's my master. He may own part of me, but not all of me.”

He reached out, taking the bag of money gently from Wei Ying's hand. “But why didn't you just ask me for help?” Lan Zhan wasn't sure what to do.

"I didn't want to drag you into my mess. We just met and…" Wei Ying spoke quietly. “I was just going to take the money and leave so you'd never have to see me and what I did ever again.” He looked at him with sadness in his eyes. “I’m sorry Z. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Something about this him calling him "Z" feels distant, but Lan Zhan can't bring himself to offer his real name, especially not after hearing about how he feels about the people in the Abyss. He is bound not to talk about his mission, or his life in LanShadow. Nothing. He feels for this man and there isn't much he can do about it. But he wants to.

Wei Ying's eyes began to shimmer, as if he was on the brink of crying. Lan Zhan could tell he was holding back a ton of emotion. The corner of his mouth slightly quivered, and his skin looked pale.

"You don't have to face this alone, Wei Ying." He assured him. "We'll figure it out together."

"It's better if you aren't involved in that way." Wei Ying said. “I like you a lot but… Z… I can’t … We can't…” Wei Ying looked absolutely distressed. “If Master finds out about you… About last night. He just might be…”

“If you're not together, why would he be upset?” Lan Zhan asked.

“It's hard to explain.” Wei Ying said.

Lan Zhan wanted to clear things up. “I don't think I understand. You are an ‘escort,’ but you don’t have sex with anyone other than Xue Yang?”


“But then why…” Lan Zhan didn't know how to react. “But we just had sex—”

The man shook his head and walked closer. “Z, I chose to have sex with you. I don't have much of a choice with Xue Yang. My choice lies in not wanting to sell myself out to more than one person.”

Lan Zhans heart stopped. “Wei Ying…”

“Wait, no that came across wrong. I still ultimately chose to be with him but…” Wei Ying started to stutter. “He ain't forcing me, but I have… obligations.”

Airen,that sounds like manipulation.” Lan Zhan said in shock.

Wei Ying looked even more shocked. “What? No? No. I still chose to do this.”

Lan Zhan has many questions. “Where did the debt come from?”

Wei Ying's entire face became pale. His shoulder slumped and his entire expression changed.

“Please be honest with me.” Lan Zhan said.

“I inherited my parents' debt. Xue Yang was my mother's pimp and when they died…” Wei Ying covered his face with his hands. He looked really stressed out.

“You inherited Xue Yang? Not just a debt?” Lan Zhan looked at him with a blank expression. “Wei Ying, that's not right.”

“It doesn't matter what's right anymore. I just have to do whatever it takes to survive.” He looked at him with a bit more determination in his explanation. “I don't have a choice right now. I can't make money in other way. I’ve tried. I was backed into a corner after years of struggling. But everything I tried to do ended up being a failure… Even selling off organs didn't pay me enough to fix this. I’m sorry but—”

“You sold what?” Lan Zhan thought about the marks on his body. It explains the scars on his stomach. This man has been through so much. “I wish I could bring you home with me. You deserve more. So much more.”

Wei Ying's eyes glistened at his words but it faded quickly. “You can't though, he'll always find me and it will cause you misery.”

There was one thing that made this situation feel better. “The choice you made last night was your own free will. That much I'm sure of.” His voice cracked and he let his emotions show just a little bit.

Wei Ying nodded and faintly smiled.

Lan Zhan looked at the bag of money. He knows he needs to bring the rest home but... "I'll make you a deal, no, rather, I’ll make you a promise."

"A promise?" Wei Ying looked confused.

"To at least set you free from debt. I don't know what I’ll do about Xue Yang just yet…but." Lan Zhan knows he needs more than money to truly help this man, but he will start here for now. "How much do you need to pay off Xue Yang?" Even if the binding contract is permanent, perhaps without debt, Xue Yang will treat Wei Ying better.

He thought for a moment. "This bag should be more than enough to pay my debt." Wei Ying said. "I've never seen so much money before."

Lan Zhan reached into the bag, withdrawing 3/4 of the money. "Take this." He said, pressing the money into Wei Ying's hands. "Use it to free yourself from your debt.”

Wei Ying's eyes widened in surprise, tears spilling over silently. His voice choked up with emotion. “But why help me after I betrayed your trust?”

“Because… I care. Very deeply for you. I’m not sure why this feeling happened as fast as it did but…" Lan Zhan said. “I would like to help you. To be free from this. And maybe eventually, free from Xue Yang.”

The mask eyes welled up and Lan Zhan used his thumb to brush away a stray tear from Wei Ying's cheek. He could feel the anxiousness pouring out from him. The man looked so scared, yet melts in Lan Zhan’s touch. He could feel the man begin to become anxious.

"You need to go, don't you? Lan Zhan knew he spent a while with him. If he doesn't let him go back soon, Xue Yang might summon him forcefully with his ability.

Wei Ying lounged forward, pressing his lips to his. Lan Zhan could feel the man's love in their kiss. Wei Ying doesn't want to go. “I like you more than I ever thought.” He said between kisses. For a moment they lost themselves, enjoying the moment.

Wei Ying broke the kiss, backed away and grabbed the door handle. "I should've been back last night but I just couldn't leave after meeting you.” His face flushed with that beautiful shimmering pink. “You really made my birthday special. I’ll never forget it."

“I should have been back yesterday too. My team might be worried about me.” Something about this was bitter sweet. "I have to visit home, but I'll come back for you."

“You're like... leaving, leaving?” Wei Ying’s hand let go of the door handle. “Like leaving town?”

"Yes, but only for a little while." Lan Zhan replied. "I did come here for a mission after all. I have a job to finish."

Wei Ying nodded but he looked really worried. "So you’ll come for me after I dump Xue Yang and settle my sh*t?"

Lan Zhan raised an eyebrow. "I thought you weren't a couple?”

"We’re not! It's just a figure of speech." Wei Ying said. “I think he'll let me go of his binding if I settle this debt and then I can go wherever I want. And I think… I think I want to be with you.”

The fact that the binding will never be broken bothered Lan Zhan, and Wei Ying didn't realize it would never break. "In that case, I know where to find you." Lan Zhan replied softly. “Just hang tight for a while and keep a low profile. Don't upset him or let him know I'm coming. Settle the deal without a fight so you don't leave the manor. I won't know where to find you if you go somewhere else. Unless you plan to go back to your old home?”

“I… wish I could fix that place up… But no. I can't go back there. Too many bad memories. I’ll stay at the manor. I have a free room and get free meals. I’ll inform my friends, the female escorts, I trust them to help us when we need it.” Wei Ying closed his eyes and turned around to leave. “The innkeeper washed your clothes. They're on the table.”

Lan Zhan watched Wei Ying hesitate opening the door. “When can I expect you to be back in Lotus Pier?”

“It’s hard to say.” Lan Zhan doesn’t. “But I will find my way back to you.”

Wei Ying turned his head around to give him one last look and then without another sound, Wei Ying left.

"I promise." Lan Zhan whispered to himself after the door shut.


-I wanted Lan Zhan to completely forget about his training when the two met. Lan Zhan trained his whole life to have situational awareness and yet, Wei Ying completely melts his brain and every plan Lan Zhan has goes out the window when Wei Ying is around. I love the trope. What is it? “Only You” trope? “OTP? Heartbreaker?” (Heard many names for this one) ‘When a character, despite their defenses, training, or impenetrable walls, they find themselves completely undone or deeply affected by one specific person. A character who is otherwise strong, or stoic, finding themselves emotionally disarmed.’ I’m a slu*t for it.
-Original line: “From parchment to glow, let the light go. Illuminate this path where your shadows lie low.” But I liked “Illuminate this way, where your shadows decay.” more. I worked on this way too long and way too hard.

Chapter 4: Chains of Betrayal: Facing the Truth


Extra CW & TW for this chapter:

Physical Abuse, Violence and Torture: Use of chains, physical restraint, choking.
Death of a random child: Don't think about it too much. The author thinks the child had it coming.
!!! Explicit Sexual Assault, Non-Consensual Sexual Content, Rape: Clearly a forced uncomfortable situation. !!!

To skip the ugly parts, look for the sentence in Wei Ying’s POV that says: "I-I lost track of time and fell asleep at my old house." Wei Ying lied through his teeth, his voice trembling with fear as he met Xue Yang's steely gaze. "But I'm here now–”

And stop reading there. Scroll past several paragraphs until you reach the next scene break. It brings you back to Lan Zhan's POV. Read from there.
I will add the important main plot points that get skipped at the end of this chapter so no one truly misses out by skipping this part.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

With Wei Ying gone, Lan Zhan took a deep breath, trying to steady his own emotions. It was a bizarre situation for him, but he was oddly happy. He glanced around the room, looking at the scattered remnants of their night together. The bed sheets were tangled, the bath towels were scattered on the floor, and there was still a faint scent of Wei Ying's cooking still lingering in the air.

He found his clean clothes on the table, just like Wei Ying said. Something about that made him feel warm. He got dressed and looked at himself in the mirror. They were plain pants and a plain shirt. The clothes that were supposed to help him blend in with the poorer people of Lotus Pier. Which for the most part, worked. However he really missed his Lan robes. He looked at his forehead and something felt off. For the first time, he sincerely missed his forehead ribbon. Something about giving up felt wrong, but he understood why he needed to do it. He couldn’t lead surface people back home, he couldn’t let anyone know the clan existed, he couldn’t talk about his missions, etc — he would never get his ribbon back.

It is what it is. This is the life he chose, and he would bear the consequences.

As he got himself together, he also noticed something else in the kitchen on the counter. It was wrapped up with a note. Lan Zhan picked it up and read it.

“Take the leftover soup with you when you leave! I’m glad I got to make it for you.

Wei Ying ❤️”

He left a note even though he intended on stealing from him. The conflicting emotions of the situation ate at him. But he looked at the small heart on the page and he couldn't help but forgive him. He knew Wei Ying was remorseful. The fact that he explained himself made Lan Zhan trust him. He wasn't sleeping with him just to steal the money. He could feel that Wei Ying cared. Lan Zhan couldn't convince himself that Wei Ying didn't feel the same.

He grabbed the food and was about to head out when he realized that he was missing his communication device. Lan Zhan panicked instantly. His bag of money and his earpiece were together! He hoped Wei Ying hadn’t touched it.

Lan Zhan ran to the spot where he stashed his stuff and started looking frantically. But it wasn’t there. He tore through every inch of the place and it was not there. He didn’t know if Wei Ying took it or it fell under furniture when Wei Ying took the money. Either way, it wasn't there and Lan Zhan had more conflicting emotions about Wei Ying than he wanted to feel.

He couldn't dwell on it. He got himself together and headed back towards the Lans’ Ancestral home. No one was outside so he guessed his team was already inside the elevator.

And unfortunately he was right…

Lan Zhan made it through the clan’s home and easily navigated the corridors to get to the elevator. He wanted to know why he's always been connected with the magical nature of the Abyss.

Once he got to the elevator he was met with stern faces and disapproving glances from his fellow operatives. It was only quiet for a moment before everyone started yelling at the same time which made Lan Zhan freeze.

“FINALLY. I thought you'd be back sooner than this!” Lan Anzhi's scolding tone cut through the chaos. “I’m the leader, you cannot show up whenever you please!”

Lan Yiying's softer voice chimed in next. “Why did you shut your communicator off? It’s unlike you! I was getting worried!” At least her tone was filled with worry rather than anger.

“Maybe he needed privacy. Who knows what toplander he found to keep himself busy.” Lan Anzhi had a major attitude about this.

“The communicator was lost.” Lan Zhan didn't know what else to say.

“You did what?” Lan Anzhi looked pissed and searched the elevator’s cabinets. She came back with a new device. “I cannot believe you were this irresponsible. Turn it on. You have explaining to do.”

That didn't sit well with him. He picked it up and turned it on. Lan Zhan tucked the earpiece securely into his ear, and heard the familiar hum of static as the device powered up.

“Dipsh*t! Dont f*cking do that ever again!” Lan Guiwei's furious yell reverberated through Lan Zhan's ears in stereo. Not only was she three feet away screaming, but it's over the headset too. and she started talking to the rest of the girls in front of him. “I don't care where he c*ms on the surface, he needs to come to his job on time!” She shifted focus on Lan Zhan again. “You said you had the money! We need to go back to Crystal Gusu. These surface crawlers are getting suspicious of us.”

Lan Anzhi, Lan Yiying, and Lan Guiwei were undoubtedly furious with him but he wasn't the only one screwing off.

“Where were you?” Lan Anzhi asked in a demanding tone.

Lan Zhan was annoyed at the standards. “While you were off doing whatever with the people in the brothel, I had... matters to attend to." Lan Zhan answered vaguely. He knew that this response wouldn't satisfy their curiosity but they didn't need to know what he was doing.

"Matters?" Lan Qiren's voice chimed in over the headset. His tone is stern and unforgiving. For a moment Lan Zhan forgot that his uncle would hear this and probably has been listening though their headsets. The girls must have reported they lost contact with him and that's why he needs to explain. But not just to them, he needs to explain to his uncle.

"You know better than to disappear like that. You were never supposed to shut the communicator off, and never, EVER, lose it. You've put our mission at risk and the entirety of our clan." Hearing his uncle gave him an unpleasant earth shuddering tremble up his spine. “We have been trying to reach you since yesterday.”

"Brother, are you alright?" Lan Xichen's voice was laced with concern and frustration.” I was so worried when I couldn't get a hold of you.”

"Xichen… I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I just... needed some time to myself.” He couldn't help but say his name. He took a second to collect himself. “ I apologize, Uncle." He added, addressing Lan Qiren. Lan Zhan knew he was going to be in a lot of trouble.

"Time to yourself?" Lan Guiwei spoke again. "Do you realize the gravity of your actions, Z? You can't just wander off and take a vacation whenever you feel like it, especially when you lose LanShadow technology on the surface! They can track us with it!"

“If I'm punished you all should be too.” Lan Zhan never spoke out against his enders or team leaders, but this wasn't fair. “You slacked off more than I did. I at least scored the objective.” He threw the money bag at them and it hit the floor. “But for what it's worth, I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused. It won't happen again."

"You're damn right it won't." Lan Anzhi snapped. “You'll listen to direct orders from now on.”

Lan Guiwei butted in once more. "You have a responsibility to LanShadow, you can't just abandon it whenever it suits you. How can you be trusted again? Have you forgotten what–"

“I haven't forgotten anything!” Lan Zhan said, his voice firm. "I'll return to Crystal Gusu and fulfill my duties as a member of the LanShadow just like I promised.” Lan Zhan took a breath before continuing. “I won't let you down next time."

“There won't be a next time for anyone.” His uncle's voice spoke over everyone. “You all had one job: To keep my nephew out of trouble on the surface, and you all failed. Return to base immediately.”

Lan Zhan's heart sank as he listened to the reprimands from his team and his uncle. He knew he had let them down, and the weight of their disappointment weighed heavily on him. Despite his securing the money... rather, some of the money, he had jeopardized their mission, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt especially when he knew how much money he actually had left.

"I understand." Lan Zhan replied solemnly. "We'll return to base immediately." He listened to the others shut up and acknowledged the new order.

He heard the sound of the communication being cut. He could mute the device now.

Lan Anzhi threw her bag into her sleeping pod. “Great! Now we're all benched all because of you and your selfish bullsh*t!”

“I’m not the only one who messed around. You all got laid for a week straight and I'm in trouble because I took ONE day to myself?” Lan Zhan shot back, his frustration spilling over.

“No need to argue about this anymore. What's done is done.” Lan Yiying tried to be the sense of reason.

Lan Zhan settled his stuff in his pod and then took the soup over the kitchenette and heated it up. As he heated it up, the conversation with Wei Ying about his home kept playing in his head. It was something he just didn't want to believe. But he believed Wei Ying… Wei Ying's situation weighed heavily on his mind, but he knew he had to prioritize his responsibilities to LanShadow.

“Alright, get ready. It’s one day to descend.” Lan Anzhi said.

He remembered how sick he got while ascending. Luckily, descending takes much less time than ascending but the sickness is just as bad. Lan Zhan sat in his pod eating his soup and left the door open. Everyone got in their respective pods and everyone seemed too angry to talk to each other. The chill in the air was suffocating.

After half a day descending and feeling sick everyone started to finally speak. However Lan Zhan wished they stayed quiet.

Lan Zhan brought his bowl to the sink and cleaned it. He wrapped it back in the fabric and headed back to his pod. He couldn't stand for long, his legs felt too weak. Once he sat down the commentary towards him started.

“So Z, who’d ya f*ck?” Lan Guiwei blurted out. “Hope it was someone who was worth putting our mission on the line.”

“Don't be mean, G.” Lan Yiying stated softly.

“Why not? He got us all benched! Who knows when we’ll be able to go back on missions!” Lan Guiwei reapplied harshly.

Lan Zhan could feel his ears become hot.

“He definitely had the sex glow before getting sick from the curse.” Lan An replied. “Did they make you dinner? You definitely didn't have that on our trip up there.”

Lan Guiwei left her pod and got in Lan Zhan’s face. “So? Who was it?”

Lan Zhan didn’t know what to say. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

Lan Yiying started to pull back on Lan Guiwei shoulder. “Leave him alone.”

“We at least deserve a name after ripping me from my LanShadow status!” Lan Guiwei was becoming furious and Lan Yiying was struggling to hold her back from jumping into Lan Zhan’s pod to corner him. Guiwei was halfway inside not letting him shut the door without an answer.

“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan uttered.

“What?” Both Lan Guiwei and Lan Yiying paused in their temporary wrestle.

“I said his name is Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan didn't know what else would satisfy them. “Can I please shut my door now?”

“Oh no, not after that reveal.” Lan Anzhi dropped whatever she had in her hand. “G you weren't kidding. He really did go through with hooking up with someone. I thought the glow was just… Oh my lord.”

Lan Zhan just wants this to be over. He would like to rest.

Lan Guiwei's expression softened, replaced by a mixture of curiosity and surprise. She removed herself from his pod and stopped up. "Wei Ying, huh?"

Lan Yiying's grip on Lan Guiwei loosened, and she took a step back. "Wei Ying... That name sounds familiar."

"He's... just someone I met on the surface." Lan Zhan explained hesitantly, unsure of how much he should reveal. "We... spent some time together."

Lan Yiying got excited. “Oh now I remember! He was the hottie with Xue Yang! Wasn't it Wei ‘Wuxian?’ Ying must be his birth name!”

Lan Anzhi glared at Lan Zhan. “You spent the night with the owner's pet?”

"He's not a pet." Lan Zhan retorted defensively, narrowing his eyes on them.

"Oh, defensive." Lan Guiwei teased.

"It looks like someone fell in love." Lan Yiying added.

‘Love?’ He thought. ‘…In love with Wei Ying?

"It's not like that." Lan Zhan replied tersely, his voice tinged with irritation. "Wei Ying is not Xue Yang's 'pet.' He's... a person, with his own struggles."

“He cooked for you!?” Lan Guiwei shot Lan Anzhi a disapproving look. "Regardless of his circ*mstances, it's clear that this Wei Ying is Xue Yang’s. Don't be fooled.” Lan Anzhi looked really upset.

“Don't nag on him! He got close to Wei Ying so he could steal the money!” Lan Yiying blurted out. “You should have a little more faith in our teammates.”

“The man brought back food with him!” Lan Anzhi replied. “That isn't why he got close. He just got lucky.”

This whole situation was making him nauseous… Or was that the elevator? His head began to hurt tremendously.

Eventually, the heated discussions and relentless probing began to lose their intensity. The girls went back to their pods and let the conversation go. Lan Zhan somehow survived the entire descent without giving them too much more info about Wei Ying.

As the descent slowed, he could hear the machinery hiss softly as it adjusted to the approaching stop. The elevator finally came to a gentle halt with a subdued thud. When the elevator doors opened, Lan Zhan felt instantly better. The pain in his head subsided. The sickness he felt was no joke but once he started to feel better, he was met with a different kind of headache.

As Lan Zhan stepped out of the elevator, Lan Qiren's stern gaze immediately locked onto him. There was disappointment etched on his features, and Lan Xichen's expression mirrored his uncle's.

"Lan Wangji." Lan Qiren's voice was cold and disapproving. He didn't even use his code name. "You were specifically instructed to prioritize the mission and not to deviate from it.”

"I understand, Uncle." Lan Zhan hesitated before speaking. "I apologize for my actions. It was a lapse in judgment, and I take full responsibility for it."

“You don't understand!” Lan Qiren looked at all four of them and held out his hand. “The money.”

Lan Zhan reached into his bag and gave him the money he had.

Lan Qiren takes a look inside the bag and then closes it before continuing.. “LanShadow is not just benched, but is permanently banned from operating.”

“What?” Lan Anzhi said in shock.

Lan Guiwei started to raise her voice. “You can't punish all of us just because he–”

“Why would you do this?” Lan Yiying asked. “We need to protect our borders from the topsiders.”

“And to do that we need to learn about them from the shadows!” Lan Anzhi replied quickly.

“Enough. This was not my decision.” The stern look could cut glass. “It was our leader, Qingheng-Jun.” Lan Qiren's stern expression softened slightly, though the disapproval still lingered in his eyes. "We will discuss the matter of punishment in private." He said to Lan Zhan before turning to the rest. "For now, return to your quarters and await further instructions."

Lan Zhan's heart sank at the news of their permanent ban. Knowing that their entire team would no longer be able to carry out their vital missions upset him. Everything inside of himself panicked. This means he can't see Wei Ying again. He felt trapped underground for the first time ever.

As they retreated to their quarters and Lan Qiren disappeared from view, the girls began discussing whispering to one another.

"We're going to figure out what to do, right?" Lan Yiying being the first one to break the silence. "We can't just accept this punishment without a fight. We still got the money for them. Which means we completed the mission. We have other locations to secure up there."

Lan Anzhi nodded. "We need to find a way to prove ourselves to Qingheng-Jun." She signed. “I don't understand, he usually needs us to check out the outposts on the surface. Why would he disband the division all together?”

Lan Guiwei's expression darkened with anger and frustration. "We can't afford to take time off. Our clan's safety depends on it."

They all turned their attention to Lan Zhan, hoping he would contribute. “Sorry girls, I need to rest.” Lan Zhan left suddenly and headed to his private room. He needed to collect his emotions.

In the following weeks, Lan Zhan secluded himself in his room back at his old house. No one was allowed in the dorm style housing anymore and he had to move his things back home. He spent hours meticulously drafting plan to return to the surface. He was restricted from outdoor activities and had limited contact with others. Despite being thirty four, he felt like a grounded child. The only contact he had was with his bunny who happily bounced around the room making a mess of Lan Zhans extra papers.

After a long stressful day he got a knock at the door. When he answered he straightened up and blinked several times. It was his uncle.

“Come.” His uncle turned and didn't allow him a chance to speak before leaving.

He followed in silence to the LanShadow control room. Once he stepped inside he heard his brother’s voice.

“Who am I? Who are YOU? Z is being notified of the situation.” Lan Xichen turned to Lan Zhan and threw the headset at him. “I cannot believe this.” He left the control room completely.

“What situation?” Lan Zhan asked.

“See for yourself.” Lan Qiren pointed at the headset. “You need to tell him one simple thing. Destroy that earpiece. He won't listen to a word I say!”

Lan Zhan was baffled. He put the headset on and toon in a deep breath. “Hello?”


Lan Zhan turned away from his uncle and walked towards the computers. “Wei Ying? Is that you?”

“Yea.” He said.

“Wei Ying, you have to destroy the headpiece.” Lan Zhan said with urgency. HIt was so good to hear his voice but he felt his uncle's unrelenting gaze on his back.

“What? Why? I just got a hold of you! These people aren't very nice you know!”

“Listen, I made a mistake and left that there. It can put us both in danger if you don't destroy it.” Lan Zhan felt his stomach turn. “Why did you take it?”

“The innkeeper found it and thought it was mine!” Wei Ying said. “I didn't steal it!”

“Z–” Lan Qiren chimed in.

Lan Zhan panicked. “Airen, please destroy it!”


“I’m in a lot of trouble, already. Destroy it immediately.” Lan Zhan ripped the headset off and cut the connection.

Lan Qiren put his hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure you'll see him again.” He said softly.

“How do you know who he is?” Lan Zhan asked.

“You seemed familiar with the lad.” Lan Qiren replied. “And the group blabbed about you finding your a… hmm… special someone?” Lan Qiren turned to the door. “Let's go. I need to bring you back.”

He couldn't be more embarrassed…

After about a month of not being able to see Wei Ying, Lan Zhan grew frustrated. He had continued trying to come up with plan to get to the surface and plan to free him from Xue Yang. He rubbed at his eyes, his movements growing sluggish as he struggled to maintain his concentration. The lines on the parchment blurred, merging into a jumble of indecipherable shapes and symbols. He had started to feel nauseous and dizzy. His face began to sweat and his body flashed with heat.

He knew he was working non stop, but he had been eating and drinking enough water so he doesn't understand why he feels so sick. Nevertheless, he drank more water and pushed himself to make some more plans.

As he worked he thought about everything he saw on the surface. After seeing what he saw in Lotus Puier, he can only imagine what the other cLan look like. Wei Ying believes the disorder is from the Lan but it's not. It's someone else. According to Wei Ying the Wen ‘saved’ everyone.

Lan Zhan still believed that Wei Ying wasn't lying. However, it's hard to believe that it was a Lan that killed his parents. If it was though, they must have been taking orders from someone.

The most disturbing part was, he and Wei Ying seemed fairly close in age. This means the killer of his parents might still be alive and living amongst them since. If the man was in white with a forehead ribbon, they wouldn't be a member of LanShadow. And he never said they had a red X on them.

There should be no bloodshed on innocent people. Defending their home is the only reason for allowing the Lan to learn these skills, but seeking out bloodshed is wrong.

After much thought Lan Zhan had an epiphany. The surface people were not being saved by the Wen, they were being taken over and controlled by them. To complete their plans, the Lan must have been in their way somehow. Lan Zhan remembers Wei Ying saying his eyes glowed… are there more abilities the Lan have that threaten the Wen clan’s true goal? Why else would they be pushed into the Abyss?

One thing he’s really questioning was, were they put underground by force? Or there by choice?

After another month of intense planning and no real communication with anyone, Lan Zhan began to feel really sick. Despite his efforts to push through, he could no longer ignore the warning signs his body was giving him.

He felt a wave of dizziness wash over him. His vision blurred, and the room spun around him. Although he was sitting down, it felt like he was on a boat in a roaring ocean. He clutched the edge of the desk for support and tried to steady himself, but it was no use. With a heavy thud, Lan Zhan collapsed to the ground.

Lan Zhan woke up covered in sweat not knowing how much time went by. He rolled onto his back and ran his hand over his stomach. His clothing felt wet. He quickly looked at his body and realized he was drenched in a mixture of blood and thick white fluid. Lan Zhan had only read about these kinds of side effects, but he’s never seen it. His mind is now racing with what is going on with him health wise. He needed to confirm his suspicions before jumping to conclusions, though he is sure he knows what's going on with his body.

He got off of the floor and looked for dry clothes to change into. He inspected his naval and covered it with cloth to prevent anything else from leaking. Once he was done changing and felt more comfortable, he didn't waste anymore time. He opened his door to leave his room but was met with Lan Anzhi and Lan Yiying guarding his door. Their presence only added to his already troubled mind.

"Lan Anzhi, Lan Yiying." He greeted them. He didn't want to alarm them too much and made sure his tone was calm.

The two of them exchanged a brief glance before turning their attention back to Lan Zhan. Lan Anzhi's expression remained stern and resolute, while Lan Yiying's demeanor was bubbly as always.

"You're not supposed to leave." Lan Anzhi stated firmly.

Lan Zhan nodded in understanding, but he needed to leave. "I know, but I need to pick something up." He briefly explained, hoping they would understand.

Despite Lan Anzhi's insistence for him to return to his room, Lan Yiying couldn't help but interject with a touch of excitement in her voice. "Oh, but it's so good to see you!"

Lan Zhan offered her a small smile in response. "It’s good to see you too, A-Yi." He murmured softly.

“Go back inside.” Lan Anzhi said.

“I will be quick.” Lan Zhan assured them both. He knew he couldn't afford to waste any time, he needed to know what his body was doing.

“I cannot allow that.” Lan Anzhi said.

Lan Zhan could tell she's still angry at him. “I’m sorry I got you in trouble before but I promise I won't–”

“No.” Lan Anzhi repeated.

“It's about my health.” Lan Zhan pleaded.

“Whatever it is, can't I go and pick it up for you?” Lan Yiying asked in the most sweet, compassionate way ever. He knows they must have been punished by his father because of his actions. He was grateful that Lan Yiying still genuinely cares about him and isn't too upset.

“Are you serious? Why do him any favors?” Lan Anzhi asked.

“It's his health, and we're family! LanShadow family sticks together” Lan Yiying said and turned to Lan Zhan. “What do you need? I’ll get it for you.” Lan Yiying said.

Lan Zhan was too embarrassed to say it out loud, so he wrote it on a piece of paper and handed it to her, but before Lan Yiying could grab it, Lan Anzhi snatched it quickly.

Lan Zhan watched her eyes move back and forth, and she looked at him in absolute anger, disbelief, and horror. “Are you f*cking kidding me?”

“No, or I wouldn't be going to the pharmacy.” Lan Zhan said.

“Let me look!” Lan Yiying grabbed the paper and read it quickly. She jumped up and down and started to yell.

Lan Zhan quickly put his hand over her mouth. “SHHH! Do not utter a single word about this to ANYONE.”

Lan Yiying’s eyes widened, and she happily shook her head. Lan Zhan let out a long sigh. “Okay, now hurry. I don't feel good.” Lan Zhan hummed softly. He knew this news would spread whether it was true or not.

Lan Yiying didn't spend another moment hesitating. With a determined stride, she hurried down the halls. Lan Zhan turned back towards his room. "I'm going inside." He murmured to Lan Anzhi, she looked like she didn't know how to respond to the whole situation.

After what felt like an eternity, Lan Yiying returned, clutching a small bag in her hand. She handed it to him with a reassuring smile. He opened up the container and his heart raced just looking at the test kit.

“Do… you know how to use it?” Lan Yiying asked softly.

He looked at her and felt his eyes sting. “I’ll figure it out. Thank you for getting it.”

She turned to walk out but the bunny decided to hop at Lan Yiying’s feet. “Aww look at how much you haven't grown!” She picked up the baby sized bunny and snuggled it nose to nose. “Are you taking care of A-Zhan too? I’m sure you're just making a mess.” She laughed and looked at Lan Zhan. “It’s so weird that he hasn’t grown. How old is he now?” Lan Yiying asked.

“I was three when I found him.” Lan Zhan replied.

“Assuming he was an actually growing baby before the magic, he’s a 31 year old baby bunny huh?” Lan Yiying put the baby down. “How bizarre.”

“Other than the color, he is exactly the same size as I found him. ” Lan Zhan said. “He doesn't age or get sick.”

“The river and crystals in his Abyss are mysterious. Just like its creatures. And just like you A-Zhan.” She said softly. “Good luck with the test. I’ll be outside if you need anything else.”

Her kind words helped soothe his mind for now. He nodded and walked to the bathroom and he carefully opened the bag. His hands began to tremble slightly with nerves. Taking a deep breath, Lan Zhan read the instructions. He followed each step,carefully

Once he was done all he had to do was wait.

The small device beeped and the sound shook him right to his core. Lan Zhan was hesitant to look at it. He knew in his heart what it said but he had to see it anyway. He picked up the device and read the screen.


Lan Zhan threw the device in the trash. He thought that he would be in more distress having a confirmation, but that wasn't the feeling. He was strangely comforted knowing this answer. But now, all he could think about was telling Wei Ying he was pregnant.

After a few more weeks in his room, his anxiousness to get to the surface increased tenfold. He wished he had the communication device to talk to him once more… He hoped Wei Ying wasn't mad at him for telling him to destroy it. But now he's mad at himself.

Without much information about what's truly going on, all of his plans to help Wei Ying seemed useless. He swiped the table and all his paperwork landed in the wastebasket next to the desk. He slammed his fists on his desk in frustration and raised his voice.. “What's the point if I can't stop the binding?” Lan Zhan stood up so fast that the chair he sat in fell backwards. “Even if I can make it to the surface, how can I possibly free him?”

“Lan Zhan?”

Lan Zhan turned around to find his brother standing in this doorway holding a soft candle for light. “I thought my door was locked…”

"Brother, are you alright?" Lan Xichen asked softly, stepping further into the room.

Lan Zhan sighed heavily. "I don't know anymore, Xichen." He admitted. "Everything feels... hopeless."

His brother looked at him with kindness in his eyes. “I know we worked really hard to become a part of LanShadow and I know it’s frustrating to be removed from it but—”

He started digging through the papers he just threw out. “I don’t care about LanShadow right now!” Lan Zhan spat out.

Lan Xichen sighed. “I’m sure you must feel betrayed by them but—”

“Xichen! I said you wouldnt understand! It has nothing to do with that.” Lan Zhan doesn't know how to tell him he’s pregnant. He doesn't want to tell him that the man he was speaking to on the communicator was Wei Ying. For some reason his brother is a bit oblivious.

“Oh… I see… It must be…You didn’t get to see the stars.” Lan Xichen’s expression faltered.

The stars? Lan Zhan almost forgot because the star that shone the brightest in the dark… was him. “Xichen… No. I saw them but that isn't the reason. I just need to go back to the surface.”

“Why do you want to go back so bad if you saw the stars?” Lan Xichen asked with a concerned look on his face. “Wasn’t that the whole plan?”

“You wouldnt understand.” Lan Zhan saw how angry he was when he was talking to Wei ying on the headset. He wouldn't like Wei Ying. At least not yet. It isn't the right time.

“How can you say that when you haven't given me a chance to understand?” Lan Xichen’s voice cracked. He looked really concerned about him.

Suddenly, Lan Zhan remembered something. He quickly packed a small bag and grabbed his brother's hands. “Come with me to the ancestral library.”

“What? Why there?” Lan Xichen asked. “What about Lan Yiying and Lan Anzhi outside the door? And don't forget the guards outside the Library.”

“Is that who let you into my room?” Lan Zhan rolled his eyes. “We’ve passed the Ancestral hall guards before. It’ll be fine.”

“That was pure luck!” Lan Xichen replied.

“Then start praying.” Lan Zhan pulled Lan Xichen towards his window. “Cause we’ll need it.”

“Oh no, I'm not jumping out the window.” Lan Xichen protested. “This is how we're getting past our Shadow sisters?”

“You don't have to jump.” Lan Zhan threw a ladder out the window. “We’ll climb down.”

Relief washed over his brother's face. “This is insane. I’m not climbing out of a window…”

“I cannot believe you're still a scardy cat.” Lan Zhan practically jumped out the window and skipped almost every step. Once he got to the bottom he looked up. “It's easy. Just be quiet.”

“That's easy for you to say.” Lan Xichen carefully moved one leg out of the window one another.

Lan Zhan watched each step his brother made. “Great job. Now hurry up or we’ll be—”

Lan Xichen yelled. “AHHH—” *crash*

Lan Xichen somehow managed to slip on the ladder and landed on Lan Zhan’s body at the bottom. Lan Zhan should have seen this coming.

“Sorry!” Lan Xichen helped his brother off the ground.

“You… are a disaster sometimes.” Lan Zhan said, wiping dirt off himself.

“Yeah…” Lan Xichen replied, scratching his head in shame.

Lan Zhan collected himself. “Let's go. You were loud. The girls will come into my room soon and realize we're gone.” Lan Zhan grabbed Lan Xichen and headed to the ancestral library, where they once wandered as children.

When they arrived at the entrance to the library, two guards stood at a closed door. They looked armed with heavy armor and swords.

“Now what?” Lan Xichen asked.

“Now, you command a little more authority.” Lan Zhan replied.

“What do you mean by that?” Lan Xichen looked confused.

“Well, you're the first child of Qingheng-Jun and heir to the throne of Crystal Gusu.” Lan Zhan said in a slightly upbeat tone.

“...Throne?” Lan Xichen raised an eyebrow. “We're not royalty!”

“What, how could you say that? We're blood relatives to the founders of this majestic Abyss. That practically makes you the crown prince.” Lan Zhan replied.

“You're hilarious.” Lan Xichen rolled his eyes.

“You have more authority than you use. Didn't you realize that everyone treats you and I differently? You got into LanShadow when our father wasn't going to pick you. We have always been catered to in some way, shape or form." Lan Zhan replied. “Might as well act like we own the place since we will inherit father’s position; well rather you will—”

“Even if it's kind of true that I'm supposed to take father's position, I'm ‘Xichen the screw up’! Everyone in our clan knows I'm not fit to take over. Why can’t you do it?”

“Listen, right now all you have to do is tell the guards that you need to...” Lan Zhan paused for a minute to come up with an idea. “To research the clan's history to become more equipped to lead our people. That is exactly what you always have had to do aside from LanShadow. This way we’re not lying to them or trespassing like we did last time.”

“But… I don't need to study that stuff right now..” Lan Xichen looked annoyed by the idea of doing this. “We need to get LanShadow back up and running first—”

“Father banned access to the surface, A-Huan. That's a mission we can't achieve right now.” Lan Zhan reminded him. “This isn't freedom.” Lan Zhan feels like his emotions are tipping over the edge. “I feel trapped! I don't want this for our people’s future. Our people should be able to see what I saw up there. The stars… The state of the clans… There are things we can only learn by leaving home.”

“We were always underground, why are you so antsy about it now?” Lan Xichen’s face looked slightly disappointed. “They don't concern us.”

“What if it was all a lie?” Lan Zhan spat out. “What if when we take over Crystal Gusu, we can create a new order around here? One with freedom to ascend?” There are a few reasons for this new goal. To see Wei Ying, and to free his people from the Abyss. Even if they love the Abyss, they are here because of force according to Wei Ying's story. He wants people to have a choice and to know the truth.

Lan Xichen looked horrified. “What are you saying? You defy our founders will? You sound like the scholars! I can't believe one trip to the surface made you think like this.”

“What if it wasn't his will?” Lan Zhan is still deeply disturbed by Wei Ying's story about Gusu Abyss. He wants answers about everything. And he might find it inside that library. “If I can prove that the information i learned is true then—”

“You'll be a traitor!” Lan Xichen yelled.

“Aren't I already?” Lan Zhan asked, now feeling really upset his brother would call him this.

“No! You made a mistake.” Lan Xichen tried to defend. “People make mistakes.”

“I've caused the greatest division of our clan to be completely removed as a job all because I— I— Xichen…” Lan Zhan knows there is something wrong with all of this. “Can't you see there is something wrong with our clan?” Lan Zhan asked.

After witnessing Wei Ying’s abuse, he can't process the fact that he knows his teammates were punished with lashes because of him. The girls would never say it, but Lan Zhan knows the rules.

“Those surface crawlers really got to you, didn't they?” Lan Xichen looked devastated.

Lan Zhan realized that for once, that he and his brother were night and day on this topic. “Just please brother, if you help me get into that library, I will never ask any favor from you ever again.”

“Why do you want to go back to the surface so badly?” Lan Xichen asked.

“I just have to.” Lan Zhan can't tell him he wants to see Wei Ying and help him free him.

“Just trust me, please.” Lan Zhan begged.

Even though Lan Xichen looked upset he turned the corner and walked down the hall towards the guards without another word. Lan Zhan felt happiness tear though him and he tailed right behind him.

“No trespassing.” One of the guards said.

Lan Xichen stood up straight. “I just wanted to—”

“No trespassing.”

Lan Xichen was cut off by the other guard. He took in another breath and continued.

“Do you know who I am?” Lan Xichen asked in response.

“No.” The guards replied in unison.

“I am Qingheng-Jun’s first born and I demand entrance to the library." Lan Xichen replied.

Both guards laughed and said nothing more. The tone got right underneath Lan Zhan’s skin.

“I need access to study.”

“Study? Someone as reckless as you studying in this ancient library? You’ll destroy everything.” You could feel the condescending attitude spilling out of them. Both guards continued to laugh and refused entry.

“You think just because you're Qingheng-Jun’s first born, it means you're going to be chosen to lead the clan? You have no grace. Our leader said it himself. You’re someone unworthy of being the heir to Crystal Gusu—”

Lan Xichen all of a sudden changed how he was standing and reversed his tone. “You can either keep laughing or I can just get Qingheng-Jun to give you a little reminder to who's really in charge of the clan." Lan Zhan watched his brother become someone who is worthy of leadership in a matter of seconds. He felt proud of him.

Both guards stiffened and their expressions whitened. “No need to summon the master of Gusu.” They said simultaneously.

“Then step aside.” Lan Xichen replied. “This is my brother. We are here on direct orders to learn what we can about our clan's history.”

Lan Zhan never heard his father called ‘master’. He learned from Wei Ying that only people in blood contracts call their contractors ‘master’. The guards opened the door without any more confrontation and both brothers walked in. The door closed behind them and their footsteps echoed the halls of the library as they walked inside. Lan Zhan felt astounded at the vast amount of books on the shelves and his brother looked just as intrigued.

Lan Xichen must have gotten too close to the dust and he heard him sneeze. Lan Zhan turned around to look at him. His hair was covered in cobwebs.

“So will you finally tell me why you insisted on coming here?” Lan Xichen asked as he moved cobwebs from his hair. He absolutely cringed over the dust and cobwebs.

“Maybe.” Lan Zhan walked down a long aisle of books and scrolls, his fingers trailing lightly over the ancient spines as he searched for something specific. The amount of dust on the books made his finger tips black.

"I need to know so I can at least be useful." Lan Xichen said as he hesitantly followed behind Lan Zhan. He looked less than thrilled to be here.

Lan Zhan paused on the rows of shelves before him. "I'm looking for information on magical bindings."

Lan Xichen's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Magical bindings? For what?”

"Specifically, if there's any way to break them." Lan Zhan reaffirmed.

“Why would you need to know about that?" Lan Xichen asked with his arms folded. He walked very far away from any shelf with dust. It looked like he didn't want to touch anything more since walking into a cobweb.

"It's... complicated." Lan Zhan replied, knowing that he couldn't reveal everything to his brother just yet. "But it's important to me."

“It’s always complicated with you. We don't even use our core so I don't understand the reason for this. Just tell me, what kind of binding are you looking for?” Lan Xichen looked around and pointed towards another section of books. “There are a ton of books in this section that LanShadow has gathered over the years about the surface and the abilities they use.”

Lan Zhan Walked towards that section of books. “I’m looking for Hemokinetic Binding.” Lan Zhan said.

“Are you serious? That's the scariest, most well known ability to ever exist in the surface’s cultivation world. It's inherited by blood, that's all I know about it.” Lan Xichen sounded like he choked on his own saliva. His tone went from hesitant to obstinate. “Don't look into that stuff, why did I point it out? It's creepy. Not to mention illegal down here.”

“Please Xichen! I don't have time to argue whether it's illegal or not. I need this information.” The more Lan Zhan got worked up the more he felt nauseous and dizzy. He was starting to have pregnancy symptoms and refused to say anything about how he's feeling to his brother. He just needed answers so he could save Wei Ying before he can’t. He sat down in a dusty chair and searched through book after book.

After several quiet minutes, Lan Xichen’s tone changed. “You look pale, how about you take a break.”

“No! Xichen please! Just– Help me look.” Lan Zhan said in frustration. He tossed a book over to him to look through.

His brother sighed heavily. “Although your sudden interest in this is… mildly concerning…” Lan Xichen asked. “Fine—” Lan Xichen started to actually look.

For hours, they searched through dusty tomes and ancient scrolls. Lan Zhan's frustration grew with each passing moment. He read tons of scrolls that contained information about Silver Healing which was almost a mystery to Lan men because it was only taught to Lan women. Cores are used to perform these abilities. He found out about how cores worked and how they formed special abilities that are catered to each person. Fascinating things, but there was no book that told him anything about Hemokinetic Binding that he didn’t already know.

"I think we've looked through every single book." Lan Zhan put the books and scrolls he found back on the shelf. “There is nothing about breaking free from someone's special ability.” He mumbled.

“Nothing on breaking them, but I found something else that might be of interest.” Lan Xichen replied.

"What did you find?" Lan Zhan walked over towards his brother.

Lan Xichen flipped through the pages until he reached a section near the back of the book. "It's a collection of stories and legends but there's one tale that caught my eye."

Lan Zhan stepped closer, leaning over his brother's shoulder to get a better look at the text.

“This tale... it speaks of a legendary blade. Made from the pure hearts of broken love and tragedy.” Lan Xichen said. “A blade that doesn't kill, nor cut, but rebirths one magical core in order to restore balance to an impure heart.”

“That sounds…” Lan Zhan wasn't sure what to make of this.

“Like a tragedy!”

“I was going to say impossible…” Lan Zhan sighed. “If your core is tampered with to an extreme level, won't someone die?”

Lan Xichen shook his head. “Listen, the man was corrupted by demonic magic and his wife had to stab him in order to save his life. ” Lan Xichen looked back at the page. “It's said to bring healing and redemption to those who have lost their way. The man lived and was able to spend the rest of his life with his lover. So, it’s not a total tragedy, it has a happy ending.” He looked back at his brother with a happy smile.

Lan Zhan felt himself blink several times in shock. “How is that supposed to help stop a permanent binding?”

Lan Xichen flipped through the book for more information. “I have no idea.”

Lan Zhan looked at his brother with a side eye.

“Hm..” Lan Xichen read through the book some more. “Well… my guess is this person had a transfer ability.... But they used a sword…?” He looked back at his brother. “I may have a small understanding of this.”

“Continue.” Lan Zhan said.

Lan Xichen looked back at the text. “The sword in this case is probably just a tool to transfer energy to something so the person isn't using their hands. I dont think it's the sword with the ability, but the person themselves. It says here that "the man lived without magic afterwards“ Lan Xichen hummed. “We know by our teachings that any kind of energy needs a place to go if it's removed from its host or object. Whether that be from object to object, or simply giving it back to the Abyss.”

“Or to someone.” Lan Zhan sighed. If he didn't have the ability to transfer abilities, it's pointless. “The ability seems to be one of those unique to the person, not something someone could learn. I appreciate you helping me look for an answer though.”

Lan Xichen thought for a moment. “Even if it was the sword itself, it's not like we can find it. There is no information on it. It's a dead end.”

“Thank you for entertaining my nonsense.” As Lan Zhan turned to walk his own book back to the shelf he kicked a scroll that was on the floor. It was ripped and dusty. He placed his book on the shelf and then picked up the scroll to put it away.

The scroll fell open and his eyes fell onto something that made his stomach turn. It was labeled ‘The History of Gusu’s Crystal Abyss’. He scanned the scroll and all he could hear was Wei Ying's voice. The words on the page were verbatim to what Wei Ying said about how his clanned was formed. They were not underground by choice. They were forced by the Wen Clan.

But what Wei Ying didn't mention was that their men were cursed by the Wen and became stripped of their abilities to heal. Other skills were taught in its place but the teachings were deadly skills. Lan Zhan recognized the skills because he had mastered them all… they are skills that formed the basis for LanShadow. The Shadow Guardians were ultimately made for aiding the Wen forces on the surface. The Gusu Lan clan used to be a wonderful, magical clan that lived above ground. They had power that was not for physical harm. They possessed an unnatural ability to heal others and were able to slow the aging process of humans. This ability was feared by the Wen.

Lan Zhan didn’t understand but at the same time this felt familiar to him. This almost explained why Bichen stopped growing… His aging wasn't slowed, but completely stopped. Lan Zhan knew he wasn't the one to do the magic on Bichen. The Abyss did this to the bunny, to save him. The revelation of his clan’s bloodline being the one to bring love and healing to the world felt right.

“Xichen…” Lan Zhan mumbled. “I found the truth. This is what I was talking about. I’m not crazy. The surface people didn't get to me. I knew something was off all along.” Lan Zhan turned around and threw the scroll into Lan Xichen’s hands.

He watched his brother’s eyes shift back and a thousand times before ultimately rolling the scroll back up and putting it down.

His brother said nothing and there was an unsettling chill in the air.

Lan Zhan felt aggravated; his brother seems to have little interest in this. “Xichen… I know you don't believe it but—”

“If this is exposed, everything we’ve ever known, everything we teach our children moving forward, all of that… will change.” Lan Xichen’s voice was low and measured, but the underlying tremor betrayed his apprehension. He placed the scroll back on the table as if its mere presence could burn through their shared reality.

Lan Zhan watched his brother's previous expression become replaced by a gnawing sense of unease. “Is change bad?”

Lan Xichen said nothing again.

Lan Zhan feels a surge of emotion cone over him that he's never felt before. He felt himself becoming angry over every confrontation his brother gave.

Lan Xichens face faltered. “A-Zhan this might not be what we—”

“We can’t keep living in the shadows of lies, Xichen,” Lan Zhan said. “Our clan's entire history has been manipulated. We deserve to know the truth, our people deserve to know, our children deserve to grow up with a heritage untainted by these falsehoods.” He couldn't help but place a hand over his own stomach while talking about this.

Lan Xichen’s gaze dropped to the table, his fingers tracing the intricate designs etched into the ancient wood. “But what if exposing this history does more harm than good?” He murmured. “Our people have built their lives around these teachings. If we reveal the truth now, it could cause chaos—civil unrest even. People rely on the structure we’ve given them, no matter how flawed it might be.”

“Sometimes, change is necessary, even if it’s painful.” Lan Zhan replied softly. “If we continue to hide the truth, we’re no better than those who imprisoned us here. We need to honor our ancestors by restoring their true legacy, not the version corrupted by fear and oppression.”

Lan Xichen sighed deeply, his shoulders sagging. The library around them seemed to hold its breath, as if the very walls were waiting for his decision. He glanced at Lan Zhan, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. “And how do we do that? How do we reveal such a monumental truth without tearing apart everything we know and love? It's impossible… I don't think it's worth the risk!”

“You're the next heir of this Clan. You can change things for the future, for the better. It starts with us working toget—” Lan Zhan saw stars in his vision and he choked on his own words. His lungs tightened up and his vision went black instantly. He felt himself hit the ground before completely passing out suddenly.

Wei Ying shut the door behind him, leaving Lan Zhan alone in the hotel room. He glanced back at the closed door and a wave of disappointment washed over him. He peeled his feet from the ground and walked out of the place entirely. The entire time he felt nothing but absolute shame and humility. Despite the amazing time he had with Z, he couldn't ignore the fact that he had attempted to steal his money. It was a betrayal that weighed heavily on his conscience and the weight only grew when Z didn't lash out at him. He was confused. He expected it to be easier if he was angry at him…

Wei Ying couldn't help but replay the events of the evening in his mind. He remembered the first time they kissed, the warmth of Lan Zhan's body pressed against his own. He had known from that moment on, that Z had money stashed away when he felt the man up. However, he initially pushed the thought of stealing aside, telling himself to enjoy the night instead of being impulsive. But in the end, temptation had gotten the better of him.

He stopped in his tracks and stood in the middle of the street. He didn't think he would end up liking that man as much as he did. He felt his cheeks become wet and he quickly wiped the tears away. He can't be emotionally invested, not yet. He had to stop thinking about it. He just wants to give this money to Xue Yang and settle their deal. He shook his head and slapped his face.

“Let's go.” He said out loud to motivate himself. He walked back to the manor and walked inside.

He was met with his friends who asked twenty questions about where he was. Sisi, Bicao and Qin Su were ecstatic to see him but also very worried when he didn't come back. It honestly felt refreshing. However The moment he crossed the threshold, Wei Ying could only feel the tension crackling in the air like electricity. Xue Yang's fury was palpable. Wei Ying panicked momentarily. He swallowed hard, trying to steady his nerves. He knew he shouldn't have been out so long. He turned to face him and he felt his heart sink. He quickly grabbed Wei ying’s wrist and dragged him to Xue Yang’s room where they were now alone.

“Where have you been?” Xue Yang yelled, shutting the door behind him.

“You know–” Wei Ying felt his whole body shake. “I was out for my birthday—”

“Which was yesterday!” Xue Yang replied with hostility. “What were you doing?”

Wei Ying's heart sank. He knew he shouldn't have been out for so long. He couldn't bring himself to admit that he had spent the night with Z, only to betray him in the end.

"I–I lost track of time and fell asleep at my old house." Wei Ying lied through his teeth, his voice trembling with fear as he met Xue Yang's steely gaze. "But I'm here now–”

Xue Yang pushed blood from where his missing finger was and formed chains that wrapped around Wei Ying’s neck. Xue Yang pulled him until Wei Ying fell to his hands and knees. Wei Ying felt a knot form in his stomach. Xue Yang never used the chains this way. The sensation of the chains tightening around his throat sent a shiver down Wei Ying's spine. This was not the first time he had experienced Xue Yang's wrath, but it was certainly one of the most terrifying because this time, it seemed like he wanted to actually kill him using his chains.

“Were you off f*cking someone else?” Xue Yang's voice dripped with venom as he leaned in close. Xue Yang grabbed Wei Ying by the back of his neck and smelled his neck and hair. He let go of his hair and threw him to the ground.

Wei Ying wanted to throw up. “W–What?” He said shakily. “Master Xue Yang, please, I was just—”

Xue Yang cut Wei Ying’s words off with a harsh laugh. "I can't believe you. You smell like another man!”

“I—” Wei Ying was very confused. “But we are not— I thought we weren't—” Wei Ying's mind raced, now trying to come up with a plausible excuse to appease Xue Yang's rage. “No— Master I wasn’t—” He started to protest, but Xue Yang's grip on the chains tightened forcing him up in the air, his feet dangling inches from the ground.

“AHHAA!!!” Wei Ying choked out. “GUHHA—” He grabbed the chains around his neck and tried to pull away to breathe.

“I stopped f*cking so many pretty girls just for you!” Xue Yang dragged Wei Ying to his bed by the chain around his neck. He was thrown up onto the bed and as soon as Wei Ying felt the slightest give on the chains he spoke.

Wei Ying shuffled himself backwards on the bed creating distance between them. “That's a lie. You still have sex with others! Why do you care if I’m f*cking someo—”

“Because I own you, Bitch!” Xue Yang's blood spilled everywhere and it created paper that hung in front of Wei Ying. He grabbed Wei ying by the collar and forced him to look.

Wei Ying saw his name on the bottom of the paper. His name was written in blood. He was actually tied to Xue Yang by a magical blood contract. He never physically signed anything so seeing his name spread across the paper was horrifying. It looked identical to his signature, which was more than eerie. He thinks he finally understands Z’s concern about this binding.

“I gave you everything and this is how you treat me in return? I only have sex with the escorts I am contracted with now, just so I can give you more attention.” Xue Yang said harshly. He tightened the chains. “I'm obligated to follow through with the escorts but I have been keeping it at bare minimum. I stopped having sex with walk ins!”

This wasn't like Xue Yang at all. Wei Ying was in actual fear of his life. “Master– Nng–” Wei Ying choked as he stainged himself trying to resist but at the same time he felt a surge of guilt wash over him. "I'm sorry—Please Master forgive me—" He pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper. His vocal cords feel like they're going to shatter under the pressure around his throat.

“I’m going to make sure you remember who owns you.” Xue Yang's rage was unrelenting. With a flick of his wrist, he transformed more of his blood into chains that wrapped around Wei Ying's wrists and ankles, binding him to the bed in a twisted display of dominance.

Wei Ying let out a gasp of air as he felt himself being pinned down, his body writhing in pain as the chains dug into his skin. The chains were attached to the bedframe and pulled his body tighter to the bed. He had little movement, especially lifting his head since the chain around his neck attached to the bed directly under his neck. The twisted look on Xue Yang's face filled him with a sense of dread unlike anything he has ever felt before. And when Xue Yang's cruel laughter echoed in the room, Wei Ying knew that he was in for a long, agonizing night.

Xue Yang began ripping Wei Ying’s clothing to shreds. It was his escort robe and the only one he had. Xue Yang threw pieces of it all over the room. Wei Ying felt his whole body begin to shake and as he blinked tears away he could now see Xue Yang digging for something in his shredded robes. “My my, A-Ying. Did you bring me a present?” He held up the wad of money infront of them both

Wei Ying tried to sit up but to no avail. “Yes master. I worked hard last night just to give that to you.” Wei Ying knew how to play the game though he didn't want to. He thought sweet talking to him might calm him down.

“This is quite a lot” Xue Yang raised an eyebrow. “Who did you say you f*cked last night?”

Wei Ying didn't want to give up Z’s name or anything about him. “Doesn't matter, I got it to pay off my debt.”

Xue Yang looked pissed. “I want a name.” Xue Yang tightened the chain on his neck once more and Wei Ying began to see stars. Just before he went unconscious the chain let up. Wei Ying moved his head slightly side to side in a daze and blinked a few times to see clearly.

“NAME!” Xue Yang yelled. His hairs fell down in Wei Ying’s face. “ I WANT A NAME.”

“Z!” Wei Ying bit his lip so hard it drew blood. He became angry at himself for slipping any information but the pain from the chains was so much top handle. He cracked under the slightest bit of pressure.

“Z?” Xue Yang tilted his head. “That's… it?

Wei Ying didn't say anything else.

“IS THAT IT?!” Xue Yang said in another aggressive tone. Xue Yang used his own hand and wrapped it around Wei Ying's neck and began to tighten his grip.

“Yes–” Wei Ying replied breathlessly. He felt Xue Yang let go and he took a deep breath. He was ashamed that he was weak enough to let Xue Yang get to him like this.

“And you believed that?” Xue Yang began to laugh and it made Wei Ying very uncomfortable. Of course he believed him. Z told him that it was his name…

“That's not a real name. that's a code name.” Xue Yang said snarkily.

“How would you know?” Wei Ying shouted back. He felt very defensive over Z. “That IS his real name!”

“Only super sketchy members of the Lan clan use outdated code names like that.” Xue Yang explained.

“Shut up! You don't know what youre talking about.” Wei Ying tried to sit up fast but was stopped by the chains. He only hurt his neck. “How dare you call him a filthy Lan!”

“It seems like the Lan has his hooks in you.” Xue Yang narrowed his eyes on him.

“You're wrong!” Wei Ying protested.

‘Z? A Lan? No one that sweet and charming and beautiful could ever be from the Lan clan. Not a cave dweller.’ Wei Ying refused to believe this. “This is a trick. Stop lying to me! I'd never get with a Lan!”

Xue Yang had the nerve to roll his eyes. “Believe what you want then.”

“I will—” Wei Ying became agitated. “So just let me go because I paid you already!”

“You think you could pay me with my own money?” Xue Yang spat out.

“What are you talking about?” Wei Ying asked.

“Don't play dumb.” Xue Yang said.

“That money wasn’t yours.” Wei Ying said. “It was Z’s.”

“Oh but it was mine.” Xue Yang began running his hands along Wei Ying’s body much harder than usual. Soon his nails were digging into his skin. “I watched that slimy cave co*ckroach stick his greasy fingers into my belongings on my security camera.”

‘Camera? Wei Ying never knew there were cameras in his Manor.‘ Wei Ying’s thoughts spiraled.

“Aww you looked so surprised. I gotta look at something when you're not around, baby. I like to go back and replay my favorite moments between you and I.” Xue Yang licked up and down his torso.

Wei Ying swallowed hard. His anxiety spiked and he felt sick to his stomach. He never realized how deep this was. ‘Who else watches? Who else was recorded?’ He has so many questions that didn't make sense but though it all there was one thing he didn't believe.

“Z didn't steal that money.” Wei Ying was convinced. He tried to ignore Xue Yang’s tongue lick all the way from his neck to his dick.

Xue Yang bit painful marks into his skin leaving welts in their wake. His body bruised instantly. Xue Yang momentarily stopped to grab a remote from under a pillow and turned the TV on. It was already on the camera ready to be replayed. “Then see for yourself.”

Wei Ying watched with his own eyes. A man that looked like his beloved Z came into the room, did something on the computer, stole the money and left. He had no idea how to feel.

Did Z plan this? Was he part of this whole cruel game that was being played on him since a child? Was their night together a lie?’ He felt tears begin to fall from the corner of his eyes to his ears and he looked away.

“I’m sorry it seems that your night out was a scam.” Xue Yang situated himself between Wei Ying’s legs and he removed the last bits of shredded clothing. He grabbed Wei Ying’s ass cheeks and forced them open. It sent a pain up his spine which resulted in him crying out in pain.

“Why…” Wei Ying's eyes rested on the wad of money that was still in Xue Yang’s possession, feeling more than defeated. “That was more than enough to pay my debt…” He mumbled to himself with cracks in his voice.

“Yeah, maybe without interest.” Xue Yang laughed.

Wei Ying’s heart sank. “Excuse me?” He said angrily. “This was totally enough! You just want—”

“This will never be enough! No amount of money will ever be enough to get away from me! So get comfortable because I’m going to f*ck you, all night!” Xue Yang growled, his eyes flashed with a dangerous flicker. “And you're going to enjoy it.” Xue Yang threw the money across the room, the loose bills scattered all over the floor.

Wei Yings heart shattered into a million pieces. He had been betrayed by more than one person and it was all for nothing. He'll never get out of this cycle. Desperation clawed at Wei Ying's chest as he struggled against his chains. But try as he might, he knew that there was no escaping Xue Yang's twisted desires. As Xue Yang loomed over him. Wei Ying knew that he was truly at the mercy of a monster.

Without warning, Xue Yang started to push the head of his dick inside his dry hole, tearing some skin.

“Ow ow ow!” Wei Ying tried to move away. “Wait hold on— You need lube—” He gasped for air. Wei Ying's breath got caught in his throat as Xue Yang's cruel touch sent waves of pain shooting up his pelvis. He felt like a puppet in the hands of a sad*stic master. The relentlessness of Xue Yang's intrusion tore through him like shards of glass. It felt like it shredded his anal cavity with each merciless thrust. He was certain that the only fluid he felt was blood and sweat.

“It hurts…” Wei Ying's voice trembled as he tried to speak through the agony. "Please... stop... " His pleas fell on deaf ears as Xue Yang continued his assault. Wei Ying's body felt like it was being torn apart from the inside. “It hurts too much…”

Desperation clawed at Wei Ying's mind as he struggled to find some semblance of relief. "Please just let me move a little!" His words came out in gasps, his breath rugged and uneven. “You don't have to stop, just let me shift so it stops the pain!” But Xue Yang showed no mercy, his grip tightening as he continued to violate Wei Ying's body with a brutality that left him feeling helpless and violated. “Master, please!”

“You f*cked another man!” Xue Yang pounded his co*ck into Wei Ying so hard that Wei Ying began to see stars, in a bad way. "I will make you feel my pain, you cheating bitch!" Xue Yang's voice dripped with malice, his grip on Wei Ying's body tightening even further.

“You’re right. I did! I’m sorry! I never want to see that liar ever again!” Wei Ying's heart sank as he realized the depths of Xue Yang's depravity. “GAHH—”

Xue Yang wasn't listening. There was no reasoning with this monster, no escape from the nightmare he found himself trapped in. With each agonizing thrust, Wei Ying felt his soul breaking and more tears welled in Wei Ying's eyes. He couldn't relax and the more he tensed, the more it hurt. He endured the brutal assault over and over until dawn broke. His mind became consumed by fear and despair. He could feel his spirit breaking beneath the weight of Xue Yang's relentless onslaught.

But even in the depths of his despair, a flicker of defiance burned within Wei Ying's heart. He refused to let Xue Yang break him completely, to rob him of his humanity and spirit. With every fiber of his being, he vowed to endure, and survive. Because even if it was an illusion, it was a comforting one. He will ask Z for the truth… He will wait for Z to come for him just so he can hear it from him.

He continued to thrust as hard as he could with an unforgiving speed that made Wei Ying nauseous.

“Please… It hurts…” Wei Ying begged as he sobbed his eyes out. He couldn’t move a muscle. His legs trembled and the chains were starting to make him bleed from sharp edges. “Why are you treating me like this? You never do this to me, no matter how much I screw up…” He actually felt hurt Xue Yang chose to take it out on him in this manner. He had trusted Xue Yang… “It feels like blood. Please stop—”

Hit took a moment to register because everything was numb at this point, but he felt Xue Yang stopped moving inside of him. He now felt more liquid pour out which means Xue Yang came for what felt like the hundredth time that night. Wei Ying felt something wet fall on his face, which was weird since he knows Xue Yang released inside of him and not on his face. Wei Ying opened up his eyes and he was met with a very unexpected expression on Xue Yang’s face.

“You ungrateful whor*.” Xue Yang said through several hitched breaths. His eyes were filled with tears that were dripping onto Wei Ying’s face. His arms were on either side of Wei Ying and he could feel the bed shaking from the trembling that was coming off of Xue Yang. “You fell in love with that bastard, didnt you?!” Xue Yang began uncontrollably hyperventilating. It sounded like he was going into a panic attack. “You don't even look at me like you did before you met him.”

‘Did Xue Yang actually fall in love with him? Or was this a twisted emotion?’ Wei Ying felt confused. This expression more than broke Wei Ying’s heart. He had never seen Xue Yang cry or be vulnerable in any fashion.

“I don't think I know what love is.” Wei Ying admitted. “I thought I found it, but he lied to me.” His heart became a bit bitter and conflicted about Z. “And you? You expect me to believe that what you’re doing to me is love?"

Xue Yang pulled his dick out but still caged Wei Ying beneath him. Wei Ying stifled his noises from pain when he removed himself from his ass. They both looked at each other for several quiet moments. Wei Ying watched Xue Yang’s eyes change from a cold heartless monster, to a warm vulnerable man filled with remorse.

He watched Xue Yang’s eyes scan his body up and down. “What have I done to you…?” Xue Yang looked unexpectedly upset. “You're bleeding. You’re bleeding all over…” Wei Ying felt Xue Yang place something on his ass. He can only assume it is cloth to clean up the blood.

Wei Ying feels his heart stings being pulled. He can't figure out why it seemed like Xue Yang was a completely different person than before. He sat up, chains now allowing him to move, he desperately tried ignoring the pain that shot up his spine. He was so beyond angry and grabbed the back of Xue Yang’s neck making him wince. Wei Ying pulled him in for a small, quick forceful kiss on the lips. “Just let me go and we can call our situation even. I’ll forget about your major lapse in judgment.”

The anger returned to Xue Yang’s eyes instantly. “You're mine. The contract is permanent.”

“Permanent?” Wei Ying started recalling the conversation with Z. He doesn't know who or what to believe anymore. Was Z right? “Why?”

“I can't let you go. We're bonded together forever.” Xue Yang pulled Wei Ying in for a more slightly forced kiss. “I’m sorry. We're both just going to have to make it to the end of this life together somehow.” Xue Yang got up and grabbed a bag. He put it on the bed for Wei Ying to take.

“What's this?” Wei Ying asked suspiciously. “Reward for what you just did to me? Did I please you well enough? Or is it an ‘I’m sorry but not really’ gesture, for your f*cking rape session you just hounded onto me?” Wei Ying took the heavy bag and threw it at Xue Yang’s face. “I don't want your sh*t if it means you believe this was okay.”

“It’s not a reward, it was a birthday gift. But you left before I could give it to you.” Xue Yang said regretfully. He gently placed it back on the bed. Xue Yang's eyes clouded with a mixture of regret and something almost like sorrow. “I don’t expect you to forgive me.”

Wei Ying felt a hollow laugh escape his lips. “Forgive you? For what, exactly? The torture? The rape? Or the chains that are still cutting into my skin?”

Xue Yang looked away, unable to meet Wei Ying’s eyes. He he;d out his hand and dispersed the chains. “I don’t know how to make this better, Wei Ying. I just… I don’t want to lose you.”

“You lost me the moment you decided to hurt me.” Wei Ying replied, his voice cold. “You can’t keep me here.”

“The contract—” Xue Yang began, but Wei Ying cut him off.

“Means nothing.” Wei ying looked away.

Xue Yang didn't say anything else, he just started to clean the room, minding his own business.

Wei Ying glanced back at the bag. Might as well take it since he went through all of that. He opened the bag and pulled out a robe that must have weighed a ton. It was made from the finest silk he's ever seen that was embedded with jewels and crystals that were out of this world.

Wei Ying ran his fingers over the intricate details and as he was looking he found his name embroidered on the front. It also had two bunnies playing with each other surrounding his name.

“I had it altered to fit you and added the bunny design with your name.” Xue Yang said.

“Xue Yang…” Wei Ying looked at him and made eye contact. This time he didn't use Master and was tiptoeing on thin ice. “This looks familiar.”

Xue Yang hummed softly. “Does it? You were about five when this was first made. I originally made it for your mother. But she never wanted to wear it all that often because she claimed it was too itchy. I had a tailor put a liner inside it so it was wearable. I thought maybe you’d want it just to have it.”

It’s disturbing how long Xue Yang has been involved with his family. Wei Ying wanted to know more. Wei Ying could only think of one reason Xue Yang would do what he's done. “Did you feel the need to take me after her death because you loved her?”

“Part of her contract was ‘if anything were to happen to her or your father, I was obligated to take care of you.” He huffed in annoyance. “She wouldn't agree with anything otherwise.”

That was a very hard statement. Wei Ying almost wanted to lash out at him. “She trusted you not to hurt me! And what have you done instead?”

“I still chose to follow through with taking you in. I could have left you to die that night! But I didn’t.” Xue Yang walked over to him. “Of course I loved her. But at the end of the day, she loved your father. No matter how many times she willinging gave herself to me, she didn't truly love me.”

It feels like Xue Yang may have resentment towards Wei Ying by how he's been treated. “Did you use a blood contract on her?” Wei Ying stood up completely naked in front of Xue Yang as he held onto the new robe about to put it on. For some reason he doesn't feel the need to run away. He thinks Xue Yang calmed himself down now.

Xue Yang shook his head no. Wei Ying doesn't know if he could feel any more manipulated by him than he already does. Xue Yang makes this feeling come and go. Wei Ying wants to truly end this with Xue Yang but doesn't know how. Xue Yang said it’s impossible. Maybe they can agree on new terms so he can be free anyway.

He stepped into the robe and put it on. It fit him like a glove and he felt empowered by having it on. Wei Ying felt really happy to wear something his mother owned. He looked at himself in the mirror and felt himself start to cry but this time with more joyful tears. Her energy lingered on the fabric. He hugged himself and it felt like her embrace. She had to have worn it just once to have her energy still on it… Wei Ying became overjoyed with emotion and it completely spilled over.

“This is only a thank you gesture.” Wei Ying pulled Xue Yang in and kissed him. He really doesn’t know why he is essentially rewarding him, but feeling his mothers energy gave him strength. It still feels like a job kissing him, never for enjoyment. When he broke the kiss, Wei ying held Xue Yang’s face with both hands. “You can be so sweet and so cruel at the same time.” Wei Ying leaned in to whisper in his ear. “It's absolutely disgusting.” He backed up to make eye contact again. “I’m not a belonging. I am not yours.” He took a breath. “For now, I stay by choice as long as you don't do what you just did to me ever again.” He honestly wouldn't have a place to go anyway even if he left…

He is only here until Z can get him out… Though he is now skeptical about who he is and why he stole money. He had no other option.

Xue Yang nodded and then tied a red ribbon in Wei Ying’s hair. “But I want you to be mine.”

“Favoritism in the Manor is against rules.” Wei Ying reminded him.

“I am the rules.”

“See, that's the attitude that makes me not want to be yours—” Wei Ying said in annoyance. “That goes for the rest of the girls you are contracted with.”

Xue Yang actually laughed and his evil aura vanished. “Go see the girls. They help treat you… Medically for the....” It seems like Xue Yang doesnt want to say it out loud that he just railed him within an inch of his life without real consent.

But give Wei Ying no more reasons— he was already halfway to the door as soon as Xue Yang said the words.

A few weeks later the innkeeper from the hotel showed up with a small device that she thought was his. Wei Ying didn't know what it was but he thought it must have been Z’s if it was in the room they were in. As he tinkered with it, it powered on and he could hear a voice.

But by the end of the conversation Wei Ying was left angry, heartbroken and devastated.

Xue Yang had intervened when Z ultimately told him to destroy it and the connection was cut. It was the first time he was able to talk to him for weeks and yet Z wanted the connection severed.

“See? What I’d tell ya?” Xue Yang said as he eavesdropped. “He’s a Lan. He ain't going to want you to contact him like this.”

“f*ck off.” Wei Ying spat out.

Xue Yang grabbed the device from Wei Ying’s hand and smashed it.

“WHAT THE f*ck?” Wei Ying watched the device crumble and fall to the floor. “That was my only connection to him!”

“You're really playing with fire.” Xue Yang said. “I wont have Lan technology in my Manor.”

It was disturbing how much information this man has under his belt. No matter what Wei Ying did, he knew about it.

Xue Yang narrowed his eyes. “I’m doing you a favor. He’ll only shatter your heart more.”

Wei Ying shook his head. ‘Z… would never hurt him… He isn't a Lan… He wouldn't hurt a fly…’

Lan Zhan stirred awake to find an unrecognizable woman hanging over him. Lan Zhan jumped up out of bed and fell onto the floor, absolutely horrified.

“Woah, be careful. You mustn't get out of bed yet.” The woman came around the bedside to help Lan Zhan back up. Another woman came rushing in the room to help assist her since he was more than twice her size.

Lan Zhan looked at the two women helping him and then around the unfamiliar room from the bed. The architecture was different from what he was accustomed to. He didn't know where he was, but one thing was for sure, he was in the female part of the sect.

“How did I get to this side of Crystal Gusu?” Lan Zhan asked.

“Just stay put and try not to break anything.” The second woman who walked in said.

Lan Zhan had no idea where he was, who he was talking to, and now there are rules he needs to abide by when his head is foggy.

“Don’t mind her. She means well…” The first woman said and then followed the other woman out of the room.

He watched both of them leave. He got used to seeing Lan Yiying, An and Guiwei but under normal circ*mstances, he and the rest of the men were not allowed to interact with this part of their clan. The fact the woman was speaking to him was shocking.

A moment later the second woman walked back in with a clipboard and a bunch of paper.

Lan Zhan had many questions. “Where–”

The woman abruptly raised her hand to his face and Lan Zhan was momentarily stunned he stopped talking. “To answer your questions, your brother brought you here.” The woman brought a chair by his bedside. “I am Wen Qing. The doctor of Jade Refugee Village. The building you are in is my small hospital and the room you are in observation for Lan male’s illnesses.”

“I’m… I’m in the village? Not the healing springs in the female section?” The healing springs are where the women learn healing arts with their cultivation and connection to the Silver River. “Why would I be brought here? Aren't they better equipped?” Lan Zhan was confused. Though men aren't allowed to be in that section, men have places they do for healing. Men are restricted to certain areas in the female section.

“Your brother brought you there first, but they ultimately sent you to me. I am their head doctor not only for the village, but for all of the Abyss. They placed you in my care after they assessed you.” Wen Qing said.

Lan Zhan let out a long sign and leaned back against the headboard. He knew what was coming, ke knew what ,ade him so sick. “So I'm guessing by now you have assessed my condition as well?”

She got a wide smirk. “Seems like you know… but yes, I sure did. And my oh my your brother was shocked.” Wen Qing walked around the room and began doing various tasks.

Lan Zhan jumped back out of bed to follow her around the room. “You told him?” Lan Zhan grabbed the woman's arm and made her turn around. “Why would tell anyone my medical—”

No sooner did Lan Xichen bust through the door. “The nurses said you're awake! Where is he?” Lan Xichen scanned the room really fast and locked eyes on Lan Zhan. He darts over to him which scared the living hell out of Lan Zhan.

“You’re pregnant? Is that why you want to get to the surface so badly?? How irresponsible could you be!?” Lan Xichen began to lash out.

His reaction made Lan Zhan’s body shake. He hated how his own brother's eyes became full of hate, disappointment and anger. “Brother... I–” Lan Zhan felt his throat close and words wouldn't pass his lips. Lan Zhan felt himself begin to waver. A wave of dizziness came over him.

Wen Qing interjected, grabbing onto Lan Zhan’s arm to stabilize him. “Don't upset him, you'll make the symptoms worse.” She helped him back to his bed.

As he lay back against the pillows, Lan Xichen hovered anxiously nearby. His expression relaxed. "I... I'm sorry. I'm just shocked. I just never thought…"

“I can see you two need a minute.” Wen Qing politely excused herself. Once she was gone, they began to talk.

“How did this happen?” Lan Xichen asked.

“I thought that part was obvious.” Lan Zhan stated in a flat tone that made Lan Xichens face redder than an apple. “I had sex.”

Lan Xichen’s lips moved but no words came out.

Lan Zhan huffed a laugh. “Unless my older brother truly doesn't know how it works then–”

“That's not what I meant.” Lan Xichen cut him off. “I just meant, how could you allow this to happen? You were on a mission and—“ Lan Xichen cut himself off with muttering. “Is that why you turned off your communicator?”

Lan Zhan looked at his brother as if to ask, ‘seriously?’ But instead said, “Obviously.”

“Diacradedul.” Lan Xichen looked like he could pass out from this knowledge.

Lan Zhan felt truly hurt by his harsh disapproval. “The girls slept with people too and yet I'm the one getting reprimanded about my job on the surface?”

Lan Xichen’s eyes narrowed.“You got pregnant from a Sun Fried Peasant, this is WAY different.”

“Don't call him that.” Lan Zhan stated in a surprisingly mean tone. “He…” Lan Zhan found himself tearing up. “He’s not like the stories we know… Nothing is like we know…”

Lan Xichen got even more angry. “You talk about me being the heir but your blood is just as thick as mine. You need to create children down here with someone from Gusu, just like me. How could you betray your blood like this?”

“I don't want anyone else!” Lan Zhan scolded his brother. “Stop being offensive towards him just because he's from the surface. You've never met him!” He scoffed. “I knew you wouldn't understand.”

Lan Xichen’s expression looked like he became more overwhelmed than anything. “I’m sorry.” He sat down in the chair by the bedside and took a long moment before he spine again. “I didn't mean to be offensive. But you have to understand, I'm worried about our bloodline.”

Lan Zhan grabbed the bucket by his bed and began throwing up. The argument is making him physically sick.

Lan Xichen sighed. "I know I'm quick to judge the surface people but… You're my little brother, and seeing you in this state because one of those filthy creatures put their hands on you..."

“It’s not like I wanted him to stop Xichen. He didn't do anything I wasn't okay with. He’s different from the stories. A lot of them are just poor and get sucked into bad situations.” Lan Zhan mumbled. “So please…At least trust my judgment of a person.”

“I'm sorry.” Lan Xichen repeated. “I'm sorry… There is just so much stress about the state of the Clan now… People are worried about our border. I have more responsibilities from father and uncle... They are trying to prepare me and I’m not supposed to think about LanShadow anymore…” Lan Xichen took a long breath holding his head. “I don't know how the public will fair with this news of pregnancy when we're in such a dire state.”

Lan Zhan's gaze softened as he looked at his older brother. Despite their differences and the tension between them, he could see the genuine concern etched into Lan Xichen's features. He is being stressed beyond what Lan Zhan knows. “I appreciate your concern. But... I need your support, not your judgment. I’m going to keep this baby and raise it in the Abyss. Despite everyone's judgment."

The two sat in silence for a long time.

“It was the guy who had your communicator, wasn't it?” Lan Xichen shifted gears. “Will you tell me his name?”

Lan Zhan started to relax when his tone changed. “Wei Ying.”

Lan Xichen nodded slowly, his expression reflecting a mix of understanding and acceptance. "A-Zhan, you always have my support." He replied earnestly. "Whatever you need, I'm here for you. Even if father is angry and our people hate the idea of half Surfician children."

A sense of relief washed over Lan Zhan. "Thank you." Lan Zhan said sincerely. "I... I don't know what I would do without your support for this."

Lan Xichen reached out and clasped his brother's hand, offering a reassuring squeeze. "You'll never have to find out." He said with a small smile.

After some more time in the care of Wen Qing, the news got back to his uncle and father, both of whom almost Qi deviated on the spot upon hearing the news. Not only was Lan Zhan’s drama spread across the Abyss, but everyone started calling his child’s bloodline dirty. Lan Zhan felt gross about this notion because everyone was hating on him for this.

Surprisingly, Lan Anzhi, Lan Yiying and Lan Guiwei visited him while he was in the village. To help cheer him up, they brought Bichen. It felt good to have his little bunny companion there to be with him. He hopped around the room causing more chaos than he had energy to deal with. But he wouldn't change it for the life of him.

The baby bunny and all the girls sat around talking about baby names and flirting with Wen Qing’s brother who walked away uncomfortably and confused. The poor man was only trying to do his job and these girls would not stop making comments to him.

The village was so different, having both men and women around gave a balance to the air. Lan Zhan got to know Wen Qing's brother, Wen Ning as well as another gentleman who lived in the village by the name of Mo Xuanyu. Mo Xuanyu was newer to the village, being sent away as a young child, while both Wen Qing and Wen Ning’s family have been here for several generations.

The Wen that lived here, their grandparents split from the Wen clan and fled underground. The Lan Clan accepted them into their Village.

After a total of three months of not being able to go back to the surface and see Wei Ying, he grew very restless. He promised he'd see him again. He had not been able to leave the village, his uncle and father are keeping him under strict medical watch. Qingheng-Jun tried to limit his contact with people but the LanShadow girls always came back to visit Lan Zhan ignoring the rules.

Wen Qing refused to take orders from Qingheng-Jun while inside the Village’s district. The entire village had her own set of rules that the Lan Clan leader doesn't have control of. This made him feel safe in the Village.

The girls came by one day with a bunch of flowers and threw Lan Zhan a baby shower with gifts and all kinds of helpful things to make Lan Zhan more comfortable during pregnancy. His favorite he received was a pregnancy pillow.

The girls looked through the items Lan Zhan opened. “Oh just look at this outfit!! The baby will look absolutely adorable in it!” Lan Yiying said as she held up a tiny onesie embroidered with delicate patterns. “This must have been donated from the girls at the Silver River Springs Academy.”


“The students working under the Woman that examined you before sending you here.” Lan Yiying explained. “They love making stuff like this.”

Lan Anzhi chuckled. "And this blanket is so soft. I think I know the girls who made them." she added, brushing her cheek against the plush fabric. "The baby will never be cold."

"I actually can't wait to meet the little one." Lan Guiwei added. "It's going to be such a joy to have a new addition to the clan's main branch. Honestly I thought your brother would be the first to get knocked up. He seems more like the sleeping around type. What a twist!"

“I can hear you… I'm right here." Lan Xichen interjected.

"I kept my words within what I was fine with others hearing." Lan Guiwei replied, looking through the baby toys on the table.

His heart felt warm surrounded by his family yet he still felt like he was missing something. Or rather someone.

“Oh gosh you're crying.” Lan Yiying grabbed tissues and ran to his side. She dabbed at his eyes with tissues.

“What did we do wrong?” Lan Anzhi asked. “Maybe we overwhelmed him with the gifts.”

Lan Xichen tried to calm the situation “Perhaps we should have waited longer before showering A-Zhan with presents.”

Mo Xuanyu grabbed Wen Ning by the arm. “Help me clean up! There is gift wrap everywhere— I’m sure he doesn't want the baby to come into a messy environment.”

“I’ll play some calming music.” Lan Guiwei took out a violin out of a Qiankun bag and sat down. But once she started playing, the melody felt like it drained him more than relaxed him.

Chaos erupted around him. Lan Zhan couldn't help but feel a bit amusem*nt. His family's well intentioned efforts to support him were heartwarming, but their frantic scrambling only added to the insanity.

“Maybe we should just ask him what he needs.” Wen Qing walked in the room with a tray of food. Wen Qing's suggestion cut through the chaotic atmosphere like a knife, bringing a moment of clarity to the room. Everyone turned their attention to Lan Zhan, waiting for his response.

He took a deep breath, trying to ignore the feeling of everyone's eyes on him. Lan Zhan let out a sound that could have been considered a laugh. He felt so much more emotions than he was used to. Hormones are wild.

“He’s laughing… Why is he laughing?” Lan Xichen panicked. “What's wrong with him?” He looked at the doctor. “He doesn’t laugh.”

She raised her hand to shut Lan Xichen up.

“I’m fine brother.” Lan Zhan sat on the bed and looked at everyone. "I appreciate all of your efforts and support.” He steadies his voice despite the massive turmoil within him. "You all have truly helped made me feel less lonely." He grabbed one of the baby’s onesies and looked at it. “I guess I wish Wei Ying could be part of this. Or at least had the option to be in the baby's life. Even if he doesn't want me… The baby…” Lan zhan felt himself break and more tears flowed.

Lan Yiying caught every tear with a tissue.

“Oh that's right… That man…” Lan Anzhi looked as though she didn't know what to say to help.

“He wouldn't have had the chance to know.” Lan Xichen said. “We kept Lan Zhan beneath the surface and had him destroy the only communication to him.” Lan Xichen said with a very heavy heart and walked to his bedside. He kneeled down in front of him and made direct eye contact. “I primrose, I'm going to get you back to the surface.”

“How? Surface travel has been banned.” Lan Zhan replied.

“Not all travel.” Lan Xichen said as he looked at Lan Guiwei. “There is one more mission that needs to be complete before they can truly stop it.”

Her eyes widened. “Da f*ck you lookin at me for? Lan Guiwei got defensive.

“You were issued a mandatory task.” Lan Xichen said. “The final one.”

“How do you find that out?” Lan Guiwei let out a very displeased sound. “Thanks captain ‘throw me under the bus! What an asshole.”

”Because I have to be the handler for the job.” Lan Xichen admitted.

Lan Anzhi and Lan Yiying looked pissed. “What about us!?”

Lan Xichen interjected. “Father ordered her to do it. He said she is the only one with the resolve to complete the task.”

“So they did not ban surface travel?” Lan Anzhi asked.

“They did. I did some digging to find out why and I noticed that the original orders did not come from father, it was from elsewhere. However, father is making LanShadow do it.”

Somewhere else? Lan Zhan thinks he knows who is really behind some of these orders. Lan Zhan quickly walked over to Lan Guiwei. “Let me have your mission!!” Lan Zhan yelled.

“What? No!” Lan Guiwei yelled back.

“Please, I need to see Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan pleaded.

Everyone's eyes were on Lan Guiwei awaiting her response. She folded her arms and looked away.

Lan Yiying looked extremely sad. “Come on A-Gui! It’s for a good cause.”

“Going to the sacrifice is always for a good cause. But this—This is— We can be exiled from home. We may be banned from going to the surface, but there are still various other things we can still do from the control room. Not to mention ease the peoples mind about their Shadow Guardians.” Lan Guiwei replied. “Is that a sacrifice I’m willing to make? No.”

“OOO drama~” Mo Xuanyu mumbled.

“Were all f*cked Guiwei! Who cares anymore?! LanShadow might as well not exist at all if going to the surface is banned! That’s was the whole f*cking point! To defend our borders from the surface before we were invaded and it's too late. Handlers stay home! We live in a god damn fishbowl!! We need eyes on the outside and to gather intel about our enemy.” Lan Anzhi yelled. “We’re benched from mission duty, so what? That shouldn’t stop us. I thought we were in this together? As a team.”

“So what?” Lan Guiwei grumbled. “We are a team but–”

“But nothing!” Lan Anzhi yelled. “Get your sh*t together! This is for Z! One of our Shadow Guardians needs us. Who are we to say no?”

“This is really getting good.” Mo Xuanyu said to Wen Ning as the two sat and ate Lan Zhan’s plate of food while spectating the entire conversation.

“The Abyss is totally collapsing as a society.” Wen Ning replied, shoving chips into his mouth. “Glad I'm not part of their politics.”

“Ha, same.” Mo Xuanyu laughed and stole the dip and chips from Wen Ning.

Lan Guiwei huffed and looked towards Lan Zhan. He could feel anger bubbling under her skin. “He’s the one who got us f*cking benched in the first place! Why are you defending him all of a sudden? You were the one who was most upset at him because of it. You LOVE your job at LanShadow. Aren't you even a little angry still?”

Lan Anzhi shook her head. “He needs us right now and I'd rather pick my battles. This isn't one I'm choosing to have with you right now. So forget about it and give him your mission. That's an order from your leader.” She looked towards Lan Zhan. “I’m sure he won't make the same mistake twice.”

He sure hopes he doesn’t.

Lan Guiwei huffed and grabbed the paper out of her pocket that was the instruction for the mission. She held it in the air and waved it around. “If you f*ck this up, we both are in deep sh*t! Do you hear me?”

“He’ll complete the task.” Lan Anzhi said angrily.

“Come on Guiwei.” Lan Yiying said. “Give him a break! He’s pregnant. ”

“What the f*ck does that have to do with–?” She sighed. “He wasn't pregnant when he made the decisions that got us all here!” Lan Guiwei grumbled and huffed and pulled at her own hair in distress.

Lan Zhan felt bad about this but he felt desperate. “Lan Guiwei, we already in deep trouble—”

“Maybe you all are!” Lan Guiwei rolled her eyes. “But I gained back my trust! Now here I am, choosing to defy the clan’s elders just so you can tell your baby daddy what he did to you.” She held out her hand with the perper.

Lan Zhan looked at everyone in the room before grabbing the paper Lan Guiwei waved around.

“Take it before I change my mind.” Lan Guiwei said.

“It was an order.” Lan Anzhi said.

“That I can choose to defy…” Lan Guiwei was really reluctant to hand it over.

Lan Zhan took it before he didn't have the chance again.

“But you won’t.” Lan Anzhi said.

“We are going to get completely removed from the Lan Clan for this.” Lan Guiwei followed up.

Lan Zhan reads the mission and sticks the note in his pocket. “Thank you.”

Mo Xuanyu cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. “If you're going to be reckless, you’re going to need a few things before you go.” He turned and grabbed a bag he already packed with extra medical supplies and clothes. He walked over and handed it to Lan Zhan.

Wen Ning smiled and walked next to Mo Xuanyu. “We both packed it while everyone was fighting. I hope the extra clothes fit. It's a mix of our older clothes from the surface. You should blend in just fine with these.”

“I thought you were just here to eat my food.” Lan Zhan said. The two laughed and shrugged.

“I do come to events for the food.” Mo Xuanyu replied.

After everyone was on the same page they began helping Lan Zhan get ready for his trip to the surface, pitching in things that would help Lan Zhan on his solo journey.

Lan Xichen took something small out of his pocket and handed it off to Lan Zhan. “I have a special communicator that will be on a different channel so father and uncle can't hear us communicating. Lan Yiying and I developed this tech ourselves.”

Wen Qing walked in with a grace that interrupted everyone. “I have made special medicine that will help combat the sickness from the Abyss’ curse.” Wen Qing handed him. “It will also make sure the baby is protected so please do not forget to take them before you ascend and descend.”

Lan Anzhi folded her arms. “I’d draw you a map of the labyrinth, but it seems you memorize the way in and out. So I have nothing to give other than— Good luck up there.”

Lan Yiying ran towards Lan Zhanand leaped into his arms fully embracing him with a hug he never expected.

“And what do you have for me?” Lan Zhan asked as he pulled his head back to try to see her face.

“A really big hug filled with my pink energy!” Lan Yiying said in her bubbly tone.

Lan Zhan wanted to laugh but soon he was about to feel this warmth spread over his body.

“What is this?” Lan Zhan looked around himself as she let go. His body was covered in a pink aura that settled within him and vanished. He felt

“I’m giving you some of my energy. I am unable to harnish it as a Silver River Healer. Water doesn't react to it the way it should. Any girl can use their core to manipulate the river's water, but only the ones who can activate the healing minerals in it, become Silver River Healers.” Lan Yiying explained.

So she used her core and cultivation to give him energy. It won't heal wounds but it will make him feel relaxed.

Lan Anzhi chimed in. “All of us, our energy doesn't react to the Silver River properties which is super rare for Lan women. The properties in the water will glow if we have the ability and because it didn't, we were considered useless and sent to LanShadow as a form of punishment. They all thought we wouldn't survive coming back from the surface.”

Lan Guiwei huffed. “I'd rather be in LanShadow anyway. Healing people isn't what I’m good at.”

“That's because you're good at getting hurt!” Lan Yiying replied. “Either way, I hope my energy is comforting for you and the baby nonetheless.” She said to Lan Zhan.

What a sweet sentiment. “I appreciate it.” Lan Zhan felt the energy moving inside him as it primarily focused on swirling around the baby, in his stomach.

“Okay. Look alive. We need a functional plan.” Lan Xichen interrupted. He threw some papers on the desk and it took a few hours to come up with something everyone agreed on. By nightfall they were ready to set their plan in motion.

Lan Xichen took charge of coordinating the logistics. He worked with Wen Qing, Mo Xuanyu, and Wen Ning to ensure that every detail was meticulously planned to minimize the risk of detection. The Shadow Guardians lent their expertise in diversion tactics. They helped create ideal distractions to divert attention away from Lan Zhan's escape route.

“Once he is in the elevator it will make noise.” Lan Anzhi said.

“Everyone nearby will hear it.” Wen Ning added.

“The noise isn’t much of an issue. I’ll notify them that it’s Lan Guiwei from the control room if anyone questions. Uncle isn’t helping me with this, so it will only be me.”

The LanShadow team went into full mission mode. “I will go into hiding in the village while Z is gone.” Lan Guiwei stated. “It's the only place your father doesn't have control over.”

“Good thinking.” Lan Yiying straightened up as if she was receiving special orders. “A and I will come back before the elevator makes the smallest noise. We don't want to be caught, especially since this mission was only intended for G.”

“I will notify X by earpiece when I get to the surface.” Lan Zhan was just starting to get used to using their names and not code names.

“This is a risky plan, but it's the best one we got.” Mo Xuanyu added.

“Alright let's do this!” Wen Ning threw his fist into the air.

Lan Zhan agreed to the plan and headed out with his team behind him. Lan Zhan's heart pounded in his chest. He knew he had support but with every step he took through the Abyss, he became overwhelmed with it all. They worked in tandem to make sure Lan Zhan reached the elevator without anyone noticing. Lan Xichen stayed close to him.

Once the brothers reached the building with the control room and the elevator, the girls kept watch from afar. Lan Zhan quickly took his medication Wen Qing gave him and they both headed into the building. They split without another word and Lan Xichen went into the control room and Lan Zhan went into the elevator.

He made his way into a pod, put his stuff down and started his ascension immediately. He knew he was going to be sick so he locked himself in his pod with food, water and extra medicine and tried to sleep it off for a few hours. But what actually happened was Wen Qing’s medicine knocked him out for the next three days. Lan Zhan woke up groggy and already at the surface.

He got his things together, changed into surface clothes, and put his ear piece in. Once he turned it on he heard static for about thirty seconds.

“Hey! I see your piece is connected. Are you alright?” It was Lan Xichen.

“How is he feeling?”

“Did he make it?”

“How's the baby?”

Everyone in the background yelled over Lan Xichen.

“Why can I hear them?” Lan Zhan asked.

“I moved the base of our operations to the village.” Lan Xichen explained.

“How's the baby!?!?!”

He can't even tell which one of them is screaming. Lan Zhan laughed inwardly. He didn't know what to say. As if he could tell if the baby is fine at this stage of his pregnancy. He hasn't begun to show at all.

“Send my thanks to Doctor Wen Qing. Her medicine worked perfectly.” Lan Zhan stretched his muscles before opening the elevator door. “Baby should be fine.”

“I’ll pass it along.” Lan Xichen said.

“We're still in the clear so find Wei Ying and tell him he’s going to be a dad. I mean, complete the mission, THEN find him. And don’t f*ck up my mission! I’d like to stay a member of this clan.”

That last one was definitely Lan Guiwei.

“Awe for a moment it sounded like she cared!”

“Shut it Y.” Lan Anzhi's voice was unmistakable here.

“I’m on it.” Lan Zhan stood at the exit door and opened the note with the details of the mission. The mission was as followed:

Mission Objective:

  • Track down rogue operative Wu Yunru and assassinate him.


  • Target is no taller than five feet tall.
  • A tracking device was placed on the target at a previous mission. Use your tracking device to find the target.

Mission Parameters:

  • Maintain covert operations and avoid drawing attention to yourself.
  • Avoid engaging in any conflicts or confrontations unless absolutely necessary for self defense or mission success.
  • Return to the underground headquarters upon completion of the mission. An incomplete mission will result in immediate removal from LanShadow Opts.

Precaution Protocol:

  • Burn this note before starting your mission.

Lan Zhan’s heart gave out. He actually had to eliminate the target. ‘This was Lan Guiwei’s mission?’

This was concerning. Wei Ying's words ‘Vial assassin’ rang through his head. He wanted to throw up. He has learned skills that can be used to do bad things but they can also be used to protect people. This mission was seeking out to kill someone. LanShadow only should kill to defend their borders as a last minute resort. Only life or death battles.

Either way he couldn't think about this too much. He was a team player and had to complete this mission so Lan Guiwei doesn't get punished on his behalf… again. This is the time where he could prove himself to his teammates. Even though his father wouldn't see his growth, his teammates would and that would be enough for him.

‘How often have Lan Yiying and Lan Anzhi had to take someone's life for a mission?’

Lan Zhan wondered if his brother knew the details of this since he was the only other person involved. He shook off the bad icky feeling about what he had to do to complete the mission before getting to see Wei Ying. He just had to get this over with. He thought of how he could do this the quickest so he didn't have to let someone suffer.

The more he thought about it the more he wanted to throw up. If LanShadow Guardians are really assassins, that means he is one too…

Before he opened the door to leave, he noticed another bag on the floor in front of the exit. He picked it up and peaked inside. It was other supplies that would be useful for this mission. Lan Guiwei must have packed for the mission already. The bag contained small knives, poisons, rope and a small satchel of acupuncture needles.

“That's how they want this done… Poison.” Lan Zhan said out loud. It would effectively be the quickest way. It would keep his hands… Cleaner…

“Why would she, or any of them, enjoy this job so much…” The words echoed in the elevator.

He took the satchel of acupuncture needles and tied it to his pants. His shirt hung over the pouch and was completely hidden. This time he was given a plain jacket to wear, so he added the poison bottles, knives and the rest of the tools into his many jacket pockets. Whatever didn't fit in his pockets, he put inside his backpack with his clothes and medicine Xuanyu and Wen Ning gave him. Some of the meds were for his pregnancy so he had to keep it with him.

Once he felt ready to leave he opened the door. With a deep breath, Lan Zhan cleared his mind and prepared himself for what lay ahead. He couldn't afford to hesitate or second guess himself now. He had a mission to complete, and then he could focus on going to the manor to see Wei Ying.

He stepped out into the clan's ancestral home and touched the wall as he exited. The walls reacted to his touch again and began to glow. It lit up the area he walked through and followed him even when he stopped touching the walls. Touching the wall burned another image of the map into his mind. The home shifted its maze since the last time.

Lan Zhan made it to the front door of the home easily. He unmuted his ear piece and waited for the connection. “I’m leaving the CLan home.”

“Oh okay. Opening the map…. Ughhh… Okay, take a right when you leave. I have a location on the target. He's on the move.” Lan Xichen’s voice was calm for this kind of mission. “The target is ten minutes away from your current location. It should be a quick mission, It won't take long.”

He needed to know. “Did you read these mission details?” Lan Zhan asked.

“No. I just provide you with the information on where to find targets. You follow through with the mission. Just get in and get out as fast as you can.” Lan Xichen said.

Lan Zhan nodded slowly, though Lan Xichen couldn't see it, it was mostly for his own acknowledgment. "I see." He was alone in knowing what had to be done. This would be all over in ten minutes.

In ten minutes he'll be a changed person.

He followed Lan Xichen's directions, taking a right as instructed. His senses were on high alert as he moved through the street, keeping an eye out for any signs of the target. The surface world was vastly different from the tranquility of the Abyss. Today Lotus Pier was filled with noise and people getting into rowdy drunken confrontations.

As he walked, Lan Zhan couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort at the thought of what he was going to do, which his brother had no clue about. He couldn't deny the necessity of self defense and protecting others, but this wasn't that. He learned techniques and performed them but had never done these things on actual people. He reminded himself that this was a mission for someone else and failure was not an option.

He continued to follow his brother's directions moving fluidly, blending seamlessly with the crowd as he kept a low profile. He made sure to stay out of sight, ducking into narrow alleyways and sidestepping groups of rowdy individuals.

Lan Xichen's voice came through again. "The target is in the alley just ahead.”

He got to the alleyway and looked down the dark narrow path. He noticed a short hooded figure in the distance talking with someone.

“Target in sight.” Lan Zhan said.

Lan Xichen’s voice came through again. “Be cautious and remember your training."

‘Training.’ Lan Zhan's mind drifted back to his rigorous training. In the training grounds, he would spend hours upon hours mastering his techniques. He would practice beheading dummies with various weapons. At the time it was just training, nothing real or alarming about it. He trained until his strikes became a perfect balance between lethality and efficiency. In his studies, Lan Zhan had learned human anatomy and the importance of targeting vital organs.

It was only now he just realized why he had to learn it.

A rock was thrown by Lan Zhan’s head which tore him from his thoughts. He looked up and realized the target was the one who threw it. Lan Zhan had been too distracted and the targets saw him first. The hooded figure darted deeper into the alleyway.

“What happened?”Lan Xichen's voice came through the headset again. "He’s on the move, keep following before we lose him.”

Adrenaline surged through his veins, heightening his senses and Lan Zhan ran after the target. Lan Zhan reached in his pouch for some acupuncture needles and laced them with poison. The target was fast but Lan Zhan was faster. Before the target turned the corner darting into another alley, Lan Zhan flicked his wrist releasing the poisoned needle.

The target used a rock to deflect it. He threw the rock and continued to run. Lan Zhan dodged the rock easily and ran after the target who darted around the corner. Lan Zhan watched him dart into a crowd of people.

Lan Zhan followed without hesitation, swiftly making his way through the crowd, following the target into the alley. Once he laid eyes on the target once more inside of the alley, he threw another needle. He watched the target deflect it once more with a rock. The target pressed on, but the chase was soon short lived when the target found themselves at a dead end.

Lan Zhan closed in on the target. Their hood covered their face completely.

“You're pretty agile for an old man!” The target yelled.

“Old?” Lan Zhan was only in his thirties. “That's rude.” So, Lan Zhan threw another needle which landed in the target's other leg. Lan Zhan held another poison needle in his hand and was about to lease it.

But that’s when he hesitated. ‘Was he really going to take an innocent life?’

The target reached into his coat and tried to grab something but Lan Zhan reached into his jacket pocket instead withdrawing one of the small knives one in each hand. The motions of his training are second nature. He honed in on his instincts and Lan Zhan closed the distance between himself and the target. In one fluid motion, he raised the knife. He focused his eyes on a vital spot to make this quick. He stopped thinking and lunged forward.

But two things stopped him. His own restraint and a man jumping in front of him.

Lan Zhan pulled back and looked at the man. The tension in the air thickened. The man appeared unafraid of Lan Zhan who clearly had two knives in his hand. The men took off their own hood and Lan Zhan’s heart sank.

Lan Zhan’s eyes widened. He felt a pit in his stomach when he came into contact with a sight of very familiar silver eyes. “Wei Ying—” Lan Zhan said in shock.

Wei Ying stood between him and the target. "Z! Why are you chasing a child with knives?" Wei Ying yelled as he shielded the target from Lan Zhan.

“Child…?” Lan Zhan repeated. Surely he had to be mistaken.

Wei Ying flicked the hood off the target quickly before turning back to angrily look him in the eyes.

Lan Zhan’s eyes landed on the target's youthful face. Lan Zhan clicked his ear piece while looking directly at Wei Ying. "X, the rogue operative is just a kid."

“What? I don't need to know the details—”

“He was to be eliminated." Lan Zhan hunted. "But he’s just a child."

“Must be a mistake just. Don’t think just carry out the mission and get out of there.” Lan Xichen said. “I’m sure he’s a wanted criminal.”

“Wei Ying, you need to move.” Lan Zhan said as he raised his knife. “That child is a criminal.”

“You're wrong.” Wei Ying held out his arms and shielded the child with a mixture of anger and tears in his eyes. “Why are you doing this?”

"Who else is there? Do listen to them. Do not hesitate, Z." Lan Xichen's voice sounded through the earpiece. “I’m looking at the target's file now, he's a serial killer. Don't believe whatever you're being told.”

‘Does he trust his brother or Wei Ying?’

“Z please this isn't right.” Wei Ying cried out. “He’s just a child, what could he have possibly done?”

“Why does this man know your code name?” Lan Xichen said through the headset. He forgot to mute it.

“Because it's Wei Ying— Just shut up X and let me think.” Lan Zhan snapped.

“Z? Who are you talking to? Is that another communication device?” Wei Ying began to looke extremely pained and it tore Lan Zhan’s heart.

“My brother, Wei Ying, I’m talking to–”

“Not the time to talk about this!” Lan Zichen said. “You will have plenty of time after the mission.”

“My brother.” Lan Zhan finished his sentence, repeating the word.

“You have a brother?” Wei Ying’s face looked like he was desperately trying to understand something. “Who are you? Really— You're an assassin, aren't you?”

Lan Zhan’s heart sank. What did he mean by this? Did Wei Ying find out he is a Lan? He called them assassins…This was all too much. “Wei Ying I— AHH” the earpiece started to send a high pitch noise forcing Lan Zhan to remove it.

When he took it out, Lan Xichen’s voice could be heard by both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. The device was malfunctioning. “No time for this! Finish the mission—”

Lan Zhan's mind was racing, torn between his loyalty to the mission and his morals. This was indeed a child. ‘Was he really going to kill a child?’

Lan Zhan raised his knife again.

"Why are you going after this kid?" Wei Ying asked sincerely.

His voice was trembling in a way that tore Lan Zhan’s heart to shreds. He wanted to see Wei Ying so badly, and this is how they have to meet again?

"He was marked as a criminal." Lan Zhan replied.

“A child? What gives you the right to take a life?” Wei Ying asked.

“Watch out!” Lan Zhan yelled.

The child suddenly lunged forward with a knife of his own and attempted to stab Wei Ying in the back but Lan Zhan saw it coming. Lan Zhan moved swiftly to protect Wei Ying, causing the child’s blade to find its way into Lan Zhan's arm. His headset fell out of his hand, and fell onto the ground. The pain seared through him, but he stood his ground, protecting Wei Ying from the child’s second unsuccessful attack.

The knife stung and the area began to become numb. Lan Zhan removed the knife from his arm, threw it to the ground behind him, out of the way and looked at the child.

The kid’s face was twisted with evil intent. “They always want to protect a child.” The kid laughed insanely. “How gullibly precious.”

Lan Zhan realized immediately, how grave this one mistake was. This kid was dangerous. Lan Zhan could feel that Wei Ying didn't let go of Lan Zhan’s jacket. Wei Ying was shaking. This must be extremely frightening to him.

“Don't worry I’ll protect you.” Lan Zhan looked back toward Wei Ying. But what he saw was nothing but devastation in his face and his words were not helping reassure him he was safe.

The child ripped off his cape and threw it off. He revealed a sword on his back which was unsheathed faster than lightning. Lan Zhan only blinked and the kid lunged again. He tried to block with his injured arm but soon he found out his arm went fully numb. He realized the child’s weapons were also laced with poison.

The injury to his dominant arm forced Lan Zhan to shift his tactics, relying on his non-dominant side for defense. He used a small knife to brace himself for the next attack. Even as the numbness spread to his chest, Lan Zhan remained in front of and protected Wei Ying at all costs.

Lan Zhan knew he could take out this enemy quickly if he wanted to. He knows he has the skills. “Stand back.” He gently pushed Wei Ying back and took a defensive stance.This battle has turned into killing this kid in order to Wei Ying, not even for the sake of the mission anymore. The child must be stopped.

With lightning reflexes, Lan Zhan intercepted the child's attack, sacrificing his own safety. His pushback on the kids sword pushed the child back and his sword upward. This created a wide opening.

“Z STOP!” Wei Ying’s voice pleaded.

Lan Zhan ignored Wei Ying’s voice and went to slash the kids' front side. But he stopped inches from the child's body. Lan Zhan found himself caught up in his morals. Torn between his loyalty to the mission, and ending this kid's life in front of Wei Ying's eyes.

He tried to tell himself that is why he stopped, but that’s not what truly stopped him. It was how much he couldn't do it. Lan Zhan has so many openings and he could stop this right now. But he froze.

The child lunged once more and Lan Zhan took a defensive stance.

“STOP!!” Wei Ying screamed.

For the first time he truly didn't know what to do. The tip of the kid's sword was aimed right at Lan Zhan’s chest. The poison was slowly wearing him down his senses and if he wanted to live he needed to end this.He braced himself as the tip of the blade came within inches of hitting his chest.

With startling precision, an arrow soared from the rooftops, and struck the child in the head. His brains went everywhere, bringing a sudden end to the confrontation.

Wei Ying screamed. The child fell to the ground, lifeless. Lan Zhan's heart sank like a stone in his chest. All Lan Zhan could do was turn to look at him because when he reached out, Wei Ying backed up.

Lan Zhan doesn't know what just happened and Wei Ying will never forgive him after this. He looked up and who he saw standing on top of the roof, scared him out of his wits. Who he saw, dressed in traditional clothing was none other than his father. None of this made sense.

Why was he here? How did he know he was on the surface? Why is he not in surface clothes?’

“It’s him!” Wei Ying’s voice was no louder than a squeaky whisper. “A Lan!”

“Why did you hesitate?” Qingheng-Jun asked, his voice stern.

Lan Zhan just stared at his father, unable to speak. He looked at Wei Ying who looked devastated and then back at his father.

“How many times do I need to repeat myself?” Qingheng-Jun asked in absolute fury.

“F– Father—” Lan Zhan said shakily. “I— It was a child! You have to understand—”

“Why did you hesitate?!” Qingheng-Jun asked again angrily.

Lan Zhan heard a sound he absolutely hated. Wei Ying made a sound that tore through his heart. “Father?” Wei Ying repeated to Lan Zhan as he looked between them. “Him?”

“That criminal who just tried to stab you is responsible for stealing from the Wen and killing five of their people to do it.” Qingheng-Jun explained, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Wei Ying grabbed the knife off of the ground the child had used and lunged at Lan Zhan. “Your Lans! You're all assassins!”

‘Assassin?’ Lan Zhan's eyes widened in disbelief. He was simply following orders, a cog in the machinery of his clan.

Lan Zhan jumped back, but hit the wall behind him. Wei Ying’s blade went right through Lan Zhan’s shoulder. Now Inuring both of his arms.

“AHH–” Lan Zhan cried out in pain.

Wei Ying had tears in his eyes. “You lied to me!” He pushed the knife deeper and twisted.

“GUH—” The knife went straight through his bone and into the wall behind him. The pain was like nothing he had ever experienced before. This blow was dealt by a loved one, hurt more than he could comprehend. Lan Zhan grabbed the blade to try to pull it out but his other arm was weak and his fingers rested over the blade, on top of Wei Ying’s hand.

Tears poured from Wei Ying’s face. Lan Zhan felt a pulse through his body, the poison was slowly taking over his whole body. Wei Ying probably doesn't know that it's laced and that he just injected another lethal amount into his body.

“Wei Ying… Lan Zhan tried to speak. “Poiso–” He tried to tell him but blood poured from his mouth. The spit as much out as he could. He felt his throat closing.

Wei Ying pushed deeper. There was no rationalizing with Wei Ying anymore. He was snapping. The look in Wei Ying’s eyes was detached.

Lan Zhan felt his body becoming weaker and weaker. He panicked not only for himself but for his baby. Lan Zhan had to make a painful choice to make this situation stop.

He hated this. He looked upwards. “Shoot—” Lan Zhan tried to yell at his father. More blood poured from his mouth as he desperately tried to pull the blade. “Father, Shoot him!”

Qingheng-Jun looked at Lan Zhan coldly. "This is what you get for not following through with a mission. You got hurt and failed the mission because you let this surface crawler run your emotions. Have you learned nothing from your brother's mistakes? You were better than him…" He sent another arrow that was aimed perfectly at the earpiece that Lan Zhan dropped. Severaling all connections to his brother. “If by chance you survive the poison that was on the knife, don't think about coming back to Crystal Gusu.”

Listening to his father’s ruthwords shattered him. He watched his father turn his back and begin to leave.

“Father–” Lan Zhan yelled with all his might but his throat started closing more from the poison and blood clogging it up. His words hardly came out. Lan Zhan could feel his body becoming overrun with poison. He is terrified. But not for his own life… This time it was for his unborn child’s. His hand released its grip on the knife that was shoving into him and for the first time ever, he felt his body give up on him. His body slumped. He had no idea what to do. The one he loved was furious at him and he was now abandoned by his father. He cannot go home. His headset was broken, and he had lost contact with Lan Xichen and was unable to tell him whether or not he would survive.

He felt the knife rip out and he fell to the ground. His vision went completely black and couldn't see what was happening. But it didn't matter much since he went completely unconscious.

Wei Ying finally came to his senses, He looked at Z and picked. He watched the Lan on the rooftop disappear. Wei Ying swallowed hard.

‘That was him.That's the man who killed my parents.’ He’d never forget that man's face. Though he looked a bit older, Wei Ying knew it was him. He looked at Z who fell to the ground. Ge couldn't believe that Xue Yang was right and it made him sick to his stomach that this man was actually a Lan. The confirmation was there. He never wanted to believe it.

He contemplated leaving him, running away and pretending none of this ever happened.

‘Z lied to him. What is his real name?’

His thoughts broke when Lan Zhan coughed up a brutal amount of blood. This was terrifying to see. Even if he did lie to him, he couldn't leave in good conscience. His heart became too invested too quickly for any of this. He was so torn, this man was someone his heart lurched for. Seeing this man in this condition was shattering to every fiber of his being. And the worst part of it all, Z was in this condition because of him. He still hurt him even though Z protected him. He keeps betraying people and he doesn't know how he got into this cycle of mayhem. He looked at the child that was dead on the ground. This whole thing was insane and no one was around to witness any of it.

Z began turning purple and Wei Ying freaked. If he doesn't do something Z will die.

“What do I do?” Wei Ying mumbled. He quickly evaluated Z’s condition and realized Z was having an anaphylactic reaction to something. This wasn't a normal thing for knife wounds. He replayed the events in his head over and over to think of what could have caused this. Suddenly he processed what the Lan on the rooftop said paired with what Z tried to mumble.

“He’s been poisoned!” He jumped off the ground and frantically looked around. He knew the only medical stand in town was too far away and if he didnt know what poison it was, he might die by being given the wrong antidote. Wei Ying looked around and his gaze stopped on the child's lifeless body.

Wei Ying had an idea. “Oh why me…” He bent down and searched the child’s body for an antidote. It wasn't the first time he saw a body drop right in front of his eyes but having it be a child was mortifying. He quickly looked in every pocket the boy had. Wei Ying pulled out 20 different small bottles of all kinds of poison. “Which one is it?” He sifted through every bottle and they all looked identical with no label.


Wei Ying slammed his fist on the ground. None of these bottles were medicine. He looked around and his eyes landed on the cape the child threw. “No one has this many poisons without some sort of antidote!” He ran to it and looked to see if the cape had any pockets. But there was none. He felt around the edges of the cape and he found something hard within the lining. He tore the cape to shreds with small knives and a tiny bottle fell out. This bottle looked different. It was clearly labeled with a red medical cross on the bottom of it.

“This has to be it.” He grabbed the bottle and ran to Z without any more hesitation.

He pulled Z into his arms. His body was becoming bloated and cold. Wei Ying blinked tears away and opened the bottle. He put the antidote to Z’s mouth and tilted his head back. Wei Ying hovered the bottle over his mouth and he was shaking so much that he thought he was going to miss his mouth. He cannot waste the only antidote he has.

For a second he hesitated and thought, ‘what if this is the wrong antidote?’ But it wasn't long before his brain rationalized the situation. ‘Either Z dies instantly from the wrong antidote or he dies slowly from the poison.’ Wei Ying needs to choose now because Z was barely breathing.

Wei Ying made a split decision. He poured the antidote into his own mouth and pressed his lips to Z’s, creating a seal. He let the antidote fall from his mouth into Z’s. He rubbed his throat to help push the antidote down his inflamed esophagus.

Uncertainty gnawed at Wei Ying's heart. His mind raced with questions; ‘Will the antidote work? Will Z die because of me?’

‘This is all my fault.’ Wei Ying thought.


If u skipped the ugly parts here's the main points u missed:
-The assault
-Wei Ying mentally makes peace with his situation
-The conversation reveals Wei Ying finding out from Xue Yang that the money Lan Zhan ‘Z’ gave him was stolen from the manor. So it was ‘all for nothing’ in Wei Ying's mind. He becomes confused about ‘Z’s’ intentions.
-Get some past history lore between Xue Yang and Wei Ying's mother.
-Wei Ying receives a new brothel outfit that's extremely fancy. It was Wei Ying’s mother's outfit that Xue Yang made for her years ago.

-This joke ended up going further than I expected. Is this a royalty au? Who knows. It's up to the unborn child to solidify it.

[[ “Well, you're the first child of Qingheng-Jun and heir to the throne of Crystal Gusu.” Lan Zhan replied.

“...Throne?” Lan Xichen raised an eyebrow. “We're not royalty!?”

“What, how could you say that? We're blood relatives to the founders of this majestic Abyss. That practically makes you the crown prince.” Lan Zhan replied. ]]

Chapter 5: Tangled Up Hearts: Bittersweet Kisses


Extra CW & TW for this chapter:

Sexual Assault: No one is safe from Xue Yang.
Jealousy: Witnessing their lover with someone else. Ish.
Bondage gear: Use ur imagination, I’m getting tired.
Death: A Wei Ying Classic.
Resurrection: For the weak folks who can't handle Wei Ying dying for too long.

///Tried my best to double mark the POV changes in this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Wei Ying felt a rush of emotion flooding his senses. Anger, fear, and desperation mingled with a strange sense of longing. He continued to press his lips against Z 's. Wei Ying couldn't bring himself to break the kiss even when the antidote was fully administered. Maybe after all this time he just simply missed kissing him. He was still so angry and yet this kiss was everything he wanted.

The taste of the antidote was bitter, but Z's lips tasted so sweet.

He felt Z’s body begin to twitch and he removed his lips to look him over. He instantly saw the purple color in his face begging to fade.

“It’s been three months since I saw you last, and this is how we have to meet again?” He said quietly to Z. “What a cruel world.”

He picked Z up and placed him on his back. When he picked him up, a bag that Z brought with him fell to the ground. He grabbed it and began his very long walk back to his old house. It was the only place to bring Z.

Once he made it to his old house he placed Z on the couch by the fireplace. It was burned but still very sturdy. He then checked the rest of the house for people. He is surprised no one was squatting in this home since it's been abandoned and burned. Though still standing, the house should be condemned. Good thing it wasn't raining or there would be leaks everywhere.

He went to gather firewood but instead he found himself in his old bedroom aimlessly wandering around. He took most of his stuff when he moved out so there isn't much left. What was there, was all burned and molded. However he remembered he had winter items stashed under the bed that was inside a fireproof box. There was a blanket in a sealed bag that wasn't destroyed nor had mold on it. He took the blanket out and used it to cover Z as he rested. Z was breathing normally now, but he still had uncovered wounds and blood all over him.

Wei Ying did what he could… Actually he did more than what he felt he should have.

He started a warm fire and then began looking through Z’s bag hoping to find anything helpful. Shockingly, he found medical supplies and a set of clean clothes. He had no idea when Z would wake up but he couldn't leave him in soaked bloody clothes. He found himself caught between morals and his anger towards Z.

He looked over at Z. “Why shouldn't I let you die?” He knew Z couldn't hear him yet he talked as though Z could.

But Z also protected him…. And Wei Ying repaid him with a stab in the shoulder.

“You lied to me and then tried to kill a child.” Wei Ying said out loud. “I should just let you die.”

But then again… Maybe if he lets Z live he can get more answers from him… The real truth about him.

Wei Ying ruffled his hair in frustration and looked at Z once more. “Ugh! Even while knocked out, you are a pain in my ass!!”

Wei Ying removed the blanket. At the moment he couldn't care less if Z is upset for changing him. Let him get mad. He carefully pulled Z’s jacket off, which was a lot heavier than he expected. Come to find out the jacket was filled with weapons which was absolutely bone chilling to realize.

He removed Z’s shirt to expose his wounds. To his surprise, Z was already bangaged in the stomach. But to even more of his surprise, the man still looked gorgeous, and his own dick betrayed him and began tenting his pants. He slapped himself on the face and worried about the wounds.

“Did you get hurt before today's fight?” The bandage was soaked with blood and upon further investigation he realized there was bluish liquid seeping through the dressing. So it needed to be changed.

Wei Ying took off the bangade, he had never seen this kind of injury before. It didn't look like a stab wound. He couldn't understand why his belly button was leaking but it didn't look good. It was back and blue and very swollen. The whole thing was scary to see.

He replaced the dressing and began cleaning the other wounds. Z’s body twitched unconsciously as he touched the shoulder wound. The bone was split apart; It would take a while for Z to recover. He bangaed up his arm from the other knife wound and put the leftover medical supplies away. He then changed Z’s pants. As he pulled them off he realized his pants had even more weapons attached to it. He can't believe how many weapons Z had on him.

Wei Ying held the pants upsidedown and a piece of paper fell out of the pocket. He stared at the paper and something about it was unsettling even though he didn't even read it. Knowing that Z had weapons, his own poison, knives, needles and who else knows what, having a letter fall out was the icing on the cake. This man was carrying specific items, and Wei Ying can on;y imagine what's on this note.

As soon as he opened the letter his heart stopped. He began to read it out loud. “Mission Objective. Track down rogue operative Wu Yunru and assassinate him. Details. Target is no taller than five feet tall. A tracking device was placed on the target on a previous mission. Use your tracking device to find the target. Mission Parameters—”

His eyes shuffled back and forth on the page reading each line over and over. “Precaution Protocol. Burn this note before starting your mission.”

Wei Ying looked at Z. “So it's true then. You are an assassin.” Of course there was no response, Z was unconscious. Wei Ying felt sick from this. He doesn't know what to think anymore and Z wasn't awake to answer questions. But Wei Ying felt ANGRY at everything.

“I can't believe I have to finish your job on top of it.” Wei Ying threw the note in the fireplaceand watched it burn.

He managed to finish dressing Z in dry clothes and he draped the blanket back over him.

Once he was all done he made room for himself on the floor. There was a shattered coffee table that cluttered the space between the couch and the fireplace. Wei Ying pushed it aside, and took a steel rod from it. He settled himself against an old burned chair prodding the fire with the steel rod on his left and, and periodically glancing to the right to check on Z.

After hours of tending to the fire he heard Z stir awake. His hand tightened on the steel rod. He wasn't ready to talk to him. He doesn't know what to say to him. Maybe he should have left before he woke up. Why did he not think of that?

Lan Zhan blinked his eyes open and he felt a shooting pain through his left shoulder. His eyes adjusted and he was looking at the ceiling. He heard the sound of a crackling fire and turned his head slowly to look. He saw Wei Ying sitting by the fire, poking at it.

“Wei Ying?” Lan Zhan whispered. Wei Ying didn't look in his direction; instead, he turned to face the fire more.

That small body language was enough to know he's mad at him. Lan Zhan sat up and immediately the room spun. He threw himself over the back of the couch and vomited. This sickness was definitely from pregnancy, not poison. He can't feel the burning sensation in his body anymore which means the poison subsided. He needed to find the medication that Wen Qing gave him.

“I need my bag.” Lan Zhan said. Wei Ying didn't move a muscle. Lan Zhan scanned the room to find his bag was actually sitting by Wei Ying. It seemed like Wei Ying wasn't going to help so he moved from the couch to the floor and crawled to his bag and Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan knew he wasn't Wei Ying's responsibility, so he did it himself.

Wei Ying glanced at what he was doing but didn't say a word.

Once Lan Zhan found it, he opened it up and poured the pills into his hand. Before he dumped the pulls down his throat, he managed to lock eyes with Wei Ying. Lan Zhan felt like he was going to get sick again so he continued what he was doing and downed the pills without water.

“Why did you save me?” He asked quietly. Wei Ying looked back at the fire and Lan Zhan was met with no response.

“You're clearly angry at me so why save me after stabbing me with a poisonous knife?” Lan Zhan asked as he crawled his way back to the couch. “You could've left me for dead but you didn’t.”

Wei Ying remained silent, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames in the fireplace. Lan Zhan felt frustration and guilt. He couldn't blame Wei Ying for being angry, not after everything that had happened.

"I know you must hate me right now," Lan Zhan’s voice was barely above a whisper. "I lied to you, I betrayed your trust, and I tried to kill someone in front of you. I don't expect you to forgive me. But I need to know... Why did you save me?"

He could see Wei Ying’s face twitch slightly and his hand clenched teh rod. He was fighting himself not to speak.

"Please, Wei Ying." Lan Zhan pleaded. His voice was trembling with extra emotion. "Talk to me. Tell me what you're feeling. I need to understand."

Still, Wei Ying didn't respond and his silence was deafening. "This is a disaster. I never wanted any of this to happen." Lan Zhan couldn't handle this. Though he could hardly stand from being so weak, he stood up anyway.

Wei Ying slightly shifted his body during the movement. The fear on Wei Yings face hurts to see.

“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan took a deep breath. “Thank you.” He turned and started walking towards the front door. “And I’m sorry.” When Lan Zhan reached the door he heard Wei Ying speak.

“Because I’m stupid.” Wei Ying mumbled.

Lan Zhan turned around to face him. “You're not stupid.”

“Then you tell me why would I of all people would save a f*cking Lan?” Wei Ying threw more wood into the fire aggressively and poked at it.

“I— Wei Ying, I don't know what to say.” Lan Zhan began to feel sick. He doesn't even know where he would go anyway. “I'm dizzy.” He walked back to the couch and carefully sat onto the floor next to him. “I can't change who I was born as.” Lan Zhan felt his own tears building. He reached out towards Wei Ying for comfort.

Wei Ying swatted his hand away. “GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FILTHY MURDERING CAVE co*ckROACH!!!”

Lan Zhan recoiled at the venom in Wei Ying's words, his heart sinking further with each syllable. “I never wanted to hurt you—"

"I don't care what you wanted. It’s what happened. I am hurt" Wei Ying spat out. His voice was laced with a bitterness that turned Lan Zhan’s stomach. "You're a Lan. A member of the bunch of assassins that destroyed my family. You're no different from your father!”

“My father? What do you even know about him?” Lan Zhan asked in fury.

“That’s the monster who killed my parents!” Wei Ying’s eyes were filled with tears and his voice cracked.

Lan Zhan’s jaw dropped. What he learned recently is starting to make sense. After seeing his father kill the child, there was no way to disbelieve Wei Ying.

“I knew you wouldn't believe me.” Wei Ying said, looking away.

Apparently Lan Zhan took too long to respond. “You're wrong.” Lan Zhan said and the air between them became still.

Wei Ying looked angry. “Of course you think I'm wrong— Your such an ass–”

“I meant youre wrong about me not believing you.” Lan Zhan moved himself a little closer to Wei Ying and this time he didn't back away. “Wei Ying, I do believe you.” Lan Zhan said. “If there is one thing I am sure about, it's that LanShadow is corrupt. The orders aren't coming from just my father, there is someone else responsible for these missions… We're not assassins… I’m… not…”

"I don't know who or what to believe anymore." Wei Ying admitted. The two sat in silence for a while before it looked like Wei Ying couldn't take the silence anymore. He grabbed his hair and huffed.

“Wei Ying? What's wrong? ” Lan Zhan wasn't sure what was happening. He looked pained.

"What's wrong? Where do I even start?” Wei Ying turned to face him. “I still dont know the real name of the man I f*cked on my birthday. The person I met that night is not the one I saw in the alleyway today. The money you gave me was Xue Yang’s and he was NOT nice to me about it. You were right about the binding– which I'm pissed about. The two people I let f*cking touch me in my life, hurt me beyond belief! ” He huffed a laugh and took a long breath. “Why did I save you? Maybe it's because I'm naive… Maybe it's because I'm an ungrateful, desperate whor* for you? Or— or maybe it’s because despite everything, I can't bear to see someone suffer and be abandoned like I was!!” Wei Ying’s breadth was labored and his breathing echoed the room. It was several mosment before he spoke again. “I don't know why I f*cking saved you. You tell me.”

“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan grabbed his hand gently But Wei Ying pulled away. “I came back to the surface for a reason.”

“To kill a child.”

“To see you.” Lan Zhan said. “I can't just go to the surface whenever I please. I was basically imprisoned when I went back home because I stayed too long with you.” He slowed his talking because he felt himself getting worked up. “I got in trouble too. That money I took from Xue Yang belonged to Wen Ruohan. Xue Yang has been running side business and not reporting the extra money to the Wen Clan. Which is illegal on the surface.”

“So your clan does the Wen’s dirty work…?” Wei Ying then looked at him like he had three heads. Maybe he should explain. “What's LanShadow exactly?”

Lan Zhan had an epiphany and Wei Ying helped him realize it just now. Wen Ruohan might be the one giving the outrageous orders. He knows his clan doesn't work for the surface, but maybe that's false. The only thing he can do right now is be truthful with Wei Ying. He is exiled after all, so he’s fine with talking about it. “LanShadow members are called Shadow Guardians. They are a specially trained operations group and the clan’s first line of defense. They are the only ones with the privilege to go above ground but only when they obtain a mission.”

“And you're one of them?” Wei Ying asked curtly.

Lan Zhan nodded regrettably. But the guardians aren't what they seem.

“Assassins.” Wei Ying said. “Every one of you—”

Lan Zhan feels really hurt over being called that. “I went through my clan's ancestral library because what you said to me about my clan, contradicted with what I know about it. I found more of the truth because of you. The Lan clan were originally healers with incredible abilities.” Lan Zhan said.

“I watched you try to kill a child today.” Wei Ying asked. “That's no healer.”

“I didn't even know the target was a child. I didn't know my mission details until ten minutes before it happened. And now I'm worried about my teammates back home. My father should have never known I took my teammates mission. My entire team back home will be punished for trying to help me see you. Failure to follow through with the mission is punishable by—

“Immediate removal from LanShadow.” Wei Ying finished. “Yeah yeah, say, does being a child matter to murdering co*ckroaches?”

It’s more than that now. LanShadow technically already disbanded. Lan Zhan is surprised that he did not bear the banishment curse mark. But soon Lan Zhan panicked for another reason.

Why did Wei Ying know that?’ Lan Zhan went to look at his pants but he had new ones on. He looked for his old pants and saw them next to the couch. He frantically looked in the pockets.

“I burned your mission details.”

“Okay.” Lan Zhan was stunned but oddly relieved. He laced the pants back down on the ground. “Good.”

Wei Ying showed no emotions on his face. “You know, the caution protocol was supposed to be done before setting out for your mission. How could you be so risky? It got into a stranger's hands after all.”

Now you're yelling at me for failing the mission? ” Lan Zhan felt himself smirk which resulted in a tiny blush on Wei Ying’s cheeks.

“I’d rather you fail it than succeed.” Wei Ying turned to look him in the eyes. “So. Care to tell me your real name, Z?” Some of his tone sounded sarcastic and less angry.

Lan Zhan tilted his head. “I thought we were past greetings when you've ‘seen my balls?” Lan Zhan reminded him.

“WOW.” The smile on Wei Ying’s face went from ear to ear but he tried to fight it. “You are an actual asshole. I cannot believe we slept together.” Wei Ying looked appalled and rolled his eyes.

“I am not an—” Lan Zhan shook his head. It's good to see Wei Ying kind of smiling. “Fine.” Lan Zhan wanted for a brief moment before continuing. “My courtesy name or my birth name?”

“I deserve to know both at this point, don't I?” Wei Ying asked harshly.

“I guess you do.” Lan Zhan sighed. He definitely deserves it. “My courtesy name is Lan Wangji. But I would actually like you to call me Lan Zhan.”

Wei Ying raised an eyebrow. “So Z comes from…Zhan?”

Lan Zhan nodded.

"I see." Wei Ying didn't say much else. For a moment, they sat in silence with the crackling of the fire filling the space between them.

"Wei Ying—" Lan Zhan steadied his voice. "I want you to know that I'm not like them. Some of my clan members have done unforgivable things…” He locked eyes with him. “But not every single one has.”

“Huh?” Wei Ying shook his head. “I've seen two completely different sides of you.” Wei Ying cleared this throat. “One was a murdering Lan and the other one was… Too good to be true. I don't really know which side is the real one.”

He isn't a murderer. Wei Ying looks at all Lan as monsters. But who could blame him? Lan Zhan tried to do an irreversible thing in front of Wei Ying which solidly provided his own point.

“But you hesitated today in the alleyway, didnt you?” Wei Ying asked with more confidence. “Which is your only saving grace with me right now.” His eyes narrowed. “It could just be because I was there.”

“I hesitated when I did because believe it or not Wei Ying, I know the difference between right and wrong.” Lan Zhan replied more harshly. “But I didn't exactly hesitate initially.” Lan Zhan didn't need to say this. But if he is going to be honest it needs to start now. “I guess you aren't entirely wrong about me.”

“What do you mean?”

“The weapons I used were also laced with poison and I threw plenty of them that could have taken down a small elephant. If the kid was hit, he would have been dead before you got involved.” Lan Zhan shifted uncomfortably. “The moment that I hesitated was because I saw a human being. Can you believe it? I am an ‘assassin’ who has never taken a life before— I couldn't do it when it came down to life or death. If the kid didn't deflect my needles then my hands would be just as stained as my fathers.” Lan Zhan felt his eyes sting with tears. “But it didn't work and I just couldn't finish the job.”

“But it was the moment you stopped your knife that mattered to me.” Wei Ying said.

Lan Zhan took in a breath. “If I had the chance to tell you myself that I am a Lan, would you still hate me?”

“Would you have even told me given my history? Would it have been your dirty little secret?” Wei Ying looked absolutely distraught. “Are we skipping over the fact that you told your father to shoot me?

Lan Zhan huffed. “You were stabbing me with a knife laced with poison right after I protected you from the child who, if you remember correctly, tried to stab you in the back as well.”

“Not the smartest move I’ve ever made.” Wei Ying sighed. “Either way, I don't know if the hateful feeling in my gut will ever go away.” Wei Ying shrugged. “Every time I hear the name or see the clothing, I just lose myself. I'm sorry I just. Z, I can't be with a Lan.”

Lan Zhan felt devastated to hear those words. Lan Zhan reached out to him hoping he wouldn't be totally rejected. Wei Ying wasn't pulling away or jumping. He kept his motions slow and calculated. He was inches away from Wei Ying’s hand when he stopped mid air.

Both of them were in absolute shock as they watched a chain materialize out of thin air. It engulfed Wei Ying’s neck.

“What is this?” Wei Ying's face began to look panicked as he tried to grab at the chain.

“It’s the Hemokinetic binding— Xue Yang, he’s—” Lan Zhan said between breaths. “Wei Ying I–”

Wei Ying slumped his shoulders looking defeated. His face became pale as snow. “I'm a lost cause Z.”

Lan Zhan felt his heart pound in his chest and he lunged at him to grab him. However Wei Ying's entire body became transparent and Lan Zhan’s hand went right through him.

“This is it. Stop worrying about me.” Wei Ying said before he disappeared.

“Goodbye.” Wei Ying’s voice lingered.

And with that, Xue Yang had summoned Wei Ying home.

“WEI YING!!!” Lan Zhan screamed and his fists hit the ground in front of him. "No…” Lan Zhan choked on his emotions that were turning into sobbing. For what felt like an eternity, Lan Zhan remained on the cold, hard ground well after the fire dwindled to glowing embers and the chill of the night crept in.

He wasn't sure what to do. Wei Ying hates him and wants nothing to do with him. He didn't get a chance to tell him he's pregnant. They were too busy arguing about other things. His spirit was crushed. Even if he went after him it would be pointless. The binding cannot be broken and he doesnt have some magical alternative to break it. He was beyond frustrated.

He needs to tell Wei Ying so he can make a proper decision about not wanting to see him. Well… even if he doesn’t want to see him, it's about their child now. Talking about children with Wei Ying will be hard after what he witnessed today. Either way, he had to follow after Wei Ying.

With a heavy heart and a mind clouded with uncertainty, Lan Zhan pushed himself up from the ground. He grabbed his bag and a small bottle fell out of it. He picked it up and when he made contact with it. it started glowing. Intrigued, he read the label.

‘Silver River Water’

He was confused. ‘Why would the water be glowing?’

How intriguing that it's reacting to him. Lan Zhan felt himself laugh. “Maybe the baby is a girl.” He amused himself with the idea. He thought for another moment about it. He placed the bottle down on the floor in front of him and it stopped glowing when he stopped touching it.

He has never seen anyone practice or even perform Silver river Healing, but he remembered reading scrolls in the ancestral library about it. Some were drawings on movements and others were on meditation and making your energy materialize. He began to meditate and focus on his energy. He remembered Lan Yiying was able to make her energy physically appear and tried to mimic that.

He sat and focused for a while, but nothing happened.

He sighed. Of course nothing would happen. It wouldn't make sense for him to possess this ability. At the very least he thought he could make his energy appear, but he couldn’t. He wished he could heal himself with the water. He put the bottle in his pocket and and ignoring the fact it began to glow as he touched it. He is convinced it's the baby at this point.

Once he got himself together he made his way to Blossom Manor. He took his time because he was in a lot of pain. His injuries needed time to heal.

He looked at the Manor from its front stoop, and dreaded going inside. There was no bouncer waiting at the entrance. He didn't want to go inside again but he needed to talk with Wei Ying so he had to get over this feeling. Once he tells him, then he'll leave Wei Ying alone if that's what he still wants.

If he's alone, he doesn't exactly know how he'll survive on the surface during an entire pregnancy. He will have to manage since he has nowhere to go.

Lan Zhan made a step in the direction of the Manor’s door and he heard someone come up behind him extremely fast. He felt himself be hit on the back of his head and before he knew it he was seeing stars and went unconscious.

“Is my Sleeping Beauty finally awake?”

Wei Ying knows that voice. He groaned as consciousness slowly returned to him, his head throbbing with a dull ache. Blinking against the harsh light, he tried to move, only to realize that he was tightly bound to a bed. For some reason this didn't panic him, it almost seemed sadly normal. It actually angered him to no end. He looked at what was binding him and of course, it was Xue Yang’s Hemokinetic chains.

Wei Ying watched Xue Yang walk over and stop at the bedside. “How are you feeling?”

“Why did you summon me like that?” Wei Ying yelled. “I aint your f*cking pet!”

“You're acting pretty feisty for someone on a blood leash.” Xue Yang said.

“Why am I back here?” He looked around and noticed it was not Xue Yang’s room. It was one of the many luxurious rooms in the basem*nt. It was fully furnished and Wei Ying would've killed to have one of these rooms while he lived at the manor. But his room was put next to Xue Yang’s room on the main floor instead. Most of the girls live down here. “I was out getting us—”

“The leader of the Lan Clan is involved now and the Wen will be coming to ruin my beautiful Manor just because you couldn't stay away from that thieving co*ckroach. All you had to do was go out and get some groceries. But you end up in the middle of orchestrated chaos between the Lan and the Wen. You're always drawing unnecessary attention to me.”

“Unnecessary attention?” After listening to Lan Zhan’s point of view he started to put some pieces of Xue Yang’s story together.. “Your side business does a fine job at exposing you for themselves. You don't need to put the blame on me.”

“Excuse me?”

“That money wasn't yours. It was Wen Chao’s. Care to explain that one? Actually, how about I explain it to you since you conveniently forgot— “ Wei Ying cleared his throat. “The money I gave to you was from a side business you illegally ran, yeah? Since the Wen fund this manor, they basically own it. Which means any other outside money you bring in, must be given to them. Aren't those the rules the Wen have over every clan? I’m sure they'd want a cut of the dough—”

“Shut up!” Xue Yang’s eyes flickered with anger. “My side business are—

“Illegal! According to you, I couldn't get money from anyone else because I can't work for more than one person. I'm not a business though, so the rules shouldn’t apply to me in that manner of speaking. Actually what I think is– you don't want your other business being exposed because I'm freelancing or as you call it— ‘causing trouble’. The Wen would have come to destroy your precious Blossom Manor even if I wasn't involved. They would have come looking for the missing money sooner or later.” If there is one trait he's learned by being around Xue Yang, it's manipulation. But can he really have the upper hand in this situation?

“I took you in.” Xue Yang snipped. “You will not undermine me.”

“Whatever. You’re a f*cking hypocrite.”

“So is your precious Lan.” Xue Yang said. “Yet you still got mixed up with him… again.”

“I’m done with him.” Wei Ying hardly knows what he's saying. He can't believe he knows he was with Z. “Actually how about I make my own deal with you? I'll keep my mouth shut about your many illegal businesses when the Wen arrive and then you set me free.”

“Give me one more night with you and we might have a deal.” Xue Yang replied with a shaky smile.

“Might?” Wei Ying wasn't really feeling in the mood for this sh*t.

“As it stands, you already can wander freely inside and outside the manor whenever you choose to, A-Ying. You can go wherever, whenever even with the binding intact.” Xue Yangs gestured around as if he was free to leave.

Wei Ying has had it with this attitude. “Freedom isn't being summoned when I’m on my way to get you food.”

“You didn't even do that.” Xue Yang huffed. “And again, I cannot undo the binding.” Xue Yang followed up.

“Cannot or will not? ”Wei Ying asked.

“Will not!” Xue Yang reworded with an angry look in his eyes.

Why not?” Wei Ying asked.

Xue Yang huffed in annoyance. “Firstly, I have no way too!”

“What do you mean firstly? Setting aside my debt— Are there other reasons why you don't let me go?” Wei Ying asked.

“A-Ying…You seriously want to break this binding?” Xue Yang's voice turned into a softer tone. “This bind is personal to me. It's my cultivation art and It's the only connection I’ll have left between us. You're the only one who's ever made me feel something other than emptiness.”

“What?” Why did it seem like Xue Yang really fell in love with him? Is Xue Yang seriously grabbing onto strings at this point? Why is this so emotionally hard to deal with?

A tear fell from Xue Yang’s eye. “I've been good to you, haven't I? I haven't touched you since that day.” Xue Yang looked remorseful. He really hasn't touched Wei Ying since that day but does that make it okay?

‘Not really.’ Wei Ying told himself. ‘But maybe he learned from his mistakes.’

“I told you, I’m sorry. I completely lost myself that day. I just—” Xue Yang’s voice cracked. “You've been so distracted ever since you left on your birthday. You don't look at me the same. I just know you fell in love with that co*ckroach.”

He is kind of offended over Xue Yang calling Z names, even though he knows he repeated Abyss insults to Lan Zhan’s face, this still wasn’t right. “Love or not, this doesn't feel like freedom. I'm trapped here. Proven by me going to get groceries and you summoned me at will.” Wei Ying reminded him. He hated Lan Zhan being right about the binding.

“Because you got the Leaders of both cLan eyes fully on you and I. Is it so hard to believe that I was worried about you when you didn’t come back? I dont know who the hell you f*cked that night, but he must be one of the Lan cLan heir or something because no one, I mean no one, gets this worked up just over a little bit of money that went missing. We are in such deep sh*t!”

“Heir?” That man was Z’s father… but is he the leader? This information is terrifying.

“You don't even know…?” Xue Yang looked appalled. “You f*cked with the wrong clan. The bloodline of a Lan is special. No wonder why the leader is prancing around watching your every move.”

“Special? That man's eyes are on me?” Wei Ying doesn't understand. “Wait a second.” Putting that aside, Wei Ying just had an epiphany. “My parents were involved with your side businesses.”

Xue Yang nodded, looking as if he was unsure what he was about to get into.

“It was a Lan who murdered them but…” This full story is finally getting pieced together for Wei Ying. “The Wen order Lan to do their dirty work...”

Xue Yang hummed in agreement. “Most of the time.”

“I get it now.” Wei Ying said.

“Get what?” Xue Yang asked.

“When you first took me in you saw the massacre that happened to my parents. Your words to me were ‘The Wen are brutal and they show no mercy."

Xue Yang nodded.

Wei Ying just felt absolute anger. “You're the one who should've died that night. Not my parents.” Wei Ying said. “I can blame the Lan, I can blame the Wen, but they are dead because of you.”

“You're not wrong, A-Ying. Even though I had the business, the Wen, or rather the Lans, ultimately pulled the trigger. But your family wasn't the only one who was punished. The Jiang family was slaughtered and their kids I couldn't find.”

There were more tragedies? More kids? Wei Ying couldn't believe it. “Why the f*ck were you not punished like I was? Like my parents!?” He started yelling and pulling against the chains.

“I was punished! To make sure I understood their terms and conditions the Wen’s took the lives of the last remaining member of my family.” Xue Yang’s body language became frantic and for the first time he talked about his family.

Wei Ying feels like he's going to regret asking, but he's curious. “Who was the last member of your family that they killed?”

“My mother.”

Wei Ying relaxed himself. He was letting anger get the best of him. “I see.” Wei Ying replied. “I had no idea how deep this was.”

“Many lives were lost in one day.” Xue Yang replied. “Don't think about it too much.”

Wei Ying sighed. “So my leash is tight because you don't want them killing me too?” Bold assumption but Xue Yang has been back and forth with his emotions over him. “Or do you just miss my mother?”

The look on Xue Yang’s face changed. “You're mother and I were actually only together a few times. After the side business was found out, it was only a short time before the Wen’s orchestrated their massacre. A month of time at most. Yes I really, really did like her but in the end… As of these past few years, I fell for you.”

Wei Ying was shocked and he felt his mouth open ever so slightly. He doesn't know how to feel about this, and this was getting to be too much for him. He didn't want to have a real relationship with Xue Yang, but the emotions he was displaying, seemed like Xue Yang wanted more. He never thought it got this deep. He saw Xue Yang's eyes shake as if he was holding back an immense amount of emotion that Wei Ying never knew he was capable of having. Part of him felt bad and the other was so damn confused.

“My sweet A-Ying.” Xue Yang sat on the bed next to Wei Ying. He felt the bed sink next to him as he leaned over his torso to get closer.

The smell of his hair was sweet and for the first time ever, Xue Yang catered to him. Xue Yang moved the hair from his eyes and his touch was so gentle that it tickled. Wei Ying's breath caught in his throat as Xue Yang's fingers traced to his cheek.

For a moment he was frightened, given the last time’s fiasco. At this point he just needs to make sure Xue Yang is happy enough to where he wont kick Wei Ying out, so he caved just a bit.

Despite everything Xue Yang has done, Wei Ying couldn't deny that this sensation he was getting off of him now, was different than ever before. His touch was more gentle. The raw emotion that radiated from Xue Yang pulled at Wei Ying’s heart strings more than he ever thought they could. Maybe somewhere along the way… Wei Ying started to care about him…

He started to hate it.

Xue Yang shifted himself on the bed and leaned overtop of him. He hovered just inches away from Wei Ying's lips but didn't touch him. “A-Ying.” He whispered above his lips.

Wei Ying couldn't utter a word. He was scared at how much raw emotion that Xue Yang was exposing. This wasn't about the contract anymore. This was now about Xue Yang wanting him this way.

“A-Ying please.” Xue Yang’s voice cracked. He cupped Wei Ying’s face and his hand traveled down his torso until he reached his V line. His hands were on top of his clothes but the feeling sent shivers across his body. Xue Yang never cared if Wei Ying felt good, he only ever focused on himself. Now it feels like he is trying to make him feel good.

And Wei Ying hates how it's working. His body is reacting.

“Can we?” Xue Yang asked softly.

“You…”Wei Ying knew exactly what he meant but he still asked for clarification anyway, almost hoping this isn't what Wei Ying thought. Mostly because this cycle of emotion is tiring. “Want to have sex? After what you did to me last time?”

The reaction to Wei Ying’s words blew Wei Ying’s mind. Xue Yang’s face bloomed in a rare vulnerability. His cheeks flushed pink and his eyes searched for Wei Ying's sign of acceptance or rejection.

It was as if, in that moment, Xue Yang laid bare his deepest desires to him without words.

Wei Ying's mind raced as he struggled to process the shift in Xue Yang's demeanor. This was the same man who had brought him nothing but trauma, the same man who had manipulated and used him for his own pleasure. And yet, here he was, laying himself bare in a way that Wei Ying was having trouble resisting. A part of Wei Ying wanted to recoil, but another part of him, a part that he couldn't quite understand, was drawn to the vulnerability in Xue Yang's eyes.

Another thing he hated. Wei Ying felt so weak.

“Xue Yang.” Wei Ying said softly. The man was inches away from his face.

“Hm?” Xue Yang asked quietly as he still hung over Wei Ying’s lips. His hand that was at his V line moved up and settled around his waist.

“Release the chains.” Wei Ying replied more curtly.

Xue Yang not only immediately removed the chains that bound him to the bed but he removed himself from Wei Ying’s body entirely in a state of panic. “I’m sorry— I shouldn't have asked after what I did to you the last time– I just–”

He is an actual blubbering mess and Wei Ying regrettably thought it was… kinda cute. Wei Ying didn't let Xue Yang recoil far and with a trembling hand he grabbed him by the arm and pulled him in with a force that made Xue Yang fall on top of him.

“Wei Ying? What are you—?” Xue Yang’s voice was cut off by Wei Ying’s lips.

This kiss was fierce. Wei Ying's hands roamed Xue Yang's body, tracing the contours of his body, tugging at his clothing. Xue Yang responded eagerly, moving his own hands to Wei Ying's cheek as he deepened the kiss.

Their lips parted for a moment and Wei Ying was able to catch his breath. "Go ahead. f*ck me." Wei Ying whispered. He can't deny he wants physical attention. “This is the last time.”

“Please don't say such things A-Ying.” Xue Yang said. “I don't want this to be it.”

“Just… f*ck me.” Wei Ying’s body just wants attention now.

Xue Yang's eyes darkened with desire and he leaned in to capture Wei Ying's lips once more, pressing together in a passionate embrace. Clothes were discarded in a flurry of motion and Xue Yang didn't hesitate to wrap his mouth around Wei Ying’s co*ck. The unexpected touch was overwhelming ecstasy that sent waves of pleasure coursing through Wei Ying's body. He arched his back, pushing his dick deeper into his mouth.

This feeling. This emotional feeling is what Lan Zhan gives him. This is the passion Wei Ying wants from a partner.

Why does this feeling have to be a struggle to receive?’

‘Is this what love is supposed to be?’

His mind reeled back to Lan Zhan. He couldn't help it. He found himself missing someone he shouldn't, at the time he shouldn't. He was still so angry with Z yet kept thinking about him every time his body felt good.

Xue Yang's fingers tangled in Wei Ying's hair pulling him closer. Xue Yang began kissing and licking his body. Xue Yang engulfed his co*ck with his mouth, shoving it to the back of his throat. Each flick of Xue Yang's tongue sent sparks of pleasure shooting through him. Wei Ying let out a guttural moan as he felt himself teetering on the edge of blissful release. And then, with a final flick of the tongue, Wei Ying's climaxed, chest heaving with exertion.

Xue Yang swallowed eagerly, his eyes locking on Wei Ying's as he drank every last drop of Wei Ying’s sticky fluid. With a hunger that bordered on desperation, Xue Yang began opening him up. He shoved his tongue deep into his hole and it made Wei Ying’s legs shake.

After he worked him open, Xue Yang pushed the tip of his dick slowly inside which made Wei Ying gasp in pleasure. Wei Ying's fingers dug into Xue Yang's back, leaving crescent shaped marks in their wake. Xue Yang began to move inside him, each thrust faster than the last. Shockwaves of pleasure coursed through him. Wei Ying surrendered himself completely to the intoxicating rhythm.

Just as Wei Ying felt Xue Yang’s co*ck swell and was about to explode, both of Xue Yang’s henchmen barged into the room dragging in a man who had a black bag over his head.

“What the f*ck?” Xue Yang paused his thrusts and looked at the henchmen. “I’m in the middle of trying to have an emotional bang sesh here

The two men looked at Wei Ying. For a moment Wei Ying felt embarrassed and tucked his head into Xue Yang’s chest trying to ignore everyone. He shut his eyes.

“Master, we caught this man suspiciously lingering outside the manor.” Wen Chao said.

“We've seen him before. He was lurking around your quarters a while back. Don't know anything about him but we know he's sketchy.” Wen Xu followed up.

“Can’t you tell we're busy?” Xue Yang said in anger. “I don't care where you found him. Do something with him that doesn't involve me—”


“Leave.” Xue Yang responded harshly.

“This is the only room we can leave him in, all the others are taken.” Wen Xu continued.

“And this one isn't?” Xue Yang replied.

“He is knocked out. He won’t watch.” Wen Chao chucked.

Xue Yang scoffed. “Tie him up. I’ll interrogate him after I’m done.”

Wei Ying refused to look to see what was happening. He just stuck his head in Xue Yans chest. He was more embarrassed that this was happening while he was inside of him.

The henchmen put the man in a chair and tired him up. Before they left they removed the man's hood.

Xue Yang’s focus turned back on Wei Ying. “A-Ying, are you okay?”

Wei Ying nodded and looked at Xue Yang. He wasn't really, but the henchmen were gone and he was oddly being sweet to him.

Xue Yang continued and it wasn't long before Xue Yang’s dick swelled again. As his thrusts picked up, Wei Ying rolled his head off to the side. He blinked a few times and for a moment, thought he saw him. Wei Ying panicked and blinked several hundred more times.

And he was right. It was Lan Zhan. His head hung downward facing his legs and he definitely wasn't awake. The way he was tied up made Wei Ying concerned for his injuries.

“Z—” Wei Ying pushed Xue Yang back. We Ying didn't push Xue Yang out, but Xue Yang stopped thrusting.

“A-Ying…” Xue Yang mumbled.

“We shouldn’t—” Wei Ying was going to say stop but when he looked back at Xue Yang, the look of sadness that enveloped his eyes was something he ignored.

“He's knocked out.” Xue Yang said.

Wei Ying just looked up at Xue Yang for a moment. Lan Zhan was right there. Wei Ying knows that Lan Zhan has seen him and Xue Yang before, but now it feels different.

“Finishing in front of that guy is going to bother you this much…?” Xue Yang sighed. “You are in love with him… aren't you?”

Wei Ying didn't know what to say. He felt tongue tied

Xue Yang went to pull out but for some reason Wei Ying stopped him. “Xue Yang, Wait.” He told him this was their last time, how could he back out of his end? “Don't stop.” Wei Ying said softly. “You can finish.”

‘This will never happen again.’ Wei Ying thought.

Xue Yang didn't hesitate to continue after the verbal confirmation. Xue Yang's movements became more frantic and Wei Ying's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

As Xue Yang approached his climax, Wei Ying's thoughts were consumed by the image of Lan Zhan.

With a final, desperate thrust, Xue Yang reached his peak, releasing into his body. Wei Ying couldn't cover his mouth and a small moan passed his lips.

Xue Yang pulled out of him, a look of sadness crossed his features. Wei Ying hates that look. He pulled him back for a tender bittersweet kiss that seemed to calm Xue Yang’s features.

They both knew this was the last time.

Wei Ying doesn't want things to end on a sour note. He opened his eyes before releasing the kiss and side eyed Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan’s head was less hung over and was side eyeing right back. It was only for a split second but they locked eyes before Lan Zhan turned away.

Wei Ying broke the kiss and he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him now. He knew that what he had just done with Xue Yang was a betrayal of everything he had ever felt for Lan Zhan.

“I love you A-Ying.” Xue Yang said as he placed his two fingers over Wei Ying's lips making him in able to respond.

‘Why would he have the nerve to say that to me?’ Wei Ying thought. The feeling Wei Ying got from the gesture was that Xue Yang didn't want him to respond in any way.

Xue Yang grabbed Wei Ying’s outfit and handed it to him. The look he gave Wei Ying was one of defeat.

Before Wei Ying had the chance to get dressed and see Lan Zhan, Xue Yang approached him before getting dressed. Xue Yang walked over naked. Wei Ying’s heart sank into his stomach. He quickly cleaned up and got dressed in his new brothel outfit and his whole body frozen when the two began interacting.

As Lan Zhan stirred awake. He shifted slightly, and he could feel the rough texture of the ropes binding his wrists to the arms of the chair and his ankles together. Last thing he remembered was standing in front of the Manor. Panic surged through him.

'What kind of Shadow Guardian is he if gets himself captured?'

His thoughts stopped when he heard Wei Ying's voice. Part of him became happy to hear him but the issue was…

“Xue Yang, Wait—” Wei Ying said.

…He was calling his name. Lan Zhan hated hearing this now that his heart got involved with Wei Ying..

“...Don't stop—” Wei Ying said.

Lan Zhan tried to ignore what was happening.

“....You can finish—” Wei Ying mumbled.

Lan Zhan heard sounds of heavy breathing, skin slapping, and small moaning. It would've been fine if it wasn't the fact that the sounds were coming from Wei Ying. Lan Zhan ended up turning his head against his will, and ended up locking eyes with Wei Ying way too soon.

He regretted it so fast and quickly looked away. But the brief eye to eye, and the image of Xue Yang on top of Wei Ying burned into his head. It feels different to see now.

“.....I love you A-Ying—” Xue Yang said.

Lan Zhan’s stomach turned after hearing those words being said to Wei Ying. No sooner did he hear who he could only presume to be Xue Yang, approach the chair he was tied to.

"Well, what brings you here, Princess?” Xue Yang asked as he forcefully lifted Lan Zhan’s chin to make him look him in the eye. For a moment, there was a tense silence between them. Lan Zhan tried to resist and move his head away, but Xue Yang’s grasp was strong. “You got an answer for me, earth worm?” His tone darken.

Lan Zhan had nothing to say to him. After all, he was taught not to engage and provoke captors. He can't break free by force and has nothing to cut the rope binding him, but the knots were simple. Maybe too simple. If he can shift around just right maybe he can untie the knots.

Lan Zhan watched Xue Yang turn his face towards Wei Ying. “A-Ying darling, what did you say his name was again?”

Lan Zhan wants to know why he still speaks to Wei Ying like this. It's sweetly condescending and it made Lan Zhan very angry. Lan Zhan tried to look in Wei Ying’s direction but Xue Yang held his head in place with a hand on his hair and a hand on his jaw. He really doesn't know what Xue Yang’s plan is but he doesn't have a great feeling about any of this.

“Z.” Wei Ying replied. It sounded like he was still on the bed.

“No no hun, his real name.” Xue Yang said. “He did give it to you, right?”

Lan Zhan doesn't want Wei Ying to respond. "Birth name, Lan Zhan. Courtesy name, Lan Wangji.” Lan Zhan took in a long breath and narrowed his eyes on Xue Yang. “LanShadow code name, Z.”

Xue Yang smiled. “He speaks! Is that so A-Ying doesn't have to give up your spot?” Xue Yang laughed. He removed his hand and stood shamelessly in front of him with nothing on his body.

“Well, ‘Lan Zhan—’ Did you come to rescue Wei Ying from the clutches of this lowly peasant? Or perhaps you came to beg for his forgiveness since you lied to him—?” There was a dangerous edge to Xue Yang's voice that Lan Zhan found extremely eerie. “Or maybe you’re here to plead with him to return to your… Abyss?" There was a softness in his anger that Lan Zhan severely didn’t like.

Xue Yang waited a minute before continuing. “I can’t help but think that today's chaos which brought the leaders of the Wen and Lan Clan together publicly, had something to do with your appearance.” Xue Yang leaned in close to Lan Zhan’s face. “Tell me, what happened today that got A-Ying so upset with you? Cleaning up his emotions over another man is not what I wanted to do.”

‘Picking up his emotions? Is that why Wei Ying let him continue having sex infront of him? Was Wei Ying trying to tell him that he’s truly done with him?’ Lan Zhan bit his tongue.

“Something about you makes me angry. Every time you show up, the upper class Wen and Lan get involved. The fact that A-Ying got wrapped up in this looks bad on me.” Xue Yang said.

Lan Zhan can't believe what he's hearing. “Do you only care how it makes you look?”

“Excuse me?” Xue Yang replied, raising an eyebrow.

Lan Zhan couldn't keep his mouth shut when it came to Wei Ying. “Did you not consider how it makes Wei Ying look? ” Lan Zhan felt himself getting worked up. “Or even feel?”

“What Wei Ying feels is none of your concern.” Xue Yang's expression darkened, his grip on Lan Zhan's jaw tightening. " Not after you deceived him the way you did."

Xue Yang is definitely taking this personally. Lan Zhan met Xue Yang's gaze with an unyielding stare. "He is my concern."

“So you are coming to beg for his forgiveness!” Xue Yang laughed. “Ha, I knew it.”

"You know nothing of my intentions." Lan Zhan said. Lan Zhan was there to talk to Wei Ying and then leave. Nothing more.

Xue Yang chuckled darkly, the sound sending shivers down Lan Zhan's spine. "Oh, but I think I do. You're here because you can't bear the thought of Wei Ying being with anyone else but you. You're here because you're afraid of losing him to me and the only way you can accomplish that is begging for his forgiveness."

"I am not here to beg for forgiveness.” Lan Zhan said.

Xue Yang turned to look at Wei Ying. “You heard him—” Xue Yang said flatly. “Sorry A-Ying, he isn't here for you.”

"Silence." Lan Zhan retorted harshly.

“Ooo feisty! Did I strike a nerve? Well, if you're not here for him then…” Xue Yang hummed eerily. “Lets give you a reason to be here. Say… Our legends say that the biology of a Lan male is quite unique.”

Lan Zhan can't make sense of what Xue Yang is up to. “What are you getting at?”

“Males carry the offspring of their clan.” Xue Yang said. “Isn't that right?”

‘Legends say?’ That confirms the common people don’t know about this since there are no doctors on the surface to help him medically. It makes sense that his knowledge would come from legends and rumors. He reevaluated his situation and Lan Zhan found himself laughing slightly.

“What’s so funny?” Xue Yang said.

“No one could get me pregnant even if they tried.” Lan Zhan replied. If he thinks tales and stories are a reliable source. He can totally fool this man.

“Oh I'm sure you can.” Xue Yang replied.

“I would, know wouldn't I? I am a male Lan.” Lan Zhan replied. He feels like he isn't convincing him yet.

“Oh yeah?” Xue Yang scoffed. He turned around and grabbed some random bondage gear off the walls and presented it in front of Lan Zhan. Something about that made Lan Zhan panic.

“Xue Yang!” Wei Ying interjected. “Don't touch him.”

Lan Zhan turned his head to face Wei Ying. He was on the bed looking horrified to move away from it. He looked fragile and scared and it made Lan Zhan’s heart ache. He doesn't want to worry, Wei Ying. “Dont worry Wei Ying. It doesn't matter what he doesn't to me, I can't get pregnant from him.” Lan Zhan said. “He cant do anything that hasn't already been done.”

Xue Yang snapped a whip he was holding which made a loud cracking sound. “Bullsh*t — I know Lan can get pregnant.”

“No—” Lan Zhan just wanted to shut the conversation down. “You're wrong.”

“How about I just f*ck you to prove it.” Xue Yang retorted, holding the bongage gear proudly.

Those were not the words Lan Zhan expected him to say. “Absolutely not—”

Wei Ying yelled, his voice grew in anger. “That’s enough–”

“But we're just getting started.” Xue Yang approached him with all kinds of sex gear on his arms. “How about this one?”

Lan Zhan looked at the gear and swallowed hard. ‘It's just clothing, it's fine. This will stall time.’

Xue Yang began cutting Lan Zhan’s clothing off. His gaze was fixed on him and it made Lan Zhan want to faint. As his clothes were cut off and his body became exposed to the cool air of the room Lann Zhan shivered. Xue Yang quickly began to fasten the straps around Lan Zhan's wrists and torso. It took all of a matter of seconds to change his outfit. Xue Yang wanted no time and his touch gave Lan Zhan an icky feeling but he endured it.

The leather was surprisingly comfortable on his skin, but this isn't who he would like to be tied up by… He glanced over at Wei Ying who looked stunned and scared. He looked like he didn't know what to do. Honestly if Wei Ying did do something Lan Zhan feared that Xue Yang would punish him for it. XueYang was truly a manipulative monster.

Xue Yang stood back to admire his handiwork. “You'll look rather sexy in this when I impregnate you.”

“You can't get me pregnant.” Lan Zhan reiterated.

“And why not, baby?” Xue Yang said.

“Because I’m already pregnant!” Lan Zhan slipped the words accidentally. He just wanted this conversation to end. The tension in the room skyrocketed as Lan Zhan's revelation hung in the air.

Wei Ying choked. “Men can't get pregnant…”

"I misspoke," Lan Zhan retracted. "I just meant—”

“Is this why you came? To tell him you're pregnant?” Xue Yang asked. “You think by revealing this to him that he'll actually become yours?”

“I—” Lan Zhan’s voice was caught in his throat.

“What? Cat got your tongue?” Xue Yang continued to laugh. “Well, isn't this a turn of events? A-Ying one of two things, either your cave dweller slept with someone else or you— ” Xue Yang said sarcastically. “Became a top?”

“I don't believe the nonsense either of you are spouting. But as angry as I am at him, you are not to touch him without his consent—” Wei Ying got off the bed and approached Xue Yang cautiously. Xue Yang gave him a side gare which made Wei Ying stop moving his body, but not his lips. “Or my consent—” Wei Ying gave him a glare right back. “Which you don't have. So let me make myself clear— Do what you want to me, but you are not to go any further with him.”

Lan Zhan wasn't sure what was going on because it seemed like two very different things were happening. Wei Ying is standing his ground yet yielding when Xue Yang makes certain looks, gestures or comments. He doesn't know how to process this. But one thing Lan Zhan knew for sure is that Wei Ying doesn't have to defend him. He can handle himself. He was trained for these hostage situations. It's just a matter of time.

Lan Zhan fixed his gaze solidly on Xue Yang. "Anything you plan to do to me has already been done.” Lan Zhan wanted to sound like he had the upper hand regardless of his position. “You can't hurt me.” He was in fact already pregnant. Even if Xue Yang forces himself on him he can't really hurt him.

“You look so serious all of a sudden.” Xue Yang's eerie laughter filled the room. "You're kinda cute when angry."

Lan Zhan had a real disdain for this man. “Bite your tongue, surface pig.”

“You tacy piece of sh*t.” Xue Yang mumbled under his breath. “You piss me off—”

“Feeling’s mutual.” Lan Zhan said dryly.

“f*ck you.” Xue Yang’s face contorted.

“Creative.” Lan Zhan let out a dry laugh. “Run out of cave insults already?”

Xue Yang looked increasingly pissed by the moment. “You think you can just waltz in here and act like you have the upper hand? Get this through your thick Lan skull of yours, Wei Ying belongs to me. And soon, your ass will belong to me too—Xue Yang kicked one of the chair legs resulting in Lan Zhan and the chair toppling over. His kick was hard enough to snap the plastic leg of the chair.

“Xue Yang!!” Wei Ying yeleld.

Lan Zhan let out a gasp as he hit the floor. He couldn't see, his vision went black.He waited for his eyesight to return to see that Wei Ying was several feet behind Xue Yang. He shifted to make himself more comfortable. Shockingly, being on the floor like this was the exact angle he needed to untie a few knots. The shoulder he landed on popped out of place allowing another inch of leeway for him to untie the knots.

“Wei Ying is not yours." Lan Zhan said. He felt the floor and behind him there were sharp pieces of plastic from the chair shattering and he grabbed one.

Xue Yang's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Then what's your definition of ‘what makes a person someone’s, anyway? He took a menacing step closer to Wei Ying. “Forcing him into parenthood?"

“Quiet.” Lan Zhan had enough of his words. "I won't let you manipulate him anymore.”

“And what can you do? You're still tied to a chair. And A-Ying doesn't even want to approach you.” Xue Yang said.

“Stop it.” Lan Zhan said. It looked like he didn't want to move forward because he's scared. He might not want Xue Yang to hurt him more. “Your words are hollow.”

Xue Yang's laughter filled the room, the sound ate at Lan Zhan's nerves like nails on a chalkboard.

"Stop?" Xue Yang sneered. "You're nothing but a fool for thinking this man wants you and and you're an even bigger one of you think that telling him he'll be a father will change his mind about being with an earth slug from the Abyss.”

Xue Yang makes hating him too easy. “You know what your issue is? Your ego. You're arrogant, selfish and disrespectful. You want all the control and when you don't have it— you throw a fit. Like a child.” Lan Zhan's fists clenched, plastic digging into his palms with enough force to draw blood. "I don't know what Wei Ying could ever see in you.”

Lan Zhan was sure that Wei Ying was only in it for the money because of his debt. However, after hearing that Wei Ying was fine with Xue Yang ‘finishing’ with Lan Zhan right there, he knows that Wei Ying must like something about this man, but he will never know what that is.

Xue Yang's grin widened with a sad*stic pleasure. "Either way you look at it—” He said, his voice dripping with venom. "You aren't winning him over."

“You are as delusional as you are revolting." Lan Zhan spat out.

“Revolting? Coming from an underground mongrel? That’s rich.” Xue Yang replied hastily.

“You might have Wei Ying fooled by your facade, but I’m not so easily fooled by it.” Lan Zhan said.

"Oh, but you already are being fooled… little cricket.” Xue Yang said viciously.

The side comments from this man are endless. “Better a cricket than a manipulative dim witted sun baked, two faced leech!” Lan Zhan said angrily. His voice became more and more agitated, the more he fed into Xue Yang’s bullsh*t.

“Yeah well…” Xue Yang's expression twisted in irritation. “You're pretty blind for a tunnel dwelling naked mole rat. I told you, Wei Ying doesn't want you, and you still can't see it.”

Lan Zhan let out an exasperated sigh. “The sun scorched husk of a human in front of me will surely go blind first. Do us all a favor, go stare at the sun you all seem to love so much.” If he was being honest with himself, he did like the feeling of the surface’s sun, but it was too much. He missed his MoonSun.

“Light deprived tunnel rat!” Xue Yang countered, his voice rising in frustration.

“Sun bleached barbarian.” Lan Zhan shot back. His tone grew more heated and Xue Yang’s energy was not backing down.

“Your kind is nothing but an invasive species!” Xue Tang’s face twisted. “You’re just a pesky f*cking vermin in my eyes!!!”

“You're just a leather skinned lizard to me.” Lan Zhan refused to back down now. This was becoming more escalated than he wanted but he had Xue Yang distracted enough to where Lan Zhan’s shoulder moventes looked natural as he cut at the rope. Lan Zhan could tell this was getting on Xue Yang’s nerves more than his own.

Xue Yang’s eyebrow twitched. “Unwanted flushed goldfish.”

“Sun fried flea.” Lan Zhan pulled at his wrists and popped the last bits of thread of the rope without making too much more movement. His hands were free and the idiots who brought him there never tied his feet to the chair, just to each other. It would be easy to untie.

“Worm sh*t!!!”

"Stop it, both of you!!" Wei Ying's voice cut through their argument. “Neither of you are winning me over right now with that attitude!” Wei Ying looked distraught, eyes full of tears. It was clear that he was hurting from this. This situation was a mess.

Wei Ying began to walk towards both Xue Yang and Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan couldn't tell who Wei Ying was rushing towards, him or Xue Yang. But Wei Ying only made it a few steps before there was an explosion at the door.

The deafening explosion rocked the room, which sent shockwaves rippling through the air. Dust and debris obscured his vision. He knew he should have hurried up. He was trained in these situations and can escape if he needs to but he got caught up in the nonsense with Xue Yang. He only waited around so long to tell Wei Ying he's pregnant but Wei Ying doesn't believe it. Lan Zhan doesn't see much more of a reason to stick around trying to convince him. If he doesn't want to acknowledge it, he can't force it.

Before the dust began to settle, Lan Zhan untied his ankles. He scanned the room searching for any sign of Wei Ying or Xue Yang amidst the chaos. His heart clenched with worry as he desperately tried to make out Wei Ying's figure through the haze. He couldn't see where Wei Ying or Xue Yang was. Even though he was only concerned about Wei Ying’s safety, the fact that he can't find Xue Yang, worries Lan Zhan for a whole different reason.

He looked around to see what caused the explosion but before he stood on his feet he saw four bodies surrounding the room, weaving in and out of the shadows. A recognizable technique that he could do in his sleep.

"Z!" Lan Xichen's voice cut through the tense atmosphere.

“X?” Lan Zhan wasn't sure what was truly going on but he knew his team's movements well and understood what position they were taking. But what he doesn't understand is why his brother is on the surface AT ALL.

Someone approached Lan Zhan from behind. He was faster than the person and spun around and got on his two feet. He was still low to the ground with hand on the floor but he faced the person head on with his fist clenched. He hoped it was a member of his team but he wasn't taking chances. Xue Yang was still nowhere in sight.

“Z! Come on!”

Lan Zhan blinked and focused his eyes. “G? Is that you?” He looked around to the corners of the room. “How did you all get here so fast? It hasn't been three days.”

“No time to explain— How did you free yourself?” Lan Guiwei looked at Lan Zhan’s wrists and ankles then looked him up and down. “Wait… What the f*ck are you wearing—? Sexy… But???”

He did not want to explain. “How did you even know where to find me?” Lan Zhan asked.

Her eyes were solidly looking at his chest moving downward.

“Eyes. Up here—” Lan Zhan said aggressively, pointing to his face.

Lan Guiwei blinked a thousand times and reluctantly tore her eyes from Lan Zhan’s body. She couldn't look him in the eyes and looked off to the side. “X tapped into cameras from home base after your father came back from the surface. We didn't have much time but we escaped before punishment and—” Lan Guiwei stopped talking immediately. She grabbed Lan Zhan by the arm, pulled him to his feet and threw him behind her.

Only when Lan Zhan was turned around did he see why she did that. Lan Yiying jumped out in front of both Lan Guiwei and Lan Zhan blocking a knife that flew in the air that was coming right for them. Lan Zhan’s breath hitched as he watched Lan Yiying use two stiletto, thorn like daggers to quickly counter the attack. It was different from her small knives but this seemed more fitting.

The dust settled and Xue Yang emerged, still completely naked.

Lan Guiwei looked back and forth between Xue Yang and Lan Zhan. “Ohhh… so that’s what happened.”

“Wrong– That's not what—” Lan Zhan let out a long sigh and gave up explaining. Lan Zhan instead scanned the room for Wei Ying but he couldn't find any trace of him.

“Well, look what the cat dragged in—” Xue Yang said. “Here to drag your precious Lan back to the Abyss where he belongs?”

“We are.” Lan Anzhi said coldly. She threw a robe at Lan Zhan and stood in front of him unsheathing her dual broadswords from her back, taking a defensive stance.

Lan Zhan looked at the robe. It was better than nothing but it was definitely a brothel robe. He quickly put it on and covered the bondage gear. With the robe hastily thrown on, Lan Zhan felt a tad more composed. However Xue Yang's presence exuded danger, and the absence of Wei Ying gnawed at Lan Zhan's insides.

“Where is Wei Ying?” Lan Zhan asked as he starred Xue Yang down.

“Hiding from the Lan infestation, clearly.” Xue Yang narrowed his eyes and quickly released several more small knives. “Why else would he hide?”

Lan Anzhi moved closer to Lan Zhan and stepped directly behind Lan Yiying who deflected the small knives. "We'll find him," Lan Anzhi assured him. "But right now, we need to get you out of here."

“I’m not leaving without talking to Wei Ying first.” Lan Zhan doesn't know what he's saying anymore. Wei Ying doesn't believe he's pregnant, so why is this still bothering him so much? He should leave while he can, yet he can't convince himself to go. He just needs to see him before he goes anywhere. He could be hurt after the explosion and Lan Zhan wouldn't forgive himself if it was his fault.

Xue Yang laughed eerily. “Not going to happen, little cricket.” He threw several small vials at them that were filled with a volatile substance that exploded upon impact. It sent shards of glass and fiery sparks across the room. The room erupted into chaos. The fiery sparks created a chain reaction of explosions.

Lan Guiwei threw something small into the air that expanded into a staff that was as tall as her. “If you didn't get a chance to tell him, we'll have to find another time.” She swiftly began to spin it in a circular motion, and infused it with her own energy. This created a protective shield in front of them.

Xue Yang's henchmen emerged through the chaos coming at them with full fury wielding longswords. Since Lan Zhan was weaponless the girls worked together to protect Lan Zhan. The LanShadow women encircled Lan Zhan, skillfully deflecting the henchmen's assaults, while Xue Yang intermittently disrupted their defenses by hurling small knives into the mix. The clash of steel and the sound of grunts filled the air and the room lit up with sporadic flashes from the clashes of weapons. Lan Zhan’s only concern was Wei Ying becoming caught up in this fight. But he's still nowhere in sight.

Lan Guiwei twisted her staff and it broke into three pieces that were only connected by chains. At the end of each section, deadly blades sprung out. These razor sharp blades added a new level of threat to Lan Guiwei's already terrifying bold personality. She turned her weapon into a lethal combination of offense and defense.Lan Zhan hasn't seen her use this particular weapon but seeing this will ensure he stays on Lan Guiwei’s good side.

It looked like they all had weapon upgrades and changes and watching them in battle was different from the training grounds. He was terrified and in pure awe at their raw ability.

The team deflected blow after blow with no rest. The henchmen's attacks had been in unison and it was an unstoppable combination that left no openings to strike. But the second the two henchmen split apart, an arrow shot from behind Lan Zhan. It felt like time slowed down as Lan Zhan watched the arrow fly past his head. It sliced through the room with deadly precision and It just barely missed the heads of the LanShadow team and flew in between both henchmen, aiming directly at Xue Yang.


This soul crushing wail, lanced through Lan Zhan’s ears. His stomach sank and dread settled on him as he watched Wei Ying jump out in the middle of the chaos and become pierced with the arrow, ultimately protecting Xue Yang. The weapons stopped clashing together and everyone looked at Wei Ying.

The room fell silent to the echoes of Wei Ying's agonized cry. Wei Ying stumbled backward as blood spread across his clothes. His eyes, wide with shock and pain, locked onto Lan Zhan's with a mix of desperation and anger.

The room fell silent to the echoes of Wei Ying's agonized cry. Lan Zhan's heart clenched in horror as he witnessed the unthinkable— Wei Ying, risking his own life to shield Xue Yang from harm.

“Wei Ying!” Lan Zhan leaped forward pushing his team and the henchmen out of his way with a force that definitely pissed the henchmen off. He moved so fast that it seemed like time stopped just so he could catch Wei Ying before he fell to the ground. Lan Zhan cradled Wei Ying in his arms and looked at the arrow. It was all the way through Wei Ying’s chest. Wei Ying was already coughing up blood and looking out into space

Lan Zhan snapped off the end of the arrow. “Stay with me, Wei Ying—” He grabbed the arrowhead and ripped it out through Wei Ying’s back.

Wei Ying’s body convulsed and he coughed up more blood. Lan Zhan could feel the blood spilling out of Wei Ying’s back.

“Stay with me!!” Lan Zhan felt his voice tremble.

Wei Ying’s eyes turned to Lan Zhan and for a brief moment they made eye contact. “You Lan always find a way to f*ck up my life. I hate every one of you—

“Airen… please…” Lan Zhan hates this. Everything about this was unfair.

The light in Wei Ying’s eyes faded and his body went limp in Lan Zhan's arms. The weight of Wei Ying's lifeless body felt like an unbearable burden. It crushed Lan Zhan's spirit as he cradled him close to his heart.

"No... no, Wei Ying, please… Don't go…" Lan Zhan whispered hoarsely, his voice was trembling with grief and disbelief. He pressed his hands against the wound, trying in vain to staunch the flow of blood, but it was already too late. Wei Ying words hurt but not as much as losing Wei Ying completely. “You can’t leave me!”

Tears welled in Lan Zhan's eyes as he looked down at Wei Ying's pale, lifeless face. The reality of the situation left him gasping for breath, drowning in sorrow. "Wei Ying, I'm so sorry."

The LanShadow woman came to Lan Zhan’s side and knelt to the ground in absolute disbelief.

After a moment, Lan Zhan looked at the arrow that he had ripped it out and he became filled with rage. He looked around to see who shot it and when he looked up at them he saw who was holding a bow. At that moment he realized who killed Wei Ying. “It was YOU!” Lan Zhan screamed in anger.

“I–I–” He locked eyes with Lan Zhan. “Brother… I’m so sorry— I was just trying to—”

“To what, Xichen? To f*cking what?!” Lan Zhan lost his grip on his composure. He had never said a bad word in his life and at this point, he doesn't care who he is speaking to or what colorful wordshe says; Without Wei Ying nothing matters.

“I’m sorry! I–”

Lan Zhan gritted his teeth. “Why are you even here?!”

Lan Xichen looks visibly uncomfortable. "I was here to help you get out–"

“I didn't need your help! I didnt need anyones help! Especially not someone who knows nothing about how to use weapons! Go back to your computer desk and leave me alone!!

Lan Xichen had tears in his eyes at this point. “You were tied to a chair and Xue Yang was about to—”

“Father was right about you— You’re a f*cking screw up!” Lan Zhan felt his whole spirit die. “Because of your incompetence you killed him! The only person I ever wanted is gone! Because of YOU!

The girls looked like they wanted to interject but because of Lan Zhan’s catatonic blow up, they stayed silent.

Lan Xichen's shoulders sagged and the bow hit the ground. "I'm sorry, Lan Zhan... I never meant for any of this to happen." He murmured, his voice choked with emotion.

Suddenly what Wei Ying said to him makes sense. “It doesn't matter what you meant to happen, it's what still happened. And your apologies won't bring him back." He said with a bitter edge in his tone.

Lan Zhan heard a rustle coming from Xue Yang's direction and when he turned to look, Xue Yang and the two henchmen were leaving the room.

Lan Zhan can't believe what he's seeing. “He protected you and you have the balls to leave!? You're not even grateful he did this for you!” Lan Zhan yelled before Xue Yang was out of sight. “You’re a goddamn coward! No good piece of sh*t!”

“Shut the f*ck UP!” Xue Yang snapped. “I KNOW I AM!” His voice cracked in a way that showed every emotion on his sleeve. “Just…” He took a breath and flicked his tongue in annoyance. “Bury him in a good spot. Somewhere on the top of that hill he loves to run off too. Gives him a good view of his old home from up there. He deserves that.”

“I absolutely despise you.” Lan Zhan spat out. He cannot believe this man right now. Lan Zhan can't help but think that the spot Wei Ying brought him to see the stars, is the spot Xue Yang refers to.

Xue Yang laughed. “That's the second thing we agree on, Lan. I despise me too.” Xue Yang turned his back and pushed his men out the door that was no longer a door, it was a gaping hole in the wall, and disappeared.

Lan Zhan looked back at Wei Ying and he gently closed Wei Ying’s eyes. As soon as he touched his cold face Lan Zhan broke. His breath became unstable and Lan Zhan let out a cry that could shatter an eardrum. Tears poured from his face. He has never felt this kind of pain before. It was unbearable.

‘I'd give every ounce of my essence to you if it meant saving your life.’ Lan Zhan thought, as he screamed and cried out in agony.

Wei Ying stood hovering over his own dead body. He felt disconnected, as if floating above the scene. The air was still and deafeningly silent. There was so much chaos going on around him but he couldn't hear a thing. Wei Ying watched as Lan Zhan tenderly cradled his lifeless form, yelling at his team and becoming increasingly upset. Wei Ying doesn't know why he jumped in front of Xue Yang, but watching Lan Zhan’s heart shatter over what happened, hit him in a way that he instantly regretted his decision. But nothing could be done about it.

"Wei Ying.” He heard a woman's gentle voice behind him. It was soft and came through unbelievably clear as if it was only them in the room. He turned sound to see both his mother and father standing before him. His eyes stung and he felt his chest tighten.

“My boy.” His father said gently.

Wei Ying was extremely confused, but happier than he could have ever imagined.

“My sweet baby boy!” His mother darted over and engulfed him with a warm hug. He felt himself stop breathing for a moment as he processed this feeling. Her touch felt real. It took a few seconds before he wrapped his arms around her.

“Mom—” Wei Ying hardly got the word past his lips. His father soon wrapped his arms around both of them and all Wei Ying could do was cry. Wei Ying was able to choke out a few more words after he breathed.“I missed you so much.”

“And we’ve missed you.” His father replied back.

It was so good hearing his voice. Wei Ying never thought he would ever hear it again.

"We have been watching over you.” His mother said as she started to pull away just to inspect Wei Ying’s face. She grabbed his cheeks and smiled.

Wei Ying felt a bit embarrassed. “Oh— I’m sorry. That means you've watched me do some pretty shameless and selfish acts just to stay alive.” He shifted his eyes away, unable to look at his parents in confidence.

“No. I’m sorry. My burden was never supposed to be yours.” His mother said to him. She looked him up and down and gave Wei Ying a small smirk. “But you know, you look really good in my old outfit.” She chuckled. Wei Ying could tell she was trying to lighten the mood. It seemed that they all had an understanding of what had gone on in Wei Ying’s life after they died.

Wei Ying felt himself chuckle through his tears, but he felt a frown take over his features. "I wish I could have protected you both that day."

“That's my line.” His father said as he placed a hand on his son's shoulder. “I should have done more–”

“Neither here or there–” His mother interjected, “Xue Yang pulled through with about 40% of his end of the deal. I guess that's almost half…” She rolled her eyes at her own words. She looked more than conflicted at the situation and Wei Ying couldn't tell who she sided with more.

“Back then, we trusted Xue Yang to take you in if something were to happen to us. However, you were never supposed to be his escort.” His father explained. “He… was actually a friend and…”

“A friend?” Wei Ying couldn't shake off this terrible feeling that gnawed at him and he interrupted his father while speaking. Wei Ying took a step backwards and pushed off their hugs. He addressed them with a lot more seriousness than before. “A friend whom you let screw my mother?”

Both of his parents' shoulders slumped as they looked between themselves. His father signed and tried to explain. “The inner workings of the relationship with Xue Yang isn't something you need to concern yourself with. You mother and I love you and each other more than any—”

“Hold up, I’m confused.” Wei Ying interrupted again. “This guy is nothing but a slime ball and you STILL trusted him with taking care of me? If you've watched me this whole time, then you know what kind of person that he is–”

His mother blinked a few times before speaking. “That’s who he has become. He wasn't always like this. He never forced me into any aspect of his work. Your father and I just wanted more money to provide for a child.”

The look on her face was strained. A feeling Wei Ying knows all too well; straining yourself just to provide for yourself, but in their case, it was to provide for a child. He realizes they did what they had to do and Wei Ying empathizes with that. However he can't ignore the wrong that’s happened along the way, no matter how conflicted his feelings are towards Xue Yang. He hates that there is a small piece of him that cares too much about Xue Yang’s well being.

“He's done a lot of wrong.” Wei Ying said. “To me—” Wei Ying tried to rationalize the issue in his head. He can feel himself getting agitated but he calmed down.

“I’m not going to defend his recent actions, but what I do know is that Xue Yang must have become broken after the massacre on Lotus Pier.” Wei Ying’s mother said. “But it seems that you've recently made him realize his wrongs… Unfortunately a little too late… But honey, I’m proud of you for finally putting your foot down and starting to set boundaries. You think you made your own choices but you were only given unfair options to choose from from the start. That’s manipulation and isn't freedom. It's my fault you were put into this position. A ‘sorry’ will never be enough for the pain I caused you. But A-Ying, I am so sorry.”

“Me too son.” His father closed in on him to place his hand on his shoulder once more. “Xue Yang was once a trusted friend, and it pains me to see how his, your mother and I’s choices have affected you. I never thought you’d have to be a part of his ‘work.’ Your mother and I made rash decisions with the intention of providing for you. We never imagined it would lead to this. But looking back, if we had known then what we know now, your mother and I would have done things very differently. Starting with trusting another person to take you in, instead of Xue Yang."

“You had a roof over your head but it was under his thumb.” His father added. “He made you feel like you had a choice in the matter, but in reality, you didn’t.”

Their apologies and explanations offered some clarity, but the weight of it all was still heavy. Wei ying swallowed hard. Hearing that he never had a voice was not what he wanted to hear. He's been telling himself that it was his choice for his whole life. Xue Yang seriously indoctrinated the idea. Wei Ying felt his whole body become tense as he tried to not to think about Lan Zhan’s previous concerns with Xue Yang. He doesn't want to hear that this was what Lan Zhan was trying to tell him about Xue Yang, and it's being confirmed by his parents.

Wei Ying turned his head and glanced back at Lan Zhan who was still holding onto his lifeless body on the floor, still appearing to yell at his team.

“As much as we want you to stay...” His mother said. “You can't stay with us, Wei Ying.”

Wei Ying shook his head. “Even if I could go back, I don't want to…” He can't look at Lan Zhan anymore. He became filled with regret every time he looked at what was happening around them. The pain in Lan Zhan’s face was too much to bear. The man he stole from and didn't believe was crying over his body. He doesn’t feel he deserves happiness anymore. The reality of being manipulated by Xue Yang and seeing how much he has hurt the one person he can't help but feel a genuine connection towards, shatters him.

“I want to stay with you guys.” Wei Ying said as he reached out hugging his parents once more.

“But… Don't you think that man will miss you?” His father asked looking at Lan Zhan

“That man is a Lan. His clan just tried to take out another person and I ended up in the middle...” Wei Ying buried his face into his mother’s embrace. “I'd rather stay right here. With both of you. Where I feel safe.”

“Son, if you go with us, then you'll never be able to see him again.” His father replied.

“And?” Wei Ying said sarcastically.

“That Lan is pulling an arrow out of our chest and attempting to save your life. What is Xue Yang doing?” His father asked just as sarcastically. “Don't just turn your back on him because he's a Lan.”

“How can you defend him?” Wei Ying pulled out of his mothers arms. “I can understand defending Xue Yang- and thats a f*cking stretch and a half to do— but a LAN? You're out of your f*cking tree!” They are proving to still all be dangerous and Wei Ying is still having a hard time seeing past the fact that Lan Zhan is from the clan that took everything away from him— If his parents were alive, Xue Yang would have never contracted him. If he stays with his parents, he gets away from Xue Yang, the debt and let Lan Zhan heal from the damage Wei Ying already caused him.

“I won't ever defend who Xue Yang’s become.” His father said very sternly. His tone sent a minor fear into him. His father looked angry that he even suggested he did defend him. “I watched what he did to you. I will not make excuses for any degrading act he put you through. All we’re saying is— Lan or not, don’t judge this particular book based on the author, because it seems that this book is one full of heartfelt poems and not pages of despair.”

The fact that they were watching his life is creepy yet relieving. He didn't have to explain the pain he went through and he didn't have to lie. He thought about what his father said very carefully.

“That Lan clearly loves you.” His mother said.

“Love?” Wei Ying shrugged. He truly doesn't know what that is. “If we're talking about words then Xue Yang has told me he loves me.” The feeling he hates is crawling back into his heart; Empathy for Xue Yang.

“Honey, he doesn't love you.” His mother looked at Lan Zhan on the floor whose voice they couldn't hear. “Xue Yang words are hollow but this other man… I think he’ll take you away from this awful hellhole.”

“Z never said he loved me.” Wei Ying feels absolutely conflicted. Lan Zhan followed through with coming back for him after all…

Is this gesture love?’

Wei Ying huffed. “Z can't just magically take me away. Not with Xue Yang’s blood contract.” What does it matter when Wei Ying did not approve of how Lan Zhan handled certain situations like him attacking that child. Not to mention if Wei Ying went to the Abyss he would be uncomfortable being that close to his parent’s murder.

“Talk is cheap.” His mother said.

“But actions, they speak the truth.” His father replied. “Compare their actions as individuals not words.”

Wei Ying sighed and roughed up his hair in frustration. “Well, Xue Yang has done bad things but he's remorseful. And Z has also done bad things and is remorseful. But…” He thought for a moment, evaluating everything that happened. “One was doing bad things to me and the other was doing bad things to someone else. I don't know what's worse.” None of these options seemed right either.

Wei Ying's father nodded solemnly. "I hear you son. But this is about recognizing who has shown genuine remorse and a commitment to change."

His mother stepped forward. "Xue Yang may claim remorse, but he just walked away from your dying body. That man, on the other hand, has risked everything to rewrite the wrongs, even when it meant turning on his own people.”

Wei Ying chewed on his lower lip, contemplating his parent's words. It was true—Xue Yang left while Lan Zhan was the first to run to Wei Ying’s side. Wei Ying looked back at Lan Zhan and the bloody scene once more.

Looking at Lan Zhan he felt his cheeks flush. It doesn't matter how much Wei Ying tries to deny it, there is one feeling that he never gets from anyone else that he only gets from Lan Zhan. “Xue Yang will ultimately never fulfill my heart.” Wei Ying felt himself begin to cry. He wants Lan Zhan but he can't have him. Xue Yang would never allow it.

Wei Ying looked at his parents. “How do I free myself from Xue Yang?”

Both of his parents exchanged glances before answering…

The physical pain Lan Zhan felt in his heart was like nothing he ever knew. He placed his forehead on Wei Ying’s and tried to steady his breathing. He felt dizzy.

Lan Zhan stopped crying when he felt a surge of warmth fill up his chest. He lifted his head and a small ball of light, no bigger than the size of a pea emerged from his own chest. Lan Zhan looked at the ball that now levitated in front of Lan Zhan’s face.

The small ball of light grew to the size of a soccer ball. Lan Zhan noticed that there was something small and black inside the light. The light dimmed and what it revealed, baffled Lan Zhan’s mind.

“Bichen—” Lan Zhan mumbled. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

“Hey isn't that his baby bunny?” Lan Yiying asked curiously.

Lan Guiwei elbowed Lan Yiying to shut her up. The girls were still knelt on the floor around Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, while Lan Xichen stood several feet away.

The little bunny opened his ruby eyes and blinked a few times before settling his sights on Lan Zhan. As much as Lan Zhan was happy to see him, he still felt empty inside as he held Wei ying’s stiffening body. “How did you get here little one?”

“You called for me.” Bichen twitched his nose and looked around at the scene.

“Holy sh*t– It talks.” Lan Guiwei jumped back. “It– talks! Why’s it talking?”

Lan Yiying put her hand up in front of her face, trying to contain a squeal.

“I did not.” Lan Zhan replied to Bichen as if conversations like this were totally normal. Which in some way, it was. He has always talked to his beloved Bichen as if the little one could understand him.

“How peculiar.” Lan Anzhi leaned in to have a better look at the bunny.

“It’s time.” Bichen said.

“Please explain.” Lan Zhan was becoming overwhelmed and wanted to get to the bottom of this.

Bichen twitched his nose and took a step closer to Lan Zhan. “You can't heal him because you already healed me. In order to save him, I will have to give you your abilities back.”

“I don't understand.” Lan Zhan wasn't sure what Bichen was talking about.

Bichen sat on his back legs and looked at Lan Zhan with the cutest little red eyes. “When you pleaded with the river to heal me, it wasn't the river that brought me back to life, but your own magical abilities. You were too young to harness your level of ability when you did. So the river merely helped you transfer and contain your extraordinary ability and energy.”

“I still don’t understand, Bichen.” Lan Zhan didn't have the ability to heal. He was becoming stressed out over this. “How could that be possible? I’m a man.”

“When you released your power, you were in danger of blowing yourself up. Your small body couldn't handle the power, and moreover, the backlash from it would have caused everyone in the Abyss to perish. So the heart of the Abyss stepped in.” Bichen said.

“Heart?” Lan Zhan was really confused now. “I never released magic nor did I use my core when I pleaded for help. The Abyss heard me and used the Silver River water to physically heal you.” Lan Zhan replied.

The Abyss has some semblance of sentience, though it isn't like there is a place to go to have a conversation with it. The Abyss isn't just a hole in the ground, to them, it’s an omnipotent energy that cares for its people when they need it.

“I was not born connected to the magic like our women are.” Lan Zhan said.

“All Lan are born connected to the Abyssal magic. Including you and the woman around you.” Bichen said as he looked around and then rested his eyes back on Lan Zhan. “You're a powerful being too.”

“ I didn't release magic.” Lan Zhan was adamant. He tried recently to see if he was connected to this magic but he isn’t. His baby definitely was through, that he was convinced of.

“But you did, and the Abyss responded.” Bichen replied.

“Then why am I not connected?”

Bichen turned to the voice.

It was Lan Guiwei who looked stressed. “You said we are connected too. But I never felt it!” She looked like she was taking this personally. “What would it feel like?”

Lan Zhan wondered the same thing. He wants to know what it feels like so he could recognize it if it did happen.

“It isn't easily defined or explained.” Bichen said. “It is a feeling.

“Just a feeling?” Lan Yiying looked distraught as well.

“Yes.” Bichen said confidently. “That feeling becomes a spark and that spark ignites a flame from within making the release of Abyssal energy possible. This energy reacts to the molecules that the Abyss breathed into its waters and into each living creature that makes up Crystal Gusu.”

“This is so much to take in.” Lan Anzhi said.

Bichen turned back to Lan Zhan. “You didn't have control of the energy and you ended up releasing every ounce of your energy.”

“Please get to the point, If I can save Wei Ying I need to understand!” Lan Zhan was becoming impatient.

Bichen nodded. “The Abyss used the river as a tool to contain the chaos and transfer all of your abilities to me. The Abyss had no choice but to give me all of your magic because you couldn't control the amount released. The Abyss contained it in my body for the time being to protect you and every Gusu denison. It has been my duty to give it back when you need it the most.”

“Bichen, you can't do that—” Lan Zhan panicked. “Then you’ll also—”

“Die.” Bichen said bluntly. “Yes. I will die.”

“This isn't fair!” Lan Zhan doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want to lose his baby bunny too. “I didn't want any of this. Why do I have to lose you too?”

“You gave me more years than the Abyss had planned for me.” Bichen replied. “I will always be by your side.”

Lan Zhan didn't have time to respond. Bichen had another bright light cover him obscuring his features. The ball of light flattened and elongated. When the light diminished, a pastel blue and purple sword appeared in place of Bichen. It had a yellow tassel hanging off of the end. The colors reminded Lan Zhan of the bunny's original pastel fur coat and shimmering yellow eyes.

Lan Yiying looked confused. "What... what just happened?"

“Did that bunny just turn into a sword?" Lan Anzhi sounded the most shocked.

"It seems so." Lan Guiwei replied to Lan Anzhi.

Lan Zhan watched in shock with tears in his eyes. With a heavy heart he reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword. When he did, he felt a pulse of energy surge from the sword which began to flow into him. Lan Zhan’s silver hair turned back to its original silky, jet black hair with only two silver strands on the side of his temples.

“His hair!” Lan Yiying gasped. "What does this mean for Z?"

Lan Xichen interjected. "It means he's been bestowed with a great responsibility, and a formidable power."

Lan Yiying sighed. "But what about Bichen?"

Lan Guiwei finally put her scary weapon away and stood up. "Bichen has… fulfilled his duty.”

Lan Zhan started focusing on the new energy that flowed in him. He carefully laid Wei Ying on the floor and kneeled over him, sword in one hand. He laid Wei Ying’s body on the floor and focused on the blade. The more he focused the clearer his vision became. He could see other worldly beings harping over Wei Ying’s body that gave Lan Zhan unpleasant shivers. He stood up looking at the creatures and instinctively used his sword to slice the creatures. When he swung the sword, it went through the creatures unable to cut them. Instead it opened up a tear in the fabric of space and time in a spot Lan Zhan wasn’t cutting in. A crescent split in the air slowly opened up to a full circle. Soon a huge clock appeared in the center of the tear in space and time.

The clock had numbers on it but no hands. He felt his sword begin to pull towards the clock so he let it go. He watched it float out of his hands and attached itself to the center of the clock. The tip of the blade created the hour hand and the tassel created the minute hand.

They all watched the clock’s minute hand move back ten whole minutes and when it did, all of a sudden Wei Ying let out a gasp of air and his eyes opened. Blood started spilling out of him once more. Lan Zhan dropped to the floor to grab him and lift him up.

“The clock did not heal Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan said as he held Wei Ying in his arms once more.

“No, but it gave him back his soul.” Lan Anzhi replied.

“I don't know what I expected but this wasn't it!” Lan Yiying cried out. “What good is putting his soul back in his body if he just dies again from the same injury?”

“It turned back time to the moment before his death? Not before the wound was inflicted?” Lan Xichen grabbed his bow and threw it against the wall. “He still has fatal wounds!”

Wei Ying started convulsing and making gurgling noises.

“He won't last long!” Lan Anzhi scanned the room for a medical box. “We can't let him suffer death twice! Girls— Look for anything useful!”

“But what can we do?” Lan Guiwei looked at Lan Anzhi.

“Exactly! None of us are Silver River Healers!” Lan Yiying cried out. “What do you expect us to do?”

“I can't lose him again!” Lan Zhan’s mind spiraled with the thought of bringing him back to life just to have him experience death again. His bunny didn't give his life up just for Lan Zhan to stand around and not figure out how to help Wei Ying.

The clock made a loud bell sound and it disappeared into thin air along with the tear in their space which zipped itself back up. When it did, the sword fell to the ground and before it was picked up by the girls, it spun on its own and pointed towards Lan Zhan’s bag that was on the other side of the room.

This was his bag that the henchmen took from him when he was knocked out and tied up.

The girls looked in the direction it pointed towards and ran to his bag. They brought it over to the sword.

“What does it want with your bag?” Lan Guiwei held the bag towards the sword.

Lan Zhan remembered what was in it that Bichen might want. “There is silver river water in my bag.” Lan Zhan suddenly remembered. “Hand it to me–-”

Lan Anzhi looked through the bag as lan Guiwei held it open. Lan Anzhi threw the bottle at Lan Zhan and when he caught it in his hands, the bottle started glowing. This time Lan Zhan could feel each particle moving and he felt more connected to it than ever before.

Wei Ying let out another terrifying sound and was struggling to breath.

“What is he going to do with it?” Lan Guiwei looked at Lan Zhan. “Can males really be connected to Abyssal magic?”

Panic set in when he heard Wei Ying’s agonizing sounds. Lan Zhan popped the top of the bottle. “G, we've been lied to all our lives.” He can really feel the connection now.

Lan Zhan touched the top of the opened bottle and as he made contact, a ripple of energy flowed from his fingertips, intertwining with the molecules. It felt like his own energy grabbed the water. With a subtle motion of his hand, Lan Zhan began to draw the water towards him, removing it all from the bottle. He could feel the spark that ignites from within that Bichen was talking about.

“Extraordinary...” Lan Xichen said in awe.

With each movement, the water responded, reacting to Lan Zhan's energy. He held it suspended in the air but Lan Zhan wasn't sure what to do next. He watched in awe as it shimmered with a faint, ethereal light.

Lan Yiying rushed in. “Come here and follow my moves.” Lan Yiying knelt down next to Wei Ying’s body and Lan Zhan followed. “Let the water cover your hands completely and press them to his wound.”

Lan Zhan knows she can’t manipulate the water, but that doesn't mean they didn't learn the steps. She can use her core but it isn’t magically connected to the Abyss. Lan Zhan focused on what he was doing and made the water cover both of his hands. He did what she said and placed it on Wei Ying’s bloody chest.

A new set of screams came from the hole in the wall and three women wearing brothel outfits ran into the room yelling, A-Ying, A-Ying, A-Ying!!”

Lan Anzhi and Lan Guiwei intercepted the women so they were not interrupted while trying to heal Wei Ying.

“Please, we’re his friends! Let us see him!!” One of the women shouted.

“Give them a minute—” Lan Guiwei’s brash voice yelled at her.

“If he is a friend then you will shut up and let– us– work!Lan Yiying yelled at them. It was the first time she looked absolutely distraught and extremely angry.

“Just focus.” Lan Zhan said to her. “Just look at me and guide me on what to do.”

Lan Yiying looked him in the eyes and nodded. She began by attempting to use her own energy to infuse it with the water. This was a fruitless effort but Lan Zhan could tell she was trying from the bottom of her heart.

Lan Zhan grabbed her hands and he tried to combine their energy. Even though he had enough energy on his own, he wanted to have her feel like her efforts were not in vain. When their energy infused, it gave Lan Zhan an energy boost. This boost made the molecules in the water move faster which began to heal the wound quicker.

“It's working.” Lan Zhan looked up at Lan Yiying and she had a peculiar look on her face.

“I can feel you moving the particles in the water.” Lan Yiying said. “I know it's not me, but it feels like it is. Tears flowed from her eyes and she cracked a small smile. “I can't believe I can feel it.” It looks like Lan Yiying really wanted to be a healer but couldn't be. This moment, as dire as it is for Wei Ying, it will be a moment Lan Yiying will always remember for a whole different reason than Lan Zhan would.

“Even if it's only because our energy is syncing due to my abilities, you are healing him.” Lan Zhan feels he has a higher chance of succeeding now that he has more energy.

Lan Yiying smiled. “Keep focusing here”. She moved her hands around Wei Ying’s wound.

Lan Zhan could feel the vibration in the water when she moved her hands. He followed what she was showing him and the molecules moved even faster making the water feel hot. The water flashed a blinding light and when it dimmed the water settled into Wei Ying wounds.

“That's it.” Lan Yiying said as she pulled her hands away. “We're done.”

Lan Zhan watched Wei Ying’s breathing patterns return to normal and watched his skin regenerate. The hole in his chest completely disappeared.

Lan Zhan picked Wei Ying up and held him in his arms. “What do you mean it's done? He's still not awake… Are you positive it’s done?” Lan Zhan fixed the hair in front of Wei Ying’s face.

“His vital signs are stable.” Lan Yiying said as she checked Wei Ying one last time. “He will be okay.”

When Lan Zhan relaxed at her words, he felt a small pinch on his forehead. He felt something strange happening to his body and for a moment he was nervous.

Everyone looked at Lan Zhan and watched a radiant line form across Lan Zhan's forehead. When the bright light from it faded, it left behind a mark—an intricate, iridescent band extending to his hairline above his ears. The band melded seamlessly into his skin, appearing as though tattooed. Where it met his hairline, it touched the silver strands of hair that framed his face. The silver strands of hair raised on their own and tied themselves together at the back, draping over the rest of his long black hair. It resembled a traditional Lan forehead ribbon, but this one was a natural part of his body.

The three girls that were by the exploded entrance couldn't wait around anymore and ran over to Wei Ying. They dropped to the floor and Lan Zhan instinctively clutched onto Wei Ying a bit harder.

“Is A-Ying going to be okay?!”

“What can we do to help him? To help you?”

“Are you the man A-Ying saw on his birthday?”

“I—What?” Lan Zhan was taken back by the last question. The ladies looked at him anticipating an answer and Lan Zhan felt like he was put on spot. “I— did… See Wei Ying on his birthday…”

The woman placed her hands on her face and smiled. “Oh it is him! For sure!”

“You couldn't tell by the way he was holding onto A-Ying?” One of the women raised an eyebrow at the other.

Lan Zhan wanted to know who these people were. The women were a bit overbearing but sweet. “You're… friends of his?”

“We are. He talked about you A LOT.” One woman giggled.

Lan Zhan wasn't sure how to feel about that.

One of the women looked at Wei Ying. “We have taken him under our wing since Xue Yang took him in.”

The other woman had a great big smile and rambled a bit. “We taught him how to cook and clean and—”

“I see… In that case…” Lan Zhan contemplated his next decision very carefully. “Then I will leave him in your care until he wakes up.”

“What?” One of the women looked shocked.

The other woman next to her looked kind of upset. “Why not you?”

“He doesn't want me to be around right now… And he certainly does not wish to go back to Gusu with me.” Lan Zhan looked at Lan Xichen. “Actually… I can't go back home anymore either...” Lan Zhan needed a new plan. Wei Ying needed a place to rest. Besides, Lan Zhan wouldn't be able to take care of him while going through pregnancy.

One of the women looked shocked. “You're… Lans?”

“Does... A-Ying know about that detail?” The three women looked at each other with a shocked expression

“Don't be so sure of that Z…” Lan Guiwei said to Lan Zhan. “You can go home.”

“Father disowned me.” Lan Zhan thought those words should have explained everything.

“Aaaand we fought him over it!” Lan Yiying said with a bubbly expression.

“Huh?” Lan Zhan doesn’t understand.

Lan Guiwei explained further. “The elevator was shut down when we tried to ascend. Someone, probably the clan leader, tried to keep everyone in Gusu by breaking the machine. We had to use the stairs.”

“Yeah, we RAN up them!” Lan Yiying said as she giggled. “We used medicine from Dr. Qing to protect us. She's a wonder when it comes to this medicine!”

Lan Zhan really didn't understand and looked at them for further explanation.

Lan Anzhi continued filling in gaps. “When we got to the top, we were confronted by Qingheng-Jun who was about to go home by using the stairs. I’m not sure where he got his medicine from because Dr. Qing didn’t give him any. I think it's something he gets from the surface.”

“After a pleasant conversation, we came to an… agreement.” Lan Guiwei said.

Lan Xichen interjected. “The conclusion is, you have to have the baby in Gusu. There are no doctors on the surface that can help with male pregnancy.” Lan Xichen said. “I will not let father do this to you especially while pregnant. It's about the baby now. So what if our mission was considered a failure? You came back here because you wanted to tell Wei Ying about the child.”

“Yeah, it's not about the mission anymore.” Lan Guiwei followed up. It was good that she was alright now because before she was mad about giving him the mission.

“We are so dead when we get home.” Lan Zhan said. There was no amount of convincing him that he wouldn’t be punished later for this.

“Pregnant?!” One of the women who came to Wei Ying’s aid yelled. “Is that even possible for men?”

Lan Anzhi sighed and ignored the shocked woman. “Since there are no male pregnancy doctors on the surface, you have to come back with us, regardless of what your father says or feels.”

“The baby didn’t commit any crimes and therefore is allowed in Gusu!” Lan Yiying replied. “Well you can walk through Gusu. You have to get to the village somehow…”

“That was the whole argument?” Lan Zhan felt crumble inside. “Refugee Village? So I'm that much of an outsider now that I can't even go home? To our family’s house?”

The team looked at each other as if they didn’t know what to say to make the situation seem better.

“Well right now that's where the doctor is but… Dr Qing welcomes you in Jade Refugee village.” Yiying said.

“Father will just have to deal with it.” Lan Xichen interjected.

“That wasn’t the agreement X…” Lan Anzhi said. “He does have to be in the village. But while pregnant he can walk through Gusu… Because yes the child is innocent…” She rolled her eyes at the idea.

“I don't care. As the future clan leader of Crystal Gusu I declare that my brother Z can go wherever he pleases.” Lan Xichen looked at everyone around him and smiled awkwardly. “I’ll deal with our father about it later.”

“Finally taking your role seriously, ‘Prince’ Xichen?” Lan Zhan teased. His brother had it coming.

“Don't start with that again.” Lan Xichen laughed light-heartedly. He placed a hand on his hip shifting his weight to one side. “But thats ‘crown prince’ to you, second born—”

“The guys in the village said they would build a home for you there though…”’ Lan Yiying followed up in a sheepish tone.

The guys? Lan Zhan looked around at everyone. “Wait… If X is here… Who's at home base? The one in the village?”

“M and N!!” Lan Yiying replied happily.

Lan Zhan raised his eyebrow at the situation.

Lan Yiying smiled widely. “Well since we already have an X, Mo Xuanyu became M and Wen Ning—”

“Got it.” Lan Zhan didn't need further explanation.

“Honorary LanShadow Guardians six and seven.” Lan Anzhi said. “Those two are troublesome when put together but also somehow… Their combination gets things done.”

‘If LanShadow was banned, how are they getting new members…??’ Lan Zhan doesn't even want to ask.

“So wait—” The three women looked at Lan Zhan and one of them spoke. “The baby A-Ying’s?!”

Lan Zhan nodded and looked at Wei Ying again in his arms. He could never think of anyone else being his child’s father.

“Awe just look at how he looks at him.” One of the women said.

“What are your names?” Lan Xichen asked the group of brothel girls.



“Qin Su. We're all contracted by Xue Yang’s cultivation art.”

‘They all have the same binding as Wei Ying? Is this normal on the surface?’ Lan Zhan learned a lot about them in the short amount of time he's been here.

“When we found out A-Ying became contracted, we started taking special care of him.” Sisi replied.

Qin Su slumped her shoulders. “We know how ruthless Xue Yang can be and we have been A-Ying support system for a long time.”

“If you want him to stay in our care, let me bring you to a room that is… less destroyed.” Bicao said as she looked around.

The LanShadow team looked at each other and waited for Lan Zhan’s nod of approval. He felt like all eyes were on him. He looked at Wei Ying in his arms. As much as he wants to bring him home, he can’t. He looked at Lan Anzhi and shifted his eyes between her and his bag on the floor. Lan Anzhi picked up his bag as well as Bichen and held it for him while he carried Wei Ying. Lan Zhan stood up and looked at the escorts.

“Lead the way.” Lan Zhan said to Bicao.

Bicao led Lan Zhan and the others to a room that had been spared from the chaos of the recent events. The room was tidy, with soft lighting and comfortable furnishings.

"Here we are." Bicao said, gesturing towards the room. "It's not much, but it's clean and peaceful."

Lan Zhan nodded gratefully, carefully laying Wei Ying down on the bed. He tucked the blankets around him, ensuring he was comfortable.

"Thank you—" Lan Zhan said sincerely, turning to the three women. "For taking care of him."

Sisi smiled warmly. "It's the least we can do. A-Ying is important to us, and we'll do whatever it takes to help him."

Qin Su nodded in agreement. "We'll take good care of him, we promise."

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying's peaceful face, feeling a mixture of emotions. He was relieved that he's alive. He is grateful for the precious memories Wei Ying gave him. But there's a lingering sense of worry that twisted all his positive emotions together. Lan Zhan walked to the door with no more words. He shouldn't stay any longer. As he was about to walk out of the door, Sisi spoke.

“No kiss goodbye?” She laughed.

Lan Zhan felt his ears turn red. “He wouldn't want that.”

“Don’t say that—” Qin Su said. “He’s totally head over heels for you. He would want that. You're like his prince charming— or Princess charming? Cause you're pregnant… I don't know how that really works—”

“He made his choice. He protected Xue Yang.” Lan Zhan looked at his team. “Get ready for dissension.”

Bicao raised an eyebrow. "He protected him because even though he has done bad things, he doesn't wish death on him. A kiss won't upset him.”

“Maybe the kiss will be magical and wake him up or something.” Lan Yiying added.

“This isn't a fairytale.” Lan Guiwei responded.

“But Lan are mysterious and magical.” Sisi said. “We don't know much about your clan.”

“I can see it in your eyes that you love him.” Qin Su said. “So go over to his bedside and say goodbye.”

Lan Zhan hesitated, torn between his desire to respect Wei Ying's boundaries and the overwhelming urge to express his own feelings. After a moment of internal struggle, he made a decision. Stepping closer to the bed, Lan Zhan leaned down and hovered above Wei Ying's lips. He was there for several moments looking at Wei Ying’s sleeping face.

"I can't." Lan Zhan tore himself away from Wei Ying, grabbed his bag and Bichen from Lan Anzhi and walked to the front door without any more words.

As Lan Zhan made his way out of the room, the conversation continued among the group.

"Consent is so hot." Qin Su remarked with a look of pleasure on her face, earning an elbow blow from Bicao.

“He has respect for him.” Bicao replied.

“That’s true love for you.” Sisi chimed in. Her tone filled with sincerity and warmth as she looked back at Wei Ying's sleeping form with a soft smile. “A-Ying is so lucky to have found the one for him.”

Lan Xichen's expression remained guarded. “You think this man actually loves my brother?” Lan Xichen's eyes shifted between Wei Ying and the escorts.

“I believe it.” Qin Su replied firmly.

“We should be heading out now. Z has already left.” Lan Guiewi said. She started heading towards the door.

Before Lan Yiying followed, she confronted the brothel women. “I don't know when this man will wake up.” Lan Yiying said. “We’ve never performed this healing art before and dont know much about the technique itself. Don't panic if he's asleep for a few weeks. Give him time.”

“I will search the ancestral archives to find more about this ability.” Lan Xichen said. “In the meantime, thank you for taking care of him.”

The escorts smiled and assured him that it was no problem at all. The woman started to gather things together to help set up for taking care of Wei Ying.

With their farewells exchanged, the group set off in the direction Lan Zhan headed. Lan Zhan was well out of sight and outside Blossom Manor at this point.

Wei Ying’s parents had a saddened look and hugged him. “I don't know how to stop Xue Yang’s binding. But first and foremost, you free yourself by setting boundaries and telling Xue Yang to hit the bricks.” His mother spat out.

“Make him YOUR bitch this time around.” His father winked. “He is a serious bottom who’s on a power trip right now. You'll be able to put him in his proper place. I have faith in you.”

"Thank you." Wei Ying whispered. He laughed inwardly. This gave him more motivation and confidence than he's ever had. "I needed this more than you know."

His mother held him in a tight embrace. "We'll always be watching over you. Always."

"You're stronger than you realize, my son." His father's eyes were filled with pride as he hugged around them both.

Wei Ying thought of how good life could turn out for him if he made Xue Yang respect him. He thought about trying to understand Lan Zhan rather than be angry at him. When his brain relaxed, Wei Ying felt a vibration come over his whole body. He stepped back and looked at himself.

“What's happening?” Wei Ying asked.

“Looks like you made your decision.” His mother leaned in against her husband and smiled.

Wei Ying looked at his hands and saw his body start flickering. “Decision? This feels like it's happening whether I want it to or not.”

“You need to still be willing to live for this magic to work. Don't pass this chance up. So go. Live. And when you're actually ready to die, we'll be here waiting for you.” His father said in the most gentle voice he’s ever heard.

Wei Ying doesn't understand, he was already dead. How can he be magically brought back to l;ive? No cultivation he knows of can't bring someone to life that isn't a walking corpse. “But… How is this possible?”

“You're just that lucky.” His mother said. “You get a real second chance. You should thank that charming Lan boy.”

“Don't forget, you do have control over your life.” His father added.

Wei Ying opened his mouth to say more but before he could speak again Wei Ying felt himself be pulled into darkness and where he sat in this dark space for quite a while before he finally woke up.

Lan Zhan made it to the ancestral home and waited for his team outside. He looked up at the structure in disgust. This once brough happy thoughts. Now he can only think of its true purpose: To keep them imprisoned.

The only thought that made him feel better was that his people were resilient enough to survive when the Wen tried to eradicate them.

Lan Zhan looked at the ground. A part of him wanted to stay on the surface because Wei Ying was here. His mind reeled back to the escorts egging him on to kiss Wei Ying. He really did want to but he just couldn't. Not with everyone staring and especially not without Wei Ying’s consent.

He looked at the structure in front of him once more and constipated on whether or not going back home was truly the best option for himself. But there isn't anywhere else he could go…

He ran his hands through his hair and looked at the ends. It's been forever since his hair was black, he almost forgot what it looked like. He ran his hand along his forehead and he couldn't feel anything unusual, though he knew that something akin to a forehead ribbon was there. His body had a fuller, rounder feeling with energy flowing through every inch of his body. He ran his hand over his stomach. He can feel his baby actively growing.

“Damn you're fast.” Lan Guiwei huffed as he approached him from behind. “What gives?”

Lan Zhan turned around to face her. “I needed to clear my head.”

"Are you alright?" Lan Guiwei asked, tilting her head.

Lan Zhan felt himself laugh inwardly. Am– I– alright?” He said mockingly while looking at her in disbelief. “Of course not G.” The combination of Wei Ying being upset with him, almost losing him, being pregnant and looking at their Clan’s ancestral home, was painful to bear at once. He felt lost and confused about his own clan and his own heart. His clan members don't know the truth about their home and it is starting to gnaw at him. He hasn't even begun to address the issue of the poison he was injected with and if it hurt the baby at all.

"Z!" Lan Yiying turned the corner and sounded just as cheerful as always. She ran right to him and hovered her hands over his stomach, waiting. She danced on her toes and looked at him with a wide eyed expression.

Lan Zhan sighed. “Baby is too small for you to feel anything yet.”

“We'll be able to feel it soon! I just want to be there when it happens!!” Lan Yiying was so carrying it almost made Lan Zhan’s heart feel warm.

Lan Anzhi and Lan Xichen came around the corner together. Lan Anzhi was the first to approach the door to open the clan's home. “We have a long walk ahead of us and little medicine.” She turned and headed inside.

“I am dreading this.” Lan Xichen said. “Ascension is not my favorite thing.”

Lan Zhan forgot. They have to take the stairs. They followed her inside the house and Lan Zhan led them all through the maze with ease. They got to the elevator room without getting lost.

Lan Guiwei took out a set of keys and unlocked the door to the staircase.

“Dr. Qing gave you medicine right?” Lan Yiying turned to Lan Zhan. “Do you have any to spare?”

Lan Anzhi dug through her own bag and grabbed pill bottles.

“Not unless you want to sleep instead of walking.” Lan Zhan replied.

“The medicine she gave him was different.” Lan Guiwei explained .

Lan Anzhi handed some pills to everyone and Lan Zhan pulled out his set of pills and held them in his hand. The others looked like they had a quarter of the dose he did. Meaning they really didn't have much medicine. He was about to take the pills when he heard a whisper coming from Bichen. He quickly unfastened Bichen from his side and held it out.

“What's going on?” Lan Anzhi asked in a concerned manner.

“I thought…” Lan Zhan must have been hearing things but he then felt a pulse coming from the sword. Lan Zhan listened to the sword as best he could. He placed the tip of the sword on the ground and a pink and purple light began emitting from it. The energy was like shimmering water that covered his entire body and the sword. He took a moment to focus on the energy. He was in tune with every pulse from Bichen and he could feel that the energy was pulling to the door with the staircase in it.

“Open the door.” Lan Zhan said to Lan Guiwei.

“Are you f*cking high?” Lan Guiwei said. “We haven't taken our pills yet—”

“Your aura!!” Lan Yiying jumped in excitement. “It's never been prettier!”

“How long will walking take?” Lan Zhan asked. He can hear something stirring within his energy that he can’t yet identify.

Lan Guiwei sighed. “Maybe if we move fast we can make it further down before taking breaks in safe zones.”

Lan Zhan raised an eyebrow which prompted Guiwei to continue with a sigh. “Y, can you calculate how long the trip will take by foot?”

Lan Yiying turned around with an excited expression. She quickly took out a notepad and paper. "Alright, everyone, let's break down how long it'll take to descend the spiral staircase!” She was definitely happier than he ever thought she would be over this.

“Remember, you asked for this.” Lan Guiwei said to Lan Zhan.

“We need to calculate the Average Height of Each Story, Number of Steps and Average Walking Speed.” Lan Xichen chimed in walking closer to Lan Yiying.

“Oh f*ck…” Lan Guiwei said. “I didn't expect THIS.”

“We have two nerds…” Lan Anzhi added.

Lan Yiying’s expression lit up as she shared her notepad notes with Lan Xichen. “Okay so we need to make some assumptions.”

Lan Xichen looked at everyone and read from the page while adding more notes. “Firstly, the Height. In most buildings, it's about 10 feet per story. Crystal Gusu is 7 stories below us.

Lan Yiying continued. “For 7 stories, that's a total of 70 feet we'll be descending."

The group looked at each other in confusion. Lan Zhan had no idea what was happening.

"Stay with us!” Lan Yiying yelled. “Next, we need to consider the design of the staircase. Standard spiral staircases have approximately 12 steps per rotation." Lan Yiying scribbled down more notes. "Alright, now, let's talk about Walking Speed. If we keep up with a moderate pace the walking speed will be…”

“About 2.5 miles per hour.” Lan Xichen finished her sentence.

Lan Yiying smiled widely. “With these assumptions we can make some approximate calculations.”

“Get on with it!” Lan Guiwei said.

Lan Xichen continued. “Each rotation covers a certain distance along the spiral path. Without exact dimensions, we can't nail down the exact number. But let's say it's about 5 feet from the center to the edge. That means for each rotation, we'll cover roughly 31.42 feet."

“What the hell does that all mean?!” Lan Guiwei’s patience wore thin.

Lan Yiying continued where Lan Xichen left off. “That's approximately 1.714 minutes per rotation. So, it would take approximately 20.57 minutes to descend those 7 stories!”

Lan Guiwei interjected. “That doesn't seem right. It took us way longer to ascend.”

Lan Yiying giggled. “That's a different calculation though. We would have to factor in gravity upwards and—”

“Enough.” Lan Guiwei took Lan Yiyings notebook and threw it.“I'd rather go absolutely mad from barrier sickness before I have to listen to any more numbers.”

Lan Zhan somehow managed to catch the notebook and scanned each key element of the calculations.

‘Vertical Structure, Vertical Distance Traversed, Geometric Considerations, Kinetic Analysis, Temporal Projection, Holistic Assessment’

‘Nevermind.’ He handed the notebook to his brother. The words alone were intimidating. He wouldn’t know if their calculations were correct even if he did look at them. That's what he gets for putting his training before regular subjects.

Lan Zhan felt Bichen pulse once more and for some reason he walked to the door. “So twenty minutes?” Lan Zhan asked for confirmation.

Lan Xichen walked next to Lan Zhan looking as if he wanted to stop Lan Zhan from going into the stairwell. “Well we haven't even started factoring in how much slower the effects of the barrier will make us nor the time it will take for us to take shelter in the bunkers OR the fact that you're pregnant and might be slower than someone who is not!”

Lan Zhan opened it without hearing another word of calculations. He stepped through the threshold and everyone panicked.

“Don't go inside yet!” Lan Guiwei yelled. “The barrier will—”

Lan Zhan turned around to find that Lan Guiwei was already on the ground inside the stairwell. The reaction to the barrier was immediate. It looked like she was choking and Lan Zhan panicked. Lan Zhan ran to her and grabbed her arm. His aura spread over her body and she immediately started breathing normally again. He helped her up off the ground.

“Holy sh*t!” Lan Guiwei walked out of the stairwell with Lan Zhan still touching her and she touched Lan Yiying. “It repelled the barrier.”

“What are you doing?” Lan Yiying asked. It did not cover Lan Yiying’s body.

“I thought I could spread the energy.” Lan Guiwei continued. The aura had disappeared when Lan Zhan wasn't touching her.

“It did… What?” Lan Xichen walked to the stairwell and held out his arm.

“Seems like I can only extend my energy if someone is physically touching me and can remain connected through someone else.” Lan Zhan explained. He released Lan Guiwei, and the energy disappeared. Lan Zhan then grabbed his brother Lan Xichen's arm, allowing his energy to flow over Lan Xichen’s body. Next, he touched Lan Guiwei again and had her hold onto Lan Xichen while he was still touching her. When Lan Zhan let go of Lan Guiwei, the energy remained because she was connected through Lan Xichen. This way, they began forming a chain. As long as Lan Zhan initiates the contact, they can stay connected to his energy. Soon everyone was connected and they walked into the stairwell.

Lan Zhan took the lead in descending the stairs. He only made it down one rotation (12 steps / stairs) before a sudden wave of dizziness washed over him, causing him to stagger and reach out for support against the wall. He could only think this is because he's been overdoing himself lately.

Lan Xichen looked concerned. "Are you alright?"

Lan Zhan shook his head, trying to shake off the disorientation. "Hn." He didn’t want him to worry too much. He straightened up and removed his hand from the wall. The spot where his hand made contact with the wall, sparked to life with a vibrant blue hue that rippled outward, engulfing the entire stairwell.

Lan Guiwei and Lan Yiying exchanged worried glances as they huddled closely together.

"What’s going on?!" Lan Yiying asked.

“I got a bad feeling about this.” Lan Anzhi replied as everything beneath their feet began to shake.

As the blue light on the wall intensified, the once solid staircase morphed into a sleek, sloping surface. Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, they fell on their ass and began sliding down the stairwell at an alarming speed.





Their voices melded together making it hard to tell whose scream was whose. “I would stop it If I knew how to—” As Lan Zhan’s eardrums were pierced by their defining screams. He braced himself against the outer wall and didn't fight the speed. Lan Zhan's thoughts raced as he anticipated their landing at the bottom. He knew they were hurtling toward a locked door, and there was little he could do to slow their speed. With the tight spiral of the staircase obscuring their view of the door, it was impossible to gauge exactly when they would make impact.

Lan Zhan's aura flickered brightly, surrounding them in a solid protective barrier. Lan Zhan could only think it was because the gap between them and the bottom was rapidly drawing closer. "Brace yourselves—" He shouted over the chaos.

With a collective gasp, they all braced for impact holding onto one another. There was a hard impact as they busted through the door and they all tumbled into the control room. Lan Zhan’s aura faded and they landed in a tangled heap on the floor, shaken but miraculously unharmed. Slowly, they untangled themselves and rose to their feet, surveying their surroundings with a mixture of relief and confusion.

Lan Zhan was the first to break the silence. "Is everyone alright?”

“Alright?” Lan Guiwei asked sarcastically. “ALRIGHT?!” She lunged towards Lan Zhan and Lan Anzhi and Lan Yiying held her back. “YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!” Lan Guiwei's outburst reverberated through the room.

Lan Zhan held up his hands in a calming gesture. "I understand your concern, but we made it through in one piece.”

“Don't hurt him.” Lan Anzhi said.

Lan Guiwei's anger simmered, and her eyes remained fixed on Lan Zhan. "You could have warned us about whatever that was!”

“I'm sure it wasn't his fault!” Lan Yiying said over her.

Lan Zhan met her gaze evenly. "I didn't do any of that."

"We've all been through a lot of stress. Let's just take a deep breath." Lan Xichen stepped forward, his tone diplomatic. "We all made it out alive."

“You touched the wall again!” Guiwei pushed the girls off. “I'm starting to be done with your weird trickster voodoo magical abilities. Stop touching sh*t.”

“We don't know why it's happening but it's stronger after Bichen…” Lan Xichen cleared this throat. “Well, I'll also do some research. In the meantime… go to Dr. Qing. That impact was rough.”

“Oh no, the baby!” Lan Yiying yelled.

“Let us escort you there.” Lan Guiwei said.

“I can manage on my own. No need to walk with me like I’m a child.” lan zhan said.

“No. I'm not letting you touch sh*t along the way.” Lan Guiwei said.

“Oh I forgot… It's my home and I can't wander freely.” Lan Zhan started to feel like he was on a leash of his own.

“It's not like that.” Lan Xichen said.

“It is absolutely like that. Father wants you to keep an eye on me. I'm sure of it.” Lan Zhan said

Lan Guiwei sighed. “We're ALL in trouble. Not just you.” Her anger outburst was palpable.

“We're just taking our last mission to heart. LanShadow is officially disbanded. We just came to get you and go home.” Lan Anzhi said. “Just breathe. We're all really stressed and tired after today.”

“There are two more members…” Lan Zhan is having a hard time believing that it's banned. Lan Zhan sighed and looked at Lan Guiwei. “You might be in trouble, but at least you're not banished from the only home you have.”

“You're not technically banished right now.” Lan Anzhi huffed. “We should get out of here and head towards the village.” She looked at Lan Zhan. “Believe it or not, now we all need to go to the village. We’re considered traitors except— somehow, Xichen still has some sort of saving grace for whatever miraculous reason—” Lan Anzhi walked to the door to the outside and opened it.

Lan Zhan didn't reply and was the first to walk through the door. As he did, he could smell the air change. It was clean and filled his energy levels back up just by being here. It was as if he was rejuvenated immediately. He instantly felt himself calm down. It felt like home.

They walked to the village which was on the other side of Crystal Gusu’s city. They followed the same path as before to stay out of sight of too many people. Once they arrived he saw Mo Xuanyu and Wen Ning fooling around outside of the place Lan Zhan stayed at.

Mo Xuanyu's eyes lit up as he spotted Lan Zhan and his team. He and Wen Ning walked over. "Hey, Lan Zhan! You guys look like you've been through the wringer. What happened?”

Lan Zhan exchanged a weary glance with his team before responding. "It's been... eventful. But we're back."

"Moral of the story, the trip down took 30 seconds rather than 20 minutes." Lan Yiying said.

"Huh?" Mo Xuanyu looked at Wen Ning who just shrugged.

"We had a bit of a... Rough landing." Lan Anzhi followed up.

Wen Ning's expression softened with concern. "Are you all okay? Do you need to see my sister?"

Lan Xichen nodded gratefully. "My brother needs Dr. Qing's to check him. The impact was pretty intense. Even the girls should be looked at."

"Don't exclude yourself." Wen Ning said. "You look just as banged up."

Mo Xuanyu opened the door. "Let's not waste any time then."

Lan Xichen smiled at Mo Xuanyu. “Thank you.”

They walked in and were soon met with a raging Wen Qing who gathered medical supplies faster than the speed of lightning.

Wen Qing's grabbed Lan Zhan's arm and pulled him to the bedside. She instructed her team (some female silver River healers, Mo Xuanyu and Wen Ning) to examine the girls and Lan Xichen while she checked Lan Zhan herself. She pulled him behind a privacy screen by the bedside.

"What in the world happened to you all?" Wen Qing asked as she looked at Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan sighed. "It's a long story.”

“You'll need to do better than that.” Wen Qing said.

“Let's just say our descent didn't go as planned.” Lan Anzhi replied from across the room.

It didn't take long for Wen Qing’s team to examine the LanShadow team. No one was cut or bruised, they just looked disheveled. The girls lingered around the room waiting to hear if the baby was okay or not.

"I need you to lie down now.” Wen Qing instructed.

As Lan Zhan settled onto the bed. Wen Qing's demeanor shifted as she turned her attention to Lan Zhan's pregnancy, her expression becoming more focused and serious. She began her examination, starting with a careful assessment of Lan Zhan's abdomen.

"Lan Zhan, I need you to relax." She said softly. She started to remove the robe to expose his upper half. “You're home now, you don't need to be so tense.” Wen Qing's hands froze for a split second as she tugged at Lan Zhan's robe to help him get it off. Her eyes widened at the unexpected sight underneath.

"Lan Zhan…" Wen Qing said, her tone betraying a hint of surprise. "I wasn't expecting..." Her voice trailed off, her professional side momentarily slipping as she struggled to find the right words.

Lan Zhan, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up his neck as he remembered what was under his robe. "It's... a precaution." He offered, his voice calm despite the awkwardness of the situation. "For protection…?”

Lan Guiwei burst out laughing. “Nice cover.”

“Ah-huh...” Wen Qing didn't sound convinced. “I think I would rather not know.”

Lan Yiying stifled a giggle.

Lan Anzhi closed her eyes. “How could I forget…The get-up.”

Wen Ning, peeking around the privacy screen and couldn't help but interject with a teasing grin. "Didn't know you were into that, Lan Zhan.”

Wen Qing closed her eyes and shooed her brother away. “We need this off though…”

“How about we leave the room for him.” Mo Xuanyu said as he dragged Wen Ning by the collar and everyone followed them out of the room.

“Someone get him something else to wear.” Wen Qing followed up.

Lan Zhan began removing the robe. The robe he had on was the brothel robe which fit like a glove and honestly he felt really good in it but it was hard to get off. He took the bondage gear off and laid back on the bed. He covered his private parts with a small blanket. When he was done the doctor came back around the privacy screen.

With a skilled touch, Wen Qing felt around his abdomen, checking for any signs of trauma or distress. "Do you feel any pain or discomfort?”

Lan Zhan shook his head slightly. "No, I don't think so.”

She listened carefully for the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope. Her expression changed and she looked worried. She spent several minutes chicking his mandarins and Qi flow. She took a while but was glad she was thorough.

“I was injected with poison on the surface.” Lan Zhan said regrettably.

“You have a unique flow in your body now. I have never seen this.” Her eyes became wider than dinner plates and shrugged. “Everything appears to be stable." She announced loud enough to the hovering people outside the door. They all rushed in as if that was their invitation.

Lan Anzhi gave Wen Qing a new robe for Lan Zhan which Wen Qing gave to him.

Wen Qing continued. "But I'll keep a close eye on both you and the baby for the next few days, just to be safe."

Everyone let out a relieved sigh. But Lan Guiwei, still visibly agitated, couldn't help but interject. "But what about those strange occurrences? The sudden changes in the environment when he touches things? The healing abilities he developed?"

“Healing?” Wen Qing paused. The group took a minute to explain the current events. “I assumed the energy was from the baby.”

She was on the bedside taking notes. "This is definitely unusual. We'll need to monitor Lan Zhan closely. There may be underlying factors at play that we're not yet aware of. But for now, our priority is ensuring both his and the baby's health.”

“Why do you still have a look of concern?” Lan Xichen asked Wen Qing.

Wen Qing stood up and looked at everyone. “It could be the magic abilities Lan Zhan acquired recently but the baby's body… It’s—”

“YOU SAID THE BABY WAS FINE—?!” Lan Yiying yelled in concern.

Wen Qing smiled lightly. “The baby is— He just seems to be growing rapidly.”

“What do you mean?” Lan Zhan asked.

“Male pregnancy has a shorter gestation period of six months rather than nine for Lan females. I hear the flow of magic stirring rapidly. Meaning the baby will have a growth spurt soon.”

Lan Yiying looked disgusted. “INSIDE HIS BODY?! Won't that hurt Lan Zhan?”

“He'll give birth earlier than male Lan normally do.” Wem Qing said. “But both of them are healthy and there are no signs of distress.”

Lan Zhan placed his hand in his stomach and gently rubbed. He can feel that it got harder and slightly bigger. But not big enough to think he would be delivering the baby sooner than expected. He was hardly noticeable, he can't believe he will be meeting the little one sooner than later. What hurts most of all was he failed at telling Wei Ying about this. He didn't believe it even when it was said. Reality hit hard. Wei Ying won't ever get to be here for this experience.

“Alright, let him put his new robe on.” Wen Qing shooed everyone away. The privacy seemed like it was more for show at this point.

Wei Ying opened his eyes, threw the blanket off of himself quickly and jumped out of bed. Unfortunately his legs gave out on him when he tried to stand and he fell to the floor. His head hit the floor and he couldn't move too much. His body felt stiff but he started to force himself off of the floor. As he pushed with his arms he could feel his body shake from the strain. He could do nothing but sit there for a moment and while sitting there all Wei Ying could think about was what he said to Lan Zhan before he died. He absolutely regrets telling him that he hates him.

“He's awake!”

Wei Ying could hear Sisi’s voice yelling in the distance.

“Please don't get up yet.” Qin Su ran over to his side and helped him back onto the bed. She sat with him making shue he was okay.

“What’s… Going on?” Wei Ying’s head began to hurt and pressure formed behind his eyes.

“You…” Sisi came in and stumbled on her words with Bicao behind her. “Well you um…”

“Died.” Bicao replied bluntly as she walked in the room with medical equipment. She placed it down on a table next to the bed.

“Bicao!” Qin Su scolded her.

Bicao handed Wei Ying water and replied to Qin Su. “He needs to know what he put us through—”

“He just— woke— up—!” Qin Su said harshly.

Wei Ying’s memory is foggy but he definitely remembers he was dead. He covered himself with his blanket and got comfortable. He opened and closed his fists together feeling out the strength he had. “How did I come back to life?”

“Your princess from Gusu did some sort of magical trick.” Bicao said mysteriously.

Wei Ying doesn't understand why people keep using royalty tags for Lan Zhan. He feels dumb for being the only one not addressing Lan Zhan right. “How did he do it?”

“He has some sort of healing ability that brought you back to life.” Qin Su replied.

Wei Ying never knew that kind of power existed. “That's pretty amazing.” Now there is only one more thing to understand. “How long was I out?”

“Two months.”

Wei Ying straightened up when looked towards the voice. He knew that tone anywhere. It was Xue Yang and he was standing at the door.

The three girls turned to him and became angry.

“What are you doing here?” Bicao said sternly.

Xue Yang’s shoulders slumped. “You said he was awake so I came to check on him–”

“We told you to get lost.” Sisi said. “Wei Ying isn't healed enough for your bullsh*t.”

Qin Su frowned in anger. “We won't let you touch him—”

Wei Ying didn't realize how protective they were over him.

“Alright, alright—” Xue Yang turned around but looked back one last time. “Glad you're finally awake.” Oddly enough he looked happy but his expression saddened after he turned away.

Wei Ying feels the need to still have a conversation with him, but as of right now, this might be for the best. He is glad the girls took care of him this entire time and not Xue Yang. He felt safer with the escorts and he wonders if they did this on their own.

The girls relaxed their attitude after Xue Yang left and turned to talk to Wei Ying.

“Master has tried to check on you a handful of times but Lan Zhan wanted us to keep you guarded as you rested.” Sisi said.

“Z asked you?” Wei Ying asked in shock.

“That man of yours is something else.” Qin Su said.

“He wanted us to make sure you were taken care of as well as be protected from Xue Yang.” Sisi explained. “Xue Yang and him…”

“They hate each other.” Bicao finished Sisi’s sentence. “And he clearly doesn't trust Xue Yang one bit.”

“But I still need to talk to Xue Yang…” Wei Ying said. He remembers the conversation with his parents. If anything is going to get better he needs to talk to him. Lan Zhan’s orders mean well but he still has things he needs to do before he can let this go.

“Wait until you're recovered—” Bicao said.

Wei Ying cocooned himself in his blanket and threw his head on his pillow. He huffed in displeasure. He knows his body is weak from not moving for several months so it's not totally unreasonable.

He closed his eyes but when he did another unresolved issue popped into his head. He sat up quickly which startled everyone. “I need to know if what Z and Xue Yang were saying about the pregnancy was true.”

The girls nodded in agreement and had wide grins on their faces.

“That much is true.” Qin Su said.

Wei Ying didn't know how to process this. “And I've been sleeping for two months?” Wei Ying panicked. He should be there when he gives birth. He slumped into his bed. “He left for Gusu didn't he? He won't be coming back any time soon… will he?”

“I'm assuming not since this group said they have doctors there to help him with this.” Bicao said.

Wei Ying didn't know what to do. The surface was his home and yet, Z was possibly having his child somewhere else. His heart was torn in several directions which caused his headache to increase. He laid back down and contemplated whether or not he could go see Z himself to figure out this mess. But that means he needs to go to Gusu. And that thought terrified him more than anything. He'll be closer to his parents' killer than he ever wants to be.

As he rested, the girls got him some food and water. They were there to help rehabilitate him and it didn’t take too long before Wei Ying was up and moving on his own. Once he was up and moving, his body felt stronger. The girls urged him to take it slow even though he could move on his own. He learned that their instructions were actually from the lanShadow team and it was interesting to learn that his friends got along with Z’s team.

He was on strict watch for the next two months. It became daunting. They knew Lan Zhan was pregnant and that he had unfinished business but they urged him that he needed to rebuild his strength to make it down into the Abyss.

Wei Ying was wandering around the manor, it was all he was allowed to do. He avoided Xue Yang as per his instructions, and it seemed like Xue Yang was avoiding him just the same. It was strange because Wei Ying was almost hurt by actively being ignored by Xue Yang. He could look right at him and not even get a hello. It was… different.

He thought that sneaking out for some air might make him feel better but when Wei Ying was about to leave he and Xue Yang ran into each other at the main entrance. They stood looking at each other for several moments before anyone spoke.

He looked hesitant to speak yet he did anyway. “Leaving?” Xue Yang asked as he shifted his eyes away from Wei Ying. The man looked emotionless.

Wei Ying took in a nervous breath. “Just going to get some air. Can’t really breathe in here.”

Xue Yang’s expression did not change. “Don't get yourself into trouble.”

Wei Ying laughed. “Me? Trouble? When have I ever?” Wei Ying’s light hearted reaction did not change the emotionless features on Xue Yang’s face. Xue Yang just stared at him with no words. This weird awkwardness between them needs to be addressed.

Everyone got involved in their relations and it is starting to piss Wei Ying off. This unsettled elephant in the room needs to be talked about because Wei Ying can't hold on to it anymore. “You know what?” Wei Ying looked around to see if their girls were around.

“What?” Xue Yang's emotionless expression momentarily subsided and he raised an eyebrow.

“Why don't we talk after I come back.” Wei Ying said.

“Talk?” Xue Yang smirked.

“Yes.” Wei Ying said.

“Your Gusu Princess and my escorts made it very clear to stay away from you.” Xue Yang looked away. “Wei Ying we don't have to have sex–”

‘Princess?’ Again with the royal tags.

Wei Ying sighed. “I’m not just talking about sex—though yes that's a big part of this. But I’m talking about in general. We're still people with emotions that have been left hanging.” Wei Ying can tell Xue Yang is also bothered by how things are by his body language. Even though he knows that can flip on a dime. But that’s why he needs to have this conversation. He needs to know if this is genuine or forced behavior.

“If we're going to put this behind us we need to talk about everything. The relationship between us— Our contract—The summoning—My boundaries—Z. All of it. Because I can’t live like this anymore. I cannot be at your beckon call anymore.” One thing Wei Ying knows for sure is, he has a new obligation. And it isn't here with Xue Yang.

Even if the blood contract never breaks, Wei Ying can still make it clear not to summon him. Xue Yang is a smooth talker, so Wei Ying is inclined to believe it's not sincere.

Seeing his parents again made him feel like he can serve these ties all together. The debt was never supposed to be his, and he is done with it. He hates that he can see that Xue Yang has a good side. Wei Ying just hopes someone will care for him, it just can't be Wei Ying. He realizes it now more than ever. Wei Ying knows what he wants now.

“Of course.” Xue Yang said plainly. “Whenever you get back we'll talk.” Xue Yang turned his back and Wei ying saw him become slightly agitated. “But please stay out of trouble. You need to stay alive. I can’t handle you dying on me again.” And mumbled aggressively as he walked away.

Wei Ying shook his head. He knows Xue Yang walked away when he died. He signed and walked outside, down the street towards the local bar and on his way he passed the structure that sits on top of the Lan’s cave. He is tempted to go down tere right now and confront Lan Zhan. He contemplated it for a few moments and thought he can wait on talking with Xua Yang, there are other things he needs to do.

But he can't convince himself to do it. He would be walking into his enemy territory. He peeled his feet off the ground and continued walking to the bar. He grabbed a bottle of his favorite liquor and sat down with some locals. He chatted for a while as he drank half the bottle. This small bit of interaction from strangers was just what he needed to clear his mind. He ate some food and enjoyed the fact that he was alive.

Once he was done chatting and smoking till he was higher than a kite, he left. He took the bottle with him which had a quarter left of liquor in it. The guys at the bar were super nice and gave him a few extra joints and matches for the road.

He started walking back towards the manor and once again stopped at the structure on top of the Lan Clan’s Abyss. He kicked his foot and a rock hit the front gate. He’s never even looked inside the gate, let alone the structure. He took in a breath and walked towards the gate and opened it. He walked through and walked down the path to the main door. From this view it looked like a real house. He opened up the door and walked inside.

He looked around and it looked like a normal home. He walked down the hallway but something began to feel strange. He turned around and the entrance was gone. There were new doors and hallways appearing before his eyes. He started panicking and running down hallways. He couldn't get out nor could he get to Z. Loud screams emitted from the house that made him disoriented.

He stopped running and looked at a small table with a tablecloth. He grabbed the cloth, stuffed the bottle of liquor and took out the matches.

“Okay house.” Wei Ying said angerly. “Let's see who wins now.” He swayed back and forth trying to regain his balance. He lit the match and set the fabric on fire. He threw the bottle and he ran around the corner. The bottle exploded and sound could’ve shattered his eardrums if he wasn’t holding onto them.

Debris and fire scattered everywhere and Wei Ying looked for a way out through the dust. But as he stumbled around he fell down into a slippery spiral slope. For several horrifying moments he felt more sick than he's ever felt. His skin burned and he couldn't think clearly. Everything was moving faster than ever before and he threw up several times.

Once he got to the bottom he landed on a solid floor in front of an elevator. He was still dizzy and he had no choice but to remain there for several minutes as he recovered. He landed on his back and tried to focus on the ceiling.

“Wei Ying?” A strange voice he didn't recognize came from out of nowhere. “That can't be you, is it?”

He couldn't run which made him panic more. All he could tell was it was a man’s voice. Wei Ying managed to flip over and he threw up again. He had no idea what was happening but soon the person was helping clean himself up with a wet cloth. He grabbed Wei Ying’s hand and put a few pills in it. He put a bottle of water in the other.

“The pills are for ascension and descension sickness. Outsiders will have longer lasting symptoms and you experienced the curse without any safety precautions.” The man said gently.

“Sickness?” Wei Ying didn't know what he was talking about, but somehow, he knew exactly what he meant. He felt sicker than ever before and it could only be because he came to the Abyss. “Didn't think it was that dangerous to drop a few stories underground.” Wei Ying rubbed his eyes several times and began to focus on the man.

“It can be very dangerous for outsiders.” The man stood up and Wei Ying could finally get a clear view.

He honed in on the man's white headband and white robe. “You're a Lan–”

“Yes…” The man said, raising an eyebrow. “You did come down the stairwell to Crystal Gusu.”

“Why are you helping me?” Wei Ying asked in confusion.

“We aren't all like my father.” He said.

“You're father? Who are you?” Wei Ying didn't like this interaction. He was feeling way too sick for it.

He smiled lightly. “I’m Lan Xichen.” He turned to the door and opened it. “Come with me. I’m sure you came to see him.”

That's just another Lan to him. “That name doesn't ring a bell.” He definitely didn't want to leave with a stranger. “I don't want to go with just any Lan.” Wei Ying remembered he used his name so there was more to this nervousness. “I'm sorry but if you know who I am then I'm sure you know why I can't just trust anyone to walk me through this place. Nor just take any pills given to me.”

Lan Xichen turned to him and sighed. “I’m Lan Zhan’s, or as you still call him, Z’s, older brother. The person you communicated with on the headset a while back and regrettable the one who shot the arrow, which I'm incredibly sorry for. I’m glad you're alright now…” He said with an awkward tone. “I promise I’m on your side. The pills are poisonous. But we need to move quickly to someone waiting to help us move through Crystal Gusu to the Village.”

The one who shot the arrow… Wei Ying can't be mad at him when he was the one who jumped in front of his line of sight. He looked at the pills in his hands. For some reason Wei Ying trusts his words.

“You will take me to Z?” Wei Ying asked in confirmation.

“Yes.” Lan Xichen said. “But if you're going to have strength for the walk, you need to take the pills.”

“Okay.” Wei Ying took the pills and in minutes he started to feel better. This actually made Wei Ying trust Lan Xichen a bit more. He drank the rest of the water and started to follow Lan Xichen out of the room.

He was finally going to confront Lan Zhan and learn the truth. He has so many questions about the pregnancy and about how he brought him back to life. He couldn't wait to see him again and to fix things between them.


-Who was Xue Yang’s mother? The world will never know. His canon backstory is vague.
- The thought process of Wei Ying thinking that it isn’t fair to Xue Yang to stop having sex after he ultimately allowed it in that moment, is absolutely rooted in manipulation, we know this, yet Wei Ying stupidly cares about him because he can see the good still in him.
-After Xue Yang actually showed love towards him, he knew there was a small glimmer of hope for him as a person. Even though Xue Yang sucks, he doesn’t want him dead.
-Yes Xue Yang fell in love with Wei Ying. That wasn't a lie. But Xue Yang doesnt want to hear him say it back because he knows it would be false. Xue Yang finally understands it’s one sided.

-I dont ever want to do THIS MUCH math for a f*cking fanficion ever again. This got WAY too serious.
Height of Each Story:
10 feet per story.
Crystal Gusu: 7 stories below surface.
Total Descent:
7 stories × 10 feet = 70 feet.
Staircase Design: Standard spiral staircases: Approximately 12 steps per rotation.
Each rotation covers a certain distance along the spiral path.
Approximate distance: 5 feet from center to edge.
Each rotation: Roughly 31.42 feet.
Walking Speed: Moderate pace: About 2.5 miles per hour.
Each rotation: Approximately 1.714 minutes.
Calculation: Total time for descent: Approximately 20.57 minutes for 7 stories.
Someone double check my math. Even if it's wrong I’m not redoing it myself xD this was only supposed to be for fun, why did it get so serious!?

Okay but the insults had me and my friend laughing pretty hard and even after the story was written, I’m still trying to come up with insults. I’d love to hear what you guys can come up with! Comment your favorite insult or hit me with your best one! Who knows, maybe in the future I will write a mini short that includes some of your insults and the unused ones!

Surface insults

Surface pesant
Leather skinned lizard
Light hogger
Sun bleached barbarian.
UV exposed mutatin
Dim witted surface-crawling leech
Surface crawlers
Land hugger
Sun fried flea
Surface pig
Sun fried peasant

(unused insults)

Light hogger
Sun dried peasant
Abyss Insults

Sewer rats
Worm sh*t
Unwanted flushed goldfish
Pesky Vermin
Light deprived killer
specially trained naked mole rat.
Little cricket
Cave Cricket
Underground mongrel
Cave dweller
Cave crawlers
Thieving co*ckroach
Earth worm
Princess cricket
Vial assassin

(unused insults)

Earth slug
Ant fertilizer (Ant or can be any animal / insect that lives in the ground)
Bioactive luminescent suewidge

Chapter 6: Into the Abyss: My Mission, My Control.


Extra CW & TW for this chapter:

Mpreg Birth scene: It's weird. I make things up. Just go with it.
Gender specific clothes for their clan: Lan Zhan forgot about her.
Sexual harassment: Self explanatory

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Month four of pregnancy approached quicker than Lan Zhan ever thought was possible. His stomach grew rapidly overnight and his belly grew triple in size. He grew so fast that he had at thirty three stretch marks across his front side. He was used to hardly having a bump and now he could hardly move around. His body didn't feel like his anymore and was extremely uncomfortable no matter which way he moved around in bed.

A knock at the door got Lan Zhan’s attention. He turned to see his brother in the doorway.

“It took me a while to find what I was looking for but here it is.” Lan Xichen held up a scroll in the air to show off.

Lan Zhan wanted him to look for more answers about their clan and while he was there, Lan Xichen looked for information about the spell that brought Wei Ying back to life.

“Our answers are intertwined.” He smiled and sat in the chair by the bed.

“How so?” Lan Zhan rolled over in bed to face his brother. He had to hold his own stomach to move because everything inside felt like it was sloshing.

“The clan's history directly ties into this ability you now possess.” Lan Xichen held out his arms to help Lan Zhan sit up.

Once Lan Zhan gets his feet to the floor he takes a minute to read the scroll. It took a few minutes to scan over the whole thing. As he was scanning through, he felt strongly connected to the words on the pages, as if the words itself were magic.

“It's written by the founder’s granddaughter, Lan Yi.” Lan Zhan said in surprise.

“Seems like she was the only one who witnessed this ability being successfully harnessed.” Lan Xichen replied. “The ability you have acquired was actually–”

“Founder Lan An’s ability.” Lan Zhan finished his sentence. “What an ambiguous being.” He read through the stories that were provided by the scroll trying to understand as much information as possible. Everything they've ever known has been a twist of the truth.

Lan Zhan put down the scroll after he was finished reading. “So if this is correct, Wei Ying should be awake by now. It takes eight weeks for someone to wake up after the soul reentered the body. If he's awake, why not come to see me?” Lan Zhan lowered his head. “He’s never come here, who am I kidding?” Lan Zhan doesn't know why that thought crossed his mind. Wei Ying’s last words were that he ‘hated him.’

“I’m sure if he’s awake then he's rebuilding his strength.” Lan Yiying said happily from the doorway. She walked in with dinner in her hands.

Wen Qing walked in behind Lan Yiying. “Being in bed for weeks does a lot of damage to the muscles. My guess is that he has atrophy.”

“Don't stress over it too much, it's bad for the baby’s health.” Lan Guiwei had been silently working in the corner of the room on Silver River Healing paperwork for Wen Qing this entire time. Lan Guiwei has recently been spouting out more medical tips than Wen Qing, yet looks like she dreads every minute of it.

Recently, Lan Guiwei’s appearance was the most shocking out of all the girls. She now wore something that was more girlish. Her movements looked more restricted than normal and she looked less comfortable than the other woman. But her robes were a beautiful green hue.

It seems like the LanShadow team took a new approach and did more Silver River Healing work than ever before. Each of them are now wearing new Silver River healing robes. Lan Zhan examined the robes since they look different from the males. These robes were made up of two layers: an inner white robe and a sheer overlay. The sheer fabric was subtly tinted with a pastel shade that appeared almost white due to its translucent nature. From far away it was hard to tell the color of the sheer overlay but when the girls stood together, the colors stuck out.

“I'm sure he will eventually come see you. He was brought back to life by you, I'm sure he has questions.” Lan Anzhi replied. Her sheer overlay on her robe looked more orange. She had applied herself more than Lan Guiwei in actual classes but apparently she couldn't sit still long enough to get through Wen Qing’s the basic healing sessions. She often got frustrated and walked out.

Lan Yiying on the other hand, looks thrilled to be helping this field of work. Her pink sheer layer reflected her bubbly personality and she looked more in her element than any of the members of LanShadow. “Have a little faith in him. He seems emotionally conflicted.” Lan Yiying said.

Lan Zhan can't help but wonder if the girls had the abilities, maybe they would feel like they had a purpose. The girls haven't said it, but having Lan Zhan have these abilities that only Lan females are supposed to have, definitely adds a layer of complexity to their dynamic. Everyone knows that having these healing abilities are often seen as having high status among females. Without the abilities people are often are left out of their traditions. Now without LanShadow, the girls were even more lost.

“I don't know how to not stress about it. You heard what What Wei Ying's last words were, didn't you?” Lan Zhan is mixed with a typhoon of emotions. Everything feels like it’s crashing down at once. “He still protected Xue Yang in the end. He’ll never come to Crystal Gusu on his own. And let's face the facts, I hardly know Wei Ying. I couldn't tell you his favorite color even if I was held at gunpoint and forced to answer. I hardly know what he wants from life. Why would he come here?” His mind os torn with the thought of

Before Lan Zhan answered, Lan Guiwei interestingly chimed in. "Love isn't always about knowing every detail; it's about understanding, acceptance, and a willingness to grow together. You have to give him processing time. Didn't he just learn that someone he slept with is part of the same clan that allegedly killed his parents?"

Lan Zhan tilted his head at her.

“Your brother filled us in.” Lan Guiwei followed up.

“Didn't know you had so much love experience, A-G.” Lan Anzhi laughed.

Lan Guiwei whipped her head around. “I don't! But it's clear from an outsider's perspective.” Lan Guiwei spat out annoyingly and continued her work in the corner. “This situation is stacked with layers. I don't know which one to address first! I mean, he even saw Lan Zhan go after the target on that mission. We traumatized him no doubt. It's only fair to give him time to process literally everything and try to make his own decision. I'm sure he will come just because he wants to know the truth.”

“Wow, you really are experienced.” Lan Anzhi laughed again.

“Shut the f*ck up.” Lan Guiwei replied and put her nose back into paperwork.

Lan Yiying walked over, sat down next to Lan Zhan on the bed. She held out her hands towards his stomach and waited with a grin going from ear to ear.

Lan Zhan sighed. “Go ahead.” Lan Zhan partly rolled his eyes. He has been denying her touching his stomach since it actually hurts to be touched. The fast stretching made his skin black and blue with bruises. All she wanted was to feel the baby kick, which is all the baby has been doing since his rapid growth.

Lan Zhan allowed Lan Yiying to place her hand on his swollen abdomen. He winced slightly at the touch, but as Lan Yiying's hand rested there, he felt a fluttering sensation beneath his skin from Lan Yiying’s energy. Her energy was still soothing even without the Silver River Water preset. If she could control the river's water, she would be naturally skilled at healing.

"Active today, huh?" Lan Yiying remarked with a smile. "Your little one must sense all the love and care surrounding them."

Despite his doubts and worries about Wei Ying, the presence of his unborn child brought him a sense of comfort and purpose. "I just wish... I wish things were different," Lan Zhan murmured. "I wish I knew what to do.” Lan Zhan gritted his teeth. “Xue Yang was right about one thing, I can't force him into parenthood.”

“Don't say that—” Lan Yiying said. “You're not forcing him into anything. When he finds out about the child... or rather actually believes it… I’m sure he’ll make his own choice whether or not he is ready to be a parent. He won't do it solely because you asked. I'm sure he’ll do it for himself too.”

“What happens if years go by before he makes that choice? What do I tell the child when he grows up?” Lan Zhan asked as he shifted in bed anxiously. “I may never get time to know Wei Ying enough to answer basic questions.”

Lan Yiying looked at him with a sorrowful look in her eyes.

Lan Zhan’s mind raced with concern. “One day the child might look at me and ask ‘what was A-Die like? Am I anything like him?" Lan Zhan took in a breath and looked at everyone in the room who became extremely silent. “How can I look at them and ‘ say I don't know?”

The room became heavy with the weight of his words.

“My heart aches essentially over a stranger!” The room grew darker with Lan Zhan’s miasma of misery pouring out. The more Lan Zhan grew upset, the more it was as if gravity itself was pulling everyone down to the floor. Lan Zhan’s emotions are tied with his new abilities and all they could do is try to calm Lan Zhan down.

“You will always have family here.” Wen Qing began burning incense that smells like sandalwood and it started to help him relax.

"You're doing everything you can for the child." Lan Yiying reassured him. "You're a wonderful parent already, A-Zhan. And whatever happens with Wei Ying, your child will always have your love and support as well as all of ours!"

It was the first time Lan Yiying called him that and it felt like he made a true friend. He felt his emotions calm down the more he smelled the sandalwood linger in the room. When his emotions finally settled, everyone in the room relaxed.

It was comforting to know he had their support. But that didn't stop him from wishing Wei Ying could be part of this.

He focused on the smell and breathed in and out. He could feel the child inside of him

He didn't want to throw up but his mouth watered unpleasantly and his jaw trembled as pregnancy kicked in. However oddly enough, the sicker he felt, the air around them became light and fluffy from the child’s energy.

As the days passed, Lan Zhan found himself fully engulfed in medical tests conducted by Dr. Qing. He was excited to get updates on the health of his unborn child but he wanted to wait to hear the sex of them. The only one that knew was Wen Qing.

Month five rolled around and Lan Zhan’s breasts were three times bigger and lactating everywhere. He could no longer fit into Lan traditional robes. During this time he was showered in an overwhelming amount of baby clothes, tiny toys, and other outfits that fit Lan Zhan. The anticipation of meeting the little one filled the air and Lan Zhan cherished every moment of this journey.

The girls were thoroughly enjoying themselves because aside from gifts they all insisted on taking pregnancy photos of Lan Zhan in the village’s flower garden. The girls designed a special light pastel robe just for Lan Zhan to use. Lan Zhan was hesitant but he humored them and he was actually happy he did. Once he tried on the first outfit he felt instantly better. As he posed for the pictures, he couldn't help but feel like the princess they affectionately teased him to be.

Their sect is normally divided so that things like this celebration don't normally occur. The men have their own traditions when it comes to birth and none of which involve photoshoots. The only time the sects mingle limitedly is at the center of the Abyss where the Silver water pools together. It's a common spot to feel the light of their Silver MoonSun as well as pray. Most people go here to meet their ‘soulmates’ as well since it's the only place opposite genders can make any sort of relationship.

After the commotion settled from the photos, Lan Zhan sat by the window in the room Wen Q ing has gracefully let him stay in. From there he watched Wen Ning and Mo Xuanyu refurbish a home that was across the street. Lan Zhan was told that they painted and decorated the inside of the house with the things Lan Xichen provided them.

Lan Zhan’s reality hit hard, he couldn't go back to his family home. He must stay in the village in order to be allowed in the Abyss. He felt displaced. He tried to focus on his future with his child instead telling himself that the village isn't so bad. It’s still part of his beloved Abyss. It's still his home. He knows one day Lan Xichen will take over, and only then will Lan Zhan be able to freely walk around Crystal Gusu once again.

He turned his gaze from the window and shifted himself around to his bed. He laid down and got comfortable. But no sooner did Lan Zhan feel warm liquid seeping out of his stomach which sent a surge of both excitement and apprehension coursed through his veins.

“The baby–” Lan Zhan called out. He pushed the blanket off and started rapidly removing his clothes.

Wen Qing ran in the room. “Oh sh*t. A-Yi, A-An— Prepare the tub quickly! The baby is coming early.” Wen Qing said. “A-Gi go get my brother and his trouble maker from outside. I think A-Zhan’s brother is there too.”

“On it.” Lan Guiwei left as fast as lightning.

It was only a matter of seconds before Wen Ning, Mo Xuanyu and Lan Xichen barreled their way through the door with Lan Guiwei tailing behind them. They all carried towels in their hands ready for anything to happen. The guys helped lift Lan Zhan to his feet and helped him get to the bathroom. They helped him transfer into a bathtub that was filled with warm silver river water.

Once Lan Zhan submerged himself in the warm water he immediately felt the minerals reacting to him. The water gathered around his naval that was now tearing open. The water was pulsing around the hole gently helping it open up. The water wasn’t glowing this time around and Lan Zhan panicked about that small detail.

Lan Zhan felt his abdomen rip apart quickly. It seemed like the baby wasn't going to wait any longer. He grabbed the side of the tub with both hands and breathed through the pain.

Lan Zhan let out a blood curdling scream. “THIS HURTS SO MUCH!” He clenched his jaw against the searing pain but he still let out several more agonizing screams. His body contorted with each contraction and the intensity of each one escalated as they grew closer together.

“You're doing great. Just keep breathing.” Wen Qing stood on his right and Lan Xichen stood on his left helping him stay afloat in the tub.

He knew was straining his body and fought to maintain his composure. The pain made him nauseated and he began to see stars. He lost his footing in a dizzy spell which made him pull out of Wen Qing and Lan Xichen’s hands.

Luckily Lan Yiying swooped her arms under Lan Zhan’s armpits from behind. His head flopped backwards on Lan Yiying’s chest which is where it stayed. She held on extremely tight and he was much more comfortable in this position. Even though she was getting covered in water because Lan Zhan was flailing around in pain, she wasn't letting him go.

Another sharp pain in his abdomen sent Lan Zhan into another dizzy spell making him scream out once more.

“The head, I see it!” Lan Anzhi said as she grabbed warm dry towels.

“Okay breathe with me okay.” Wen Qing began counting breaths with Lan Zhan and it was only a few more minutes before she yelled. “Brace yourself an— Push!”

Lan Zhan’s body instinctively knew what to do. He placed his hands on his stomach around his dilated naval. He took in another breath and with a final, painful contraction, Lan Zhan pushed. The baby smoothly pushed out into Lan Zhan’s own hands.

As Lan Zhan lifted his newborn from the water. “It’s a boy—”

The baby was silent but breathing. Lan Zhan panicked and flipped the baby over and rubbed his back. The baby threw up glowing liquid into the tub. The baby finally opened his eyes but still didn't cry.

“What's going on?” Lan Zhan said in absolute panic.

“Place him on your chest for skin to skin contact and rub on his back.” Wen Qing began directing Lan Zhan on what to do.

He did just that and suddenly the baby began to cry loudly. When he did, the water began to glow and the baby’s dark hair turned fully silver. Lan Zhan placed the newborn on his chest and started to sooth him. He could feel his tiny heartbeat against his chest.

Everyone in the room watched as the baby made a magical entrance into the world. The newborn's skin glistened with the remnants of the warm Silver River water. The water now reacted to both Lan Zhan and the baby. Everyone knew that the newborn and his father would have magnificent abilities to explore.

Lan Zhan was handed medical scissors and Lan Zhan looked at the cord he had to cut. Lan Zhan hesitated and looked around. “I don't know if I should do this.”

“For females, the other parent usually cuts it.” Lan Yiying added. “But Wei Ying isn't…” She shut her mouth and stopped talking.

Lan Zhan looked at his brother and felt himself smile. “Do you want to cut it?”

“Me?” Lan Xichen’s eyes welled up. “So… you're not mad at me anymore…?” He took the scissors and stepped in close.

“Wei Ying is alive. If he was here I’d ask him.” Lan Zhan liked the female tradition for giving birth. “But, it is a male tradition to have a sibling do this.”

Lan Xichen nodded. He cut the cord and placed the scissors down on a table.

Lan Zhan held the bay in his arms and marveled at the weight of the newborn. He was a tiny red wrinkly baby, that was absolutely perfect in every way.

Unfortunately, the joy of having him in his arms was short lived when another searing pain came from Lan Zhan’s naval. He passed the baby to his brother who sat in the closest chair he could get to. Lan Xichen and Mo Xuanyu wrapped the baby in blankets, drying him off. Lan Zhan held the baby looking like a proud uncle.

Wen Qing focused on getting the placenta out and soothing Lan Zhan’s pain. Once that was done Mo Xuanyu and Wen Ning helped lift Lan Zhan out of the tub. The girls wrapped Lan Zhan in warm towels and helped him dry off.

Wen Qing quickly listened to the baby's vitals and moved everyone to the room Lan Zhan was staying in. Once he was situated in his bed again, he was able to start breastfeeding comfortably.

“He’s beautiful.” Lan Anzhi whispered, as she reached out to gently stroke the baby’s cheek. She sat down in a chair next to the bed. “A true blessing.”

Despite the lingering pain, his heart overflowed with joy as he gazed down at his son's tiny face. As he fed the child he counted each finger and toe and brushed his silver hair with his fingers. His hair reminded him of how his hair had always been and he misses his silver hair.

“Soooo?” Lan Yiying asked with a smirk. She sat next to Lan Zhan on the bed.

“So… What?” Lan Zhan asked.

“Did you pick a name?!” Lan Yiying looked excited, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but what was, was the excitement everyone else had when she asked. All eyes were on him.

Lan Zhan paused for a moment, his gaze softening as he looked down at his newborn son cradled in his arms. "I have." Everyone was on the edges of their seats waiting for him to respond.

“Well tell us!” Mo Xuanyu looked eager. “Don't leave us hanging!”

He looked down at his son in his arms. "Yuan." Lan Zhan announced proudly.

"Lan Yuan." Lan Anzhi repeated. "It's a great name."

“It's perfect.” Wen Ning chimed in.

Lan Zhan whispered. "I wish your A-Die could be here to meet you."

Lan Yiying placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Just have faith, A-Zhan."

“Yeah but if you ever want me to track him down and drag his ass here—” Mo Xuanyu added. “I will surely be able to find my way around the surface. How hard could it be?”

“Yeah sure you will. You’ll get lost before leaving the CLan ancestral home and die.” Lan Guiwei said. “That is if you manage to get past the ascension curse.”

Lan Zhan felt himself chuckle inside at their banter.

“If you want someone who can track, Lan Xichen will find him.” Lan Anzhi replied.

“I don't need you to cause more of a ruckus on the surface just for me.” Lan Zhan said. He doesn't need Wei Ying dragged here by force.

“Why not? Ruckuses seems to be our theme—” Lan Yiying said playfully.

"A-Zhan will ask if he ever needs my help." Lan Xichen said calmly.

That was right, Lan Zhan would ask. However, that’s not what he wants to happen.

Lan Guiwei rolled her eyes "I'll have you know, my tracking skills are top-notch. I will be the one to sneak off to the surface if it's gonna be anyone. Last time anyone snuck off without me, y'all got in trouble."

Wen Qing also joined in. "Well, if we're enlisting trackers, count me in. I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

“I don't need anyone to drag him here.” Lan Zhan said. “I appreciate it but… No.” He sighed.

Wen Qing nodded. "Alright.” She grabbed some supplies and headed towards the door. “Today’s healing session will begin in thirty minutes.”

Lan Yiying got off the bed and hopped on her toes in excitement. The pink sheer fabric that overlaid her robes flowed around her as she danced around the room to get ready for the lesson.

Everyone eventually cleared out of the room and began doing their respective tasks.

Lan Zhan pressed a gentle kiss to his son's forehead. "I promise. You'll meet him one day. Just not today. " Lan Zhan found himself lost in the blissful haze of new parenthood and as Lan Yuan drifted off to sleep, his tiny hand curled around his father's finger.

As the days passed, Lan Zhan’s only focus was on his son. Every moment was consumed by feeding, soothing, and changing diapers. The exhaustion crept into his bones. Sleep became a distant memory as Lan Zhan tended to every whimper and cry. However, despite the fatigue, it all washed away with each tender touch and soft coo from Lan Yuan.

Three weeks after birth, Lan Yuan started making extreme developmental progress. He started babbling and mimicking speech.

By week four he began growing at an alarming rate. His bones underwent rapid development and Lan Zhan could physically watch his newborn's body lengthening.

By the fifth week, a significant leap in Lan Yuan's brain development occurred which enabled him to vocalize simple sounds and syllables. He wanted to explore exerting. Everything was new and interesting. He could move on his hands and knees and got into every nook and cranny he could touch.

A very concerned Wen Qing did a barrage of medical tests on the little weekly, but nothing came up unusual.

Lan Xichen looked in the archives for any answers about rapid growth but there wasn't a single scroll that explained this phenomenon. They all continued paying close attention to the child and helped Lan Zhan whether he wanted it or not. Lan Zhan was still recovering from delivery and he couldn’t chase after the baby.

Into week six, Lan Yuan's physical growth intensified, his body swiftly reaching the proportions of a four year old.

During week seven his cognitive abilities surged. He could speak in small sentences and could communicate his basic needs. His hair length grew and Lan Zhan had to keep cutting it so it stayed off the floor. The child fought him on each haircut, but they managed to compromise with the length. Lan Zhan was able to shorten the length to the back of Lan Yuan’s knees. It seemed Lan Yuan was particularly attached to his silver hair. Lan Zhan can't blame him, he was attached to his own before it turned back to mostly black.

The two month old child’s body mirrored that of a seven year old. Lan Yuan's linguistic capabilities flourished with coherent sentences and he began to act more independently. He was extremely intelligent and wanted to soak up information about anything and everything.

It was scary watching how fast his body is growing. Lan Zhan asked Wen Qing after another week to do more tests.

“He seems to have halted his growth spurt for now.” She said happily.

Lan Zhan looked at his son who was reading books while they talked. “Is this going to happen to him again?” Lan Zhan asked.

“Who knows.” Wen Qing shrugged. “But he's healthier than any one of us, that's for sure. I would think that his bones would be fragile after that kind of strain on a young body, but he's perfectly fine.”

He felt uncertain about this but he trusted her jugement.

She placed a hand on his shoulder. “It's been just over two months since you gave birth, I’ll allow you to move around a little more now.”

Lan Zhan placed a hand on his stomach. He was less bruised and was half the size he was when he gave birth. He would almost be able to fit back into the men’s sect outfits again. However the women's robes made him feel more graceful so he might just refuse to wear the blue, purple and or yellow men's robes ever again.

“Why don't you two go outside?” Wen Qing said, looking at A-Yuan. “The garden is in full bloom. Why don't you take photos with A-Yuan?” As soon as the words 'photos’ left her lips, Lan Yiying ran into the room with a camera.

“Did someone say photo shoot?” Lan Yiying giggled.

Lan Zhan felt himself become a little excited. It will be good for both of them to finally be let out of the house. A-Yuan doesn't know what he is missing yet, so he hasn't been interested in going outside.

“A-Yuan.” Lan Zhan called out to his son.

The little one put the book down and ran over to his father. “Yes Baba?”

Lan Zhan put his hand on his son’s head. “Would you like to take some photos with me outside?”

He let out an excited sound and his eyes shined brightly. “Woopie!!” Lan Yuan jumped up and down. “Photos with Baba! Photos with Baba!”

“And I have a special outfit made just for you.” Lan Guiwei came in with a small Lan robe that was a match to the one they made for Lan Zhan’s first photo shoot.

Lan Zhan loved his outfit they made for him so much that the girls were constantly altering it to fit Lan Zhan’s changing body and seeing Lan Yuan get a matching one was exciting.

“Didn't know you had such a knack for sewing, A-G.” Lan Anzhi said as she walked in.

“Just because I can't heal, doesn't mean I'm all useless.” Lan Guiwei had a chip on her shoulder after hearing that. “I have other skills too.”

Lan Zhan helped his son put the outfit on and listened to the banter. Both outfits had sheer overlays that were made of Iridescent Holographic thread that is spun from Abyss spiders known as Prism Weavers. Lan Zhan noticed that his outfit had more sheer overlays than his son’s.

Lan Yuan’s forehead ribbon was made of the same material of the outfit and had a matching tiny crystalized flower embedded in the center that shimmered just as bright as the Abyss itself. It matched Lan Zhan’s materialized forehead ribbon forehead.

Lan Zhan got his outfit on and then looked in the mirror to fix his hair before going outside. The silver pieces of hair weren't tied up and they hung next to his face. He took a minute to not only tie the silver strands together but braided them before tying them together. Even though he misses his hair being completely silver, the long strands of silver were enough for him to be satisfied. He pulled a few strands of silver hair down to have silver pieces framing his face.

Once he was done he grabbed his son's hand and walked him onto the front porch. He helped A-Yuan down the stairs and they started down the path to the flower garden. The path itself was made of colorful stones, and it was lined with lush pink and purple bushes. There were delicate flowers that changed with the light and small natural Abyss glowing crystals that lined the bushes making the path light up.

“Woah!” A-Yuan giggled. “It's so pretty here!” His eyes became wide in awe as he looked around at the kaleidoscope of colors that greeted him.

The village was full of cottages and cozy homes similar to ones back home but unlike the crystalline structures that the city was made up of, the buildings in the villages were made of materials found in the surrounding forests and quarries. The village still shimmered with an otherworldly glow because of the plants, animals, and natural pastel beauty that made the Abyss what it is.

As they walked to the garden, Lan Zhan saw people picking their own crops on their lot. It was a peaceful environment and he could get used to it here.

“Hey!!” Lan Yiying yelled, standing at the end of the path holding the gate open to the garden. “What took you both so long?”

A-Yuan looked extremely excited but he walked with elegance next to his father and remained composed. Lan Zhan was already such a proud father. A-Yuan seemed more relaxed outdoors than inside. Lan Zhan was really happy that he was healed enough to do this.

As they stepped through the gate and were greeted by a sea of pastel flowers and trees. There were Luminabbits hopping around and Crystalflies, a butterfly that looks like small crystal rocks with dragonfly wings, fluttering all around the garden’s atmosphere.

“Baba!” A-Yuan squished Lan Zhan’s hand for attention and pointed to a baby Owlcat sitting in the trees sleeping. “Look!” He looked at him with wide eyes and looked excited to get a closer look.

Lan Zhan looked at the Owlcat in the tree. These creatures have the body of a cat yet It’s covered in soft, white fur-like owl feathers. It has a long, cat-like tail and their face has owl features, including large, round eyes. They have wings and have the ability to retract them into their back like cat claws.

“The garden is gated.” Lan Anzhi said. “A-Yuan can run free and explore safely so take a breather and stop looking so tense.”

Lan Zhan looked at his son and nodded to him before letting go of his hand. A-Yuan smiled and ran after the owlcat who jumped from the tree to the ground, and back to the tree, as if the animal was teasing little A-Yuan to catch him. A-yuan went on to run around and smell every flower he could get his hands on.

Lan Guiwei emerged from the other side of the garden and started occupying A-Yuan with all kinds of wondrous plants.

As A-Yuan explored the garden with the girls, Lan Zhan took a moment to appreciate the beauty surrounding him. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. For the first time since A-Yuan's birth, he allowed himself to relax.

A-Yuan's laughter mixed with the Silver Sunningbirds that fed off the Sentient Star Blossoms. Contrary to its name, these birds are not silver. Their feathers are radiant yellow and orange. They bathe in Gusu’s Silver River, hence the name. The birds are captivating to look at but the flowers they feed off of were the most interesting flower in the garden. No one cuts these flowers because they scream when ‘hurt’. They are incapable of feeling but the sound is terrifying enough to make anyone think they are sentient.

Lan Zhan walked towards his son and the girls who stopped to admire the big tree in the center of the garden. Its leaves looked like puffy clouds but up close the puffs were crystalized in frozen Silver River water.

“Photo time!” Lan Yiying held a camera in one hand and raised her other hand to gesture for him to come closer to the tree. The others gathered around to watch.

A-Yuan's eyes sparkled with excitement as he stood in front of his father, patiently waiting to be told what to do. Lan Zhan sat on the ground in front of the tree and pulled A-Yuan to his lap. Lan Zhan wrapped his arms around his little body and when they got comfortable they both looked at Lan Yiying.

"Ready?" Lan Yiying asked with enthusiasm.

Lan Zhan nodded and A-Yuan bounced slightly in excitement.

“One-two-three—” Lan Yiying clicked the camera and a bright flash went off. They did a few more poses with the help of the girls’ guidance.

They were there for a while and Lan Zhan surprisingly loved every miniature of it.It would be moments that he would cherish forever.

As they finished up the photos Lan Xichen showed up. “I’m here!” Lan Xichen said awkwardly as he approached. “Did I miss it?”

“Well well well, the Crown Prince of Crystal Gusu finally showed up.” Lan Guiwei said sarcastically. “You'll never lead the clan if you can't show up for basic planned events.”

“Very funny.” Lan Xichen quipped and crossed his arms. “I won't lead because our Crown Princess might get the golden ticket after all.”

Lan Zhan sighed. “Why are we still on this joke?” Lan Zhan joked about them being royalty in the past but this wasn't supposed to run this far. Though he was becoming partial to the royal title.

“What do you mean by that?” Lan Guiwei asked Lan Xichen.

“Father thinks his child might be worth using as a power symbol because of his unique situation with his abilities.” Lan Xichen's shoulders slumped. “Which means he is prioritizing Lan Wangji bloodline. He doesnt think my heir will be powerful enough for his gain.”

Lan Zhan’s stomach sank. His father will not touch his son. “As long as we don’t leave the village, A-Yuan won't be exposed to him. He is safe as long as he stays here with me.”

“What a disgusting snob! He can't use our little prince for his own gain!” Lan Yiying butted in.

“Wait, does that mean I’m not banished from Crystal Gusu anymore if he wants my bloodline to succeed him?” Lan Zhan isn't sure how this is going to work. If he is banished, so is his bloodline.

“I can't make sense of his logic.” Lan Xichen handed them a scroll that they all looked at. It was an official statement from the leader of the clan stating that his second son’s bloodline is to continue leading the clan.

“What a pile of garbage!” Lan Anzhi said, waving the scroll in the air in annoyance. “It's hardly about you being exiled anymore. He just wants the kid.”

“Over my dead body.” Lan Zhan narrowed his eyes and pulled his son close to him.

“I’m guessing you are still banned from traveling anywhere but the Village.” Lan Guiwei replied with huff. “Good news is, we're out of his jurisdiction.”

They all looked at each other and had a very long, intense silence. Littly A-Yuan looked concerned as he did not understand what was happening.

Lan Zhan was about to comfort his son when, suddenly a loud noise came from the other side of Crystal Gusu that shook the ground beneath their feet. Lan Zhan could feel the energy of the Crystal Gusu shift. It felt like the Abyss was hurting. He now felt a strange shared pain in with the entity of the Abyss. They made their way to the edge of the garden and they could hear commotion from on the other side of Crystal Gusu.

Lan Xichen pressed his earpiece which Lan Zhan had no idea he still was using. “Uncle says that was a concussion from an explosion on the surface.”

“Surface invaders?” Lan Guiwei asked.

“I’ll get my weapons ready.” Lan Anzhi looked at Lan Yiying and in an instant the girls prepared for a potential battle.

I will go check it out.” Lan Xichen said. “Stay put.”

“We’re coming whether you like it or not.” Lan Yiying said. “Our borders are in danger.”

Lan Anzhi’s expression hardened. “Do not forget, my sister and I have been defending our borders since before you were a member of LanShadow.”

Lan Xichen sighed. “Only one should come with me. Others should stay here and protect my brother and nephew.”

Another loud crash shook the Abyss again. A landslide of crystals crashed around the control room’s entrance.

The sisters looked at each other and nodded and agreed without words. Lan Yiying tailed behind Lan Xichen and Lan Anzhi stayed with Lan Xichen and A-Yuan.

"Do I not exist to you all?” Lan Guiwei raised her hands in the air. “And here I thought I was part of the team."

“We will protect them.” Lan Anzhi said.

“Fine, fine. I'd rather be defending the border but I guess we aren’t taking votes on who does what.” Lan Guiwei replied.

They began escorting Lan Zhan and A-Yuan back to the house but on the way Y-Yuan insisted on staying with the owlcat.

Lan Zhan sighed. His son looked so happy to be outside.

“With potential danger should we really be staying outside?” Lan Guiwei asked.

“Saying no might raise an alarm and he might start asking questions and worrying more than he should. For his piece of mind, let's keep him ignorant and let him play in the garden a little while longer.” Lan Anzhi said.

Lan Zhan didn't know how to argue with that. He wishes he could also protect his border but he was in no condition to fight.

“You guard the garden’s gate. I’ll walk with them wherever they go.” Lan Guiwei said to Lan Anzhi.

“I'm the leader, why are you telling me what to do?” Lan Anzhi said sarcastically.

“No time to bicker— Bye!” Lan Guiwei quickly turned and walked off with Lan Zhan and his son. They walked back towards the big tree they took photos at.

Lan Zhan watched his son play with the owlcat by the small pond while Lan Guiwei fished out of it. Every fish she caught was given to the Owlcat as an offering from A-Yuan.

The distress within the Abyss didn't settle down and after about an hour and a half Lan Zhan became worried about his brother and teammate. Lan Zhan rubbed his hands on the dirt next to him and focused. The vibrations from the energy seemed to be trying to communicate with him. If he focuses harder he can begin to feel where people are within the Abyss. Images of the Abyss’s layout start becoming etched into his mind.

A-Yuan runs over with his baby Owlcat sleeping in his arms and tears Lan Zhan from his focus. He felt himself smile because it looks like his son built trust with the animal. A-Yuan looked like he was the happiest kid alive and it made him feel like a proud father already.

“Made a friend?” Lan Zhan asked.

A-Yuan nodded delightfully. The Owlcat in his arms had beautiful blue stripes and spots in its furry feathers.

Lan Zhan noticed movement in the distance and he moved his eyes from A-Yuan to behind him. In the far distance he could see Lan Xichen finally coming back with Lan Yiying. He laid his eyes on the members and immediately Lan Zhan got up off the ground. “Stay here for a moment A-Yuan.” He picked up his robe at his legs and began to run towards them… But it wasn't his teammates he was running towards.

There was a man that was walking behind his team. Lan Zhan was positive it was him.

Lan Zhan halted his running when he closed in on them. The man was looking down at the ground as he walked and it was obvious. When the man looked up, Lan Zhan and him made direct eye contact.

Lan Zhan felt his throat begin to close and he choked up. “Wei Ying—”

The man stepped between the team and walked towards Lan Zhan. “Z!” Wei Ying looked him up and down. “...Is that… really you?” He looked in awe at Lan Zhan’s appearance.

“Of course it is.” Lan Zhan said. He can't believe that Wei Ying is here. “You came—” Lan Zhan felt his heart stop for a minute as his thoughts raced. ‘ Would Xue Yang actually let him down here? If so, what are the stipulations?’

“Seems like your prince charming fell down the stairwell.” Lan Xichen laughed.

Wei Ying awkwardly scratched his head. “Haha… I may have set the building on the surface on fire and fell down the…” Wei Ying looked confused as he searched for the right words and looked at Lan Xichen. “—It was not a staircase. It was the world's biggest and scariest super slide.”

Lan Anzhi laughed. “Yeah, It's a pretty wild ride!”

After the group laughed a bit, Lan Xichen nudged Wei Ying from behind which made him walk closer to Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan stepped closer until they were within a few feet of each other.

Wei Ying’s face was bright red as he looked at him up and down again. “You look… stunning.”

The group giggled and smirked as they attempted to talk.

“Ya’ll need a room.” Lan Anzhi said.

“Don’t worry! We built them a house!” Mo Xuanyu and Wen Ning came through the gates. Well, MoXuanyu hopped the gate like a rebel as Wen Ning yelled at him.

They both blushed and shrugged it off.

“Wei Ying, I—” Lan Zhan’s words were cut off when Lan Yuan crashed into the back of Lan Zhan’s knees with the owlcat in his arms still. Wei Ying looked down at the commotion and the child locked eyes with him.

Lan Yuan tilted his head at Wei Ying and moved closer to Lan Zhan’s leg, clutching onto Lan Zhan’s robe at his knee. A-Yuan tilted his head up to look at his father.

“Baba?” A-Yuan said with the tiniest voice ever.

Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan with a very confused expression. “Who is this?”

Lan Zhan felt everyone's eyes were on him. His teammates soon backed up and gave them space. Lan Zhan took a deep breath and placed his hand on A-Yuan’s back.

“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan said softly. “This is your son.” He looked at A-Yuan who looked right into his eyes. “Our son.”

A-Yuan looked at Lan Zhan with bright eyes. “This is A-Die?” He turned his head back to Wei Ying.

Wei Ying looked like he was going to faint at those words.

Lan Zhan has not explicitly explained to his son that there is another parent but it's like he inherently knows. Either he's more mysterious than Lan Zhan understands or he just overhears the adults. Lan Zhan won't know until he grows up and is able to explain. Lan Zhan nodded to A-Yuan and gestured for him to step forward.

“Go ahead. Introduce yourself.” Lan Zhan was sure Lan Yuan was capable of at least that.

The little man stiffened up and he put his now awake, baby owlcat on top of his head where it sat, nesting. The animal was so tiny that it looked comfortable sitting there. Lan Yuan stood up nice and tall and looked at Wei Ying with confidence. "I am Prince Lan Yuan. Son of Crystal Gusu's second heir, Princess Lan Wangji. Direct descendant of Gusu’s Clan founder, Lan An. I am heir to Crystal Gusu and this clan's future.” He gracefully bowed and held his beautiful robes letting it shimmer as he held it out.

Everyone that was gathered around went completely silent and looked in absolute shock. Lan Guiwei stifled a laugh, Lan Anzhi’s mouth hung open and Lan Yiying stopped in her tracks and froze. Mo Xuanyu dropped whatever he was holding and Wen Ning scratched his head in confusion.

“Where the hell did he overhear all of that?” Lan Zhan mumbled to himself. He felt his ears become hot with embarrassment.

Wei Ying blinked several hundred times before speaking. “You're actually royalty?” Wei Ying looked more intrigued than ever over this now.

Between Xue Yang’s use of princess and this conversation Wei Ying must actually think he's royalty. Lan Zhan felt a bit mischievous about it.

This detail wouldn't hurt if it won Wei Ying’s heart…right?’ He thought to himself.

Lan Xichen moved closer to Lan Zhan and looked at Wei Ying clearing his throat. “No–”

“–Yes.” Lan Zhan elbowed Lan Xichen in the side and talked over him. If A-Yuan was running with it, he might as well back his son up.

“We are.” After all, Lan Zhan was the one who started this nonsense, he might as well own it. “Welcome to Crystal Gusu. If you ever want an official tour around the Abyss’ Crystalline city I’d love to show you around personally—”

Lan Anzhi and Lan Guiwei both let out a bit of laughter.

“What the hell?!” Lan Guiwei said quietly. “You literally just agreed that you can’t walk around freely—” She slapped her own forehead and sighed heavily.

“I don't understand.” Wen Ning came to stand next to the girls who looked like they didn't know how to answer. “What is he doing?” He tilted his head towards Lan Zhan.

“Flirting.” Lan Anzhi said, rolling her eyes.

“Seems like lying—” Wen Ning mumbled to himself. “This clan does not use royal titles, nor can he show him around…”

Mo Xuanyu couldn't contain his laughter and Lan Yiying covered his mouth and smiled when.

“Well A-Yuan solidified this hierarchy.” Lan Anzhi said.

“Then what the f*ck are we? You're royal servants?” Lan Guiwei said to Lan Xichen.

“We’re their right hand men… women?” Lan Yiying replied.

“Did I do something wrong?”

Everyone stopped talking and looked down at A-Yuan who asked innocently.

“Not at all, my small prince.” Lan Zhan felt himself crack a small smile despite the commentary that made his ear redder than an apple. He wasn't going to allow his son to think he did something wrong.

“Why is he…” Wei Ying looked confused but he kneeled down in front of his son. “How old are you?” He asked him gently.

“Two months old but my body is seven!” Lan Yuan said carefully.

Lan Yuan had a full comprehensive understanding of his body. At this point his mind was exceeding his body's age and it was hard to gauge just how fast his brain was excelling. He was smart but not superhuman and still doesn't get social cues just yet. However he learns extremely fast if exposed to a learning environment.

“I don't understand.” Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan. “How fast does your bloodline grow?”

“This is…” Lan Zhan wasn't sure what to say.

“Well i can explain the medical reasoning” Wen Qing came into the garden and chiming in with medical knowledge. Lan Guiwei quickly jumped in with medical tips as they began catching Wei Ying up to speed.

“None of us really know why this happened.” Wen Qing said. “Gestation period is shorter for males naturally but he was born early.”

“Yet super healthy.” Lan Guiwei said.

“That's good…” Wei Ying replied. After talking for a bit Wei Ying wanted to turn his attention to the child.

A-Yuan excitedly talked Wei Ying’s ear off and dragged him to favorite flowers. Lan Zhan let his son pull Wei Ying away.

Lan Zhan noticed that Lan Yiying was up to something so he followed her as she took candid photos of Wei Ying and Lan Yuan without either of them knowing. It was cute to see.

He still feels uneasy about this. ‘How is he here without Xue Yang being angry?’ Lan Zhan wanted to ask so many questions. ‘Was he staying in the Abyss with them? Did Xue Yang let him go?’

Eventually Lan Zhan approached Wei Ying after he was playing with A-Yuan and the owlcat for a few minutes. “Wei Ying–” He was only a foot apart from him when he spoke. “Wei Ying–”

Wei Ying turned on his heels, and their eyes locked.

“There’s something I want to ask you.”

“There's something I want to tell you.”

They both spoke simultaneously, their voices overlapping. Wei Ying's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and Lan Zhan's usually calm demeanor cracked with a flicker of uncertainty. They stood frozen, each waiting for the other to continue while the very atmosphere held its breath in anticipation.

After a minute Wei Ying laughed and relaxed into a soft smile. It has been so long since he saw him smile. It was beautiful and it filled Lan Zhan’s heart with joy.

Lan Zhan tried breaking the ice. “Wei Ying I—” He halted his sentence when he saw a blood chain materialize around Wei Ying’s neck. About 80% of his questions regarding Xue Yang were answered in milliseconds. Wei Ying must have run off without Xue Yang’s approval… Which left Lan Zhan with one last question; Why did he risk coming to Crystal Gusu in the first place?’

He watched Wei Ying's eyes swell with tears as he grabbed at the chain. He struggled and frantically panicked for several seconds trying to pull the chain off. His body was becoming transparent.

Lan Zhan froze, powerless. All he could do was watch in shock.

“Lan Zhan—!!!” The tone of Wei Ying's voice not only pierced his ears, but pierced right through his heart. Wei Ying lunged towards Lan Zhan in a desperate attempt for a hug.

Lan Zhan reached his arms out to grab Wei Ying but as soon as their bodies collided Wei Ying went right through him.His body vanished in thin air that left behind red glowing pieces of energy blowing in the wind.

Lan Zhan reached out and touched one of the glowing pieces as it disappeared. He fell to the ground and let out more tears than he could control.

“He said my name—” Lan Zhan mumbled.

The realization of Wei Ying saying his name hit him like a tidal wave. He could feel that Wei Ying didn't want to address him as a Lant. Hearing him call his name released something primal within him.

The others gathered around him questioning what just happened. Everyone was conversing and talking over each other and Lan Zhan could only hear one clear question coming from Lan Anzhi.

“What was that spell?”

“Hemokinetic Binding.” Lan Zhan replied.

“So that's the spell in action…” Lan Xichen replied in a bit of a sad time.

“Remarkably terrifying.” Wen Qing added.

A-Yuan came up from behind him and placed his tiny hand on his back. “Baba?” Lan Yuan said gently. “Where… Where did A-Die go?” He looked at the red pieces of energy that were left in the air. His father disappeared right in front of his eyes. Wei Ying had no control over this but it still sucked that Lan Yuan had to see that.

Lan Zhan grabbed his son and held him in his arms. “To the surface. A place we can't get to right now. He’s okay. Don’t worry your pretty silver head about it.” Lan Zhan knows damn well that Wei Ying will be into deep sh*t when he gets back and every ounce of his being wants to make Xue Yang keeps his filthy fingerless hand off of him. He had to just sit back and let the escorts in Blossom manor protect him…

But all in all, the look of relief that crossed Lan Yuan’s face soothed Lan Zhan’s angry soul.

“My little prince–” Lan Zhan said as he placed his hand on his head, rubbing his soft silver hair. “Let’s go inside and eat, shall we?”

The look of happiness from his son and the support from the others gave him enough strength to move forward. Wei Ying coming here gives him hope for their future.

Lan Zhan stood up and held his son’s hand as they began walking away. Lan Zhan stopped and turned to the last piece of floating red energy in the air and spoke.

“Be strong Wei Ying. You have control.”

Wei Ying tried to hold on as long as he could but he felt his body being pulled from the inside out. All he wanted to do was hug Lan Zhan— to touch him once more. He got so distracted with his son and trying to understand the complexity of a medical phenomenon he never knew was possible. He doubted the possibility of the child being his, but when he saw the little one's eyes, it was undeniable that Lan Yuan was his. Wei Ying was amazed over the silver hair the child had.

As he was sent back through the summoning void, he quickly reflected on what happened. He didn't know what to expect when he saw Lan Zhan again. It was embarrassing to admit that he hardly recognized him when they were face to face. Lan Zhan’s hair was black with only some silver hair that was braided and tied in the back. His forehead was tattooed and he wore something more extraordinarily luxurious and he definitely looked like he had royalty status. He was blown away at both Lan Zhan and Lan Yuan’s appearance as well as the Abyss itself.

He has never known such beauty in his life. He would have never thought a Lan could come from such a wondrous and peaceful place. He spent so much of his life hating the Abyss because it was supposed to be a prison. But this was a paradise. And to be greeted by Lan Zhan’s brother and eventually Lan Yiying before going to the garden, was an experience he never knew he needed. He never knew a Lan to be trustworthy, yet some of them had shown more kindness than he knew. It was proven by the pills he took for the ascension sickness not only sobered him up but made him feel a hundred times better.

Going through the void he fought dizziness and tried to stay awake. He felt his body stop moving and the void around him vanished. He blinked several times trying to adjust to the light while his body became solid. His feet touched the ground but when he was let go by the force holding him up he collapsed to the ground.

His hands hit the ground and he could feel that he landed in a pile of dirt, ash and rubble. He saw feet standing a few feet away from him and he looked up to see Xue Yang putting his spell and energy to rest.

They locked eyes and Wei Ying felt nothing but pure anger.

“A-Ying!!” Xue Yang yelled. He ran towards him and Wei Ying gripped the rubble beneath him and jumped to his feet. “You're alive— I cant believe that–”

Wei Ying squeezed the dirt and rocks in his hands and when Xue Yang was in his range, he smashed Xue Yang square in the face, blinding him.

As he did this, He felt a surge of energy in his body that directed into his fist as he connected with Xue Yang's face. Wei Ying used the demonic energy that flows through him that was part of Xue Yang's binding spell.

Xue Yang fell to the ground and his henchmen tried to go after Wei Yign but were stopped by Bicao, Sisi and Qin Su. Today even the male escorts were minglings with the girls and helped them hold the henchmen back.

“What in the actual f*ck, Xue Yang?” Wei Ying screamed at him while the henchment were being held back.

Some people along the streets were also surrounding the area.

“What was that for?” Xue Yang cried out on the ground.

Wei Ying turned around and started looking around. Herealized that he was standing on the Lan Clan’s housing structure but the surrounding area was nothing but flattened ash. He can't help but think that the drink he threw made this desacter. Wei Ying began digging in sporadic places with an hunginded attitude.

“What are you doing?” Xue Yang asked as he stood up and whipped his face with a cloth. “f*ck the dirt burns my eyes... Henchmen, stand down.” He commanded.

“The stairs!!” Wei Ying yelled. “Where are they!?” Wei Ying felt a hand become placed on his shoulder and he boiled with anger because he knew it was Xue Yang.

“It's all caved in. There is no more entrance or exit .” Xue Yang said cally

Wei Ying saw nothing but RED. Wei Ying grabbed the hand on his shoulder and flipped the man over his body making him land on his back. This resulted in Xue Yang getting the air knocked out of him. Wei Ying jumped on top of him and started beating the snot out of him, relentlessly.

“HEY, HEY, HEY!!!” The girls shouted and pulled Wei Ying off. The male escorts and henchmen helped Xue Yang to his feet.

They managed to separate the two for only a minute before Wei Ying broke free from the girls and approached Xue Yang, angrily screaming in his face once more.

“I am not your f*cking PET!” Wei Ying yelled.

The henchmen moved in front of Xue Yang to protect him.

“You CANNOT summon me when ever the f*ck you feel like it!” Wei Ying continued.

Xue Yang swayed back and forth, he was disoriented at best. “I was just trying to make sure you were safe!” Xue Yang yelled back. “The whole place was on fire and knowing you– this had to be your work! I was worried you got trapped in the entrance! Not making it there, or back here!”

“I FINALLY got the courage to go to Crystal Gusu! I finally got to meet my son and you had to rip me away before I got a chance to thank Lan Zhan for saving my f*cking life, after taking an arrow for YOU!!” Wei Ying felt himself cry and it hurt his chest to breathe.

“How was I supposed to know you made it safely to the Abyss?” Xue Yang pleaded. “The place was collapsing in on itself and you have NO idea the trouble I went through to put the fire out and remove most of the burned down structure. You know what kind of heavy cultivation that takes?! It took all three of us to clear this place!!” Xue Yang pointed to his henchmen.

“Why do you constantly care where I am?!” Wei Ying yelled back.

“Because I took you in!” Xue Yang’s face looked torn not just physically but emotionally. “And that should mean something!”

“UGH! What does it matter?! It shouldn't count! We're not a couple! We never were! You did my parents a favor but you took it a step too far. You have absolutely no control over me, my heart, my choices, what I do, who I f*ck, where I go and when I come back!! If I ever do!”

“So you were just going to completely leave and never come back before talking this out like YOU said you wanted to do?” Xue Yang rubbed his face with a cloth again because he was dripping blood.

“You want to air out the closet in front of everyone right now? Fine— I said I was coming back didn't I?” He feels like a broken record now. “Before I left the manor I said we would talk later. That’s on MY time, not yours.”

“Fine, even so, the Lan house was on fire— You could've been crushed by the collapsing house and entrance that I KNOW you caused because you cause ALL of the issues that get brought back to the manner!”

“So that's the real reason to summon me?! Your manners reputation?” Wei Ying said. “f*ck you.”

People on the streets gathered and the escorts started shooing away the bystanders as this drama escalated.

Xue Yang was crying at this point but Wei Ying didn't feel bad. “I had no choice! I didn't know if you were alive or–”

“What does it matter to you if I'm alive or dead? How about you considre me f*cking dead. I’m dead to you. Do you comprehend? Stop talking to me and show me where the entrance is to Crystal Gusu!” Wei Ying wanted to hit him again just for opening up his mouth.

Xue Yang shrugged his shoulders. “The entrance collapsed on itself. It's now up to the people of Gusu to fix their elevator system that should be against regulations!”

“I’m so fed up with you.” Wei Ying felt his tears stream down his cheeks. “I'm never working for you again.” Wei Ying started walking away.

“It's better that you're on the surface anyway, this is your home. Please Wei Ying just think about this—”

He spun around on his heels. “Oh I have thought about this. Really hard. You will provide me with housing until I can get back to Crystal Gusu.” Wei Ying gritted his teeth. “You will stop summoning me and I am not paying this bullsh*t debt of yours.”

“HAHA Oh boy—” A terrible laugh interrupted their conversation and a man walked towards them.

Wei Ying grew horrified at the presence that approached. The aura on him was more evil than the Lan who killed his parents. And the man wasn't alone. Another terrifying man trailed behind him. The escorts ran off and hid somewhere else as soon as he approached.

Both of Xue Yang’s henchmen kneeled on the ground to this stranger.

“You're really going to let your employees talk to you like that?” The man asked, belittling how Xue Yang handled Wei Ying.

“Master Ruohan.” The henchmen simultaneously said.

So this man must be the Wen Clan’s leader… Wei Ying didn't like the vibe coming from these men.

Wen Ruohan spoke in a deep eerie voice. “Wen Chao, Wen Xu.”

The two henchmen stood up and looked at Wen Ruohan.

“Tell me why you let Xue Yang and his little menace destroy my only access to my criminal prison?” Wen Ruohan said angrily.

Wen Chao choked on his explanation. “The situation got out of hand Master—”

Wen Xu was shaking in his boots as he explained. “The place was already burning down when we arrived with Xue Yang to investigate—”

“Poor excuses!” Wen Rohan yelled over them. “That prison makes me a lot of money. Do you know what this just cost me?”

Wei Ying clenched his fists, his anger boiling over. "That place is not a prison!" He spat out. He can't believe he is defending a place he used to be fine with bashing "You're only worried about losing the only people who are willing to do your dirty work. You don't care about the innocent lives down there that are still at risk of the current avalanche?" It doesn't seem like Wen Ruohan knows that Wei Ying was just there. No one here other than Wei Ying has seen the issues his fire caused. For all Wen Ruohan knows, these people are in serious danger.

When Wei Ying fell to the bottom of the stairwell, he saw that the building he was in would collapse at any given moment. The people living close to the elevator were evacuated and they prepared for the eventual collapse. But none of these people here currently know this.

“A-Ying, that's enough.” Xue Yang urged him to be quiet and to back down.

Wen Ruohan's gaze hardened on Wei Ying and his eyes narrowed into slits. "Watch your tongue, boy." He growled, his voice was a low rumble that sent shivers down Wei Ying's spine. “You know nothing of the complexities of our Clan’s politics. The Lan clan’s meak don't matter, only their elite forces do and I'm sure they didn't get caught up in your mess.”

“You're a monster.” Wei Ying said.

Wen Ruohan's lips curled into a tight, cruel smirk. "It seems you've forgotten your place." He sneered, gesturing to Xue Yang. "You belong to him, don't you? Or have you already forgotten that?" His voice oozed with venom.

The atmosphere was thick with hostility but Wei Ying kept running his mouth. "I belong to no one."

Wen Ruohan's smirk sank. "Ah, but you do, little servant. You are at another's whim. You were supposed to be executed along with your precious mommy and daddy, and yet, Xue Yang cared for you. You owe your life to him.”

Wei Ying's fists clenched at his sides, his nails digging into his palms. "I owe him nothing." He stood in defiance. "And I refuse to be shackled by your twisted sense of justice."

“A-Ying just stop–” Xue Yang urged.

Wen Ruohan's laughter echoed through the air. "You are no different than these two fools." He cut the palm of his hand and blood poured from his hand. It manifested in chains that wrapped around Wen Chao and Wen Xu's entire body. They were brought to their knees and as Wen Ruohan laughed he tightened the chains.

Wei Ying was stunned and shot a loko at Xue Yang. “Why does he have your ability?”

Xue Yang looked ashamed and refused to look him in the eyes. Special abilities like these are unique to the holder. It’s rare to have more than one of the same abilities.

“That is the work of my Core Transfer Hand.” The man that trailed behind Wen Ruohan finally spoke. “My ability allows me to transfer people’s abilities when I touch their core—” He emerged behind Wen Ruohan and stood next to him. “I am Wen Zhuliu.”

Wei Ying looked at the man's hands. They looked like they were laced with fire. He could tell that he was powerful. It was no wonder this guy was able to manipulate Xue Yang into transferring his ability.

This was truly terrifying.

“Don't you understand?” Wen Ruohan looked at Wei Ying. He began tightening the chains until the men almost suffocated. The chains became bright red and began burning through their clothes to their skin. The two men screamed in agony.

Wei Ying felt absolutely powerless. If he had more abilities than cheap tricks with demonic cultivation, he could do more to stop this man. He let himself focus on the ground beneath his feet for just a moment. He knows he can manipulate Xue Yang’s energy within him. If only he could tap into some sort of power that can help them at this moment.

As he focused he could hear the screams of the corpses beneath his feet. The area was indeed a graveyard before the Abyss itself was created. He feels the source of Abyss' curse and sickness.

"You two–" Wen Ruohan growled at Wei Ying and Xue Yang.

Wei Ying’s focus was broken and the voices vanished. This was not the time to try something new…

"You both have caused me great inconvenience and embarrassment." Wen Rouchan continued. "For your treachery, you will both suffer the consequences."

With a flick of his wrist, chains of blood shot out from his hand, wrapping tightly around Xue Yang and Wei Ying, immobilizing them completely.

Xue Yang struggled against the chains. "Master Ruohan, please—" He began, but his words were cut off by the chain's tightening.

"You have failed me." Wen Ruohan said. "I don't see the use for you anymore."

He turned his attention to Wei Ying. Wen Ruohan's lips curled into a smile. "As for you, little servant…" He got into Wei Ying’s face. "You will be punished for your insolence and defiance."

Wei Ying met his gaze and immediately spit directly in his face.

Wen Ruohan's smile faded, and was replaced by a look of cold fury. He threw both Xue Yang and Wei Ying to the ground and held them down with his blood binding. Wen Ruohan commanded the chains to tighten further around Xue Yang and Wei Ying, causing them to cry out in pain.

Wen Ruohan commanded the chains to become hot and Wei Ying could feel the metal heat up quickly. Soon it was hot enough to sear through his clothing and onto his flesh. Their clothes burned off of them and they cried out completely helpless.

"You both will serve as examples of what happens to those who dare to defy me." Wen Ruohan said. He began whipping them with fiery hot blood chains he manifested. Each strike left behind searing marks on their flesh. The chains were like branding irons.

After what felt like hours of agonizing pain, Wei Ying felt himself drift unconscious. Wei Ying knew his strength was not in the ability to resist pain, but in his refusal to be broken by this hurt.

When he woke up, Wen Ruohan was gone and he was in Qin Su’s arms. She was bringing him back to the manor.

There was chaos going on with the girls. Qin Su was screaming but he couldn't hear her. It wasn't long before he passed out again.

After he woke up a second time, he was covered in bandages from head to toe. He looked around the room and Xue Yang was laying in a bed across the room. He still looked unconscious.

Wei Ying sat up and the girlsjumped to his side.

“I’m so glad the medicine worked!” Qin Su said happily.

“Medicine?” Wei Ying looked at them confused.

“The LanShadow team left extra medicine behind and we thought that since they have special abilities, maybe their medicine does too.” Bicao said.

“We were hoping it would heal you faster.” Qin Su said.

Wei Ying relaxed, for some reason that comforted him. “How long was I unconscious?”

“Just a day.” Sisi replied.

What a relief. He laid down and relaxed into the bed. He knew he was stuck here for a while. All he can do is hope that the Lan will rebuild the entrance and he can leave permanently. For now, he will heal and when Xue Yang wakes up, he will get another earful about—


Only thirty minutes after Wei Ying was ripped from Lan Zhan’s sight, the elevator and the spiral staircase collapsed in on itself and the bottom entrance was completely blocked. No one was injured but no one jumped to fix the issue either.

Some locals fought to have it fixed while others thought that the surface was full of people with ill intent and did not want to spend their time and labor to fix the elevator system. The scholars thought the Abyss was angry with them and they began praying by the river to their Silver MoonSun.

During that time of uncertainty within the entire clan, Lan Zhan and Lan Yuan moved into the house that Mo Xuanyu and Wen Ning refurbished. Lan Xichen brought them on a tour of the house and it made Lan Zhan feel like he had his own place to finally call his own. The idea seemed a bit lonely at first but soon Lan Yuan brought life to the place.

Lan Xichen filled Lan Zhan’s room with everything that Lan Zhan owned and didn't bother putting things in any particular spot because he knew that Lan Zhan was going to spend the next week fixing it to his liking anyway.

Which is exactly what Lan Zhan did.

As Lan Zhan walked through the house with his brother he noticed something in particular.

“There are three bedrooms.” Lan Zhan said.

His brother smiled widely. “Everyone needs a guest room.” Lan Xichen paused and looked at Lan Zhan. “Or in case you have… someone stay over.”

“He can't even get down here.” Lan Zhan rolled his eyes. He knew he was referring to Wei Ying. “I should be helping fix it…”

“I’ll keep tabs on the elevator’s progress, you worry about keeping A-Yuan happy, healthy and away from the cursed dirt that fell through the barrier.” Lan Xichen let them both settle in and left.

Lan Zhan walked back to Lan Yuan’s room and the little one seemed thrilled with the setup. Everyone put it together beautifully and he couldn't ask for anything better. As Lan Yuan grows and makes the room his own, Lan Zhan will help adjust it accordingly, but for now Lan Yuan is happy.

After a month, Lan Zhan checked the elevator’s status. He and A-Yuan searched for his team in the village to ask questions and they found them all gathered at Wen Qing’s place.

“It seems to be pretty bad.” Lan Xichen said. “The elevator is completely busted. It will be out of commission for a while.”

“We got volunteers to help clear the stairwell but it's still not safe.” Lan Guiwei said. “They are taking the cursed dirt and stones to the furthest place in the Abyss and purifying it. Remaking the system will be tricky.”

Lan Yiying chimed in. “A-Huan and I checked out the stairwell ourselves. The stairs and elevator just stop at a certain height. The rest above it is collapsed cursed dirt.”

“It's as if the elevator system at the top was chopped off. There must have been some sort of explosion or cultivation art on the surface that took out the entrance towards the top.” Lan Xichen said

Seeing Lan Xichen be more active in the group makes Lan Zhan happy. For so long he was sitting at home base while the rest of the group ran off. Now it seems like Lan Xichen and Lan Yiying became close and hit it off.

“My guess is that the Clan’s Ancestral home on the surface might have been completely destroyed. We would be emerging into open air if we continue to try to get back to the surface.” Lan Yiying said. “The surface might be in chaos.”

“It might be safer to remain underground. Assuming that no one can find the entrance from the top, we're safe from invaders.” Lan Xichen said. “No one comes in, no one goes out.”

Lan Zhan hung his head. It means he can't go to the surface any time soon.

“I know you want to see him.” Lan Xichen walked towards Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan raised his head and looked at his brother. He didn't realize his emotions were on his sleeve.

“We don't know what’s going on up there. An explosion that big could mean war broke out on the surface.” Lan Anzhi replied.

“I know you're worried.” Lan Xichen put his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “But Wei Ying is from the surface, he will survive.” Lan Xichen said.

Lan Zhan nodded. He knows he is right. Though he can't get rid of this terrible feeling in his gut.

“Why don't you rest for a while.” Lan Guiwei said. “Raising a little one has been a lot on you.”

They aren't wrong. Lan Zhan looked like A-Yuan and he was getting tired and was ready for a nap. He picked his son up in his arms and agreed to go home and get some rest. When he got home he and A-Yuan fell asleep together in Lan Zhan’s room.

After a bit of rest Lan Zhan woke up to A-Yuan not in his room. He jumped out of bed and searched throughout the house.

He wasn't there.

Lan Zhan felt a wave of panic course through him and he ran outside and found his team gardening outside.

“Have you seen A-Yuan?” Lan Zhan asked in a panic.

“No?” Lan Anzhi replied. “You both went to rest four hours ago.”

“What happened?” Lan Yiying asked. “Is he missing?”

“I woke up and he was gone.” Lan Zhan said. “I feel so irresponsible.”

“Where would he go?!” Wen Qing came closer to talk to them.

Lan Zhan raced through his mind at everything the child would get into. And only one thing could come to mind.

“Wei Ying!” Lan Zhan said.

“You don't think he tried going to the elevator do you?” Mo Xuanyu asked. “Does he even know how to get there?”

If Lan Yuan has a similar connection to the Abyss as Lan Zhan does, he doesn't need to truly know how to get there, the Abyss will lead you if your desire is strong enough. Lan Zhan placed his hand on the ground and started focusing on his son. Images began to burn into his mind and he could see his footprints leading to the elevator.

“That's exactly what he did.” Lan Zhan stood up and didn't hesitate to start making his way quickly to the elevator.

The others followed and once they made their way there, no one was around. People must be taking a break from working on it. The rubble was moved and cleared more of a path than before. They went inside the control room and Lan Zhan kicked around the rocks and dust at his feet. The place was a mess. On top of that, the closer the others got, the more they didn't feel so good.

“How could a child manage to get through this?” Lan Guiwei looked up at the stairwell. “There are no stairs, it's still a collapsed slide with rubble lining it all the way up.”

Lan Zhan walked over to take a look. He kneeled down and he went to touch the rocks that lined the stairwell but remember the last time he did the whole thing turned into a crazy slide.He looked up at Lan Guiwei who's notoriously annoyed by this.

She looked around at everyone who eyed her. Lan Guiwei huffed and crossed her arms. “Normally I’d say don't touch it.” Lan Guiwei looked around. “But when you touched it before you made it possible to descend quickly and the curse didn't affect us. Maybe this time you can fix this whole mess.”

“That was unintentional.” Lan Zhan said. “How can I possibly intentionally fix it? Even the cultivators who have been working at this for weeks made little progress.”

“But you have the power to do it. We have people with strong abilities but several cultivators need to work together to match the level of ability you displayed by accident.” Lan Yiying said. “Just focus on your energy like you did when you healed Wei Ying. We need that kind of magic!”

“Minus the Silver River Water. Just use your own magical core.” Lan Anzhi said. “I have extra water though If it is needed.”

Lan Zhan was becoming increasingly stressed. He tried to focus but this time he wasn’t successful. “I don't have time to screw around! My son–”

“You aren’t screwing around! You have the ability so use it!” Lan Yiing raised her voice and you could hear it crack. She looked offended, scared, tired and drained. “We all want to find A-Yuan! I’m sure he's got similar powers as you, if the Abyss reacts to his desires, he might already be running around the surface. This is the fastest way to get to him. You can do this.”

Lan Xichen looked concerned about Lan Yiying outburst. She was taking this very personally.

Lan Zhan had all this power and no idea how to truly use it. He is able to do small things or things by accident, and now he is disappointed in himself and feels he is letting his team down. He was never supposed to be able to have this ability and the one person who truly wants this power, does not have it.

He pushed the thoughts away and tried to focus on his energy once more. Lan Yiying was right though, this might be the fastest way to get to his son. It took him a minute to clear his mind. He was able to bring his energy forth and cover his body. As he focused he thought about why he wanted to get to the surface so badly.

If Wei Ying wasn't taken away, his son wouldn’t have ran. Things would never work out if there was still an attachment to Xue Yang. He truly wants to save Wei Ying from Xue Yang and bring his son back to Gusu. But to do that he needs a safe way to travel.

He felt Bichen pulse and react to his thoughts. Lan Zhan grabbed the hilt of Bichen and with the other hand he focused all of his energy and bent down to touch the ground. He could feel power coming from Bichen and flowing into the ground. The ground beneath him began to tremble, and Lan Zhan focused his energy even further. It began making him dizzy but he didn't give up.

A powerful pulse and light emanated from his body, enveloping everything around him in a dazzling array of Abyss colors. The air shimmered with the intensity of his magic, transforming the surroundings into a breathtaking crystal room bathed in luminescent hues.

The crystals that formed from thai magic were unlike anything seen before. With each pulse of energy coming from him, the staircase began to shift and change, its plain structure changed to shimmering crystal steps that sparkled.

“Holy sh*t—” Lan Guiwei said in shock. He ignored the commentary and continued to focus.

Similarly, the broken remnants of the elevator were transformed into a marvel of crystal engineering. The broken metal pieces and shattered glass began to meld together and reshape, forming intricate patterns within the newly formed crystalline structure. The entire area was bathed in a soft, otherworldly glow. Soon both the elevator and the stairwell was recreated. The room they were in became the new base of operations.

With a soft hum, the place came to live. The elevator’s doors slid open to reveal a chamber covered in soft, iridescent light. Inside, the walls were lined with shimmering crystals that cast a warm, welcoming inviting glow.

As Lan Zhan relaxed his energy and let it fade away, the team stood in awe of the breathtaking transformation and began exploring the breathtaking room.

“I can't believe I did this…” Lan Zhan looked around in awe.

“Your control over the Abyssal magic allowed you to reshape the very fabric of reality.” Lan Yiying said. She was reading through the scroll that Lan Xichen happened to have on him when they left to find the child.

Lan Xichen looked over Lan Yiying's shoulder at the scroll. “It's super complex but just by watching you, you're definitely the closest to the founders abilities.”

“Out little nerd and her new…ummm” Lan Anzhi looked at Lan Xichen. Everyone thought Lan Anzhi was going to say boyfriend but she didn't try to continue the joke. “Friend… have been digging through the archives for hours at a time. Looks like they found more scrolls.”

The air shifted around them and Lan Zhan felt like he missed some sort of new character development with his brother and his teammate. It wasn't like Lan Xichen to date. Everyone saw them spending tons of time together but apparently it’s just for work. Lan Zhan refused to question it. He knows his brother is particular when it comes to this topic .

“Let's go find A-Yuan.” Lan Zhan said.

“Should we take the elevator or stairs?” Lan Anzhi asked.

Lan Xichen shrugged. “Three days versus an hour?”

Lan Yiying put the scroll away. “But the elevator is made of his magic. Do you think it will ward off the curse?”

“We don't have time to test it out.” Lan Guiwei replied.

“Elevator.” Lan Zhan said. He doesn't know why but he feels this will be okay.

“I think we should split up.” Lan Guiwei said.

“Why?” Lan Anzhi asked.

Lan Guiwei turned to Lan Yiying and gestured for her to explain.

Lan Yiying looked like she understood the assignment. “If Lan Zhan is wrong- sorry, Z, are we using code names? Is this an official mission? Lan Shadow doesn't technically exist anymore but we—”

Lan Anzhi huffed. “FOCUS–”

“Right sorry— If he is wrong then we waste three days' time.” Lan Yiying said. “If we split up, the worst we waste is an hour's time in the stairwell. The team that reaches the surface first will start looking for the boy while the other half of the team arrives.”

“Meaning, Lan Zhan you have to walk.” Lan Guiwei said.

“Why me?” Lan Zhan didn't want to walk.

“So that the curse doesn't harm us if the structure in the stairs does not repel the curse like the elevator usually does–” Lan Guiwei said.

“So were guessing the new elevator repels the curse bt not the stairwell?” Lan Xichen replied. “Something seems off about this plan.”

“Alright. Decisions have been made.” Lan Anzhi cut in. “”Let’s split.” She turned to Lan Yiying and Lan Xichen, grabbed them both by the back of their shirt and threw them into the elevator. They both hit the ground, confused.

“Wait!” Lan Yiying jumped to her feet and lunged at the door. However, Lan Anzhi hit the elevator button and closed the door on them. She hit the ascend button without hesitation.

Watching Lan Anzhi and Lan Yiying’s reflexes was like a cat and a snake. Both fast but the cat always wins the fight.

“And that's why I’m team leader.” Lan Anzhi said proudly.

“Why?!” Lan Guiwei asked in an annoyed tone.

“Why? Because I’m faster than everyone—”

“No, why did you throw those two in? I wanted to use the elevator too!” Lal Guiwei said.

“So you were going to leave lil ‘ol me with Lan Zhan? Nope— Lan Yiying and Lan Xichen need to talk. If the elevator actually takes three days they will be forced to talk it out.”

“What do they need to talk about?” Lan Zhan was actually confused.

“Lan Yiying has been acting strange and so we confronted her.” Lan Anzhi said.

“Long story so WALK AND TALK.” Lan Guiwei pushed Lan Zhan into the stairwell and the girls didn't let go of his arms in fear of the curse.

Lan Zhan’s aura and energy covered them automatically. He wonders if his body reacts to the curse and covers him. He can't help but think that the curse was not repelled in the stairs. As they walked they girls started their gossip.

“She told him though, didn't she?” Lan Anzhi asked.

“No, it's like they are ignoring the elephant in the room.” Lan Guiwei said.

“What was going on?” Lan Zhan asked.

“Lan Yiying asked him out to lunch a while back.” Lan Guiwei said.

“When?” Lan Zhan asked.

“This was when you were inside Wen Qing’s place for those two months.” Lan Anzhi said.

“She said it was ‘work related’ but their lunch event ended up being a romantic picnic. We watched from the sidelines.” Lan Guiwei replied.

Lan Anzhi laughed. “We couldn't hear because we were too far away but—”

“If it was work related, why question it?” Lan Zhan could see where this was now going.

“They have been really close since then so I confronted Lan Yiying.” Lan Anzhi said.

“And?” Lan Zhan asked curiously.

“She admitted having feelings for him but isn't telling him! It's been enough time. It's time to rip the bandage off.” Lan Anzhi said.

Lan Zhan shook his head. “He’s going to reject her. Why would you force her to tell him?”

“Why would you think he would reject her? He’s been actively choosing to hang out with her outside of work.” Lan Guiwei said.

Lan Zhan stopped walking suddenly and they collided. He turned his head around to face them.

“OW!” Lan Anzhi rubbed her head. “What was that for?”

“I thought my brother was into men?” Lan Zhan replied bluntly.

The girls’ mouths hung open.

“OH sh*t—” Lan Anzhi said.

“Well you sure as hell f*cked up–” Lan Guiwei elbowed Lan Anzhi. “His brother would know better than us.”

Lan Anzhi looked annoyed. “You thought the same sh*t I did, don't even start–”

“Now they have potentially three days alone together. Good job—” Lan Guiwei said.

“Listen–” Lan Zhan got their attention. “I am not certain. He might like her, but I just doubt it highly.”

“Lan Yiying will be forced to explain to him my actions.” Lan Anzhi said. “She knows why I did what I did. I’m sure of it.” They kept walking and continued to talk.

After an hour they finally made it to the top. They opened up the door at the top and they walked into a beautiful crystal room that was even bigger than the one at the bottom of the Abyss.

“They aren't here.” Lan Guiwei said, looking at the elevator. “The light on it says 23 hours. I assume that's hours left to go?

“So this elevator ascends in a single day.” Lan Anzhi evaluated. “At least it isn't three.”

Lan Zhan walked around and found a set of stairs that lead up to a glass ceiling. He didn't understand where the stairs led until he walked closer. He looked up at the ceiling closest to the stairs and he could see the surface’s sky.

He walked up the stairs and stopped when the glass ceiling almost hit his head. The girls walked behind him and watched. He touched the glass and realized it was made of a thin layer of Abyss crystal. When he touched it, it rippled like water and his fingers began passing through it. He pulled his fingers away and looked at his team.

“I say just go for it.” Lan Guiwei shrugged.

“If you are so daring then why don't you go first?” Lan Zhan asked. He was also a bit apprehensive.

“Because with my luck I won't go through, I'll just hit the thing.” Lan Guiwei huffed. “I’ll follow after the master of touching things makes a path.”

He sighed and turned back to the ceiling. “Hold onto me.” Lan Zhan felt both of them make contact with him before proceeding. He wasn't sure how this entrance worked just yet and if he was the only one who could pass though. He placed his hands on the glass and as it rippled he started walking forward up the stairs. He looked straight at the steps in front of him and tried his best to ignore the feeling of walking into a ceiling.

As they walked though they came to flat land with just rubble around them.

“We made it through!” Lan Anzhi said cheerfully.

“What happened to the house?” Lan Guiwei asked as she looked around.

“Don't know but it's the reason for the collapse in the elevator shaft.” Lan Zhan said.

“Let's go to the manor first.” Lan Guiwei said.

“Why? Were looking for a child?” Lan Anzhi asked.

“Wei Ying is there.” Lan Zhan reminded her. “The child is looking for him—”

“I really should be the f*cking leader–” Lan Guiwei mumbled.

They walked to the manor and the three female escorts greeted them. They were so happy to see the LanShadow team. They were greeted with hugs and warm welcomes.

“Is Wei Ying here?” Lan Zhan asked the girls.

“Actually A-Ying left the manor hours ago. He and Xue Yang had another spat.” Sisi said.

“My guess is, A-Ying went to the bar on the other side of town.” Qin Su chimed in.

“Xue Yang left not long afterwards. I think they were ‘Trying to talk about their issues’ and Wei Ying got pissed off at him.” Bicao said.

“The usual.” Sisi said.

“None of this sounds reassuring.” Lan Zhan said.

“Don't worry, Wei Ying has made it quite clear he wants nothing from Xue Yang anymore.” Qin Su said. “In my opinion, A-Ying is waiting for you. The entrance to your home was blocked and he has been just enduring his stay here.”

Lan Zhan didn't need to hear much more. “Thank you.” He looked at his team. “I need to speak with Wei Ying privately, why don't you girls hang out together while I go to the bar.”

“Xue Yang will be there… Are you sure?” Lan Anzhi asked.

“Yes.” Lan Zhan said. “I can handle him.”

Lan Zhan left the girls at the manor and walked down the street. It wasn't hard to navigate but everyone stared at him. He only then realized he didn't have surface clothes on and he was in his extravagant luminescent holographic Lan robes. Once he realized it, he remembered that his son has matching clothes on and he is worried someone spotted him. In the Abyss he feels like he blends in, but here he stands out among the dull and bleak colors of the city.

Once he reached the pub, he stood at the entrance. The smell of alcohol seeped through the door and he dreaded going inside. He couldn't believe Wei Ying would volunteer to hang out here.

Pushing open the door, Lan Zhan stepped into the dimly lit interior of the pub. The noise of conversation and laughter, mixed with the clinking of glasses and it was way too loud for him. He scanned the room, searching for any sign of Wei Ying amidst the crowd. He began walking through and he could hear the area becoming quieter the further he walked inside.

A man walked up on him and started brushing up against him. “Hey there the pretty thang–” The man's breath could gag a maggot. “Where are you from? You don't look like you're from around here? Wanna meet me in that private room over there?” The man grabbed Lan Zhan’s ass and it shocked him to his core. Lan Zhan grabbed the man's arm and threw him over his body and the man hit the floor. His drink spilled all over the guy and shattered his cup when it hit the floor.

“I’m not here for your amusem*nt.” Lan Zhan said bluntly. A piece of the glass from the man’s drink quickly made it into Lan Zhan’s hand and he held it in defense. “I’m looking for someone.”

The man rolled around on the floor and never got up.

Another other man who stood up thinking he was going to fight Lan Zhan to defend the man on the floor, sat right back down. “Ooo that beauty is deadly. I bet you're wild in bed. Come, have a drink with me, we can talk about what kind of drinks you like! I’m buying.”

“Impressive display of shamelessness.” Lan Zhan gave a dismissive look. “You’ve managed to be both creepy and boring.” He brushed off any dirt from his outfit and began walking away.

“Suit yourself. I'll be here all week if you change your mind.”

“I assure you, I won't.” Lan Zhan replied.

Lan Zhan moved further into the pub and noticed that it had another room in the back. He peeked his head around the corner and through the door. His heart stopped as his eyes landed on Wei Ying. He was sitting in the back corner with several empty cups next to him. Xue Yang was sitting across from him and it looked like they were having a normal conversation. Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying’s feet and he saw A-Yuan playing with another young boy around his age.

He sighed in relief. This room was more secluded and much quieter. It had a few other people inside but it looked more for employees than common people. He wonders why he was back here. Lan Zhan quietly walked through the door and he could begin to hear the conversation.

Wei Ying had a sarcastic expression on his face. “Every Clan’s dictionary defines Boundaries as—”

“I understand what the word means!!” Xue Yang said angrily. “I just woke up from being beaten half to death and I’m already in a world of sh*t!”

“Because I feel like you dont hear me!” Wei Ying said.

“I do. I promise I will never use the summoning ability again.” Xue Yang said. “You can go wherever you want, or live at the manor with no strings attached.”

“Your words are cheap. I need action.” Wei Ying replied.

“If the opportunity presents itself you will see it.” Xue Yang said.

“Sure. How well can the Wen use your ability? How often do you just give it away to people?” Wei Ying asked angrily. He looked like he had been drilling him with questions for a while. “Having more than one person with this controlling ability, is absolutely detrimental to the balance of—”

“They can’t use the full extent of my technique, such as the summoning, that Core Transfer hand is surface only. They don't make contracts, they just exude force on the victims. They can run out of blood and need time to recover from the loss of it. The user can add their own cultivation to the ability to create their own variation to the ability, like Wen Ruohan making the chains hot.”

Wei Ying shook his head. “Surface or not, that is absolutely absurd. Why did you allow this to happen—”


Lan Zhan was enjoying eavesdropping on the conversation but guess it couldn't be helped. Lan Yuan jumped off of the floor and came crashing into him like a tidal wave. He picked him up and held him tight. He didn't want to be angry at him but he was concerned. “Why did you run off?”

“A-Die was here…” A-Yuan looked over his shoulder and pointed at Wei Ying.

Wei Ying had gotten up and was already walking towards him. “You're— You're actually here—!!!”

“First the child, now the princess?” Xue Yang sank into his chair. “Everyone just loves interrupting this very important conversation.”

Lan Zhan put A-Yuan down and looked at Wei Ying. “I’m sorry, I don't know how he even got up here. I fell asleep and when I woke up he was gone and—”

Wei Ying cut Lan Zhan’s words off with his lips. Lan Zhan was in absolute shock but he couldn't help but melt into Wei Ying’s touch. He missed the sensation and he became overwhelmed with emotion. Lan Zhan knew that this display was right in front of Xue Yang who stood there and endured it.

When they parted Lan Zhan looked into his eyes. He felt so confused… but happy. “Can we talk about what this is later?” Referring to their own relationship.

“Of course we can.” We Ying replied. “I was just dealing with loose ends, that's all.” He said as he glanced at Xue Yang.

Eventually Xue Yang walked out of the room without another word. The tension was high and he knew this kiss pissed Xue Yang off.

“Will things be alright regarding Xue Yang?” Lan Zhan asked as he watched Xue Yang leave.

“It will be fine.” Wei Ying said as he looked at their son. “Let's get this one home shall we? He ventured far.”

“I don't know how he got here either.” Lan Zhan began briefly explaining the elevator situation to him.

“I see.” Wei Ying let out a distressed breath. “I wasn't at the bar long before A-Yuan found me and Xue Yang. He showed up with the other little boy from town.” Wei Ying said. “I brought him to the back room to be away from the drunks.”

Lan Zhan looked at the boy his son befriended. “Who is the other kid?”

“Jingyi. Never figured out any more about him. He roams the streets and has no family. He must have found little A-Yuan walking around town and tagged along.” Wei Ying said. “But, lets get outta here, shall we?”

Lan Zhan nodded and they all walked outside the building together. They saw Xue Yang chatting with some locals and he was very drunk. He started to cause commotion among the locals.

“He NeVeR lOvEd Me!” Xue Yang sobbed his story to randos on the street.

Only now does Lan Zhan feel like part of the kiss Wei Ying suddenly did was to prove to Xue Yang he was done with his nonsense. Because now it seemed like this man was having a full on mental breakdown.

"Let's not get involved.” Wei Ying sighed, watching Xue Yang from a distance. "He's had too much to drink."

Lan Zhan nodded in agreement. He held onto A-Yuan's hand and they started walking towards the manor. He couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that Wei Ying and A-Yuan were safe.

Wei Ying glanced at Lan Zhan with a soft smile. "I'm glad you're here. I would have come back sooner but the entrance—”

Lan Zhan shook his head. There was no way he could have come even if he wanted to. They both were in the same situation. It was good hearing that he did want to come back. It felt like he wanted to be involved in his life.

They arrived at the manor and met up with the girls. They didn't want A-Yuan going inside so they all met outside. They conversed for a while and all was peaceful until Xue Yang showed up again. This time he was angry and had a sword in hand which gave Lan Zhan a very bad feeling.

“Xue Yang what are you doing?” Wei Ying asked as he stepped forward towards him.

Xue Yang lunged forward and Lan Zhan was able to swiftly push Wei Ying aside and dodge the strike. He pushed Xue Yang by ramming his fist into his chest. The small encounter left Wei Ying looking in awe. The skill Lan Zhan displayed was nothing short of magnificent.

Lan Zhan stepped back when Xue Yang was sent backwards. Lan Zhan pushed back his son into the group of girls who understood the assignment immediately. Lan Yuan was up in Qin Su’s arm’s faster than lightning and she ran inside with the child to get somewhere safer. He really didn’t want his son going inside the manor but he trusts that she will bring him somewhere more— PG. Lan Zhan made sure they were well out of sight before he reevaluated the situation he knew was about to erupt.

Their team was missing Lan Yiying but having Anzhi and Guiwei was enough. For once he was thankful that Lan Xichen was stuck in the elevator. He was not cut out for fighting. Lan Zhan at least had Bichen at his side but he was slightly out of practice since he gave birth.

Wei Ying walked closer to Lan Zhan to see what Xue Yang was about to do.

“Take out your sword and fight me Princess!!” Xue Yang lunged at them.

Lan Zhan pushed Wei Ying aside once more and blocked Xue Yang’s attack with his sheathed sword.

“I’m sorry Wei Ying but you need to stay behind me.” Lan Zhan said.

“Yeah…” Wei Ying looked stunned for words.

“Fight me!” Xue Yang chaotically swung his sword around like a mad man.

“No.” Lan Zhan said sternly.

Xue Yang relentlessly sent blow after blow which Lan Zhan blocked with his sheathed sword. Xue Yang became exhausted and each strike had less force as he began to sob irrationally.

“Why wont you just f*cking stab me?!” Xue Yang’s voice cracked in agony.

He felt sorry for this man. "Xue Yang–" Lan Zhan said calmly. "Put down the sword."

“NO!” Xue Yang seemed beyond reason and his emotions were consuming him entirely. He swung the sword wildly again and his movements became more erratic with each passing moment.

"I don't want to fight you." Lan Zhan said firmly. This was not an honorable fight. This man wasn't actually grieving.

“Don't look at me with pity!!” Xue Yang swung his sword at Lan Zhan which he easily blocked again. This time the sword fell to the ground with a loud clang.

“Use that sword to do sOmething! ” Xue Yang yelled. “I've seen you do incredible things with it! Why can't you fix me!?” His sobs were making it hard to understand his words.

“There is no way to do that.” Lan Zhan said. “You are the only one who can fix yourself.”

“Not with the ability I have! I was doomed with temptation from the very start!” Xue Yang cried and sobbed so hard that he was hyperventilating. “Just kill me!”

“A-Yang…” Wei Ying mumbled. “He is in so much pain…”

Lan Zhan looked over his shoulder and Wei Ying was looking right at Lan Zhan.

“But this burden isn't mine…” Wei Ying closed his eyes and looked away.

Wei Ying was right. Just because Wei Ying feels bad doesn't mean he needs to clean up this man's mess and hold his hand. Xue Yang has to want to help himself.

Lan Zhan felt Bichen pulse and could hear his sword talking to him. Lan Zhan felt a spark of joy knowing his connection to his baby bunny is still strong as ever. Lan Zhan listened to Bichen and turned to Lan Anzhi.

“Do you still have any more Silver River Water?” Lan Zhan asked.

“Yeah of course.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a sack of water. Lan Anzhi came forward and handed it over to him.

He tied the water pouch to his waist. Xue Yang was on his hands and knees and was a complete mental and physical disaster. Lan Zhan reevaluated the situation. Xue Yang blames his ability to be the cause of his actions. But the ability is just that— an ability. The person who wields it controls it. It can be either good or bad. Xue Yang could have used his ability for other other kinds of business with less harsh conditions, but he was the one setting those terrible conditions. Lan Zhan could think of many other ways to use the ability differently than he did.

“Just end me already!!” Xue Yang yelled with tears in his eyes. “If I cant be fixed then f*cking kill me! I’m done!”

Lan Zhan unsheathed his sword and the group behind him talked over each other as they panicked and questioned him. Lan Anzhi, Lan Guiwei, Bicao, Sisi, and Qin Su all yelled and shoved each other demanding an explanation.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Don't hurt him!”

“Don't kick him while he's down.”

“I know he's rough around the edges but—”

“We can abandon the mission. It's complete anyway! We got what we came for! Both A-Yuan and–”

“I will not abandon it!” Lan Zhan can't just leave. He feels like his mission isn't over. It will never be over until he puts Xue Yang to rest. It’s great he found A-Yuan, but he can't leave Wei Ying with Xue Yang in this condition. It would be abandoning Wei Ying when Xue Yang is erratic. He will make sure to do something to break this attachment that brings Wei Ying so much agony. His mission isn't over until that goal is complete. No one will tell him otherwise.

“This is my mission.” Lan Zhan didn't turn his head around to look at them. “And it’s under my control now.”

“Lan Zhan please—”

But that particular voice was the only thing that made Lan Zhan turn around. “You said my name again.”

Wei Ying looked distraught with tears in his eyes. “I—” He looked down like he did something wrong. “It's… Well it’s your name…”

Lan Zhan watched him clench his fits. Even the smallest detail Lan Zhan took notice of. It bothered Wei Ying to refer to him as a Lan but he still did it because it's his name. “Will you trust me?” Lan Zhan simply asked Wei Ying.

Wei Ying raised his head to look him in the eyes. “Trust… A Lan…” He watched him swallow hard. “...O…kay.”

He put the sheath of his sword in its spot on his waist and held his sword out. Lan Zhan let himself smile and he turned back around. Lan Zhan opened the pouch of Silver River Water and let it cover his entire hand. He then used his two fingers and ran them along Bichen’s blade. This coated the blade in Silver River Water. He pointed the sword downward, the tip of the blade just barely grazed the ground. Lan Zhan tried very hard to listen to Bichen. He could hear the sounds Bichen would make when he would thump his feet in anger and the soft chattering of teeth when he cuddled in close. But As Xue Yang yelled, his contraction wavered.

“Just put your balls to the wall and do it!” Xue Yang said. “Or do I have to say something to piss you off in order for you to stab me?”

“Quiet.” Lan Zhan replied. “I cannot hear the sounds.”

“What's the hold up, earthworm? Can't stomach the thought of getting your delicate hands dirty? Or are you simply too spineless to wield weapons with any semblance of conviction?” Xue Yang’s voice sounded more aggressive as he rambled on.

Lan Zhan offered no response. He was trying very hard to find out what Bichen wanted him to do.

Xue Yang laughed. “You've never killed anyone before have you? If you lack the resolve, then just go back to the dark hole you came out of, Princess Cave Cricket.”

Lan Zhan sighed. "I will not be goaded into violence by your taunts." He had to clear his mind for this to work and he was struggling.

Xue Yang got angrier for no reason. "You think you're better than me, don't you? With your noble ideals, righteous demeanor and fancy clothing. But underneath it all, you're just weak and pathetic!" Xue Yang's face contorted with rage. “What did you lace your sword with? Poison? What a cheap tactic for a LanShadow assassin, don't you think?”

Lan Zhan remained unmoved. "I will not harm you in such an awful way. But I will stop you from harming yourself and others."

“Harm?” Xue Yang's laughter rang out in the air. "Death would be a release for me and everyone that I ever made a contract with. If you kill me, everyone gets released. I get the sweet release of death and I can never use this god forsaken power on anyone anymore ever again. It's a win-win for everyone."

“No, that's not a win-win for everyone!” Wey Ying yelled.

“You want to be free don't you? Isn't that what you want? To be free from me?” Xue Yang yelled back at Wei Ying. He then turned to look back at Lan Zhan and started with the insults again. “HEY Princess — I’ve always wondered what happened to my goldfish that my mom flushed. Is this what he’s become?” Xue Yang looked at Lan Zhan up and down. “Bioactive luminescent suewidge?”

Lan Zhan knows he is just taunting him so he will act on killing him. But he doesn't want to kill him.

Xue Yang turned his head to Wei Ying. “Why care about him?”

“Leave Wei Ying out of this.” Lan Zhan cut him off. “This is between you and me now.”

Xue Yang laughed again. “Isn’t his family dead because of you?

“Shut up.” Lan Zhan said harshly. He felt himself start losing grip on his composure.

“Wei Ying’s entire family was slatured by your family and you think bringing him back to your home is what HE wants?” Xue Yang spat out.

Lan Zhan's jaw tightened, his patience wearing very thin.

“Since it was your family, you might as well have the blood of his parents directly on your hands. You killed them! You left Wei Ying to fend for himself all alone! You're the reason he grew up without his parents! Why would Wei Ying EVER love someone like you– Ahg– ” His words gamed in his throat.

Lan Zhan had sent his sword flying right though the center of Xue Yang’s magical core which stopped him from speaking. Lan Zhan didn't move a muscle, he only commanded it with his two fingers that he held in front of his face.

The two became covered in Bichen’s light and when they made eye contact Xue Yang let out a dry laugh. “Ha...There you go. ” Xue Yang’s smile brightened. “So that was your trigger point.”

Lan Zhan’s eyes narrowed. “I will not lower myself to your level and use violence.”

“You just did.” Xue Yang huffed. “Now I can finally die. Congratulations, you finally killed someone, assassin.”

Lan Zhan shook his head and walked forward. “No. You'll live.” He touched the hilt of his sword. “And you'll live knowing you only do because I let you.” Lan Zhan’s eyes began to glow and he felt Bichen pulse once more. He could feel energy pulling from Xue Yang’s body, into Bichen and then into Lan Zhan.

A flash of light blinded everyone and both Lan Zhan and Xue Yang let out an agonizing scream. When Lan Zhan grabbed the sword it began transferring the energy from Xue Yang and into Lan Zhan. His body was in agony as the process continued. Lan Zhan could feel the weight of the dark energy pressing down on him, threatening to overwhelm his soul. The blood red energy that flowed from Xue Yang changed to a dark blue when Lan Zhan received it. Lan Zhan ripped the sword out of Xue Yang’s body when he couldn't take it anymore.

Xue Yang fell backwards and Lan Zhan watched the leftover Silver River Water disappear and he wasn't sure where the water went. There were no cuts or blood on Xue Yang’s body which was slightly baffling.

Lan Zhan realized his sword's function was not for cutting objects but for cutting between time and space to transfer magical energy and people’s souls.

The sword never cut through Xue Yang but passed through him in time where he was not there. But to everyone else there, it looked like it went right through him. What they were looking at was and wasn't there all at once.

Xue Yang rubbed his hand over his chest. "Why… spared me?" Xue Yang whispered, his voice barely audible. “What did you do to me?”

Lan Zhan solemnly explained. "Though I cannot condone any of your actions thus far in life, I believe in second chances.” Lan Zhan walked closer to him and stood over his body. “Xue Yang. It's up to you to make amends and find your own path forward. From here on out you start a new journey."

With a more gentle touch than necessary, Lan Zhan helped Xue Yang to his feet.

Xue Yang looked at his hand that was missing a finger and he flicked his wrist. Blood poured from his finger and dripped onto the ground. He cried out in pain and covered his hand. “What did you do to me?!” He panicked and started hyperventilating. He moved quickly and grabbed a small knife he was concealing and began cutting his hand and arms. Blood spewed everywhere and hit the ground in several pools of crimson. He couldn't control his blood anymore and he laughed maniacally.

Lan Zhan looked at him in absolute disbelief and backed up.

As Xue Yang's laughter filled the air, Lan Zhan's heart ached at the sight of Xue Yang's self-inflicted wounds. He quickly assessed the situation and realized that Xue Yang needed more help.

"Stop—" Lan Zhan's voice cut through the chaotic atmosphere.

But Xue Yang seemed beyond reason. Blood continued to flow from his self-inflicted wounds, staining the ground beneath him. He watched in horror, unsure of what to do. He did not expect this outcome. Xue Yang begged for death and if Lan Zhan had actually done it… To think that Xue Yang didn’t truly want death… Xue Yang would have regretted this.

Lan Zhan took a step forward. "Xue Yang, listen to me–" He said firmly. "You must stop–”

He was not listening to Lan Zhan at all. He turned around to ask his group for help when he realized that Wei Ying, Bicao, and Sisi were knocked unconscious. He ran towards Wei Ying leaving Xue Yang in his bloody manic episode.

“What happened to them?” Lan Zhan asked Lan Guiwei and Lan Anzhi. Everyone’s blood chains were visible but this time they were blue chains that were wrapped around their respective places around their body. He picked Wei Ying up in his arms and didn't know what to do.

“Whatever you just did, knocked out everyone who was contracted with Xue Yang.” Lan Anzhi said as she picked up Sisi. “We’ll bring them inside.”

Lan Guiwei quickly picked up Bicao.

“If that's the case, go find Qin Su. She's still with A-Yuan. He must be scared if she suddenly passed out on him.” Lan Zhan said. “I do not want him wandering anywhere inside that manor.”

“Of course.” Lan Guiwei said as she held Bicao on her back. They didn't hesitate and ran inside.

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying, the chain around his neck was blue. He hardly understood what happened, but he knew he could feel a deep connection with Wei Ying., One that was more than he ever felt before. The chain felt like a manifestation of their bond. It feels extremely personal. To think Xue Yang exploited this feeling and connection, sickened Lan Zhan. He could feel every ounce of emotion coming from Wei Ying, as if he was in complete tune with him.

Before bringing Wei Ying inside he spoke to Xue Yang. “Listen Xue Yang. In the Abyss there is a doctor named Wen Qing. She lives in a village on the outskirts of Crystal Gusu. I truly believe she should evaluate your condition after being exposed to my magic.”

“GO f*ck YOURSELF!” Xue Yang lunged at him. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME—”

Lan Zhan tightened his grip on Wei Ying and stepped backwards. He watched Xue Yang suddenly drop to the ground as he was approaching him.

When Lan Zhan looked behind Xue Yang he saw Lan Yiying who hit Xue Yang on the back of the neck effectively knocking him out. Behind her was Lan Xichen.

“You're here!” Lan Zhan rushed towards them. “It has been maybe 3 hours at most.”

“Did you find A-Yuan?” Lan Yiying asked urgently. She looked angry and her eyes were red with absolute rage.

Lan Zhan nodded. “He is inside safe from—”

“Get him, get our team and let’s GO!” Lan Yiying demanded.

Lan Zhan was taken back. This usually very friendly, bubbly, loving woman was filled with rage. Her eyes were on fire and the tone of her voice was not one to be taken lightly. Lan Zhan observed her for a moment, recognizing the depth of her emotions. It was clear something happened in the elevator.

Lan Zhan tilted his head at her. “Are you ok—”

“I'm FINE!” Lan Yiying yelled.

Lan Zhan looked at his brother who couldn't make eye contact with him. He knew what they were supposed to be talking about, and by the looks of things, the conversation didn't go well.

“If you say so.” Lan Zhan turned and went into the manor looking for his team. He found them all in one room. A-Yuan was taking a nap comfortably on the couch. Lan Anzhi and Lan Guiwei placed the escorts into beds and Lan Zhan placed Wei Ying into one as well.

“Lan Yiying and Lan Xichen are outside.” Lan Zhan said.

“What? Already?” How? Lan Guiwei looked confused.

“Don't know but Lan Yiying is not happy and we need to go according to her.” Lan Zhan replied.

“Oh sh*t…” Lan Anzhi said. “You do not want to be on her bad side.”

“I mean it's YOUR fault she's in a bad mood.” Lan Guiwei said.

“Shut it.” Lan Anzhi replied.

Lan Zhan started walking back out. “I’m going to go get Xue Yang and bring him inside as well. He passed out too. Let's get a move on. We don't want to upset Lan Yiying anymore. She's already really angry.”

Once he got back outside he approached Lan Xichen and Lan Yiying who were casually talking like normal. Xue Yang was still passed out on the ground. Lan Zhan approached them and offered to help lift Xue Yang up to bring him inside. But soon their short conversation was interrupted.

“Well Well Well. I hope you aren't looking for compensation for doing this little job.”

Lan Zhan turned around to see Wen Ruohan approaching with someone beside him. However, it wasn't just anyone walking with the Wen clan leader, itt was their father, Qingheng-Jun.


-Random fact. This chapter was split in half! It was originally part of chapter 7 but things got too long.
-What do you guys think about A-Yuan’s strange growth spurt? I thought it would be really funny to have A-Yuan think he was royalty because he hears the adults joke. The child has solidified it! If he thinks he's a prince, THEN HE IS.

Chapter 7: The Rebirth of the Crystal Heart: Beyond the Crystal Veil


Extra CW & TW for this chapter:
Action: fights break out, the dead rise. Typical MDZS stuff.
Finally some happiness: You will see! Trust—

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lan Zhan’s heart dropped to his stomach when he saw that it was his father who was standing next to the very person who had been controlling LanShadow behind the scenes. This man was ultimately the reason his own clan looks so scary to surface people. And his father had a role to play in it. But why would his father allow this?

“Looks like your dogs are off their leashes.” Wen Ruohan said, his voice was laced in a dangerous sweetness as he looked at Qingheng-Jun.

Qingheng-Jun looked around at the scene before looking back at Wen Ruohan. “I suppose so.” He replied in a deep unbothered tone.

“Mind taking care of this little hiccup for me, darling?” Wen Ruohan brushed his fingers lightly against Qingheng-Jun’s arm. They were standing closer together than Lan Zhan liked.

Lan Zhan tightened his grip on Bichen and fixed his eyes on Qingheng-Jun. “Have you really sided with the side that has destroyed the balance of the clans?” He asked bluntly.

Qingheng-Jun’s gaze shifted to his son. “You have all defied the Lan Clan founders' will and made a mockery of LanShadow. I let your insolence slide for too long.”

“The founders' will you speak of is a twisted version of the truth.” Lan Zhan replied.

“Twisted? This is the way things should be.” Qingheng-Jun responded dryly as he looked around at everyone. “Where’s the kid? It's time I take him and begin preparing him to work for Wen Ruohan, as a member of LanShadow.”

“You won't be using my child for any of your twisted missions.” Lan Zhan spat. Hearing this from his fathers mouth was sickening. “None of us will ever work for Wen Ruohan.”

Wen Ruohan took in a breath that sounded like he was bored. He turned his body to stand in front of Qingheng-Jun and ran his hand up his torso until he grabbed his neck in a seductive manner. Lan Zhan watched his fathers head roll back and Wen Ruohan summoned hid blood chains which wrapped around Qingheng-Jun's neck. “Sweetie, I’d like this to end as fast as possible. I know you can get carried away with chit chat but now's not the time.”

Qingheng-Jun tilted his head back down to look at Lan Zhan. As he drew his sword, the chains began to move from his neck to the blade. It wrapped around the sword and amplified its power. “For you, I'll make it quick.” He began attacking Lan Zhan without warning.

Luckily Lan Zhan was able to block the attack with his sword. “It doesn't have to be like this!”

“You had so much potential! I can't believe you choose to be a trader to your clan.Qingheng-Jun yelled. He sent blow after blow and Lan Zhan blocked each of them. Each one was weighted down with a heavy energy that felt like it was going to crush his soul.

“What's all the commotion?” Lan Guiwei and Lan Anzhi came outside. They both halted when they saw what was happening.

“I am not a trader to my people. And as your blood heirs, my brother will claim the throne in your place. I, will help fix the balance of the clans. Crystal Gusu denosins will have a choice to stay underground or freely walk along the surface once again. The people of the surface will be free from Wen Ruohan’s tyrannical rule.” Lan Zhan replied. “The cLan will govern themselves.”

“Throne?” Qingheng-Jun only focused on one word. He stood straight with a co*cky smile after sending Lan Zhan a few feet backwards. “Is this why you look like a crystal fairy?” He narrowed his eyes in anger. “What’s with the tattoo?”

Lan Zhan felt a twinge of embarrassment. “I look like this because I possess the Abyss’ heart. The source of Clan founder Lan An’s magical ability.”

“Ha ha ha! Ability?” Qingheng-Jun scoffed. “He was a man, he had no such thing.”

Lan Zhan pushed his father back with Bichen. He really wants to reason with him. “The founder of our clan, Lan An, was an ambiguous being. He did not form a magical core until his late twenties. When it happened, it was overnight. The power he gained granted our clan members unnaturally long lives and the ability to Take Back Lost Time. The ability that I performed to heal Wei Ying. This power operates on a level beyond conventional magic.”

“Silly boy. Our men cannot heal,” Qingheng-Jun laughed. “And all our women know are party tricks.”

Lan Zhan huffed. “That's where you're wrong. I know the truth. You have to listen, LanShadows skills don't have to be used like this.”

His father laughed. “That’s scholar nonsense. Have you been hanging out with those kooks?” He sent another blow that Lan Zhan was able to block. The weight of his fathers attack almost knocked him down.

“It isn't nonsense. The founder of the Wen Clan feared our unnatural abilities and tried to kill us off by dumping us into a deep hole and covering it up with a labyrinth.” Lan Zhan continued breathless as he was still blocking blow after blow. He could feel sweat beginning to form on his forehead.

“Lan An and a few of our clan members survived. Lan An used his every last drop of power to create Gusu’s Crystal Abyss. He infused his energy with the water in the ground, granting the Abyss its creatures and atmosphere. We were given a second chance at life, protected from invaders and the world that shunned his ability.”

“You can't reason with him!” Lan Xichen yelled to his brother.

“Silence!” Qingheng-Jun used his blood to wrap around Lan Xichen and Lan Anzhi.

“Scholar nonsense. I will end my own blood and start over if I need to!” Qingheng-Jun yelled angrily.

Lan Zhan remembered the scrolls his brother had him read. “He created Crystal Gusu so his people could be safe from people like this. But we were never supposed to be underground and I want my people to choose where they want to live." Lan Zhan looked at Wen Ruohan. "Someone in our clan, long ago, made a path to the surface out of curiosity and when the Wen realized our clan still existed, they wanted to go down there and annihilate the rest of the clan. But the person who ventured outside our borders, negotiated with the Wen to keep their members safe. To keep the Wen out of the Abyss, the Lan clan was to let the Wen use their most powerful and skilled members. The Wen clan soon found out they could only control Lan in small handfuls or things could get out of control for them. That's when they organized LanShadow.”

Qingheng-Jun's face twisted in a mix of anger and disbelief. “You dare spat out this baseless story before me?”

Lan Zhan's arms were feeling very tired of this fight. He could only defend using this sword since it was too dull to cu. “Our ancestors were not mere pawns in the Wen's game. They were magical, protectors of a great power that the Wen feared. They twisted our legacy into one of violence and death.”

Wen Ruohan became impatient. “The Lan Clan belongs to me, bound by blood and duty.”

“No.” Lan Zhan pushed back his father. “Our clan belongs to itself. We are not tools. We are not assassins. We are protectors of life, and the keepers of space and time.” According to Lan Zhan’s recent studies, his clan was once devoted to protecting Lan An. Lan Zhan knows that deep down he can help fix this.

Wen Ruohan’s eyes blazed with fury. “You will pay for this insolence you have given your father.”

He ignored Wen Ruohan blatantly. “You still stand with him knowing it's all a lie?" Lan Zhan asked his father.

His father offered him no word and he shifted closer to Wen Ruohan.

“Why take the side of the clan that has done nothing but take innocent lives?” Lan Xichen yelled. He fought against the chains Wen Ruohan created. It was scary to see more than one person using this ability. He wasn't sure what was going on but this ability looks like only a copy of Xue Yang’s and was weaker.

Lan Anzhi and Lan Guiwei finally found an opening and joined Lan Xichen and Lan Yiying. They all stood together, ready to fight.

Lan Zhan looked at his group and then looked at his father and Wen Ruohan. “Will you stand with us and reclaim our true legacy or continue down this path of destruction next to the enemy.”

“I will inalate each and every last disrespectful wretch who dares to disobey me!” Qingheng-Jun yelled.

His father was too far gone, under the thumb of Wen Ruohan.

“Sounds like he’s made up his mind.” Lan Yiying took out her small stiletto daggers. “Oh I’m ready to rip some traders heads off!” She sounded way too eager to let off some steam.

The flower that was in the center of Lan Zhan’s tattoo on his forehead, sent a sharp pain throughout his head. He felt his magic was boos and could feel the distress coming from the Abyss all the way from where he was standing.

For the first time he looked at his father with disdain. There was no reasoning with this man and it was heartbreaking to be hit with that reality. Lan Zhan never thought his father was this kind of person. But then he thought about Wei Ying and his situation. He didn't want to believe it but he believed Wei Ying. “Answer me something before I end this.” He looked at his father right in the eyes. “Were you responsible for Wei Ying’s parents death?”

If he truly is then he cannot begin to forgive him. If he wants a peaceful life with Wei Ying, he knows that this man cannot exist.

“I’ve killed a lot of people. You think I remember each of their names?” The way Qingheng-Jun laughed sickened Lan Zhan right to his core.

“He's yapping about Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren, darling. It was the same mission as when we took out the Yunmeng's clan heads. Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan.” Wen Ruohan replied.

“Oh I remember. They all committed crimes against the Wen Clan, so naturally they needed to be taught a lesson.” Qingheng-Jun said. “And I especially taught Cangse Sanren’s whor* ass a lesson that night.”

Lan Zhan gritted his teeth, he was happy Wei Ying didn't hear this. He doesn't know what he's implying but he doesn't want to hear it. He doesn't know who the other clan Wen Ruohan speaks of, but they suffered the same fate as Wei Ying's parents.

“I’m growing tired of this.” Wen Ruohan said. He walked over to Qingheng-Jun and grabbed his face. “I need a little of this so I can kill them alright?” He pulled Qingheng-Jun's face towards him and kissed him.

Lan Zhan's eyes widened in shock as Wen Ruohan kissed Qingheng-Jun, an action that was as violent as it was intimate. He could feel a strange power surging between them as they kissed. It was a dark, twisted energy that emitted from them. The energy was heavy and pushed down on Lan Zhan’s body.

Lan Zhan didn't understand what he was witnessing. His father doesn't believe their men have abilities, yet Wen Ruohan was gaining strength from a Lan. He has been able to banish people with just the flick of his wrist. Was that a power from Wen Ruohan all along? The blood connection is indeed a strange power.

Qingheng-Jun's expression twisted in pain, but he did not resist. The energy that was around Qingheng-Juns sword snaked around both of their bodies and tightened, forcing them to push closer together. The chains glowed with a sinister light that amplified the heaviness in the air. When Wen Ruohan finally pulled away, there was a malicious grin on his face that twisted Lan Zhan’s stomach.

Lan Zhan tightened his grip on Bichen and glanced at his team. The girls took out their weapons and Lan Xichen was free of chains and picked up Xue Yang’s body. He stepped back away from the commotion.

Wen Ruohan looked at Lan Zhan with a mixture of rage and disdain. "You think you can stand against me, against us?"

Lan Zhan took a step forward. "The founder of our clan did not intend for us to be weapons. You won't use anyone for your twisted purposes ever again. I’ll see to it myself." He felt another sharp pain in his forehead which made him dizzy.

Wen Ruohan's laughter was cold and mocking. "Such noble words.”

Without warning, Qingheng-Jun lunged at Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan parried, the clash of their swords ringing out like a bell of impending doom. Each blow was even heavier than before, charged with the dark energy from Wen Ruohan.

"You speak of fairy tales and myths." Wen Ruohan mocked from the sideline. “You know nothing of true power.”

Lan Zhan focused and channeled his energy to Bichen. "Then let me show you the truth of our power."

Wen Ruohan unleashed a wave of dark energy towards Lan Zhan in an attempt to distract him from Qingheng-Jun. Lan Yiying and Lan Anzhi intercepted, using their own weapons to shield him.

While Wen Ruohan was fighting the girls, Lan Zhan seized the moment of distraction to disarm his father, knocking the sword from his hand. Qingheng-Jun fell to his ass without a weapon. He hit his head and was dazed.

Wen Ruohan, enraged at what happened to Qingheng-Jun, began to summon more dark energy.

The girls were able to apprehend Wen Ruohan and pinned him to the ground.

Lan Zhan walked away from his father and pointed his sword at Wen Ruohan. "This ends now."

“Ha ha ha! You think this is over?” Wen Ruohan asked manically. He turned his head towards Qingheng-Jun. “Do it!” He yelled.

Lan Zhan turned on his heels at his father. Qingheng-Jun was holding two halves of a talisman in each hand. He pressed them together. He shoved it into the ground and laughed. Lan Zhan could feel the ground begin to shake. Lan Zhan watched the ground crack open around him.

"What did you do?" Lan Zhan shouted to his father. As he turned towards him, an explosion of dark energy busted from the talisman, sending him and the others sprawling backward.

When the air cleared up, Lan Zhan could see it was now Wen Ruohan was pinning both Lan Yiying and Lan Xichen to the ground. Lan Guiwei wasn't present but Lan Anzhi stood behind Wen Ruohan with a sword pointed at his head.

"Give up!" Lan Anzhi yelled.

Wen Ruohan laughed at her.

“Break the talisman before it fully activates!” Lan Guiwei voice shrouded through from across the battle.

The ground began to shake even more and Wen Ruohan used that chance to throw his blood chains to secure Lan Anzhi to the ground. Three of his teammates were being secured by this one person.

"You are powerless." Wen Ruohan shouted.

The pain in his forehead began intensifying and his body was burning from the inside out.

Lan Guiwei was able to make her way to Lan Zhan. “Are you doing okay?”

Lan Zhan felt dizzy and the sensation in his head pounded but he managed to scan the area through the dark energy that began to pour from the cracks in the ground.

Lan Zhan could see his father approaching Wen Ruohan.

The ground jolted again and Lan Zhan began to hear painful screams coming from the ground. He grabbed the sides of his head and fell to his knees.

“What's happening now?” Lan Guiwei grabbed Lan Zhan and tried to raise him.

“They're so loud.” Lan Zhan said. The sound was disorienting him.

“Who?” Lan Guiwei questioned.

“The screams.” Lan Zhan replied. His head pulse began being closer and closer together with little break of relief in between. “It’s agonizing.”

“I don't hear anyone screaming.” Lan Guiwei said as she managed to raise Lan Zhan to his feet.

He must be the only one who hears it. Lan Zhan held his head with his hand.

"We need to break the talisman—"

Lan Zhan braced himself as Lan Guiwei took out her staff and jammed it into the talisman. It made an explosion and she flew back out of Lan Zhan’s range. Lan Guiwei hit a bed of rocks and coughed up blood.

Walking corpses began emerging from the cracks in the ground in twisted movements. They rose to their feet and began aimlessly attacking.

Bichen pulsed and it made Lan Zhan’s forehead hurt even more. Lan Zhan couldn't understand what Bichen wanted him to do.

Weh Ruohan’s laugh resonated through the air and it felt heavier than the miasma pouring up from the ground. He took Lan Yiying, Lan Anzhi and threw them into a horde of walking corpses.

His father took hold of Lan Xichen who was bound by blood chains and used him as a shield from the corpses.

Lan Zhan didn't know what to do. “Please, what am I supposed to do?” He pleaded to Bichen.

The pain in Lan Zhan’s head increased and he held his face with his hand. When he pressed his fingertips on his forehead he went blind with white light. He pulled his fingers away and when he did, a ball of light pulled out of his head. His pain went away the moment the ball left his head. Lan Zhan held out his hand and the light hovered over the palm of his hand. The light dimmed enough to see it form into a crystal that bloomed open like a flower.

The light that was emanating from the crystal surrounded Lan Zhan and he felt the energy around him lighten up. The miasma that poured from the ground began to clear around him. The best part was that the screams were silenced. He could feel the crystal pulse like it was alive and breathing. Lan Zhan finally understood what the root of his power was; It was the Abyss’ heart, Lan An’s soul, and Lan Zhan now had access to this otherworldly ability. Lan Zhan was overloaded with information from this power.

He held up Bichen in front of him one hand and manipulated the Crystal in his other. The crystal transformed into fluid shards and covered Bichans blade, effectively making it a weapon for offensive.

Lan Zhan felt another surge of power and he swung Bichen towards the corpses. The blade cut through the undead with ease. Each swing sent arcs of luminous energy which was turning the dead into dust upon contact.

The hordes of undead advanced relentlessly. Within the mix , he sent several powerful blows towards his father and Wen Ruohan as well.

The strikes did not harm his teammates, only his father and Wen Ruohan. The energy from the blade broke the chains holding his team. Lan Xichen regroupled with the girls who went after Lan Guiwei to make sure she was alright from the last blast.

The talisman's activation continuously reanimated the corpses, making this process daunting. Despite this, Lan Zhan released another powerful blow, clearing the path once more.

Lan Zhan managed to get close to the talisman and stabbed the talisman with Bichen. The crystal shards on the blade pierced deep into the dark core of the tally and the surrounding ground. A blinding light erupted from the blade, and the ground beneath them began convulsing violently once more.

The undead let out a collective wail as the dark energy dissipated. The energy around them was replaced by the gentle glow of luminescent crystals spreading across the ground.

As the crystals enveloped the area, they encased Qingheng-Jun and Wen Ruohan in a crystalline casing. The two were sealed away yet visible from the outside. Everyone could see Wen Ruohan was shielding Qingheng-Jun from the blast.

Lan Zhan watched as the glowing crystals continued to spread. The screams had ceased, the dark energy was gone, and the undead were laid to rest. The ground stabilized and the crystals that covered Bichen reshaped itself back into its blooming flower shape.

The crystal settled back into Lan Zhans forehead and before disappearing a small crystal petal came off and landed into Lan Zhan’s hand. He almost fell to the ground, now feeling absolutely exhausted. Luckily his teammates were there to catch him.

Lan Yiying looked at the enemies trapped in the crystal. "It's over, right? They can't break out… can they?”

“Who knows.” Lan Zhan stabilized once more and walked to the crystal. He touched the crystal casing and the entire thing disappeared in front of them.

“Where the hell did they go?!” Lan Guiwei asked. “You touched things again…”

“They went to the Snowy Prison I'm guessing.” Lan Anzhi replied.

Lan Xichen approached. “The prison underneath Gusu? Maybe.”

“Anywhere is better than out in the open.” Lan Zhan scanned the area to find Xue Yang. His body was protected in crystal. Once Lan Zhan touched it, it disappeared. Xue Yang was alive but unconscious.

“Let's bring him inside.” Lan Zhan said.

Lan Xichen picked Xue Yang up and they all walked inside. Xue Yang was placed on a bed like the other escorts were taken.

Lan Zhan picked A-Yuan up carefully without waking him and walked over to the bed Wei Ying was in.

Lan Zhan sat on the bed next to him. Lan Zhan touched the blue blood chains that were still wrapped around Wei Ying and they disappeared immediately.

His son started to stir in his arms. He needed to get his little one back home soon. He hated the idea that he would have to leave Wei Ying here again but he can't just take him without permission.

He placed the crystal petal that was part of the Abyss’ Heart beside Wei Ying’s body. “If you need to get back into Gusu, use this.” He knows he can't hear him but talking to Wei Ying made him feel better and he doesn't know if anyone from the surface could pass through the new barrier. He hopes this will help if he decides to come back to Crystal Gusu.

Lan Zhan got up and checked on the sleeping Bicao, Sisi and Qin Su. When he visited each one, he was able to put away the blue blood chains. He could feel that the binding was very strong. The feeling he got from each connection was strange. He doesn't know the escort well at all, yet it feels like he's known them for a lifetime. The connection of the binding was deeper than he ever thought possible.

Lan Zhan looked at his team and nudged his head towards the door.

“We can't just leave all of them unattended.” Lan Yiying said.

“I’ll watch over them.” A man came around the corner. He was clearly an escort but not contracted and thus, he was awake.

“Oh hello, Jin Chan.” Lan Anzhi greeted. Her demeanor changed and had a light pink hue on her upper cheeks.

Lan Guiwei came over and put her arm on her shoulder. “Oh, so is this the guy you fu–”

Lan Anzhi covered Lan Guiwei’s mouth with her hand and laughed. “FULLY admire—? The guy I have full respect for? Yeah, HA HA HA?” She awkwardly laughed really loud and tried to continue the conversation. “Yeah of course ha ha. This is him! I’m sure he’ll take good care of the other escorts! Right?”

Jin Chan smiled kindly. “I’d do anything for you, madam—” He softened his eyes and looked at Lan Anzhi.

Lan Anzhi laughed awkwardly again and started shoving everyone out. “T–Then watch over them for us please and I’ll be back some other time–”

Lan Yiying looked angry as she watched this interaction.

The team made their way outside and Lan Yiying made no conversation specifically with Lan Anzhi. She was definitely still upset over the elevator thing. They made their way to the area where the Lan Clan’s ancestral home used to be.

The new entrance to Crystal Gusu wasn't visibly flashy. From afar, it looked like a small, still pool of water on the ground. As they approached, they could see their own reflections shimmering on the surface.

Lan Zhan shifted A-Yuan in his arms to bend down to let his fingertips touch the surface, the water shimmered and rippled outward.

“I want to see if you guys can make it through without me.” Lan Zhan asked softly.

Lan Yiying didn't hesitate to step right into the pool. Her feet were completely submerged.

Lan Anzhi reached her hand forward as if she was going to grab her. “Remember there are stairs—”

Lan Yiying snapped her head around and shot an angry look at her sister which made Lan Anzhi retract her arm. The interaction was intense and you could almost visibly see the tension between them. Lan Yiying continued sinking deeper until she disappeared completely.

“Well looks like we can make it through without you.” Lan Guiwei laughed awkwardly. Having her be the one to try to lighten the mood made it even more tense.

Lan Xichen was the next to follow after Lan Yiying. Lan Xichen didn't look outright angry, he looked hurt and conflicted.

When Lan Xichen was out of view, Lan Anzhi made a loud groan. “UGHHH I was only trying to help them!”

“That's not how they wanted to be helped.” Lan Zhan said. He likes to say that he knows his brother well but this situation was out of his jurisdiction. “We have no idea what happened in that elevator so—”

“Yeah, yeah I get it! Don't scold me.” Lan Anzhi walked into the water. “I’m still the leader.”

“Then get your act together, leader.” Lan Zhan remarked.

Lan Anzhi sank into the water, ignoring him. It was another minute of silence before Lan Guiwei spoke.

“This is going to be a fun journey home…” Lan Guiwei said.

“Tell me about it.” Lan Zhan replied. “And I have to leave Wei Ying behind. Again.”

Lan Guiwei placed a hand on his shoulder. “If we can get through the water, I'm sure he can too.”

“I have a feeling it's because we’re Lans going back home.” Lan Zhan said. “The Abyss won't reject its own. I gave him a crystal that should allow him through but I just don't know how this entrance works.”

Lan Guiwei raised an eyebrow. She looked around at the street that was now glistening with crystals. The place looked as if Crystal Gusu was on the surface, mixed with the natural plants and general vibe of Lotud Pier. “Let's test it if you're worried.” Lan Guiwei run off and grabbed someone off the street.

“What are you doing?” Lan Zhan said in a panic.

The small timid man looked horrified. “Weird outfits? Forehead ribbons? LANS!”

“Hush up. I want you to test something for me.” Lan Guiwei said as she held him by the back of his shirt.

“I DON'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOU!!!” The man pulled and struggled. He was flailing so much that he was tangling himself more in her grasp.

Lan Zhan approached the man. “She means no harm.”

The man screamed again. “I DON'T BELIEVE YOU—”

Lan Zhan turned his back so A-Yuan was further away from the man. “Please, don't shout my child is still sleeping–”

“This is taking too long.” Lan Guiwei threw the man in the water and the man landed on top of what now looked like a small puddle with the man on top of it.

“NOW I'M WET!” The man’s voice squeaked. The man stood up and wringed out his outfit. “YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY!” He ran off without looking back.

“I cannot believe you.” Lan Zhan said.

“We got our answer, didn't we?” Lan Guiwei said. “Let's go home!” Lan Guiwei didn't spend another minute on the surface and walking into the pool.

Lan Zhan took a deep breath and took a moment to look around before leaving. He wanted to go back, but part of him feels like he is leaving something behind. The place around him, now covered in crystalline foliage.

A-Yuan moved around in his arms and Lan Zhan’s attention moved to his son. He made his way into the water and he could feel the steps beneath his feet. He carefully walked down them and entered the room below the surface floor, finally going back home.

Wei Ying woke up after a week, feeling as if his body weighed a thousand pounds. As he groggily rolled over, he leaned on something hard. Shifting around, he realized there was a crystal flower petal that resonated with the Abyss's magic.

"Lan Zhan!!" He suddenly remembered what happened before he passed out. Wei Ying's eyes teared up as he inspected the crystal petal. He assumed Lan Zhan had gone back to the Abyss by now. He whipped his face and gently placed the petal in his pocket.


Wei Ying was startled at the voice. He looked up to see that Xue Yang was handing him tissues as well as a platter with tea on it. He was bandaged up and his demeanor was eerily calm.

Wei Ying grabbed the tissues and watched Xue Yang walk to Bicao’s bedside and began tending to her needs. Wei Ying watched every single move he made with a hawk's eye.

“What are you doing?” Wei Ying asked in annoyance.

Jin Chan walked inside. “Don't worry, he is tending to them as per my orders.”

“Since when are you in charge?” Wei Ying never interacted with this man.

“Since the LanShadow team put me in charge. That is, until the girls wake up again.” Jin Chan replied.

Xue Yang didn't say much and just helped Jin Chan tend to Sisi and Qin Su. It was odd to watch. He seems… tamed. He had never seen Xue Yang act so calmly, especially in such a nurturing role.

"What happened while I was out?" Wei Ying asked.

Jin Chan sighed. "A lot has changed outside. Xue Yang... Well, he seems to have had a change of heart, or at least, he's following orders. For now."

Wei Ying narrowed his eyes. All he could remember was Xue Yang attacking Lan Zhan and endangering his son. Something went off inside of him that made him so incredibly angry at Xue Yang he doesn't know if he could actually forgive him for attacking them. There are so many things he's forgiven Xue Yang for but this one was not one he was budging on. Wei Ying got up from his bed and looked at both Xue Yang and Jin Chan.

"And you're just going to trust him to take care of the girls? Why did we pass out? Why aren't the girls awake yet? What happened after we–"

“Just take a breath now Wei Ying! I don't know when they will wake up." Jin Chan gestured his arms in an attempt to calm him down. "I have no idea why you all passed out.”

“I do.” Xue Yang said solemnly.

“Comforting.” Wei Ying replied dryly. Of course Xue Yang knew something about this… Why isn't he surprised?

Wei Ying walked over to the girls and checked on them himself. They were indeed okay, which put his mind at ease. He looked at Xue Yang. “Why are they still sleeping when we are awake?”

“That part is unclear.” Xue Yang said.

“Wow. You really are f*cking useful, are you?” Wei Ying remarked. “What the hell are you here for if you don't know?”

Jin Chan’s face became red and appalled. “Would you two–”

“Your Lan took my ability away.” Xue Yang snapped. “When he did, everyone who I was contracted with transferred to him and we passed out.”

“Wait does that mean—?” Wei Ying asked.

“Our bond, our contract, is broken.” Xue Yang said. He fidget with his hands, something Wei Ying has never seen him do. The man looks broken… but in the same sense he looks, fixed?

“Broken?” Wei Ying placed his hands on his chest. He focused on the binding. He is able to manipulate some of the energy in the past and now when he focuses on it, it doesn't feel like Xue Yang at all. It felt like a bright uplifting energy.

“Well… Transferred. There is no way to ‘break’ it. You're attached to that Lan Princess now.” Xue Yang replied.

This doesn't make sense. He isn't connected to XueYan , but rather Lan Zhan now? He needs answers. He looked at the girls and went back to Jin Chan. “I’m leaving. I’m going to Crystal Gusu.”

“Wait, I'm coming!” Xue Yang said in a hurry.

“Like hell you are!” Wei Ying slammed the door behind him and ran as fast as he could to the Lan Clans' old structure. But once he got outside he halted his steps. He was stunned. Everything outside was covered in Gusu’s crystals.

“Did Lan Zhan do this?” Wei Ying mumbled to himself.

“I’m sure he did.” Xue Yang said.

“Why are you following me?” Wei Ying shouted angrily.

“That Lan mentioned a doctor to see down there. But I wasn't going to leave the surface without you!” Xue Yang snapped back. “I don't know where I'm going and you have been there. So you need to escort me.”

“Go f*ck yourself!” Wei Ying ran off towards Crystal Gusu without looking back.

As he ran through the crystalline streets, he realized that his whole city was transformed. It looked different from the Abyss because this crystal shimmered under the sunlight, casting rainbow hues on everything.

He ran around the lot where the home used to be but found nothing. He only came to this pool of water and dropped to his knees in front of it. He had no idea how to get to the Abyss. He felt the crystal petal vibrate and so he took it out. He held it above the water and began to react to it. The water started glowing. Heplaced the petal on top of the water and he then could see though it. That's when he saw this was an entrance.

“This must be it!” Wei Ying’s heart jumped in joy.

“Man… You… Run… Fast.” Xue Yang said huffing and puffing.

“UGH f*cking why!?” Wei Ying picked up a crystal rock and aggressively threw it at him.

“I need to see the doctor there!” Xue Yang said. “I’ll leave after that.”

Wei Ying jumped into the pool of water without responding. He phased though and stumbled down the stairs. He hit his head and looked around at the room he landed in. He was amazed at the colors and structure of this place. He was relieved he made it through.

He looked up the stairs and saw Xue Yang kneeling on what looked like a window with a layer of water on top. He was slamming his fits and screaming but he couldn't hear what he was saying.

He looked at the expression on his face and regardless of how angry Wei Ying was at him, he still shouldn't stop him from seeing medical professionals. He knows Lan Zhan did something to him and it might be good to have him checked. He hates how he has to come with him though.

Wei Ying walked up the stairs and touched the crystal petal to the water above him. When he did he watched Xue Yang phase through. Wei Ying jumped back and let Xue Yang fall to the ground.

Xue Yang let out several moans and grunts as he picked himself up from the ground. He looked at Wei Ying and smiled. “Thank you.”

“Don't ever say I, ‘never did anything for you.” Wei Ying rolled his eyes.

Wei Ying made his way to the stairs and the crystal petal covered both of them in protective energy. They didn't have to hold onto one another for this barrier to protect them.

As they made their way down the stairwell. Xue Yang made no conversation. It was agonizingly silent. After some more time, they made it into the room at the bottom of the Abyss.

“What a surprise.” They were greeted by Lan Xichen who was working at one of the desks.

Lan Xichen looked between them and had bit of a shocked look as his eyes landed on Xue Yang.

Wei Ying shrugged and side eyes Xue Yang but ultimately smiled through the awkwardness.

“I’ll take you to him.” Lan Xichen said to Wei Ying with a gentle tone.

Wei Ying didn't even have to ask.

When Lan Zhan got back home, he and Lan Xichen checked out where Wen Ruohan and their father’s Crystal Casing went. Lan Xichen was right, the magic of the crystal brought them to the Abyss’ prison. Which was deep underground, where their Silver Water freezes. Only a handful of their own have been locked up and held there. It wasn't common to send just any prisoner there.

After about a week Lan Zhan started to become restless. Not knowing what was happening with Wei Ying was weighing on him, and parenting alone was not easy. Thankfully Mo Xuanyu and Wen Ning offered to entertain A-Yuan often and it gave him a chance to relax.

Today, Mo Xuanyu and Wen Ning invited them out to the garden and this time Lan Zhan brought food for the Luminabbits. He sat by the tree with the bunnies watching his son play with the owlcat. Wen Ning and Mo Xuanyu helped lure the animal close so A-Yuan could catch it.

After feeding the rabbits Lan Zhan heard people talking in the distance.


Lan Zhan heard his brother’s voice coming from behind him. Lan Zhan knew that his brother was working in the Crystal Control room today and was sure he wasn't going to see him for several days so this was unexpected.

They were supposed to be figuring out how to tell the people of Crystal Gusu that their Clan leader is no longer fit to lead and that Lan Xichen will take his place but Lan Xichen was ignoring that that focusing on studying the magic of the crystals that had combined with technology in the controls rooms.

“I bought a few guests.” Lan Xichen said as he waved from a distance.

“Hm?” Once Lan Zhan turned to face the direction that Lan Xichen was coming from and Lan Zhan’s eyes scanned over his brother and instead landed directly on Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan started to quickly close the distance between them and stopped right in front of Wei Ying. “You came—” Lan Zhan’s heart pounded in his chest. He was extremely happy that Wei Ying actually came back.

“Yeah…” Wei Ying shifted his eyes.

Wei Ying looked hesitant so Lan Zhan didn't get into his personal space. “Are you okay?” Lan Zhan asked.

“Yeah, um…” Wei Ying stepped to the side and held out his hand. “Sorry… He insisted on coming…” He hung his head a bit in shame.

“Hey—” Xue Yang said timidly.

Lan Zhan knew what was happening so he turned to his brother. “Lan Xichen, take Xue Yang to Dr. Qing.”

“I-I’ll take him!” Mo Xuanyu interjected, raising his hand up high. “Wen Ning and I should head back and help the doc out anyway.” Mo Xuanyu approached the group and stood near Lan Zhan.

Xue Yang looked at Mo Xuanyu and quickly shifted his head between Wei Ying and Mo Xuanyu and everyone watched the confusion on his face. “Why do you two look similar?”

Mo Xuanyu moved close to Wei Ying and they both shrugged.

“I don't think we look alike at all.” Wei Ying said to Xue Yang.

“Yeah I don't see it.” Mo Xuanyu laughed.

“I mean… yeah you do a little bit…” Lan Xichen said as he looked between them both.

“A-DIE HERE! A-DIE HERE!” A-Yuan ran right towards them at full speed about to crash into the group, but Wei Ying was able to catch him and used the innersha to throw A-Yuan in the air and catch him in his arms. Wei Ying held him tight and Lan Zhan could see tears forming in that man’s eyes.

Wen Ning had run after A-Yuan and finally caught up with the group. He took a minute to catch his breath before speaking. “This little one is full of energy.”

Xue Yang’s eyes widened as he watched Wei Ying embrace his son. Lan Zhan noticed a faint smile cross Xue Yang’s lips before he ultimately peeled his eyes from Wei Ying to look at Mo Xuanyu. “Sooo… where is this doctor again?”

“She’s in town.” Mo Xuanyu turned to face the pathway out of the garden. “That way.”

Wen Ning, Mo Xuanyu, both escorted Xue Yang to Wen Qing’s.

“Come on A-Yuan. Dinner will be ready. Then you need a bath before bed.” Lan Xichen said.

A-Yuan got a bright smile on his face and pushed out of Wei Ying’s arms. “A-Gui is cooking at A-Yi’s house!” A-Yuan grabbed Wei Ying’s hand and tugged. “Food! Come on!”

Before Wei Ying responded, A-Yuan let go of his hand and ran after Wen Ning, Mo Xuanyu, and Xue Yang, yelling “Come, Come! It’ll get cold if you wait too long!”

Lan Xichen laughed.

“We’re coming.” Lan Zhan replied to his son.

“I’ll let you two catch up and I’ll chase after A-Yuan.” Lan Xichen said to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. “But he's right— Don't let it get cold.” He smirked and headed towards everyone who was leaving.

It was now just Lan Zhan and Wei Ying. He let out a shaky breath as they watched the group make distance between them. After a few more moments of silence Lan Zhan turned to Wei Ying to make eye contact.

“Wei Ying–”

“Lan Zhan–”

They spoke at the same time and Wei Ying smiled brightly.

“You first–” Lan Zhan said.

“No, no– I insist– You go first.” Wei Ying replied timidly. “Last time I was here, you wanted to ask me something.”

That's when Lan Zhan knew Wei Ying was thinking about it too. Lan Zhan still had questions to ask. Before Wei Ying was summoned, Wei Ying also said he wanted to tell him something too.

Last time, Lan Zhan really wanted to ask ‘why he came to Gusu,’ but he doesn't need to ask that now. Instead Lan Zhan closed in on Wei Ying and brushed a few strands of his hair out of his eyes. Lan Zhan gently tilted Wei Ying’s head up by his chin and instead asked, “Will you forgive me?”

Lan Zhan watched Wei Ying’s eyes soften. Lan Zhan could feel the loving energy that was coming off of this man. It was intensified by their blood blond.

Lan Zhan continued before Wei Ying could answer. “I know you have witnessed me try to do unforgivable things but–”

Wei Ying stopped Lan Zhan from talking by placing his lips on his. Lan Zhan was stunned for a moment but didn't resist.

Wei Ying was the first to pull away. “Thank you. And I’m sorry.” Wei Ying replied.

“Huh?” Lan Zhan blinked a few times trying to process this feeling. They've kissed before but the binding that now connected them made his body light up. His eyes tear up and feel a level of emotion that was akin to pregnancy emotions but in absolute overdrive.

“I forgive you.” Wei Ying cleared his throat. “But that's what I wanted to tell you. Thank you.” Wei Ying looked him in the eyes without shifting away. “Thank you for saving my life. I don't understand how you did it, but I know I died. And met some interesting people on the other side.”

Lan Zhan’s heart dropped. He didn't know if Wei ying knew what happened.He didn't want a thank you. He did it out of love.

“And I’m sorry.” Wei Ying followed up.

Lan Zhan felt a bit confused. “Sorry–?”

Wei Ying shifted his body slightly. “That's twice now you helped me,but it’s three times I betrayed you. I don't want this cycle between us to continue... Lan Zhan, I can't keep hurting you.” Wei Ying replied solemnly.

‘Don't want this cycle between us to continue?’ Lan Zhan felt his heart rip open. His breath hitched and thoughts raced in his head. “Do you not want to be with me?”

“What? Yes of course I do!! It’s just—” Wei Ying’s face reddened. “I betrayed your trust, multiple times.” He looked distraught and held his head in pain.

“Are you doing okay?” Lan Zhan asked as he gently pulled him back closer to him. He was starting to become concerned that the transfer spell affected him. “We can take to you to see Dr. Qing if–”

Wei Ying took a step back and looked wildly confused. “I haven't processed the fact that I fell in love with a Lan, had a child with him and I wasn't there to witness it. Xue Yang follows me around like a lost puppy dog. I’m freely walking into enemy territory not knowing where the man who killed my parents is and you're so forgiving it makes me angry!” Wei Ying blurted out. He looked really stressed out.

“Angry?” Lan Zhan repeated. He agrees that it's a lot for him to process. He should have realized that Wei Ying might need more time. Yet he came to the Abyss on his own. Lan ZHan doesn't know what to do to help.

Wei Ying let out a long sigh. “Your brother and friends are way too nice and are so much different from the man that ruined my life. I get more of a family connection here than ever before and I think I love you so much it hurts!” By this time Wei Ying’s eyes were filled with tears.

Lan Zhan pulled Wei Ying in for a hug and kissed the tears away. Lan Zhan kissed his face and he could feel Wei Ying melting in his arms. “I love you too.” He whispered.

Wei Ying giggled as his face was being peppered with kisses.

“Let’s go eat dinner before everyone gets mad. Lan Anzhi can be cranky if she doesn't eat.”

“Sounds good.” Wei Ying replied.

Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying's hand and they began walking out of the garden together.

When they got to Lan Yiying’s, Lan Anzhi let them inside and brought them to the dining room. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying stopped at the doorway to look at the people at the table. Everyone was there.

Lan Zhan felt Wei Ying squeezed his hand. “I see him too. Xue Yang’s here.” Lan ZHan replied.

“Guess assholes need to eat too.” Wei Ying replied bluntly.

“He’s in my territory now.” Lan Zhan squeezed his hand back. “Lan Guiwei loves having new guests to test her latest recipes on. She’s using him as a test subject.”

Wei Ying honed in on the person Xue Yang was talking to. “It seems he has a new victim.”

Lan Zhan looked to see Mo Xuanyu leaning in closely with Xue Yang. “If anything, Mo Xuanyu will make Xue Yang his victim… ” Lan Zhan replied. “No need to worry about him.”

Wei Ying laughed and nodded his head. They walked in together still holding hands. They greeted everyone at the table as they sat down together next to A-Yuan.

“I hope you all are hungry cause it's ready!” Lan Guiwei announced. “I’ve tried some new recipes today.”

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan shifted eyes between each other. Lan Zhan was right, she made something new.

No sooner did Lan Yiying and Lan Xichen helped bring out more food. For a while, people ate in peace. Mo Xuanyu was deeply engrossed in conversation with Xue Yang and it looked like Wei Ying was focusing on that pair specifically.

The dining room buzzed with activity. The aroma of the food and the sounds of peaceful conversation filled the space.

After dinner, Lan Guiwei served a plate of delicate pastries. “These are a special treat Lan Yiying has been obsessed with lately. I hope you enjoy them as much as she does.”

Lan Yiying dug in and looked happier than ever.

A-Yuan’s eyes widened with delight. “Pastries! Can I have one Baba?”

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying and shrugged. He really wanted to give Wei Ying the final say.

Lan Yuan looked at Wei Ying with wide eyes looking for an answer since Lan Zhan didn't respond.

Wei Ying laughed slightly. “Of course you can.” Wei Ying grabbed a pastry and handed it to him. “But only one for now.”

A-Yuan nodded eagerly and took a bite, his face lighting up with pure joy.

As the evening wound down, everyone said their goodbyes and began to head outside. A-Yuan, full of energy, started running in the direction of their home. Lan Zhan yelled for him and was about to chase after. However he realized Wei Ying was hesitating.

Lan Zhan turned to face him. “Wei Ying—”

Wei Ying’s face flushed a bit. He looked like he wanted to say something but wasn't speaking.

Lan Zhan stepped close and whispered into Wei Ying’s ear. “Will you come home with me?”

Wei Ying hugged him back. "As long as that’s okay.”

“Of course it is." Lan Zhan replied.

Together, they walked to Lan Zhan’s home. Upon arriving, they found A-Yuan already in his room. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying worked together to settle him into bed. It took about an hour to get the little one to relax but they finally watched him drift off into sleep.

Knowing his son was finally asleep, Lan Zhan took Wei Ying’s hand and led him out of the room, quietly closing the door behind them.

Lan Zhan could feel his nervousness coming off of Wei Ying’s energy now that they were alone once more. The hallway they were in was narrow and they were only a foot apart making the moment a bit more intense.

“I have a guest room but…” Lan Zhan’s heart was pounding loudly in his ears. “Will you come to bed with me?” His voice was barely above a whisper.

Wei Ying smiled and narrowed his eyes which began filling with absolute hunger.

Lan Zhan could feel the pulse of Wei Ying’s desire wash all over him. The nervousness he had was changed to desire. Wei Ying closed in on him and wrapped his arms around Lan Zhan’s neck. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

The heat from Wei Ying's lips sent shivers down his spine. “Hn.” Lan Zhan's breath hitched and his hands found their way to Wei Ying’s waist pulling him in. Lan Zhan shifted his eyes towards his room and Wei Ying removed his arms from his neck and let him lead the way.

“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan mumbled as he shut his door behind them.

“What is it?” Wei Ying sat on the bed.

Lan Zhan walked over to him and spoke softly. “I’ve missed you so much.” He mumbled as he began kissing him.

Wei Ying kissed him back with equal passion and spoke between breaths. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Lan Zhan lost himself in a frenzy of desire as their kiss grew more needy.

The next morning Lan Zhan woke up in a tangled, naked heap with Wei Ying. As Wei Ying stirred awake, Lan Zhan brushed a kiss to Wei Ying’s forehead. “Good morning my Airen. Did you sleep well?” Lan Zhan watched his eyes slowly blink open.

“I slept better than I have in years.” Wei Ying said softly.

“Then let’s make sure it stays that way.” Lan Zhan always wanted to take Wei Ying from the terrible things on the surface, and it finally feels like that became the reality.

Instead of A-Yuan waking them up, a knock at the door shattered the peace. They quickly disentangled themselves and began haphazardly getting dressed.

Lan Zhan pulled on his robes with swift precision, while Wei Ying struggled to find his clothes that got scattered around the room.

“Lan Zhan, Wei Ying, are you up?”

Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan in a panic as he tried to dress quickly.

“It's my brother.” Lan Zhan said.

“I still need clothes.” Wei Ying replied.

Lan Zhan was quick to finish getting his luminescent robe on and fixed his fair just before opening the door to make himself presentable.

Wei Ying appeared behind him fixing his hair and still trying to straighten out his robe. Before opening the door, Lan Yuan came dashing out of his room and grabbed the door handle opening it up.

Lan Yuan immediately jumped into his uncle's arms as soon as he saw him.

Lan Xichen looked between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan and chuckled. “Looks like you two made up.”

Lan Zhan felt his ears become hot.

“Yeah, well, what can I say,” Wei Ying began, flashing a cheeky grin. “Lan Zhan can be very… persuasive.”

Lan Zhan's ears turned a deeper shade of red. He watched as Lan Yuan giggled and squirmed in Lan Xichen’s arms.

Lan Xichen set A-Yuan down and gave Wei Ying and his brother a knowing look. “Glad you two made up because we need to get ready for the ceremony. Only the entirety of Crystal Gusu is waiting for the two lovebirds to show their faces together.”

“Excuse me?” Lan Zhan raised an eyebrow.

“Don't underestimate the town’s gossip.” Lan Xichen said. “They are all excited to see your surface lover in person along with the half surfician child.”

“Is this some sort of royal event?” Wei Ying’s face twisted in panic.

Lan Zhan huffed. “I doubt this is ‘excitement.’ It seems more like morebit curiosity.”

“Oh great, I'm a spectacle.” Wei Ying muttered.

“Lan Zhan hasn't been seen by the people since the announcement of his pregnancy and they are becoming anxious with the state of the clan's future.” Lan Xichen replied. “We both need to make an appearance since our father is out of the picture now.”

Wei Ying held his head. “I don't have any nice clothes for a ceremony!”

“No need to panic. The girls made a few outfits that were more your style.” Lan Xichen handed off a bag. “There is a new outfit for A-Yuan in there too.”

Wei Ying quickly looked though. “I can work with this.” Wei Ying looked down towards his son. “Ready to put pretty clothing on?”

“Pretty clothes! Pretty clothes!” Lan Yuan jumped up and down and ran inside with Wei Ying.

“It's so heartwarming to see how natural Wei Ying and Lan Yuan interactions are.” Lan Xichen said.

Lan Zhan agreed. What was even more touching, was that his own family and friends have accepted Wei Ying and A-Yuan, but he is worried about the general people of Crystal Gusu. He doesn't want to anger them. They are his people after all. But he loves Wei Ying, and he wants to show his people that surface denisons aren't barbarians.

Lan Xichen briefed Lan Zhan on the details of how they were addressing the people. Their uncle would speak first to help lighten the burden of telling them about their father and wen Ruohan. When they were done, so was his son and Wei Ying.

A-Yuan ran back outside, twirling around showing off his new outfit. The outer layer of his robe was crafted from a shimmering, translucent fabric similar to his fathers' prism weaver garments. Beneath the outer layer was a pale red sheer that was covered in small Abyss crystals. They made his outfit look like it was moving, as if it was a galaxy of its own on the fabric. The red hue was very visible through the translucent top layer.

His forehead ribbon is made of the same iridescent material. An embroidered version of the Abyss’s Crystal Heart sat in the center of his forehead ribbon while red pale crystals adorned both sides of it.

“I’m pretty!” Lan Yuan said.

“Yes. Very sparkly.” Lan Zhan patted his son's head.

“Would you like me to take A-Yuan with me while you both finish up?” Lan Xichen asked.

Lan Zhan shook his head. “Appreciate it, but I’d like three to show up together.”

Lan Xichen nodded and bit his farewell. He headed towards the center of Crystal Gusu.

Wei Ying came back into the hall, and Lan Zhan was momentarily struck by awe. Wei Ying’s robes were unlike any other he had ever seen. The top layer of the robe was a red holographic translucent fabric made from dark red prism weavers instead of the ones that made Lan Zhan’s outfit. Beneath the luminous overlay was a pale red fabric that had the same sparkling shimmering Abyss crystals that made A-Yuan’s outfit that made it come alive. He sparkled like the stars he got to see on the surface.

Now that he could see A-Lan Yuan and Wei Ying’s outfits together, it looked like A-Yuan was a blend of both of their outfits, representing them both. He's never seen a red hue in robes before. The material they were made of was not traditional and he loved it.

“Do you like it?”

Wei Ying twirled around as soon as he saw Lan Zhan staring.

Lan Zhan stepped closer, his hand reaching out to touch the delicate fabric. “It’s perfect,” he said softly. “Just like you.”

Wei Ying’s face became a beautiful shade of pink. “Aiya, Lan Zhan!! You have to warn a man before saying something so sweet! I just might die!”

A-Yuan touched both of their outfits. “Baba! A-Die! So very pretty!”

“Thank you, A-Yuan,” Wei Ying said, picking him up and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “You look pretty handsome yourself.” He put him down and turned to Lan Zhan.

“Ready to face your people?” Wei Ying asked.

Lan Zhan nodded. “Are you?” He took Wei Ying’s hand, fingers interlacing naturally. “They aren't used to surface denisons.”

Wei Ying cleared his throat. “Your people will just have to get used to me, because I want to stay here.” Wei Ying grabbed A-Yuan’s hand. “With you and our son.”

“I’d really like that.” Lan Zhan said.

They all made their way out of the village and towards the heart of Crystal Gusu. They walked through the city and both Wei Ying and Lan Yuan were in awe looking at all the crystalline buildings.

As they approached the center of Crystal Gusu where a stage was set up they could see the crowd of people around it.

Lan Xichen spotted them approaching and waved them over. “Are you ready?”

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying before answering. “We are.”

Lan Xichen led them on the crystal stage and there was a moment of hushed silence. Lan Zhan could feel the weight of his people's gazes as they all walked on to their seats. Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen, Wei ying and A-Yuan sat next to each other with the LanShadow team.

They waited for Lan Qiren to approach the mic center stage and begin.

“My dear friends and family,” Lan Qiren began, “Some of you may have heard by now that my brother was imprisoned by the magic of the Abyss.”

Lan Zhan wasn't sure how he was going to tell them but it seems like the truth was the best option. Some people in the crowd gasped and people whispered amongst each other.

“My brother conspired with Wen Ruohan to control our clan. As a result, many innocent lives were taken. We were all fooled by our leader. LanShadow was doing the Wen’s true dirty work and we never knew.”

The crowd murmured amongst themselves and Lan Qiren raised his hand to silence them again.

“As of today LanShadow will restore itself to its original purpose. To guard our borders, and will now make trade deals with other clans.” Lan Qiren said.

The crowd began talking amongst themselves again.

“I know many of you are curious about the state of our clan and who will assume leadership. It's no secret that Qingheng-Jun’s public opinion of his second son soured, particularly after the pregnancy announcement. With my brother having fallen in battle, the responsibility of making final decisions now rests with me. Which means as of today I am bestowing clan leadership onto Lan Xichen, his firstborn.”

Lan Xichen stood up and made his way to the mic. Lan Qiren gave Lan Xichen a forehead ribbon that was their founder Lan An’s. It has been passed down and a symbol of status. Lan Xichen takes it and moves to the mic.

Lan Xichen smiled. “It's an honor to be given this title. But I think we all know who's truly worthy to hold Lan An’s ribbon: Someone who actually holds the true magic of the Abyss.” Lan Xichen turned around and looked at Lan Zhan.

“Lan Zhan–” Lan Xichen gestured for him to come up to the mic.

Lan Zhan felt like he was put on spot and looked at Wei Ying who gave him a reassuring smile. He reluctantly approached the stage and Lan Xichen handed him the ribbon.

“You're the true heir. You have Lan An’s abilities and I know he’d want you to use them to lead our people.” Lan Xichen said.

“I—” Lan Zhan was shocked. This felt absolutely insane to him.

“Yay! Baba’s really a Princess!!” Lan Yuan yelled.

The crowd laughed and smiled at the child's words. They began talking and you could hear them whispering asking themselves about the child.

“What should I do with the ribbon? I can't wear it.” Lan Zhan gestured to the tattoo on his head. Lan Xichen shifted his eyes to Wei Ying. Lan Zhan understood and gestured for Wei Ying to walk up.

Wei Ying stiffened at the unexpected request, but he did exactly what they asked anyway. Once he got close he whispered to Lan Zhan. “What are you doing?”

Lan Zhan lifted the sleeve on Wei Ying’s arm and began tying the ribbon onto him.

The crowd became very quiet as they watched the forehead ribbon be used for something other than its intended purpose.

“I know the Lan ribbon was scary for you.” Lan Zhan said as he tied it to Wei Ying’s arm. “But I hope I can change the image of its meaning for you. Because to us, it's sacred. It symbolizes one's restraint and being able to regulate oneself. We are never to remove it unless one is with their fated partner. And to me, that's you.”

“One must never tie it around anything but a forehead…” Lan Qiren replied “But…”

“I will not do that to him.” Lan Zhan said to his uncle as he finished tying the ribbon.

Lan Qiren turned to the mic. “Today, it seems, we gather not just to announce new leadership, but to celebrate the unity of two new family members. A ribbon was given. Let us welcome Wei Wuxian of the surface region Lotus Pier, and my great-nephew Lan Yuan of both Lotus Pier and Abyss, with open minds and hearts.”

The crowd reacted with a mixture of emotions, ranging from curiosity and joy to skepticism and disapproval. Lan Zhan held his breath, feeling the weight of their gazes and the charged atmosphere.

Lan Zhan took over the mic. “I understand that change can be difficult, and accepting new traditions alongside the old can be challenging. However, the strength of our clan has always been in our unity and our ability to adapt. With that being said. I want to travel to the surface tol be open to everyone, not just LanShadow.” Lan Zhan continued after attempting to settle down the crowd over this. “Lan Shadow will protect our border and monitor the movement of people in and out of Crystal Gusu. Foreigners will be background checked before granting access to our safe haven for security reasons.”

The crowd seemed to calm down and began to slowly clap.some were excited about it, and others weren't so thrilled. But Lan Zhan knew this was not going to be easy.

Before Lan Zhan went back to his seat Lan Qiren said one more thing. “So the hierarchy is set. Lan Wangji has the throne. The official Princess of Gusu’s Crystal Abyss.” He put the mic down and darted out of range heading towards A-Yuan.

Lan Zhans sears reddened. “I cannot believe you got uncle in on this.”

“A King and Queen!” The LanShadow team chimed in. Lan Guiwei ran up to the crowd and yelled. “All Hail Queen Lan Zhan, King Wei Ying and Crown prince Lan Yuan!!” She got the crowd going again.

Lan Zhan couldn't roll his eyes far back enough in his head. He waved the crowd goodbye and took Wei Ying off the stage. Once they got off the stage Lan Xichen gave them a weird look after checking a device he created.

“I’m getting messages from the crystal control room that people are trying to enter.” Lan Xichen said to them

“Let's see what's going on.” Lan Qiren said.

Lan Qiren left with Lan Xichen and Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Lan Yuan walked with the girls back to the village and settled at home.

After being home for a few hours, they heard a knock at the door. Wei Ying had just prepared dinner and Lan Zhan was helping set the table.

“I’ll get it.” Wei Ying answered the door.

Lan Zhan heard Wei Ying yell which startled him. Lan Zhan ran out of the dining area to see if he was okay.

“I can't believe it!!” Wei Ying yelled.

Lan Zhan was relieved to find Wei Ying hugging Bicao, Sisi and Qin Su in their front hall.

“Oh it's so good to see you all!” Wei Ying said.

Lan Zhan approached behind Wei Ying and placed his hand on his back, also curious why they were here.

“A-Ying look at you!!! You look like a King!!” Qin Su said excitedly, touching his outfit.

“Thank you. Too kind. “Wei Ying laughed. “What's everyone doing here?”

“We came to see you!” Sisi said.

“And to see our new Master.” Bicao eyes landed on Lan Zhan.

“Master?” Lan Zhan felt his ears become hot. He didn't like the sound of this.

Wei Yings demeanor changed. “What? Youre not f*cking him! He's mine–”

“Relax.” Qin Su said. “We're not here for that.”

Lan ZHan started to understand. “But you still have contracts I hold.” Lan Zhan said plainly. The reality is, Lan Zhan is responsible for their magical bindings. He took his hand off of Wei Ying back and faced the girls more directly. “What would you like me to do for you?”

“Change our contracts.” Sisi said.

“Huh?” Wei Ying said. “Is that even possible?”

“Let's go outside where there is more space.” Lan Zhan suggested.

They agreed and all went to their backyard. The girls stood next to each other and Wei Ying stood next to them watching intensely.

“How is this supposed to work?” Wei Ying asked.

“I just have to figure it out.” Lan Zhan began to focus his energy and concentrated on the chains. Once he felt a massive amount of energy building up inside, he cut his own hand and his blood manifested the new blue chains.

He heard Wei Ying gasp which distracted him slightly. Lan Zhan was able to manifest the chains on the girls, but at the same time it also manifested Wei Ying too. Wei Ying looked shocked and a bit nervous. Lan Zhan hated seeing chains around Wei Ying’s neck and the reaction Wei Ying had made his stomach sink. Lan Zhan reached out towards Wei Ying and focused on splitting the energy. He was able to make Wei Ying ;s chains disappear and keep the ones on the girls. Lan Zhan was sure Wei Ying didn't want to see the chains again.

Lan Zhan then focused on girls’ contracts. The harder he focused the more that manifested from his blood. Soon, each girl had a blue sheet of paper manifest in front of them. Lan Zhan stepped forward and checked each contract individually. The words he read were vial and the grotesque things Xue Yang had in their contract scarred his mind. A pen appeared as he touched each paper and he was able to change all of their contracts to say the same thing.

When he was done with changing the contracts, the papers self ignited in blue flames and each chain around their neck shattered.

“What did he do?” Qin Su asked as she looked at Bicao who was too stunned to speak.

“They're gone?” Sisi said in shock.

“But how?” Wei Ying replied.

“I fulfilled the contracts.” Lan Zhan explained.

“How? They were all sexual requirements.” Wei Ying added.

“I rewrote the contracts to say, ‘Ask me for a single favor.’ And since they did ask me to do this for them, the contract was fulfilled, nullifying the agreement.” Lan Zhan said.

“I—” Wei Ying looked annoyed. “I hate how it was that simple. Why couldn't that asshole just do that!?”

“Either Xue Yang just didn't want to change the agreement or he simply… just not that intuitive. The wording he used in the contracts would have never let any of them be fulfilled, ultimately keeping him in control. My guess is that the wording was most likely done on purpose. If that's the case he's smarter than I give credit for.” Lan Zhan explained. “If a contract can be fulfilled then there is no more deal to uphold.”

“He was probably just too stupid to figure that out.” Wei Ying rolled his eyes. “If he knew it was this simple he might have let me go with how persistent I was, although he didn’t want to.”

“I will never know because I will never ask him. I don't need to. This is my ability now and I'll clean up the mess my way.” Lan Zhan said.

“There are others who are contracted with you.” Qin Si said.

“Then I have a mission for the three of you.” Lan Zhan replied.

“And what's that?” Qin Su asked.

“Bring each of them to the Abyss so I can fulfill the contracts.” Lan Zhan said. “So they can be free.”

The girls nodded and looked thrilled. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying had them stay for dinner and left for the surface the next morning.

Lan Zhan spent the next several weeks fulfilling contracts and trying to undo the damage Xue Yang caused. There were people outside of the Manor that Xue Yang had his hooks in. It took a lot out of him but he felt it was worth doing.

“You're going to wear yourself out.” Wei Ying said to Lan Zhan when he got home after a long day of these contracts.

“I know but–”

“No buts. You're taking a break and I know just where to bring you.” Wei Ying said.

Lan Zhan hardly had time to get himself ready before Wei Ying dragged him out to drop off A-Yuan with the LanShadow girls. Wei Ying brought Lan Zhan to the top of a large crystal mountain on the outskirts of Crystal Gusu.

“Oh wow.” Lan Zhan said in awe as he looked in the sky from the mountaintop. The atmosphere above them was filled with crystalflies that shimmered brightly. He has been wearing himself out and this was the perfect thing that rejuvenated him.

“It's not exactly like the stars on the surface but it was the closest thing I could find down here.” Wei Ying smiled.

Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying and hugged him tightly. “You're so thoughtful.” Lan Zhan placed a sweet kiss on Wei Ying's lips.

Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan’s hand and pulled him to another spot. There was a picnic set up by Wei Ying.

“Wei Ying–” Lan Zhan was so touched. “A date?” Lan Zhan wanted to cry in joy. This man brings him so much happiness.

“Yeah, of sorts.” Wei Ying smiled and pulled him to the ground. He pulled out food from a basket and they both shared several moments of much needed bliss.

Wei Ying eventually laid his head on Lan Zhan’s lap after they ate and looked up at him. "You know what Lan Zhan?


“Sometimes I think about how lucky I am to have found you." Wei Ying said.

Lan Zhan nodded his head in full agreement. "I'm the lucky one." He placed a gentle kiss on Wei Ying’s forehead and played with his hair.

"But..." Wei Ying looked off to the sky. "I just wish you got to me first. You know, before Xue Yang."

Lan Zhan thought for a moment as he turned Wei Ying’s head back to make him look him in the eyes. "You know what's better than being someone's first?"

Wei Ying's eyes met Lan Zhan's gaze whether he wanted to or not. "What's that?"

Lan Zhan felt a smile begin to grace his lips. "Being someone's last."

Wei Ying giggled and the sound was music to Lan Zhan’s ears. "You always know just what to say, Lan Zhan."

Lan Zhan continued to caress his hair. "Do I? Because well Wei Ying, I—" He paused a second.

Wei Ying looked curious. "You... what?"

"I want to marry you." Lan Zhan said.

Wei Ying’s eyes widened. He sat up and spun around to look at him once more. "What did you just say?" Wei Ying looked at him in absolute disbelief.

Lan Zhan took a moment to bring forth the blue chains that connected them. For a moment Wei Ying looked scared but relaxed almost just as fast. However a different look of worry crossed his face that was more akin to disappointment. “Are you breaking our bond?” His voice broke and Lan Zhan felt a pulse of sad energy come off of Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan let out a long shaky breath. “Not unless you–”

“No please don't!” Wei Ying said urgently. His eyes began to tear up. “I can feel you. I don't want to lose this feeling I have with you. This bond isn't normal, you can feel–”

He placed his hand on Wei Ying’s chain. “Everything about someone.” Lan Zhan said. “I know Wei Ying. I can feel our bond too.”

Wei Ying grabbed the chain and pulled away as if trying to protect it.

During this whole week of fulfilling contracts, Wei Ying has avoided the topic of his own contract. Lan Zhan’s initial intention was to break it so Wei Ying could be free but during this week Lan Zhan came to realize Wei Ying was avoiding this topic and he wasn't sure why. Now that he hears Wei Ying liked the bonding, he knows how to handle this.

“So why are you doing this?” Wei Ying asked with tears in his eyes and began shaking.

Lan Zhan had another plan for what to do about his contract but it was making Wei Ying nervous. He absolutely hated making Wei Ying feel like this. “Just trust me, Wei Ying.”

“Trust you…” Wei Ying repeated. “Of course.” He let go of the chain and let Lan Zhan take over.

Lan Zhan took a minute to focus and manifest the contract. When he materialized it he changed the contract. When he was done the chains still didn't break.

Wei Ying tilted his head and looked Lan Zhan in the eyes. “What did you do to–”

“Wei Ying, will you marry me?” Lan Zhan asked again but this time with more seriousness. “Will you truly become my King and help me rule over the entirety of Crystal Gusu’s Abyss?”

Wei Ying looked shocked, dazed and confused since they were talking about his contract. Wei Ying swallowed hard. “Yes.”

When Wei Ying answered, the contract rolled up and dissipated. The chains melted off of Wei Ying’s neck and moved into Lan Zhan’s hands. He clasped the blue energy from the chain and when he opened his hands back up, the chain was reshaped.

Wei Ying watched in awe as the threatening chains turned shape. "It changed from a chain to a—"

“A ring.” Lan Zhan held out for Wei Ying to grab. Wei Ying reached his hand out and placed it in Lan Zhan’s. Lan Zhan rubbed his thumb on the back of his hand and slowly put the ring on his finger.

Wei Ying was tearing up but smiled. "You make me feel so wanted." He wiped his teary face with his free hand. “Thank you for not breaking it.”

“You make me feel needed.” Lan Zhan kissed all his tears away. They sat there together for a while longer looking at the crystalflies light up the sky. “It took a while to figure out you didn't want it broken.”

“Not with you.” Wei Ying said.

That made Lan Zhan feel good. “The contract becomes fulfilled when you denounce your title as King of Crystal Gusu.” Lan Zhan replied.

Wei Ying nodded. “A real title. Who would want to get rid of that? Not this guy!” He laughed. “I just want to be with you forever.” Wei Ying pulled out some sweet treats and handed one to Lan Zhan. “Let's celebrate then.”

After they ate their treats, Wei Ying turned to him with a serious expression on his face.

“Are you okay?” Lan Zhan asked.

“May I go see him?” Wei Ying asked.

Lan Zhan almost choked on his drink. He knew who he was talking about. “Of course you can, but is there a reason?”

“It's just, for me to truly feel comfortable here, I need to see him in his current state.” Wei Ying replied. “If I am going to help you rule this palace, I need to know he isn't just going to appear out of thin air. I want to walk around and explore the Abyss without fear.”

Lan Zhan nodded. “Bundle up because where we’re heading will be nothing but ice and snow.”

“A good fit for murders.” Wei Ying added.

“Jesus f*ck—” Wei Ying sneezed. “It'sss–SSO c-cold!”

“I told you that you were going to regret not wearing a hat.” Lan Zhan replied.

The wind was blowing and the conditions were terrible. Still though, they made it to a huge crystal doorway covered in ice.

“Here we are.” Lan Zhan placed his hands on the door and the Abyss reacted, opening it. “Are you ready?”

“I’m ready.” Wei Ying said.

The door opened fully and two guards were on the other side. They moved to the side and let them through without questions. The weather didn't change as they walked through. The building had no roof and was surrounded by huge ice crystals.

Lan Zhan saw Wei Ying’s eyes land on the crystal prison that encased Wen Ruohan and Qingheng-Jun in the center of this huge roofless room.

“I've been told not to touch anything here. Since I encased them, I can accidentally release them.” Lan Zhan said as he followed Wei Ying who was already walking to the crystal prison.

“Noted.” Wei Ying said.

Lan Zhan watched Wei Ying approach the massive crystal. The sight of his father and Wen Ruohan encased within was just a reminder of the price they had paid for their freedom.

"I needed to see this." Wei Ying said softly, almost to himself. "To know that our past is truly behind us and that these two can no longer hurt us or anyone else—"

Lan Zhan wrapped an arm around Wei Ying's waist. "We are safe now, Wei Ying. Our family is safe and so are many others."

Wei Ying turned to face Lan Zhan. "Thank you for everything, Lan Zhan. For your love, for your strength, and for giving me a home and a real family." He leaned in and kissed Lan Zhan gently.

"Ready to go home?" Lan Zhan asked. "A-Yuan is probably missing us."

“Yes. And we have a wedding to plan!” Wei Ying chuckled. "I can't wait to see what kind of mischief A-Yuan will get into at our wedding."

“I’m sure the LanShadow team will cause more mayhem than we could ever predict.” Lan Zhan replied.

“Can’t wait.” Wei Ying replied.

Together, they turned and walked back towards the entrance, the ice and snow crunching beneath their feet. Lan Zhan saw Wei Ying shiver even more and Lan Zhan immediately wrapped his outer robe around him, pulling him close.

“Don't get sick before our special day.” Lan Zhan said.

“Right.” Wei Ying laughed.

He watched Wei Ying blush, and Lan Zhan’s heart melted. There was something utterly captivating about the way Wei Ying's eyes sparkled with happiness. At that moment, Lan Zhan felt an overwhelming surge of love coming from the bond. Wei Ying’s love for him was truly felt.

This man turned Lan Zhan’s world upside down in the best way possible and he couldn't ask the Abyss for a better ending to his story. It has finally become His Mission, His Control.

<3 END <3


Things I wanted to add but this story is long already
-The Jiang kids are in Jade refugee village. They were sent there because their parents anticipated a bloody battle.
-Around the same time as the Jiang kids were brought to the Abyss, Mo Xuanyu was brought to the Abyss to be left for dead. The Abyss reacted and brought the baby to the bottom. Someone found him and brought him to the village. Xue Yang will eventually find out that this was one of the kids who didn't die during the bloodshed that killed the Jiang family and Wei Ying’s family.
-Set up for Xue Yang and Mo Xuanyu relations later down the road? More like a disaster waiting to explode.
-the conversation between Lan Yiying and Lan Xichen in the elevator. Lan Xichen told her he got eyes for a man who isn't a Lan and he felt dirty for that notion after yelling at his brother for it. The relationship wouldn't work because Lan Xichen can't conceive and a non Lan male can’t either so it was a bust. But since children are supposed to be born of love, Lan Yiying suggested that since the relationship was between people who couldn't conceive, she offered to be a donor/ surrogate mother. To which lan xichen originally denied but later regretted denying her. Because she is his best friend, there would be no other person he'd rather his child being genetically related to. But that means accepting her as part of a relationship. The conversation ended in tears and with an understanding that they were not going to speak of this for a long time since they both were not ready for it.

Questions I thought should be further explained. (Things I asked myself while writing):
-Q: Why did Lan Zhan’s eyes glow on the surface and not in the Abyss?:
A: Even though the people of Gusu live in an Abyss, it isn't dark. They have never experienced true darkness. Their SunMoon never fully shuts off nor ever fully brightens to its fullest capacity. The constant exposure to this SunMoon has mutated their eyes allowing them to see in this unique lighting system. When exposed to true sunlight and true darkness their eyes change. Sunlight just makes their eye color more vivid while darkness makes them glow. All Lan have this mutated gene.
-Q: In chapter 6, why use both silver river water and Bichen to transfer the Hemokinetic Binding ability and not just the sword? What did the water do? The sword alone can transfer magic so what was the purpose of combining items?
A: The silver water is especially magical, just like the special and unique abilities that are tailored to powerful cultivators. The idea was for the silver river water minerals to attach to someone's special ability and being able to actively split it form the rest of their magical abilities which leaves their core intact but dramatically weakened. When the water has successfully split the energy, it still needs a catalyst to pull the water back out (however when it's pulled back out it's not water anymore it's fused with the energy attached to) So in Lan Zhan’s case he didn't know where the water went. It actually is inside of Lan Zhan’s body with the binding ability.
-Q: Who was the Lan that was in full robes that insisted Wei Ying take a beating in chapter 2?
A: None of the main cast. Just a no named side character for plot. I like to think he reformed himself and went to work on Lan farms after the Wen clan leader was frozen in crystal.

Inspirations for this writing piece:
MDZS Obviously - but other inspo came from Murder Drones, Made in Abyss, Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss, Sailor Moon, ATLA, Hilda, InuYasha, The Dragon Prince, Naruto, Chainsawman, Tomb Raider & The horror movie I don't know the name of—

Last note from Author:
I think I just like using my favorite characters as emotional pinatas.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.