Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

Indiana, Chronicle- Tribune March 19,:1944 4 Bosse of Evansville Captures State Net Crown Senators Loom as Chief Threat To Yankee Dominance in American League to American League rivals. tonight healing the New York Yankees for. the 1. who has inherited a squad heavily with importations from Cuba. Venezuela.

Mexico, and R.co, verbal 1 discussed the satAV manner 111 which his 01: the Ur versity 01 inc spring we rounding into condition. in campus at College Park. "The pitching staff is developing eve than I had hart to hoped it re said. "I caution knuckle baller Alex Carrasquel today. because re has got so much: stuff on the ball he is likely to kill of our fine young talent." Blueze received word that in addition to the Latins now on the Ajuad.

Scout Heatirg the bushes in Cuba, had sixneil 15 more and that they would be alorg in tine to participate. in the later stages of spring conditioning. Although one week of spring training doesn't make a season, the Senators. thus far look 10 he the mair. threat to the Yankee domination of first place in the American League.The and other manpower demands took some of the brightest stars cat of the baseball firmament this week with the Yanks losing two of their greatest performers of all time.

Catcher Bill Dickey and Second Baseman Joe Gordon. Roth passed their service bysical examinations. The Dodgers lost Billy: Herman to the Navy and Stan Hack. long revarded us one of the third basem*n in baseball. announced he had asked the Chicago, Cubs to retire him for the duration so that he could work on his Oregon ranch.

The St. Louis Cardirals, very light hit by manpower losses thus far, faced the imminent induction cf Outfielder Stan Musial, most valuable player in the National League and the circuit's batting king with a average. Both Musial and utility mar. Johnny Hopp are. in 1-A, New York Giant Playerager Mel Ott.

who has nearly two dozen 4-F's on his hoster. revealed casually that he had been in 1-A since January and that he might he called at time. Big Phil Weintraub, a major and minor league veteran at first base advised he was 1-A and expected to go while Outfielder Joe Med. said he was undecided whether his supervisory job in a Louis war plant or return to the Nor Yorkers. Manager Leo Durocher of the I.

izers faced a catching shortage Mickey Owen undecided 1' bether he to leave his Missouri farm, Bobby Bragan in 1-A and with 41-rear-old Clyde Sukeforthbeing pressed into service, DOSsibly to be used as a first stringer. The Giants, on the other hand. had, five 4-F catchers. The first division prospects of the Cincinnati Reds apparently hinged on the result of the pendirg draft examination Elmer Riddle, 21- game winner last season. All but five of the major league teams were in training camps and these were slated to go into action over the neck-end Gr early next.

week. The Chicago Cuts and White Sox will open up spring training facilities At French Lick Springs. the St. Louis Cardinals will. FO to their "island" city in the Mississippi river, C'airo, the Philadelphia Blue will pitch camp at Wilmington.

and the St. Louis Browns will gO to Cape Girardeau, Mo. New York. March 18. (UP) -Manager Ossie Bluege of the and his "Latin Quarter' gale pienty of advance notice Is Favored in NCAA Event Kansas Cis.

March 18 (LP)-lowa State's powerful cage team, co-championt of the Bix Six Conference, was favored tonight to win the western regional: title, of the NOAA ba -ketbal! tournament which opera here Friday. The Crelores will meet the George P.ppordine quintet of Los Anceles. "giant killer" of west coast play during the past -eason. The high -scoring University of Arkansas Razorbacks. co-kings of the Southwest Conference.

10 against the University of M- -ouri five in the other contest Friday. Winners of the two meet in the featured came of the tourncy Saturday night for the right to represent the west in the 11A tional NCA.1 finals. Of the four trans which mare up the tournament bracket. only lowa State lists naval trainees 011 roster. The Cyclone record of 13 wins out of 16 starts in the regular season Eave Iowa State the favored spot in pre-tournament calculations.

Pepperdine, veteran of the bas. ketball. wars here in the national intercolleginte tourney was cancelled this year--won 20 and, loc: 12 during the regular season. playing toughest teams on the coast and amassing a scoring average of 54 to their opponent's 45. The Razorbacks should win their opening game against )ssouri.

a team which accepted a Mist minute. invitation after the University of; Iowa found it would be unable to play. Missouri tied for third in the Bix Six, winning five and losing the same r.umber. Freshmen' make up a large per-' centage of. the players in tournament.

with the three civilian teams. depending. On the youngsters and a few 4-F'ers for' their power. The Rocky Mountain district sent no team this year. resulting in the selection of Missouri to round out the bracket.

Wyoming. A Rocky Mountain team, last year won the NCAA title. AnnualGridiron Game Carded Friday Marion Spring high football school practice gridders will for end this week with the annual senior-underclassmen game climaxing the three week session. The anrual tussle to decide whether the graduates of those left behind: to carry the purple and gold are the hotter team will he played at Memorial Field. Friday.

Coach Charles MeDaniels. has had approximately 80 boys conditoning. the last three weeks and this year a large turrout from the three junior high schools reported for drills -first time in the his-: tory of the sport in Marion that the coachirg start turned to the lower grades to prepare boys in-! terested in for participation before they reached the high school. Memorial Field and Memorial Drills bare been conducted at Coliseum when the weather pro-: hibited outside practice. Ir.

addition to the annual clash between the seniors and underclassmen. a game between two chosen from the ranks of the junior high candidates may be held later. Sweetser Reports Sweetser. March and Mrs. Verlin Thompson, near Sweetser.

and John Scott were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Thompson and daughter, Dorothy, recently. Mr. and Mrs.

James Ancil and childrer. Ronnie. Pauline and. James, Sweetser; Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Drook and. son. William. ard V'int Walls were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Palmer Hasty and son, near Fairmount, Friday. Jirs. Ella Cooper is reported ill at her home, southwest of Sweetser. Mr. and Mrs.

Porter Anderson and daughters were Sunday evering guests of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ancil and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Verlin Thompson called on Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ros-. en and family, Monday evening.

Wednesday evening guests of Mrs. Pocce were Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Thomp-on. A potluck dinner was served at the home Mr.

and Mrs. Earli Ancil. north of Sweetser, Sunday. f1 their son. James.

and Johr Rickey. their will leave soon to join the armed! forces. Those present were: Mr. ard Mrs. Louis Keating and son: Jam Ancil, and daughter.

Mrs. Dale Shane and. da ghters. Juarita Ancil. Mr.

and! Mr. Richer ard sons, Marry Aneil. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ancil and daughters.

Earl Koand Sir. and Mrs. Arcil. HARRISON LEADS Charlotte. N.

March 18. (AP) -Soldier Dutch Harrison, firing two one, tony vagice, a AT. two 6 of stroke them lead hole the rich: Charlotte open golf tournament today by adding a 70 to has opening 66. for a 136. Quintets To Launch Tourney C'hicago, March 18.

(UP) -The who play the game for cash will be out there playing with little added incentive this week as they championship seek the title" glory of in the Chicago "world's Stadium, Fourteen trams, representing the principal center of interest in basketball, have beeer: invited to part in the sixth annual tournament which vets underway Monday night. continuing through Tuesday and Wednesday, with semi-finals Friday and the finals Saturday night. Fort Wayne's Zollners, who have just won the National ProfessionBasketball title. the Now York Renaissance and the Harlem Blote are pretourrey favorites. Sceking the title will be such strong teams as the Sheboygan Redskins.

who were runnersup to the Zollners in playoffs for the National League title; Akron Collegians, who are ex of Purdue, Butler and Notre Dame; Brooklyn Eagles, whose ranks include former eastern college stars who are now in service West Point, and the Oshkosh Stars. Dayton's Aviators and the Akron Collegians will open the tournament Monday night, followed by the Brooklyn Eagles and the Camp Campbell, Tankmen, another all military entry. New York's and the Detroit Suffrins complete the first night's' schedule. Tuesday Cleveland's Brassmen and the Indianapolis Pure Oils will. meet in the first game, followed by the Oshkosh Stars and the Rochester Wings, while the Corbetts and Harlem Globe Trottors wind -up the second night's play.

Fort Wayne and Sheboygan drew first-round byes. Marriage Wins Rich Handicap Miami. March i The eight-year-old gelding. Marriage was in A running mood today. and five other thoroughbreds Tropical Park's $5.000 Coral Gables handicap" never had: a chance.

Coward and DuPuy's Rags-toRiches. nag. winner last month of the rich New Orleans hold the lead all the way to win by i three lengths over the public favorite. Warren Wright's Prize mare, Mar- Kel. Mrs.

Marie Evan's Sta Put was third, four lengths bel.ind Mar-Kel. Marriage zipped over the mile and one-eighth route in 1:49 and failed by only one-fifth of a second to equal the track record. Sir Marlboro, holder of the record, finished last behind Son of Peace. Mar-kel's stablemate, and Arrow Rock. The crowd of 8,843 backed the leaders 80 strongly that an odd betting situation developed.

Marriage paid $6.20 for a $2 win ticket -and every other price was the minimum $2.10. Mar-Kel. probably the best mare now campaigning, went to post at 60 cents ON the dollar. Conn made a dosperate bid with Wright thoroughbred in the stretch, but Marriage was too good! despite a load of 120 pounds, against the 115 assigned Mar-Kel. Despite Mar-Kel's defeat.

there was compensation in the day's program for Ben Jones, Wright's trainer. The colt Pensive. generally regarded aus the stable's chief Derby hope, showed good speed to win a race for the first this year: After finishing third and second in two previous outings, the son of Hyperion sprinted six furlongs in 1:10 for a one-length decision. Indoor Mile Record Set By Dodds colors of the Boston A.A.U., set a new world's indoor mile record tonight in 4:06.4. nine-tenths of a second better than his old record.

Dodds, paced through the first lap of the 11-circuit race by William Hulse, holder of the outdoor record of 4:06, took the lead in the second Jap and finished the first quarter in one minute flat, righttenths of a second better than his previous record mile set last week. finished the half -mile in 2:00.6. but slowed up in the third quarter, which he completed in 3:04. The victory, scored in the Rank-! ers mile. gave Dodds seven consec- Chicago.

March 18. (UP) -Galloping Gil Dodds, the' rampaging divinity student running under the utive major mile wins in the curindoor season. He has improved upon his time in each sue. cossive running. starting with the Wanamaker mile in the Milrose games in February with 4:10.6.

Twin City Net Squads Will Be Honored Gas City, March of. the Gias City and Jonesboro high schools basketball teams will be feted nt the annual basketball banquet here Monday night. Woll the Marion sectin al crown this season for the first tine in' the history of the school. Capt. George Stewart, Fort Benjamin Harrison, will be the An announcement of those.

who won letters this year will be made at the -banquet. NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE RESULTS Montreal. 11: New York, 2. Detroit, Chicago, 3. -Toronto, 19; Boston, 2.

Redskins Sign New Gridiron Washington, March 18. (UP) Scholarly Dudley W. (Dud) Degroot, bird egg fancier 'and disciple of razzle-dazzle football. to. day signed a five-year contract as head coach of the Washington Redskins professional football team.

Degroot. who learned his football under nine different coaches with aS many systems, entered the professional ranks aftter 20 years of college coaching at Stanford. Santa Barbara State College. Menlo Junior College, Jose and the University of Roches: ter-all California except the last, which is "in New He resigned his Rochester post three weeks ago and succeeds Arthur "Dutch" Bergman, who quit the Redskins at the close of the 1943 season to devote his full time to business. The erudite 41-year-old coachhe holds a coveted Phi Delta KapKhokey, once Scholarship was named and for is an a avowed ornithologist- announced he would add the explosive T-for-1 mation to the Redskins offensive repertoire.

It WAS expected the Washington club soon would name Clark Shaughnessy, creator of the famed- AS adviser" to Degroot: Shaughnessy would operate on A part-time basis if the the U'niversiity proves, Pittsburgh, arrangement acceptable to where" he is head football coach. Degroot went to the University of Rochester in 1940 and in his four years there his teams showed 8 record of 23 victories and six defeats. record for the past 10 years shows TO victories, 16 losses and two He has never had a losing season in 18 years as head coach in college. Training Camp Briefs By ('nited Press) Atlantic City, N. March 18, (UP) Manager Joe McCarthy tummedas, cheerier predicting a.

second able" career for George (Snuffy) Stirnweiss. who will till the spot left vacant by the drafting of vetern New York Yankee Joe Gordon. "Gordon was baseball's greatest baseman in the 10 years." McCarthy said, "however, most everybody was skeptical when I sent him to replace Tony Lazzeri. I assured you otherwise, and now I say Stirnweiss is great player." Stirnweiss, 24 and 4-F in the draft" hit .219 in 88 games shortstop for the Yankees last year. Lakewood, N.

March 18 (UP) -King Carl Hubbell arrived in the New York Giant camp today. out of uniform for the first time in 17 years. The veteran southpaw pitcher is here to 4 inspect the Giants' youngsters in his new capacity boss of the club's farm system. The Giants training camp should resemble grand central station tomorrow, with the arrival of Hubbel's 25 youngsters and Jersey City Manager Gabby Hartnett's main squad which is expected to bring the total of players to hand to nearly 100. Bear Mountain, N.

March (UP -Manager Leo Durocher to(day focused his attention on pitcher Tom Sunkel, former Now York Giant hurler slated for duty with the Dodger's Montreal farm club. With only four twirlers in camp and Curt Davis the only seasoned veteran now on hand, the Dodgers are likely to make: a deal with Montreal for Sunkel. Durocher 'also was interested in Infielder Fred Drews, who is at the Dodger camp on approval from St. Paul of the American Association. Drews, 4-F in the draft may replace Navy -bound Billy Herman at second base.

College Park, March '18. (UP)-The Washington National, pitching staff is developing even than Manager Ossie Bluege expected, he said today, indicatare well advanced after a week of spring training in weather. The Nat hurling corps, reportedly the best in ball this season, opened up with fancy variations of mid-season pitching today. Johnny Niggeling, Roger Wolff, who suffered a slight side injury' yesterday, and Mickey Haefner were the stars in the drill and Latin Americans Francisco Quien-, tas and Rogelio Valdes were impressive at the plate. Wallingford, Conn, March 18.

(UP) -The Boston Braves went through their second energetic! training session today, with none of the players bothered with expected sore muscles and stiff arms. Manager Bob Coleman received word from Infielder Connie, Ryan that he will report to camp from New Orleans Tuesday. Boston. March 18, (UP)-Manager Joe Cronin of the Boston Red Sox narrowly escaped injury to-! day liner hit by Tony Lupien struck the iron grating tecting the cage from which Cronin pitching. Luplen and Jin Tabor starred in the batting drill.

Bloomington, March 18. (UP) Frank McCormick, first baseman for the Cincinnati Reds. today received notice to appear April 1 in Indianapolis for physical examination for induction in the armed forces. His status was in doubt as a back injury, requiring the use of a special corset. him out of the 29 games last year.

Kokomo Defeated By Deliberate Bulldogs, 39 to 35, After Last Period Rally Falls Short Indianapolis, March 18. (A) -Five Bulldogs, pouring ice water on a then outrunning the Wildcats in the WHITE Sox ROOKIES WORK OUT. Perched high on a ladder, Manager James J. Dykes watches Chicago, White Sor rookies Leroy Schalk (left), P. R.

Tharton, and Johr Dickshot work out during spring training at French Lick, Ind. Telephoto.) Jones to Face Tough Customer In Feature Wrestling Bout Marion mat fans might have been robbed of the chance of seeing Indiana University wrestling coach. Billy Thom. and Farmer Jones. the most famous personality to come from Arkansasafter Bob Burns, radio, stage and screen comedian--meet in a wrestling scason headliner Monday but Bruff Cleary.

congenial promoter, has arranged a fill-in bout that promises to. be almost as good. The Monday night card will see the return of Paul Bozzello. wildcatter toughey from the Oklahoma. oil fields, to the local mat in place of Coach Thom who will be unable to keep his date with citr hall farts.

The colorful Hillbilly will appear 85 his opponent. A topnotch preliminary also may be in store, for fans. Tiger Jack Moore, performer. will meet a newcomer Nick to the Marion circuit. Billings, Canton, grappler.

Billings. Greek, is veteran of the game and comes here highly recommended. Last week the Tiger won the preliminary here from Buddy Knox. Burdened with income tax worries, thoughts of St. Patrick Day Bowling News Dr.

J. H. Koegel. president of the Marion City Bowling AssociaItion, last night announced annual election of officers will be held 2 p.m. today in the council chambers of the city- hall.

Delegate to attend the annual state meet also will be chosen, Koegel said. FRIDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE (Miller Son) bowlers rolled games 525 mark in Althouse, Hilligoss, 533; Morel, the 170 mark Althouse, 182-194; Morel. Cramer, 181-211; 179; Culbertson, of last week's 816 ...814 869 Forbes 712 771 ....927 898 843 656 894 Ward 785 666 INDUSTRIAL. LEAGUE Miller and Son Five than They were: 537; Miller. 531.

Hitting following: Ppahr. goss. 170; Miller, Carey. son, 171. Results Hi- Hat Delta Foster Needham Folkies Moose Farnsworth Mont, better the 040; Spahr.

326, and were the 192 193; 235: Hilli178; Cox, Shockey, 181; 179; Johnplay: 914-2600 831-2317 163-2590 901-2521 8724-2516 769-2531 779-2230 Farnsworth Machine keglers flattened a total of 2696 ping last week to lead the league, with IBEW levelling one less, 2405. Mal-: cable stills commands the circuit with 54 rames on the win side: against 24 losses. Results of last week's games are as follows: Cramer 855 778-2403 Office .874 825-2614 Expeditors 869 798-2597 Machine 1038 837 821-2696 IBEW .940. 904 851-2695 Superior 830 886-2677 Malleable 839 829-2492 Anaconda 898 833-2576 Standings Won Malleable Superior. TREW Anaconda Cramer Office Expeditors Machine 200 Games Dennis.

Anaconda, 205; 'I. B. E. 201; Ackley. I.

B. Endsley, Machine, Fads, Machine. 201; Knotts. chine, 201; Hoke, Expeditors, Miller's still retains top place in "league standings with 60 wins against 24 losses, while Up-Town lags only one game hehind with 59 victories and 25 losses. Following.

howlers broke in the 500, three game series: Farr. 501; Thomas, 728; Shockey. 512: Morel. 508: Morrow, 505; "Althouse, Schaumleffel. 623.

Those rolling over 170 were: THURSDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE celebrations. many fans stayed away from last week's bouts. but Monday's card should bring about a quick renaissance of interest. The Farmer is of the mat's most colorful members and always can be counted on to pro-' vide matches with plenty of zest and go. Jones mav.

rot dress as flashy as Dandy Davis. Hollywood's gift to the grunt and froere society, who has appeared several times. but his costume provokes as much talk and interest as the Dandy's fine. fancy- decorated robes. Noted for his long beard.

the Farmer likes to appear in the ring barefoot and dressed in overalls. He uses his feet A good deal in his bouts much to the delight of the crowd. Bozzello is a rough and ready character. a quality he no doubt acquired while working in the oil fields. He has appeared here several times and on occasion has participated in some rugged.

noi holds- barred matches and he is undefeated here. As usual bouts will be staged at 8 and 9:15 p. m. at the city ball auditorium. Michigan Teams Win Titles Lansirg.

March 18 (UP) -Lansatling St. Mary captured the Michigar. Class high school basketball championship tonight, rolling to an easy. 50-23 victory Cass City before 8.500 fans jamming vocational fieldhouse. Coach Bob Wine's parochial quintet jumped into ar.

lead over Cass City. holding a 22 to 7 edge. at the half. Lansing previously won state championship honors in. 1941, 1937 and 1936.

The Class fir.al. oper.ing the four game championship schedule. resulted in a 31 to. 25 victory for Berton Harbor St. John over Leroy.

The victorious Irish, coached by Ray Lincoln.hol, were never headed in the fast-moving contest. They led 19 to 12 at the Zollners to Meet Brooklyn Five Fort Wayne. March Fort: Wayne's Zollner Pistons, champions of the National Profes-1 sional. Baskethall League, will play the Brocklyn Eagles. coached! by Dutch Dehnert, at the North Side high school gym Sunday night.

The Brooklyn team with several eastern. college stars in its lineup is er.route to Chicago where it will compete in the pro tourney. The Zollners also will compete in the national tourney. Dehnert is a former pro star and was a master of the pivot play. The Brooklyn lineup includes Bernie Opper, all -American at the University of Kentucky.

Ken Connors. Dutch Garfinkle, an all-Amterican at St. John's University and Dan Christie. All of the Zollners were reported in good shape for the contest after several days rest following their final victory over Sheboygan. Redskins.

SEEK DAMAGES Chicago. March 18. (UP)serting that their year-old son, Timothy, mistakenly had been opprated upon, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy today filed a $10.000 damage suit against Dr.

Spencer Blim, 51. Farr. 195: Spahr. 115: Thomas, Weller, Kelch, 185: Shockey, 191: Morel, 204; Kreigh. Woods, 196: Carex, 174: Althouse, 177; Schaumleffel-191-184.

Standings: Won Lost Miller's An 24 L'p-Town 59 25 Daly 58 26 Pipe Creek 50 34 Trueblood 48 36 Delta 12 52 Kregel's 24 60 No. 7 5 59 Bosse, Kokomo Won On Late Rallies it towering the Tom Schwartz and Indianapolis, March 18. (P)- hind pulled Bosse. out of fire. Walter McFatridge of Kokomo ing A deliberate starting brand slowly of and ball play- all L.was.

Gimbel afternoon, allowed La Porte to winner annual Indiana the player High in School the 34th bas" 24-17 intormission advantage he- ketball state tourney finals showfore pouring on the finishing drive for the verdict. The Bulldogs were the ing the close best of the mental deciding attitude, Evans- at in fornt at the end of the third period, 32 to 29, and the final count ville game tonight. WAS by the same margin. Little Bryan (Broc) Jerrel, who losses in the regular season, were came here touted as the beat ball- in front all the brief way with moment the in the handler in Southern Indiana bas- coption of one points last week against pouring Washing- in 22 sumed a 35-to34 advantage after ketball history after fourth quarter, when the Kats ton, lived up to every advance a less great than rally. minute, Bosse erased however, that in as The red- head hanged constant in 17 pressure.

points, Caudell and Schmidt got loose for notice despite a and his performance was the best quick fielders to clinch the decision. of the entire afternoon. Bosse used only five men in the Anderson, co-champions of the final game and only six LaP'orte. in the North Central Conference and the afternoon conquest of darling of experts in this shin- Caudell, who collected half eight for of dig. found the Coliseum baskets a his 10 points meshed in the the.

first initial Bosse The tough Indians proposition got only in one the field opener. goal field attempt and the Bulldogs Bosse, in the first half. were off to the races. They' ramMeanwhile. John Leslie and Big bled to a 9-to-6 lead at the first Tom peppered the nets intermission and increased it to for Wildcats, and it looked as 26-17 at the half.

Jerrel, Ritter if the Indians were on the way out and Caudell were the chief gunin in the disgrace. second But half they and came with 'the Kokomo scoring well back that second-period rush, out-fought the Wildcats through the first 10 divergified. minutes before running out of gas. John Leslie, Charlie Farrington Schwartz's 10 points were high and Schwartz, Kokomo's three for Kokomo. Joe Anderson, a front men, scored field goals begreat forward for Anderson, got fore Bulldogs got warmed up seven to pace the losers.

in the second half to narrow the Jerrel found plenty of support nine-point Bosse lead. but Jerrel, in the -cap from Bud Ritter, who stymied LaPorte in the afterBulldog center, who duplicated Jer- noon with 17 points, began to sail rel's semi-finals feat of collecting under for set -ups and Bosse pulled 'all of Bosse's points in the first away again. The third quarter quarter. Ritter had five tallies in ended at 32-to-24 for Bosse. that period and ran it up to 13 in Kokomo, fighting doggedly to the succeeding three sessions.

Walt get the range on the hoops, came Radecki, center, was the hot-shot back again, rushing the Bulldogs for the Slicers with 12. and guarding them all over the First game: floor. to. pull ahead at 35-to-34. KOKOMO (30) FI Tp but Schmidt Caudell.

got the Leslie, 2 8 I combination and it was Bosse's Farrington. 2 2 6, ball game. Fisher, 0 0 Jerrel's 11 points were the best Schwartz, 3 10 for Bosse and Caudell was close Turner, 3 it behind with 10. Jack Matthews, McFatridge, i 1 2 Jerrel's running mate, had right. Gene hit 11 for Kokomo Totals 13.

30 for a share of the scoring laurels ANDERSON (26) I' Tp with Schwartz. Schwartz was the Anderson, 2 3 2 7 only man to foul out the titular. Howard, 0 3 3 tilt, and Bosse was charged with Wilson, 2 2 0 6 only six miscues. 0 2 It was Bosse's. third trip to the Erskine.

3 final four. The Bulldogs wound up York, 1 3 5 eighth in the Southern Indiana Conference race this year. Totals 14. 9 26 The 1944 champs were probably Half -time score: Kokomo 17: the youngest team to cop the Anderson 5. crown.

The starting lineup COnFree throws missed: Anderson- tained only one senior, Schmidt, Anderson, Howard. Wilson. and four juniors. Only three memKokomo: Farrington 2, Leslie 2, bers of the tourney ten are over Schwartz. McFatridge.

1 sixteen years of age. Officials: Referee, Allen Klinck. The 11,531 fans who jammed Umpire, Karl Dickerson. every available corner of the FairSecond game: ground Coliseum got the score and time from the public address sysLAPORTE (38) 1'f Tp tem during the last three periods Belzowski, 2 short circuit in the wiring Carter, eliminated clectric timer and Wendt. 1 scoring, device.

12 Summary: Rucker, 6. 2 KOKOMO (35) rE Tp Schneider. 9 Leslie, 3 2 Benner, 6 Farrington, 3 2 Heise, BOSSE Totals (41) 1 8 17 Ff Tp 38 Fisher, Turner, Schwartz, McFatridge, 3 2 2 Footas (audell, 3 Totals 11 13 33 Schmidt, 2 BOSSE (39) Tp Ritter, 5 2 13 Caudell, 10 Jerrel, 17 Schmidt, 1 3 Matthews, 3 Jerrel, Ritter, 2 2 11 Totals .........17 7 12 41 Matthews, 8 Half-time score: Laporte 24; Bosse 17.0 Totals ....16 6 39 Free throws missed: Half -time score: Bosse 26, KoRitter 5, Schmidt 4, Matthews, komo 17. Jerrel. Laporte Rucker 2, Bel- Referee, Allen Klinck; Umpire, zowski-4.

Schneider, Wendt. Karl Dickerson. Indianapolis, March 18. (P)-A. pair of fourth-quarter paid off today as Kokomo's Wildcats and Bosse of Evansville's Bulldogs fought their way into the final game of Indiana's 1944 state high school basketball tourney.

Kokomo whipped Anderson's favored Indians in the first game, 30 to 26, and Bosse overcame La Porte, 41 to 38. The 11,531 lucky fans who sat' in. the show watched Kokomo: Trace out in front, 17 to 5, at the half in the opener and then fight off a great Anderson rally to snare the decision. Anderson actually forged ahead at one time during the fourth stanza, but Kokomo got be- deliberate Bosse of Evansville Kokomo fastbreak for 29 minutes and closing three minutes, ascended Indiana's 1944 high school basket. ball thorne tonight with a 39 to 35 verdict over the Wildcats.

The Bulldogs thus became the state's 34th prop champion. It WAS the firat time an Evansville team had reached the final encounter. The blinding speed of Bryan (Broc) Jerrel, diminutive Bulldog guard and captain, and the great rebound work of Julius (Bud) Ritter, Bosse. pivot ace, carried the load for the champions. Ritter teamed with Norris Caudell and Gene Schmidt, Bulldog forwards, to smother Tom Schwartz.

Koko. mo's towering center, and sew up the Wildcat attack. Coaching the champs was Herman Keller, late Boonville, who took the reins at Bosse at the start of the season and led them all the way in his first year at the helin. The Bulldogs, who could do no better than nine wins and seven McFatridge Is Awarded Gimbel Medal Evansville Calm But Storm Is Due Soon Evansville, March 18. (P) -Evansville.

its streets thronged with- Saturday-night soldiers from nearby Army camps, received without pyrotechnics or pandemonium the news "that Bosse's Bulldogs had, won the 1944 basketball championship. The celebration was expected to he in the nature of a delayed-actior. bomb. in -erted a notice in the Lvansville Press today ask ny that there be no celebration tonight. When all the fars who went to Indianapolis with the team return there'll he high and low jubilation Sunday afternoon, the announcemort yaid.

What' direction the home-town enthusiasm r.fr brnging. home. Iridiana's biggest sportshacon woull. take TIt seeinod grialified to say. WINS 18.

(UP)' I March -Taylor school made 45 in a chi as it romped through in the Ill. nois Scholastic Baske-ball tournament. defeating Elgin 56 0 33 to canture the WRESTLING City Auditorium Mon. Night, March 20 Feature Events 16 m. Main Lent FARMER JONES Arkansas Hillbitly PALL Bout TIGER JACK MOORE NICK BILLINGS Canton, Ohio Prices: First three ringside row $1.

Balance ringside seats 13 cents. General admission 50 cents. Children 25 cents. All taxes included." Today's FUNNIGRAM By Peters Lost 24 31 31 39 42 43 44 52 Price, W. 223.

Ma213. Speedometer 2NDI THANUATE Service GLASSER Electric Battery Co. 1005 S. Washington St. 4 Phone 1746 "You sell these slugs for 25c.

Customers drop them in the Electric Music Box to keep them from playing.".

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.