Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (2024)

Previsão diária

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Arq. Açores

Arq. Madeira

Avisos Meteorológicos

Arq. Açores

Arq. Madeira



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Sem informação...

'; } }); $("#weathertypes").html(legend); //Wind Types var wind = { "-99": { "PT": "---", "EN": "---" }, "1": { "PT": "Fraco", "EN": "Weak" }, "2": { "PT": "Moderado", "EN": "Moderate" }, "3": { "PT": "Forte", "EN": "Strong" }, "4": { "PT": "Muito forte", "EN": "Very strong" }}; var legend = ""; $.each(wind, function(id,description) { var lbl = ("pt" == "pt" ? description.PT: description.EN); windtypes[id] = lbl; if (id != "-99") legend += '

Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (1)' + lbl + '

'; }); $("#windtypes").html(legend); //Wind Direction Types var winddir = { "VV": { "PT": "Vento Variável", "EN": "Variable wind", "Deg": "--" }, "N": { "PT": "Vento de Norte", "EN": "North wind", "Deg": "180" }, "NW": { "PT": "Vento de Noroeste", "EN": "Northwest wind", "Deg": "135" }, "NE": { "PT": "Vento de Nordeste", "EN": "Northeast wind", "Deg": "225" }, "W": { "PT": "Vento de Oeste", "EN": "West wind", "Deg": "90" }, "E": { "PT": "Vento de Este", "EN": "East wind", "Deg": "270" }, "S": { "PT": "Vento de Sul", "EN": "South wind", "Deg": "0" }, "SW": { "PT": "Vento de Sudoeste", "EN": "Southwest wind", "Deg": "45" }, "SE": { "PT": "Vento de Sudeste", "EN": "Southeast wind", "Deg": "315" }}; var legend = ""; $.each(winddir, function(id,description) { winddirtypes[id] = "d" + description.Deg; var lbl = ("pt" == "pt" ? description.PT: description.EN); if (id == "VV") { legend += '

Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (2)' + lbl + '

'; } else { legend += '

Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (3)' + lbl + '

'; } }); $("#winddirtypes").html(legend); //Warning Types var warns = {"-99": { "PT": "---", "EN": "---" },"1": { "PT": "Tempo Quente", "EN": "High Temperature", "icon":"/opencms/bin/icons/svg/warnings/high-temperature.svg" },"2": { "PT": "Tempo Frio", "EN": "Low Temperature", "icon":"/opencms/bin/icons/svg/warnings/low-temperature.svg" },"3": { "PT": "Precipitação", "EN": "Rain", "icon":"/opencms/bin/icons/svg/warnings/rain.svg" },"4": { "PT": "Nevoeiro", "EN": "Fog", "icon":"/opencms/bin/icons/svg/warnings/fog.svg" },"5": { "PT": "Neve", "EN": "Snow", "icon":"/opencms/bin/icons/svg/warnings/snow-ice.svg" }, "6": { "PT": "Vento", "EN": "Wind", "icon":"/opencms/bin/icons/svg/warnings/wind.svg" },"7": { "PT": "Agitação Marítima", "EN": "Coastal Event", "icon":"/opencms/bin/icons/svg/warnings/coastalevent.svg" },"8": { "PT": "Trovoada", "EN": "Thunderstorm", "icon":"/opencms/bin/icons/svg/warnings/thunderstorm.svg" } }; var warnslevel = {"-99": { "PT": "--", "EN": "--" },"grey": { "PT": "Sem informação adicional.", "EN": "No information available." },"green": { "PT": "Não se prevê nenhuma situação meteorológica de risco.", "EN": "No hazardous weather conditions foreseen." },"yellow": { "PT": "Situação de risco para determinadas atividades dependentes da situação meteorológica. Acompanhar a evolução das condições meteorológicas.", "EN": "Weather sensitive activities may be affected." }, "orange": { "PT": "Situação meteorológica de risco moderado a elevado. Manter-se ao corrente da evolução das condições meteorológicas e seguir as orientações da ANPC.", "EN": "Weather conditions involving moderate to high risk." },"red": { "PT": "Situação meteorológica de risco extremo. Manter-se regularmente ao corrente da evolução das condições meteorológicas e seguir as orientações da ANPC.", "EN": "Weather conditions involving high risk." } }; var legend1 = "", legend2 = ""; var legend3 = "Critérios de emissão"; var legend4 = "Guia de utilização"; var legend5 = "Consulte: "; $.each(warns, function(id,description) { var lbl = ("pt" == "pt" ? description.PT: description.EN); warningtypes[description.PT] = [lbl,id,description.icon]; if (id != -99) { legend2 += '

Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (4)' + lbl + '

'; } }); $.each(warnslevel, function(id,description) { var lbl = ("pt" == "pt" ? description.PT: description.EN); if (!$.isNumeric(id)) { legend1 += '

' + lbl + '

'; } }); $("#warningtypes").html(legend1 + "

" + legend5 + " " + legend3 + " e " + legend4 + "

" + legend2); //Wave Types var wave = {"-99": { "PT": "---", "EN": "---" },"1": { "PT": "< 1.5m", "EN": "< 1.5m" },"2": { "PT": "1.5m a 2.5m", "EN": "1.5m to 2.5m" },"3": { "PT": "> 2.5m", "EN": "> 2.5m" }}; var legend = ""; $.each(wave, function(id,description) { var lbl = ("pt" == "pt" ? description.PT: description.EN); wavetypes[id] = lbl; if (id != -99) legend += '

Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (5)' + lbl + '

'; }); $("#wavetypes").html(legend); //** LayerGroups DAY0 **// var obsCo_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(), obsAc_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(), obsMd_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(); var tempCo_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(), tempAc_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(), tempMd_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(); var windCo_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(), windAc_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(), windMd_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(); var warnCo_day0 = new L.geoJson(), warnAc_day0 = new L.geoJson(), warnMd_day0 = new L.geoJson(); var seaCo_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(), seaAc_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(), seaMd_day0 = new L.LayerGroup(); //** LayerGroups DAY1 **// var obsCo_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(), obsAc_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(), obsMd_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(); var tempCo_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(), tempAc_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(), tempMd_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(); var windCo_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(), windAc_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(), windMd_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(); var warnCo_day1 = new L.geoJson(), warnAc_day1 = new L.geoJson(), warnMd_day1 = new L.geoJson(); var seaCo_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(), seaAc_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(), seaMd_day1 = new L.LayerGroup(); //** LayerGroups DAY2 **// var obsCo_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(), obsAc_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(), obsMd_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(); var tempCo_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(), tempAc_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(), tempMd_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(); var windCo_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(), windAc_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(), windMd_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(); var warnCo_day2 = new L.geoJson(), warnAc_day2 = new L.geoJson(), warnMd_day2 = new L.geoJson(); var seaCo_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(), seaAc_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(), seaMd_day2 = new L.LayerGroup(); //** Pre-processing Warnings var warnings = []; var warnings_sea = []; var server_datetime= new Date("2024-08-08T07:26:10+0000"); $.each(, function() { var dend = new Date(this.endTime+"Z"); if (this.awarenessLevelID != "green" && dend > server_datetime ) { if (warnings[this.idAreaAviso] == undefined) warnings[this.idAreaAviso] = new Array(); if (this.awarenessTypeName == "Agita\u00e7\u00e3o Mar\u00edtima"){ if (warnings_sea[this.idAreaAviso] == undefined) warnings_sea[this.idAreaAviso] = new Array(); warnings_sea[this.idAreaAviso].push({"startTime": this.startTime+"Z", "endTime": this.endTime+"Z", "awarenessLevelID": this.awarenessLevelID, "awarenessTypeName": this.awarenessTypeName}); } warnings[this.idAreaAviso].push({"startTime": this.startTime+"Z", "endTime": this.endTime+"Z", "awarenessLevelID": this.awarenessLevelID, "awarenessTypeName": this.awarenessTypeName}); } }); // ******** FUNCTIONS ******** // function processSeaData(result, idx) { if ( > 0) { //** Save Forecast date var dat = new Date(result.forecastDate.split(" ")[0]); dat.setHours(0,0,0,0); //** Read Data var data =; for (key in data) { var ind = -1; //** Look for station in sealocations if (typeof sealocations[data[key].globalIdLocal] != 'undefined') { //** Current station belongs to Station List var lat = data[key].latitude; var lon = data[key].longitude; //** Current station ajust position of Faro costa if (data[key].globalIdLocal == 1080526) { var lat = "37.065"; } if (data[key].totalSeaMax >0 && data[key].totalSeaMax < 1.5) { var seaSimb = 1; } else if (data[key].totalSeaMax >= 1.5 && data[key].totalSeaMax <= 2.5) { var seaSimb = 2; } else if (data[key].totalSeaMax > 2.5 ) { var seaSimb = 3; } var seadiv = "

Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (6)

" + Math.round((data[key].sstMax)/2 + (data[key].sstMin)/2) + "°

"; var markerSea = L.marker([lat, lon], { icon: L.weatherIcon(seadiv, { labelAnchor: [5, 0], width: 15, height: 30, fontColor: '#fff',iconAnchor:[40,2]}), clickable:true, riseOnHover:true}); if ((Math.round(data[key].totalSeaMax * 2) / 2).toFixed(1) == (Math.round(data[key].totalSeaMin * 2) / 2)) { var desc = "" + sealocations[data[key].globalIdLocal] + "Temp. superfície do mar: " + Math.round((data[key].sstMax)/2 + (data[key].sstMin)/2) + "°C Mar total (altura): " + (Math.round(data[key].totalSeaMin * 2) / 2).toFixed(1) + "mDirecção pred. da onda: " + (data[key].predWaveDir) + ""; } else { var desc = "" + sealocations[data[key].globalIdLocal] + "Temp. superfície do mar:" + Math.round((data[key].sstMax)/2 + (data[key].sstMin)/2) + "°C Mar total (altura)max:" + (Math.round(data[key].totalSeaMax * 2) / 2).toFixed(1) + "m | min:" + (Math.round(data[key].totalSeaMin * 2) / 2).toFixed(1) + "mDirecção pred. da onda:" + (data[key].predWaveDir) + ""; } markerSea.on('mouseover', showInfo, [desc]); markerSea.on('mouseout', hideInfo); //** Add Markers to corresponding LayerGroups if (idx == 0) { if (lon <= -20) { markerSea.addTo(seaAc_day0); } else if (lon <= -11) { markerSea.addTo(seaMd_day0); } else { markerSea.addTo(seaCo_day0); } } else if (idx == 1) { if (lon <= -20) { markerSea.addTo(seaAc_day1); } else if (lon <= -11) { markerSea.addTo(seaMd_day1); } else { markerSea.addTo(seaCo_day1); } } else if (idx == 2) { if (lon <= -20) { markerSea.addTo(seaAc_day2); } else if (lon <= -11) { markerSea.addTo(seaMd_day2); } else { markerSea.addTo(seaCo_day2); } } } } } if (idx == 2) { //** Clear unused global variables result_sea_day0 = null; result_sea_day1 = null; result_sea_day2 = null; //** Finally... and we hope the rest is done :$ if (flag_day0) { //** Add LayerGroups DAY0 map1.addLayer(seaCo_day0); map2.addLayer(seaAc_day0); map3.addLayer(seaMd_day0); } } } // ++++++++ FUNCTIONS ++++++++ function processData(result, idx) { if ( > 0) { //Save Forecast date var dat = new Date(result.forecastDate.split(" ")[0]); dat = new Date(dat.getUTCFullYear(), dat.getUTCMonth(), dat.getUTCDate(),0,0,0,0); if (idx == 0) { //Write update time var ix = result.dataUpdate.indexOf("T"); $("#updatetime").html(result.dataUpdate.split("T")[0].replace(/-/g,"/") + " " + result.dataUpdate.substring(ix+1, ix+6) + " UTC"); if (day0.getTime() != dat.getTime()) return; //Returning date not corresponding with Day0 flag_day0 = true; }else if (idx == 1) { if (day1.getTime() != dat.getTime()) return; //Returning date not corresponding with Day1 flag_day1 = true; }else if (idx == 2) { if (day2.getTime() != dat.getTime()) return; //Returning date not corresponding with Day2 flag_day2 = true; } //Read Data var data =; for (key in data) { var ind = -1; //Look for station in weatherlocations if (typeof weatherlocations[data[key].globalIdLocal] != 'undefined') { //Current station belongs to Station List var lat = data[key].latitude; var lon = data[key].longitude; if (data[key].globalIdLocal == 1081505) { //Current station ajust position of Sagres var lat = "37.18"; } if (data[key].globalIdLocal == 3480200) { //Current station ajust position of Flores var lat = "39.38"; } if (data[key].globalIdLocal == 2320100) { //Current station ajust position of P. Santo var lat = "33.0300"; var lon = "-16.060"; } if (data[key].globalIdLocal == 2310300) { //Current station ajust position of Funchal var lat = "32.58"; } //Build Weather Icon var icodiv = ""; if (data[key].idWeatherType != -99 && data[key].idWeatherType != 0) icodiv = "Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (7)"; //Build Temperature Icon (Math.round(data[key].totalSeaMin * 2) / 2).toFixed(1) - Math.floor(data[key].tMax) var tempdiv = "

" + Math.round(data[key].tMax) + "°

" + Math.round(data[key].tMin) + "°

"; //Build Wind Icon var winddiv = "Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (8)"; var markerObs = L.marker([lat, lon], { icon: L.weatherIcon(icodiv, { labelAnchor: [17, 17], width: 30, height: 30}), clickable:true, riseOnHover:true}); var markerTemp = L.marker([lat, lon], { icon: L.weatherIcon(tempdiv, { labelAnchor: [5, 0], width: 15, height: 30, fontColor: '#fff',iconAnchor:[-14,15]}), clickable:true, riseOnHover:true}); var markerWind = L.marker([lat, lon], { icon: L.weatherIcon(winddiv, { labelAnchor: [15, 15], width: 30, height: 30}), clickable:true, riseOnHover:true}); var desc = "" + weatherlocations[data[key].globalIdLocal] + "" + weathertypes[parseInt(data[key].idWeatherType)] + "Temp. ar a 2 metrosmax: " + Math.round(data[key].tMax) + "°C | min: " + Math.round(data[key].tMin) + "°CProb. precipitação: " + Math.floor(data[key].precipitaProb) + "%Vento " + windtypes[data[key].classWindSpeed] + " de " + data[key].predWindDir+ ""; if (weatherlocationsLinks[data[key].globalIdLocal] !== undefined) { var prev10D = "/opencms/pt/otempo/prev.localidade.hora/index.jsp" + weatherlocationsLinks[data[key].globalIdLocal]; } else { var prev10D = "/opencms/pt/otempo/prev.localidade.hora/index.jsp#" + weatherlocations[data[key].globalIdLocal] + "&" + weatherlocations[data[key].globalIdLocal]; } markerObs.on('mouseover', showInfo, [desc]); markerObs.on('mouseout', hideInfo); markerObs.on('click', setLink, [prev10D]); markerTemp.on('mouseover', showInfo, [desc]); markerTemp.on('mouseout', hideInfo); markerTemp.on('click', setLink, [prev10D]); markerWind.on('mouseover', showInfo, [desc]); markerWind.on('mouseout', hideInfo); markerWind.on('click', setLink, [prev10D]); //Add Markers to corresponding LayerGroups if (idx == 0) { if (lon <= -20) { markerObs.addTo(obsAc_day0); markerTemp.addTo(tempAc_day0); markerWind.addTo(windAc_day0); } else if (lon <= -11) { markerObs.addTo(obsMd_day0); markerTemp.addTo(tempMd_day0); markerWind.addTo(windMd_day0); } else { markerObs.addTo(obsCo_day0); markerTemp.addTo(tempCo_day0); markerWind.addTo(windCo_day0); } } else if (idx == 1) { if (lon <= -20) { markerObs.addTo(obsAc_day1); markerTemp.addTo(tempAc_day1); markerWind.addTo(windAc_day1); } else if (lon <= -11) { markerObs.addTo(obsMd_day1); markerTemp.addTo(tempMd_day1); markerWind.addTo(windMd_day1); } else { markerObs.addTo(obsCo_day1); markerTemp.addTo(tempCo_day1); markerWind.addTo(windCo_day1); } } else if (idx == 2) { if (lon <= -20) { markerObs.addTo(obsAc_day2); markerTemp.addTo(tempAc_day2); markerWind.addTo(windAc_day2); } else if (lon <= -11) { markerObs.addTo(obsMd_day2); markerTemp.addTo(tempMd_day2); markerWind.addTo(windMd_day2); } else { markerObs.addTo(obsCo_day2); markerTemp.addTo(tempCo_day2); markerWind.addTo(windCo_day2); } } } } } //Last code to run if (idx == 2) { //Clear unused global variables result_day0 = null; result_day1 = null; result_day2 = null;// result_warnings = null; //Finally... and we hope the rest is done :$ if (flag_day0 && "today" == "today") { //Add LayerGroups DAY0 map1.addLayer(obsCo_day0); map2.addLayer(obsAc_day0); map3.addLayer(obsMd_day0); map1.addLayer(tempCo_day0); map2.addLayer(tempAc_day0); map3.addLayer(tempMd_day0); } } } //Show detailed info function showInfo(e) { var offset = $('.app').offset(); var scrollTop= $('html').scrollTop(); var scrollLeft= $('html').scrollLeft(); var x = e.originalEvent.clientX - offset.left +scrollLeft; var y = e.originalEvent.clientY - + scrollTop; $(".markerinfo").css("left", x + "px"); $(".markerinfo").css("top", y + "px"); $("#minfo").html(this[0]); $(".markerinfo").show(); } function hideInfo() { $("#minfo").html(); $(".markerinfo").hide(); } function setLink() {[0], '_blank'); } function showFullInfo() {'/opencms/pt/otempo/prev-sam/?p=' + this[0]); } function addZero(i) { if (i < 10) { i = "0" + i; } return i; } function getHour(d) { var h = addZero(d.getUTCHours()); var m = addZero(d.getUTCMinutes()); return h + ":" + m; } //Process Sea Warnings Data function onEachWarningAreaSea(feature, layer) { //Get features var idAviso =['RegCode']; var areaCode =['AreaCode']; var name =['Name']; var pcolor = $(".wsgreen").css("border-left-color"); //get green color var color0 = pcolor, color1 = pcolor, color2 = pcolor; var prevwarn = "green"; var prevwarn0 = prevwarn, prevwarn1 = prevwarn, prevwarn2 = prevwarn; var colorpriority = new Array(); colorpriority["red"] = 4; colorpriority["orange"] = 3; colorpriority["yellow"] = 2; colorpriority["green"] = 1; if (typeof warnings_sea[idAviso] != 'undefined') { //District with warnings for (var i = 0; i < warnings_sea[idAviso].length; i++) { var strstart = warnings_sea[idAviso][i].startTime; var strend = warnings_sea[idAviso][i].endTime; var start = new Date(strstart.split("-")[0], strstart.split("-")[1]-1, strstart.split("-")[2].substring(0, 2), 0, 0, 0, 0); var end = new Date(strend.split("-")[0], strend.split("-")[1]-1, strend.split("-")[2].substring(0, 2), strend.substring(strend.indexOf("T")+1, strend.indexOf(":")), strend.split(":")[1]); var lblStart = new Date(strstart); var lblEnd = new Date(strend); var awarenessLevelID = warnings_sea[idAviso][i].awarenessLevelID; var awarenessTypeName = warnings_sea[idAviso][i].awarenessTypeName; var wcolor = $(".w" + awarenessLevelID).css("border-left-color"); //Valid for Day0 if (start.getTime() <= server_datetime && lblEnd.getTime() > server_datetime) { if (colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > colorpriority[prevwarn0]){ color0 = wcolor; prevwarn0 = awarenessLevelID; } if (colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > flag_w_day0) { flag_w_day0 = colorpriority[awarenessLevelID]; flag_w_day0_color = awarenessLevelID; } } //Valid for Day1 if (start.getTime() <= day1.getTime() && lblEnd.getTime() > day1.getTime()) { if (colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > colorpriority[prevwarn1]) { color1 = wcolor; prevwarn1 = awarenessLevelID; } if (colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > flag_w_day1) { flag_w_day1 = colorpriority[awarenessLevelID]; flag_w_day1_color = awarenessLevelID; } } //Valid for Day2 var day3 = addDays(day2, 1); if (start.getTime() <= day2.getTime() && lblEnd.getTime() > day2.getTime()) { if ( colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > colorpriority[prevwarn2]) { color2 = wcolor; prevwarn2 = awarenessLevelID; } if (colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > flag_w_day2) { flag_w_day2 = colorpriority[awarenessLevelID]; flag_w_day2_color = awarenessLevelID; } } } //build polygons polWarnSea0 = buildPolygonSea(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, color0); polWarnSea1 = buildPolygonSea(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, color1); polWarnSea2 = buildPolygonSea(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, color2); } else { //build polygons - District with no warnings polWarnSea0 = buildPolygonSea(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, pcolor); polWarnSea1 = buildPolygonSea(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, pcolor); polWarnSea2 = buildPolygonSea(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, pcolor); } //add object to corresponding LayerGroup if (areaCode == "PO") { polWarnSea0.addTo(warnCo_day0); polWarnSea1.addTo(warnCo_day1); polWarnSea2.addTo(warnCo_day2); } else if (areaCode == "AZ") { polWarnSea0.addTo(warnAc_day0); polWarnSea1.addTo(warnAc_day1); polWarnSea2.addTo(warnAc_day2); } else if (areaCode == "MD") { polWarnSea0.addTo(warnMd_day0); polWarnSea1.addTo(warnMd_day1); polWarnSea2.addTo(warnMd_day2); } } //build polygon object fo sea warnings function buildPolygonSea(type, coords, pcolor) { if ( pcolor == $(".wsgreen").css("border-left-color")) { if (type == 'MultiPolygon') { var polWarn = L.polygon({return mapPolygon(d)}), { weight: 0, opacity: 0, color: 'none', fillColor: 'none', fillOpacity: 0}); } else if(type == 'Polygon') { var polWarn = L.polygon(mapPolygon(coords), { weight: 0, opacity: 0, color: 'none', fillColor: 'none', fillOpacity: 0}); } } else { if (type == 'MultiPolygon') { var polWarn = L.polygon({return mapPolygon(d)}), { weight: 0.5, opacity: 0.5, color: pcolor, fillColor: pcolor, fillOpacity: 1}); } else if(type == 'Polygon') { var polWarn = L.polygon(mapPolygon(coords), { weight: 0.5, opacity: 0.5, color: pcolor, fillColor: pcolor, fillOpacity: 1}); } } return polWarn; } //** Process Warnings Data **// function onEachWarningArea(feature, layer) { //Get features var idAviso =['RegCode']; var areaCode =['AreaCode']; var name =['Name']; var pcolor = $(".wgreen").css("border-left-color"); //get green color var color0 = pcolor, color1 = pcolor, color2 = pcolor; var desc = "" + name + ""; var prevwarn = "green"; var prevwarn0 = prevwarn, prevwarn1 = prevwarn, prevwarn2 = prevwarn; var colorpriority = new Array(); colorpriority["red"] = 4; colorpriority["orange"] = 3; colorpriority["yellow"] = 2; colorpriority["green"] = 1; if (typeof warnings[idAviso] != 'undefined') { var descaux0 = descaux1 = descaux2 = ""; var link2aviso0 = null, link2aviso1 = null, link2aviso2 = null; //Regions with warnings for (var i = 0; i < warnings[idAviso].length; i++) { var strstart = warnings[idAviso][i].startTime; var strend = warnings[idAviso][i].endTime; var start = new Date(strstart.split("-")[0], strstart.split("-")[1]-1, strstart.split("-")[2].substring(0, 2), 0, 0, 0, 0); var end = new Date(strend.split("-")[0], strend.split("-")[1]-1, strend.split("-")[2].substring(0, 2), strend.substring(strend.indexOf("T")+1, strend.indexOf(":")), strend.split(":")[1]); var lblStart = new Date(strstart); var lblEnd = new Date(strend); var warnDuration = "[ " + addZero(lblStart.getUTCDate()) + " " + month[lblStart.getUTCMonth()] + " " + getHour(lblStart) + " - " + addZero(lblEnd.getUTCDate()) + " " + month[lblEnd.getUTCMonth()] + " " + getHour(lblEnd) + " ]UTC"; var awarenessLevelID = warnings[idAviso][i].awarenessLevelID; var awarenessTypeName = warnings[idAviso][i].awarenessTypeName; var wcolor = $(".w" + awarenessLevelID).css("border-left-color"); //Valid for Day0 if (start.getTime() <= server_datetime && lblEnd.getTime() > server_datetime) { if (colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > colorpriority[prevwarn0] ){ if (awarenessTypeName != "Agita\u00e7\u00e3o Mar\u00edtima" ){ color0 = wcolor; prevwarn0 = awarenessLevelID; } } descaux0 += "Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (9)" + warningtypes[awarenessTypeName][0] + "" + warnDuration + ""; link2aviso0 = idAviso; if (colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > flag_w_day0) { flag_w_day0 = colorpriority[awarenessLevelID]; flag_w_day0_color = awarenessLevelID; } } //Valid for Day1 if (start.getTime() <= day1.getTime() && end.getTime() > day1.getTime()) { if (colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > colorpriority[prevwarn1]) { if (awarenessTypeName != "Agita\u00e7\u00e3o Mar\u00edtima" ){ color1 = wcolor; prevwarn1 = awarenessLevelID; } } descaux1 += "Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (10)" + warningtypes[awarenessTypeName][0] + "" + warnDuration + ""; link2aviso1 = idAviso; if (colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > flag_w_day1) { flag_w_day1 = colorpriority[awarenessLevelID]; flag_w_day1_color = awarenessLevelID; } } //Valid for Day2 var day3 = addDays(day2, 1); if (start.getTime() <= day2.getTime() && end.getTime() > day2.getTime()) { if (colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > colorpriority[prevwarn2]) { if (awarenessTypeName != "Agita\u00e7\u00e3o Mar\u00edtima" ){ color2 = wcolor; prevwarn2 = awarenessLevelID; } } descaux2 += "Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (11)" + warningtypes[awarenessTypeName][0] + "" + warnDuration + ""; link2aviso2 = idAviso; if (colorpriority[awarenessLevelID] > flag_w_day2) { flag_w_day2 = colorpriority[awarenessLevelID]; flag_w_day2_color = awarenessLevelID; } } } var textLabel0 = textLabel1 = textLabel2 = ""; if (descaux0 == "") { textLabel0 = desc + ("pt" == "pt" ? "Sem avisos" : "No warnings"); } else { textLabel0 = desc + descaux0; } if (descaux1 == "") { textLabel1 = desc + ("pt" == "pt" ? "Sem avisos" : "No warnings"); } else { textLabel1 = desc + descaux1; } if (descaux2 == "") { textLabel2 = desc + ("pt" == "pt" ? "Sem avisos" : "No warnings"); } else { textLabel2 = desc + descaux2; } //build polygons polWarn0 = buildPolygon(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, color0, textLabel0, link2aviso0); polWarn1 = buildPolygon(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, color1, textLabel1, link2aviso1); polWarn2 = buildPolygon(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, color2, textLabel2, link2aviso2); } else { //build polygons - District with no warnings polWarn0 = buildPolygon(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, pcolor, desc + ("pt" == "pt" ? "Sem avisos" : "No warnings")); polWarn1 = buildPolygon(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, pcolor, desc + ("pt" == "pt" ? "Sem avisos" : "No warnings")); polWarn2 = buildPolygon(feature.geometry.type, feature.geometry.coordinates, pcolor, desc + ("pt" == "pt" ? "Sem avisos" : "No warnings")); } //add object to corresponding LayerGroup if (areaCode == "PO") { polWarn0.addTo(warnCo_day0); polWarn1.addTo(warnCo_day1); polWarn2.addTo(warnCo_day2); } else if (areaCode == "AZ") { polWarn0.addTo(warnAc_day0); polWarn1.addTo(warnAc_day1); polWarn2.addTo(warnAc_day2); } else if (areaCode == "MD") { polWarn0.addTo(warnMd_day0); polWarn1.addTo(warnMd_day1); polWarn2.addTo(warnMd_day2); } } //build polygon object function buildPolygon(type, coords, pcolor, desc, idAviso) { if (type == 'MultiPolygon') { var polWarn = L.polygon({return mapPolygon(d)}), { weight: 0.5, opacity: 1, color: '#666', fillColor: pcolor, fillOpacity: 1}); } else if(type == 'Polygon') { var polWarn = L.polygon(mapPolygon(coords), { weight: 0.5, opacity: 1, color: '#666', fillColor: pcolor, fillOpacity: 1}); } polWarn.on('mouseover', showInfo, ["

" + desc + "

"]); polWarn.on('mouseout', hideInfo); if (idAviso) polWarn.on('click', showFullInfo, [idAviso]); return polWarn; } //Polygon coordinate processing functions function mapPolygon(poly){ return{return mapLineString(line)}) } function mapLineString(line){ return{return [d[1],d[0]]}) } //On navigation - Date Menu $('#map-navigation li a').click(function() { day = this.getAttribute('id'); if (day != "legend") { //Styling li a $('#map-navigation > li > a').each(function (elem) { this.className = "none"; }); this.className = "none active"; //focus to current element menuDay = day; setLayers(); } this.blur(); }); //On navigation - Parameter Menu $('.wbtns button').click(function() { //Styling li a $('.wbtns button i').each(function (elem) { this.className = "weatherfont"; }); this.children[0].className = "weatherfont active"; menuParameter = this.getAttribute('id'); setLayers(); this.blur(); }); function setLayers() { $("#nodata").hide(); //remove layers if (map1.hasLayer(obsCo_day0)) map1.removeLayer(obsCo_day0); if (map2.hasLayer(obsAc_day0)) map2.removeLayer(obsAc_day0); if (map3.hasLayer(obsMd_day0)) map3.removeLayer(obsMd_day0); if (map1.hasLayer(tempCo_day0)) map1.removeLayer(tempCo_day0); if (map2.hasLayer(tempAc_day0)) map2.removeLayer(tempAc_day0); if (map3.hasLayer(tempMd_day0)) map3.removeLayer(tempMd_day0); if (map1.hasLayer(windCo_day0)) map1.removeLayer(windCo_day0); if (map2.hasLayer(windAc_day0)) map2.removeLayer(windAc_day0); if (map3.hasLayer(windMd_day0)) map3.removeLayer(windMd_day0); if (map1.hasLayer(seaCo_day0)) map1.removeLayer(seaCo_day0); if (map2.hasLayer(seaAc_day0)) map2.removeLayer(seaAc_day0); if (map3.hasLayer(seaMd_day0)) map3.removeLayer(seaMd_day0); if (map1.hasLayer(obsCo_day1)) map1.removeLayer(obsCo_day1); if (map2.hasLayer(obsAc_day1)) map2.removeLayer(obsAc_day1); if (map3.hasLayer(obsMd_day1)) map3.removeLayer(obsMd_day1); if (map1.hasLayer(tempCo_day1)) map1.removeLayer(tempCo_day1); if (map2.hasLayer(tempAc_day1)) map2.removeLayer(tempAc_day1); if (map3.hasLayer(tempMd_day1)) map3.removeLayer(tempMd_day1); if (map1.hasLayer(windCo_day1)) map1.removeLayer(windCo_day1); if (map2.hasLayer(windAc_day1)) map2.removeLayer(windAc_day1); if (map3.hasLayer(windMd_day1)) map3.removeLayer(windMd_day1); if (map1.hasLayer(seaCo_day1)) map1.removeLayer(seaCo_day1); if (map2.hasLayer(seaAc_day1)) map2.removeLayer(seaAc_day1); if (map3.hasLayer(seaMd_day1)) map3.removeLayer(seaMd_day1); if (map1.hasLayer(obsCo_day2)) map1.removeLayer(obsCo_day2); if (map2.hasLayer(obsAc_day2)) map2.removeLayer(obsAc_day2); if (map3.hasLayer(obsMd_day2)) map3.removeLayer(obsMd_day2); if (map1.hasLayer(tempCo_day2)) map1.removeLayer(tempCo_day2); if (map2.hasLayer(tempAc_day2)) map2.removeLayer(tempAc_day2); if (map3.hasLayer(tempMd_day2)) map3.removeLayer(tempMd_day2); if (map1.hasLayer(windCo_day2)) map1.removeLayer(windCo_day2); if (map2.hasLayer(windAc_day2)) map2.removeLayer(windAc_day2); if (map3.hasLayer(windMd_day2)) map3.removeLayer(windMd_day2); if (map1.hasLayer(seaCo_day2)) map1.removeLayer(seaCo_day2); if (map2.hasLayer(seaAc_day2)) map2.removeLayer(seaAc_day2); if (map3.hasLayer(seaMd_day2)) map3.removeLayer(seaMd_day2); if (map1W.hasLayer(warnCo_day0)) map1W.removeLayer(warnCo_day0); if (map2W.hasLayer(warnAc_day0)) map2W.removeLayer(warnAc_day0); if (map3W.hasLayer(warnMd_day0)) map3W.removeLayer(warnMd_day0); if (map1W.hasLayer(warnCo_day1)) map1W.removeLayer(warnCo_day1); if (map2W.hasLayer(warnAc_day1)) map2W.removeLayer(warnAc_day1); if (map3W.hasLayer(warnMd_day1)) map3W.removeLayer(warnMd_day1); if (map1W.hasLayer(warnCo_day2)) map1W.removeLayer(warnCo_day2); if (map2W.hasLayer(warnAc_day2)) map2W.removeLayer(warnAc_day2); if (map3W.hasLayer(warnMd_day2)) map3W.removeLayer(warnMd_day2); //add layers if (menuDay == "today") { if (flag_day0) { if (menuParameter == "weather") { map1.addLayer(obsCo_day0); map2.addLayer(obsAc_day0); map3.addLayer(obsMd_day0); map1.addLayer(tempCo_day0); map2.addLayer(tempAc_day0); map3.addLayer(tempMd_day0); map1.addLayer(seaCo_day0); map2.addLayer(seaAc_day0); map3.addLayer(seaMd_day0); } else if (menuParameter == "wind") { map1.addLayer(windCo_day0); map2.addLayer(windAc_day0); map3.addLayer(windMd_day0); map1.addLayer(seaCo_day0); map2.addLayer(seaAc_day0); map3.addLayer(seaMd_day0); } else if (menuParameter == "sea") { map1.addLayer(seaCo_day0); map2.addLayer(seaAc_day0); map3.addLayer(seaMd_day0); } //Warnings map1W.addLayer(warnCo_day0); map2W.addLayer(warnAc_day0); map3W.addLayer(warnMd_day0); } else { $("#nodata").show(); } } else if (menuDay == "tomorrow") { if (flag_day1) { if (menuParameter == "weather") { map1.addLayer(obsCo_day1); map2.addLayer(obsAc_day1); map3.addLayer(obsMd_day1); map1.addLayer(tempCo_day1); map2.addLayer(tempAc_day1); map3.addLayer(tempMd_day1); map1.addLayer(seaCo_day1); map2.addLayer(seaAc_day1); map3.addLayer(seaMd_day1); } else if (menuParameter == "wind") { map1.addLayer(windCo_day1); map2.addLayer(windAc_day1); map3.addLayer(windMd_day1); map1.addLayer(seaCo_day1); map2.addLayer(seaAc_day1); map3.addLayer(seaMd_day1); } else if (menuParameter == "sea") { map1.addLayer(seaCo_day1); map2.addLayer(seaAc_day1); map3.addLayer(seaMd_day1); } //Warnings map1W.addLayer(warnCo_day1); map2W.addLayer(warnAc_day1); map3W.addLayer(warnMd_day1); } else { $("#nodata").show(); } } else if (menuDay == "aftertomorrow") { if (flag_day2) { if (menuParameter == "weather") { map1.addLayer(obsCo_day2); map2.addLayer(obsAc_day2); map3.addLayer(obsMd_day2); map1.addLayer(tempCo_day2); map2.addLayer(tempAc_day2); map3.addLayer(tempMd_day2); map1.addLayer(seaCo_day2); map2.addLayer(seaAc_day2); map3.addLayer(seaMd_day2); } else if (menuParameter == "wind") { map1.addLayer(windCo_day2); map2.addLayer(windAc_day2); map3.addLayer(windMd_day2); map1.addLayer(seaCo_day2); map2.addLayer(seaAc_day2); map3.addLayer(seaMd_day2); } else if (menuParameter == "sea") { map1.addLayer(seaCo_day2); map2.addLayer(seaAc_day2); map3.addLayer(seaMd_day2); } //Warnings map1W.addLayer(warnCo_day2); map2W.addLayer(warnAc_day2); map3W.addLayer(warnMd_day2); } else { $("#nodata").show(); } } } //** Deactivate basic mapping functions function disableMap(map) { map.dragging.disable(); map.touchZoom.disable(); map.doubleClickZoom.disable(); map.scrollWheelZoom.disable(); if (map.tap) map.tap.disable(); } //** Activate/deactivate Legend $("#legend").click(function() { if ($("#legenddiv").hasClass("hide")) { $("#legenddiv").removeClass("hide"); $("#legend").addClass("legTop"); $("#legend").html(" Legenda"); } else { $("#legenddiv").addClass("hide"); $("#legend").removeClass("legTop"); $("#legend").html("Legenda"); } this.blur(); }); //** Activate legend accordion $(".accordion").click(function() { var active_button = $('')[0]; active_button.classList.toggle("active"); active_button.nextElementSibling.classList.toggle("show"); this.classList.toggle("active"); this.nextElementSibling.classList.toggle("show"); $(".accordion").blur(); }); var addZero = function (n) { return n > 9 ? "" + n: "0" + n; } //** Format selected Day date string function formatDate(d) { return weekday[d.getDay()] + ", " + d.getDate() + " " + month[d.getMonth()]; } //Add days to Date function addDays(date, days) { var result = new Date(date); result.setDate(result.getDate() + days); return result; } //** Final actions $(document).ready(function() { //activate initial menu buttons $("#today").addClass("active"); $("#weather i").addClass("active"); //** Processing Weather and sea Day0 processData(result_day0, 0); processSeaData(result_sea_day0, 0); if (!flag_day0) $("#nodata").show(); //no data for today //** Processing Weather and sea Day1 processData(result_day1, 1); processSeaData(result_sea_day1, 1); //** Processing Weather and sea Day2 processData(result_day2, 2); processSeaData(result_sea_day2, 2); //** Processing Warnings & Load Features **// //** Sea Warnings Continente var json_ws1 = $.getJSON("/opencms/bin/", function(data) { geojsonLayerSea = L.geoJson(data, { onEachFeature: onEachWarningAreaSea }); }); //** Sea Warnings Açores var json_ws2 = $.getJSON("/opencms/bin/", function(data) { geojsonLayerSea = L.geoJson(data, { onEachFeature: onEachWarningAreaSea }); }); //** Sea Warnings Madeira var json_ws3 = $.getJSON("/opencms/bin/", function(data) { geojsonLayerSea = L.geoJson(data, { onEachFeature: onEachWarningAreaSea }); }); $.when(json_ws1,json_ws2,json_ws3).always(function(){ //** Processing Warnings & Load Features var json1 = $.getJSON("/opencms/bin/", function(data) { geojsonLayer = L.geoJson(data, { onEachFeature: onEachWarningArea }); }); //** Warnings Açores var json2 = $.getJSON("/opencms/bin/", function(data){ geojsonLayer = L.geoJson(data, { onEachFeature: onEachWarningArea }); }); //** Warnings Madeira var json3 = $.getJSON("/opencms/bin/", function(data){ geojsonLayer = L.geoJson(data, { onEachFeature: onEachWarningArea }); }); //** when all request are successful $.when(json1,json2,json3).done(function(){ // Unhide warning icon if warnings exist if (flag_w_day0 > 1) { $("#warningicon0").css("color", flag_w_day0_color) $("#warningicon0").removeClass("hide"); } if (flag_w_day1 > 1) { $("#warningicon1").css("color", flag_w_day1_color) $("#warningicon1").removeClass("hide"); } if (flag_w_day2 > 1) { $("#warningicon2").css("color", flag_w_day2_color) $("#warningicon2").removeClass("hide"); } if ("today" != "today") { //** Styling li a $('#map-navigation > li > a').each(function (elem) { this.className = "none"; }); $("#" + "today" ).attr("class", "none active"); //focus to current element } setLayers(); }); }); });
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Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (2024)


What is the Portuguese Sea and Atmosphere Institute IPMA? ›

The Portuguese Institute for the Ocean and Atmosphere (IPMA-Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera) is the governmental research institute devoted to ocean and atmospheric science and technology, providing technical and scientific support to the definition and implementation of national strategies and policies in ...

What is the Portuguese Institute for Water? ›

The Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere is a public institution, part of the indirect administration of State. The Institute follows the responsibility of the Ministry of Sea, under supervision and guardianship of the respective minister.

Is the IPMA certification worth it? ›

The IPMA Individual Competence Baseline defines 29 elements of competences in three areas: Perspective, People and Practice. They form a set of competences that a modern project manager should have. For this reason, IPMA is a very popular certification system which is valued internationally.

Is IPMA good? ›

The IPMA certificate is recognized as proof that employees are competent in their work. Employees with this certification are sought for their skills and knowledge. Some employers require this level of competency to apply for certain positions or promotions.

Is Portuguese tap water clean? ›

It's generally safe and healthy to drink the public tap water across Portugal. Get a water filter such as TAPP 2 to improve the taste and reduce the risk of contaminants. Avoid plastic bottled water in Portugal as most plastic doesn't get properly recycled. Get a high quality reusable water bottle like TAPP.

Do you pay for water in Portugal? ›

Water bills in Portugal are typically paid bi-monthly and you can pay in various ways, including direct debit and Multibanco ATMs. Portuguese households pay a fixed, metered amount for their water, and then extra for any usage that exceeds the limit.

Is water free in restaurants in Portugal? ›

Bottled water is very expensive in Portuguese restaurants, and often costs around €4-5 per large bottle. The same bottle probably costs less than €0.50 in the supermarket. What is this? You won't get served tap water in a restaurant unless you specifically ask for it but, if you ask for it, you should get it.

What is the Portuguese Institute for the ocean and Atmosphere? ›

The Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere main mission is to analyse the interaction between Physical Oceanography and Meteorology. It develops and validates SWAN model for Mainland Portugal area. It provides in-real time observations and short term forecast of the physical ocean.

What does IPMA certification stand for? ›

The International Project Management Association (IPMA) is a federation of around 70-member associations across the globe which provides qualification standards for individuals working in project, programme and portfolio management.

What does the IPMA stand for? ›

International Project Management Association (IPMA-USA)

What is the main purpose of the International ocean Institute's Regulations? ›

The main purpose of the International Ocean Institute's regulations is to preserve the ocean as a shared natural resource. These regulations aim to ensure the sustainable use and protection of the ocean and its resources for present and future generations.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 6054

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.