Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

Marion; Indiana, Chronicle February' 962 HONORED Larry Wagner, president of the Lincoln" Parent- 5th Power Firm Opposes REMC Plant" INDIANAPOLIS (AP) The of utilities opposing the proposal of Hoosier Co operative Energy Inc. to build a big plant 'near Petersburg stood at five today. Southern Gas Electric Co. of Evansville joined the fight Tuesday in an intervening petition opposing the "unnecessary, unreasonable and Hoosier, a combine of 17 Indiana Rural Electric Membership Corporations, has a petition before the Public Service, Commis, sion for approval of its plan. The Rural -Electrification Administration has approved 'a 225,000 loan to Hoosier to build the plant and transmission lines, but PSC approval is necessary be fore the co-op can proceed.

Southern Indiana pointed out the government would have to pay to 4 per cent interest for the money it would lend Hoosier at 2 per The petition n' said also the plant would be subject to. "serious interruptions of service" because, its lines would have no interconnections with existing utilities- for use in emergencies. Southern Indiana's 'lines are interconnected with those of the four other utilities opposing the proposal. They are Public Service Co. of Indiana, Northern Indiana Public Indiana Michigan Electric Co.

and Indianapolis Power Light Co. The petitions all stated that the REMCs joined 'in the; Hoosier combine now get their power from the five utilities. Warren Meeting Is Conducted WARREN-Mrs. John was hostess at the parsonage for the February meeting of the Esther Circle of the Women's Society of Christian Service of the Warren First Methodist Church. During the business session 'reports were.

heard and announcement was made of the General WSCS meeting which will be held at the Methodist Memorial Home on March 8. Mrs. Curtis Fox gave devotions and presented the lesson on the subject, "Latin America Speaks." SPELLING BEE WARREN- Smith, Huntington County' school superintendent has announced competition on an intra-school' level will begin in March in which representatives will be picked for the 11th. annual Huntington County Spelling Bee. 9 is scheduled date for finals to be held at Huntington Township FARM BUREAU MEETS WARREN.

The Salamonie Township Farm Bureau Monday in the Rooms with Ward Irick, chairman, presiding. Paul Landrum, Farm Bureau insurance official spoke on the importance of insurance. ENROLLMENT CARDS WARREN- -Ervin Otter announced assist: ant county agent, has that enrollment cards are, now ready for 4H club projects. The cards may picked up from club leaders; project leaders, for at the extension' office in the courthouse. or of the Sunnycrest Evangelical United Brethren Church, said today revival services will be held at 7.

p.m. daily Sunday through Feb. 25. The Rev. Joseph P.

Rousch, pastor of the Elwood EUB. Church, will be the Song evangelists will be the Ladies Trio" of Tayfor University. ABOARD. SHIP Larry. Spath, the $19, son of seaman Mr.

and apprentice and Mrs. Walter Spath, 1812 N. Meridian is stationed aboard the USS Henderson: (DD' He receives his through the Fleet Post, office, San Francisco, Calif REVIVAL' PLANNED R. Jackson, pas- Teacher Wert, the school. The 'Association, pays special.

attention to Mrs. Edward Wert, Earl Dean and Mrs. Earl Ferguson (left to right) and Edward all presidents of the organization. They were honored Founders' meeting of the PTA Tuesday night at the' All of the four also are charter members of the association. women were students.

in the old Lincoln School. McCulloch Hear Talk On High School "John Marion: High School principal, "and Dr. Eugene director of the secondary high school transfer in Marion and reeducation, discussed ported on projected five year attendance records Tuesday at the meeting of the McCulloch I Parent Teacher Association The effect of the building change on McCulloch School was pointed out by the educators. Mrs. Robert Pope, president, conducted the business meeting during which a revision of -bylaws was studled.

Mrs. Lelia Dawalt gave a history of Day and measlured the current PTA with founding The Rev. Russell An Hall led devotions. 4.. Cub Pack Holds Blue, Gold Dinner Members of Cub.

Pack: 48, sponsored by the South Marion Business Men's Club, held their annual Blue and Gold banquet Monday night at the Marion Labor Temple. v. flag ceremony was sented 'by Dean Willman, Charles Peters, Larry and Wolfgang Gaertig with the- invocation and benediction pronounced by the Rev. Clinton L. Wasson, pastor of 26th St.

Nazarene Church. Following potluck dinner, Richard Carey" introduced the guest speaker, state conservation officer, Lynn Ryggs, who: addressed the group on conservation needs, and practices and showed film. A brief talk made by Sandford Tedder of the IBEW: -Den chiefs Dewayne Newell and Mike Jones were made Eagle Scouts: and Dale Willman and Wayne' Rudy, Star Scouts. Others receiving awards were. Greg Hale and Charles Peters, two-year pins; Larry Hagerty, and assistant denner stripes; Tony rah, David Blocker; Heinz Dubaniewycz: and Steve: Detrick, wolf badges: David.

Carey, wolf badge and gold arrow; David: Lawson and Clinton Lawson, wolf badge with gold silver arrows; Steve Rudy, bear badge; Mark Fall, arrow under bear; Danny Evans, lion badge, gold arrow and two silver arrows; George Hale, lion badge with gold arrow; Pat: Jones, silver 'arrow under lion, and Steve Detrick, Richard Wilson Edward Preston, bobcat pins. a Holovachka Defense Plans Acquittal Plea HAMMOND, Ind. (AP): The defense was ready to move today for a directed verdict of acquittal in the trial of Metro Holovachka, former Lake County prosecutor charged with income tax evasion: Robert J. Downing Chicago, Holovachka's attorney," said the defense-probably would need only two days to, present its case. It appeared likely the jury would be able to, start deliberations by: the end of the week.

government rested its case Tuesday, the 13th day of the trial, after Paul Boyle, an Internal Revenue Service intelligence A agent and key government. witness, had undergone stiff cross examination. Downing tried to Boyle's presentation relating to Holovachka's by using a different method of applying funds relating to Holovachka's net: worth, but Judge. Robert. A.

Grant upheld a' government objection to the One change was made in the jury, which has been under armed guard since the start of the trial. A woman, one of four: alternates, replaced a male juror: who. had become 111. Fairmount Science Club Program Plans Announced FAIR MOUNT The Fatrmount High Suhdol 'Science Club under the direction of Orville Long and Robert Bach has arranged for Upland Club New Leaders UPLAND Mrs. Omer Ballinger was re-elected the president of the YWI Club at regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.

Don Showalter. Other officers elected are as follows: Mrs. Edith Reynolds, vice president; Mrs. Harry Felt on; secretary, and Mrs. Ethel Oren, treasurer.

Miss Luella Weimer conducted the devotions, Mrs. Harry Felton gave a talk on "Abraham Lincoln" and Mrs. Vasbinder on, "George Washing. The hostess, assisted by Miss Luella Weimer, served lunch to one guest, Miss, Mary Reynolds, and 10 members. TO MEET UPLAND A meeting of -the Community Evangelistic Association will be held at the Center Chapel Methodist Church, Northwest of Upland, at 7:30 p.m.

Feb. 20. MEETING SET UPLAND Mrs. Oscar Moorman will be hostess to the Women's Society of Christian Service of the Center Chapel Methodist Church at the regular monthly. meeting at her home at 7:30 p.m.

Monday. Mrs. Minerva Gephardt, president, will preside. REAPPOINTED UPLAND Two members of the Upland Library Board were reappointed four year terms, according to Hugh Freese, president. Miss Iris Abbey was appointed by the judge of Grant County and Wilbert Lightle by the Town Board.

Other members of the board include Mrs. Henry Townsend and Mrs. Eloise Brogneaux. UPLAND PERSONALS Mrs. Ethel Oren has returned home from Hartford City, where she visited with.

Mr. Mrs. Omer Hendricks. Highway Scandal Figure Wins Parole INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Marvin L. Preble, the first man to be freed after serving a sentence in the Indiana highway scapdals, was released from prison ahead of schedule because.

a home and a job were waiting. The 'State Parole Board approved the 47-year-old Austin housemoving contractor for parole Jan' 11 and set his release date for Feb. 27, but it disclosed Tuesday he had been released Jan. 12. Russel P.

Rea, state parole supervisor, said Preble had home to go to and a construction job available at: the Packing Co. in Austin. He said the customary. interval between approval of parole and release is used to check or arrange for the parolee's home and job. Preble.

was sentenced 'In" Marion County Court Feb. 27, 1960, to serve one to 10 years in the Indiana, State Parole Board: also. anpounced approval of a for Eugene: 45, twicessentenced to life imprisonment for murder in the shooting of Raymond McSwain at Evansville Jan. He will be released after his residence and job arrangements have been approved A Lindsay' Crosby' Wife Still Critical BURBANK, Calif. (AP) Barbara Diane Crosby, 23.

wife of singer Lindsay Crosby, is reported. slightly improved but 'still on the critical list at SE. Joseph Hos- pital. Mrs. Crosby has not regained consciousness since she was taken to the hospital from 'her San Fernando Valley Sunday night.

READ THE CLASSIFIEDS 1. Pianist Tops Library Recordings PTA Honors Ex-Leaders Past prsidents of the Lincoln Parent Teacher Association were honored during a 'Founders Day ceremony conducted by the organization Tuesday night at the school. Larry Wagner, president, was in charge of the session, and Mrs. Bernard Edwards was program chairman. After past presidents were recognized, Dean Evans, administrative assistant in the Marion public schools, addressed association members, discussing the values 1 of the members.

Evans presented life membership in the association to Principal Fred Pinkerton. Special. instrumental music was provided by Barbara Ober, cellist, and Shirley Evans, pianist, ninth grade students at Martin Boots School. Ralph Vogel, Marion school board member, was a guest at the session. Other past presidents cited were Mrs.

Irene Reed, Mrs. Anthony Smith, John Evans, Mrs. Ilene Sheridan, Howard Cline, Mrs. Ross Bartlett, Myron Raquet and Dale Chambers. Converse Eastern Star Election Held CONVERSE--Mrs.

Huber and Tom Maple were elected to serve as worthy matron' and worthy patron of the Converse Order of Eastern Star at the regular meeting Monday. Others chosen to serve. during the coming year were Mrs. Gladys Plotner, associate matron; Russell Feller, associate patron; Mrs. Roscoe Prickett, conductress, and Mrs.

Ronald Riggs, associate conductress. Mrs. Robert Brown, treasurer, and Miss Wileen Hensler, secretary, were re to their offices. Mrs. Tom Maple was named chairman of the hospitality committee for the Feb.

26 meeting when a kitchen shower will be held. EVENING CIRCLE CONVERSE-Mrs. James Davis was appointed to the Day of Prayer Committee at the meeting of the Evening Circle of the Women's Society. Mrs. Dale Lawson entertained at her home with Mrs.

Gene Bowman Mrs. Robert Beall, chairman, announced that several area churches will be participating in the World Day of Prayer March 9, and the location of the services' will be announced later. PROGRAM PLANNED CONVERSE -Father and Son Night will be observed by the Converse Masons on Feb. 28. EnI tertainment and refreshments are being planned according to Russell Feller, worshipful master.

TALKS ON MEXICO Joseph Hatfield discussed Mexico and show. ed color slides of her visit there at the Buriett Study Club meeting. Mrs. John Malott was hostess at her home. Mrs.

Dee Rich, president, told of the club's plans to assist the Arts Club with their March 14 Benefit Style Show. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Howard, Warsaw, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Orville Larrison. Larry Brown and David Beall attended the Indiana Junior Corn Grower's at. Purdue University Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Beall entertained 'at dinner Sunday for, Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Plumley and sons, Winona Lake, and -Mr. and Mrs. Robert and family. Miss Jeannie Warnock, Ball State Teachers College, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. William Warnock. Jan Hamilton, Purdue University, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, for the weekend.

Melting temperature of Ice decreases, when. it is subjected to pressure, according to the EnI cyclopedia Britannica. Three new albums by the Brazilian piano virtuoso Guiomar Novaes "top the list of new recordings. to be released at the Marion Public Library this week. Two Mazart concertos, No.

20 in minor, and No. 9 in flat, together wIth Debussy's Preludes, and Chopin's Sonata No. 2 and-24 Preludes, demonstrate the artistry of this great pianist. Admirers of Bach and the violin reap a double harvest in a seldom heard re cording of Bach violin concertos, No. 1 in A minor, No.

2 in minjor and Concerto for violins 'in minor, with hold Bart het and Will Beh, violinists, Eisner, harpsichord, Orchestra Pro Musica of Stuttg art, Walther Davisson, lighter side is Broadway, cast. "How to recording Succeed of the in Business 'Without Really Trying," featuring Morse and Vallee, or an album of the best loved song's of; the American negro, "Lift Every Voice and Sing," with Marie Knight, choir and orchestra. Award" winning alben is Birgit Nilsson's excerpts from Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde," with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Modern composers are represented in Ferde Grofe's "Grand Canyon" and "Death Valley" Suites, Prokofiev's Symphony No. 5.

in 13 flat major, Khachaturian's Gayne Ballet and Kabalevsky's Library Matrons reserve these albums at any time. Jonesboro Marie Pierce Circle Meets JONESBORO The Marie Pierce Circle of the Jonesboro Pesbyterian Church held its regular meeting: Monday night in the church amex with Mrs. Berniece Frymier and Mrs. W. P.

Macy as were made to serve doughnuts" and coffee from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Feb. 21 at 'the church. Mrs.

Charles Smith and Mrs. Waldo Smith are in charge. World Day of Prayer will be held March 9 at the church. SESSION HELD Mrs. Claude Parrish entertained the February.

meeting of the Peace Circle of the Jonesboro Friends Church with Mrs. Gerald Thomas assistant Mrs. Arthur Brunner gave the lesson topic on "Small Town Boy," by Rufus Jones. Mrs. Ernest Snapp gave a report on the circle project.

PERSONALS Mrs. R. J. Baskett spent Mon- day at Indianapolis. Clarence Julius, who has been in ill health several months, was returned to the VA Hospital at Indianapolis Sunday night for observation and treatment.

Cora 'DeShon, Fifth and Water, Streets, Miss Mr. Fern and Thom- Mrs. as, Wabash, and Albert Barkd'ull, Kokomo, will leave Friday inorning, for a visit with their brother John Thomas, and other clatives at Fort Myers, Fla. U.S. Agents Study 'Gift' To Chaharis GARY, Ind.

(AP)-The Internal Revenue Service is checking to determine wha'her it will take a of a $75,000 birthday gift raised for Mayor George Chaharis. X. An, Investigator in the. intelligence division fof the IRS said of the problem, "We had it, and we gave it to the accounting department." A 'spokesman' for the latter department said more facts will be needed and taco regulations will have to 'be che ked. Elkhart Man Killed In Fight Over: 3 ELKHART, Ind.

(AP) Louis. Brown, 38, died in Elkhart General Hospital Tuesday night of a wound allegedly inflicted by his landlord in a over debt. The landlord, Lynn' Dinwoodie, I 66, admited the shooting last Saturday night, police He had been held on charge pending Brown's, progress. 4.3 1 LEAVES HOSPITAL SANTA. MONICA, Calif.

kelton discharged from John's Hospital Tuesday night after undergoing what attendants described as "a routine 15 1247 39 Briefs; 2-14 a number "guest speakers to present talks on various phases of science. Six speakers have been scheduled to speak at two week intervals 'at the evening meetings of the club. Mark Ballard, Marion, an amateur radio operator, will speak on Thursday. Paull McCoy will demonstrate his telescope at a meeting in March. Four professors from Indiana colleges have been engaged to speak on their specific fields.

The four scientists and their respective subjects are Zylpha D. Hurlburt, Anderson College, microbiology; Lawrence 'E. Strong, Earlham College, liquid oxygen; M. Keller, Purdue, "Mathematics as a Profession;" and Howard T. Black, Indiana State, general ics.

1 FAIRMOUNT-Mrs. Don Driskill was hostess for the Feburary meeting of the Reading Club at her home. Mrs. Cedric Little introduced Mrs. Alfriede Gaertig, Marion, as the speaker.

Mrs. Gaertig was born in Romania. She related some. of her experiences from the time she and her family fled from the Communists until their arrival America. LIST COMMITTEES READING CLUB FAIRMOUNT-At the Girl Scout troop meeting held at the Friends Church, the following committees were appointed: Pam Brewer and Becky DeShong, Valentine Party; Connie Howard and Rita Lou Doyle, play; Cathy McManaman and Sandy Bone, Scout Week window display.

Carla Moore, Scout Sunday; Joyce Honeycutt and Judy Brinkman, cook-out, March 17th; Becky Shane and Jane Caughell, fifth birthday party. PRESENT AWARDS FAIRMOUNT Coach Larry Wright presented black gold jackets to the senior lettermen on the Fairmount High School football team. Those receiving jackets were Gary Crist, Gary Nottingham, Keith Sullivan, Ron Hamilton, Richard Jarvis, Arlen Thurman and Jerry Stinger. VFW AUXILIARY FAIRMOUNT -The Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary will meet in the VFW Hall, today at 8 p.m. ATTEND FAIRMOUNT-P.

A. Smith Fairmount school superintendent, and Mrs. Smith will attend the convention of American Associa-1 tion of School Administrators, being held at Atlanta, on Friday. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CAUSE NO. 8-62-100 GRANT SUPERIOR COURT JANUARY TERM, 1963 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF GRANT, SS: JOHN HUDSON PLAINTIFF VS.

DOROTHY YVONNE HUDSON E- 14, 21, 28, 1962 NOTICE TO HEIRS, LEGATEES AND CREDITORS NO. 11765 IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT FEBRUARY TERM: 1962 ESTATE OF Edward Miller DEFENDANT The cause plaintiff having in the filed above his com- entitled plaint therein, together with his affidavit and an affidavit of 1 disinterested person that YVONNE the ant SON, is not DOROTHY a resident of the State of Indiana. Now therefore, the defendant be is hereby notified that unless she and Court on appear the 20th day of April, in the Grant Superior 1962, at the court-house in the City of Marion, in said county state, and answer or demur to said complaint, the same will be heard and determined in her absence. In witness whereof, I hereunto set imy hand and affix the said court this 13 day of February, 1962. Victor C.


Defendants. titled The cause, plaintiff having in the filed above its plaint therein, together with an affidavit that the defendant Gaylor Mercantile Corp. is an Illinois corporation, that defendant Ralph Krause is not resident of this State, and that the cause of action alleged In plaintiff's complaint arose in this State and is brought to enforce. the collection of plaintiff's demands by proceedings in Garnishment: NOW. THEREFORE, the defendants Krause Gaylor are Mercantile hereby Corp.

fled that unless they and appear in the Grant Circuit Court the 11th day of April, 1962, at the Court House in Marion, Indiana, and answer or demur to said complaint, the same will be heard and determined in their absence. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, hereunto my hand and affix the Seal of this Court this 13th day of February, 1962. Victor C. Drook Clerk, Grant Circuit (SEAL) Deceased Notice is hereby riven that First National Bank in Marion "as administrator of said estate, has filed its account and in final settlement of said estate. and its petition praying the court to allow said account and order.

ton of said estate, and that the same will come up for hearing and action in said Court on the 26th day of. February, 1962, In the court I house tri Marion, Indiana, at which tors of said estate are required to time. heirs, legatees and crediappear and show. cause, if any there. be, why said account and vouchers should, not be allowed.

and distribution of the estate be made as prayed for in said petition; and all the heirs, devisees and legatees of said decedent and said estate, and others Interest ed, are hereby required, to appear at said time and place and make proof their heirship or claim, to any part.of said estate. First National Bank' in Marion 'Administrator Campbell Gemmill Browne Torrance Sisson Attorneys E- Feb. 14, 1962. Coming 'Auction Sales EVERY. FRIDAY NIGHT 7:50 P.M.

at Puckett's Merchandise Mart 27th By Puckett Son. 'Auctioneers. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT p.m..: 18th Auction, 509 E. 18th St. Ralph Cook, owner, operator.

Phone NO 4-7288. FRIDAY FEB. P.M. Lotaine cated on State Road 15, then 1 2. Miles South of LaFonMile East.

Machinery, some household goods. Russell Farley, owner. Bill Rogers, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB 17TH 12:30 p.m.

miles North and mile East of. hartford City' or miles South and East' of junction 18 3. Tractor, combine, farm machinery, household goods. Ira Duncan' owner. Winger Bros.

Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 17TH. 11:30 A.M.-12 mile southwest of Marion on St.

Rd. 35 22. Tractors, Farming tools, household goods, antiques, Chickens Mr. Mrs. R.

E. Myers, owners, Truman Slabaugh, Auctioneer. MONDAY FEB. 19TH a.m. Located: 5 mile West of Fairmount on State Road 26 then mile South or mile So.

of Hackleman. Farm Implements and Machinery. Hay Grain. 10,000 Bu, of Corn. Lindsey Estate' Robert Gross.

Auctioneer Wilbur T. Clair. 1962. at 11:00 a.m. Located WEDNESDAY.

FEBRUARY miles south then west of Sharpesville, Ind. or south 8 miles then west then mile mile west of Windfall or 5 miles north -then miles east of junction roads 31 28. Machinery. grain, housetrailer misc. property.

Herbert V. Morriss Lowell Acenbach, owners. Eddie Nash Swinford, Auctioneers. THURS. FEB.

A.M. Located 10 mile North of Peru on Road $1 to Smiley's Lumber Co. then right miles or miles West of Denver or 2 miles South of Deedsville and 2nd. house. West.

15 head Cattle; Ponies, Hay, Grain and Machinery. Robert Myers, Owner. Bill Rogers, Andy Binkerd, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB.

P.M. Located mile South of Jalapa or 6 mile North west of Marion. Cattle; Hogs; Farm Machinery. Vaughn Harreld, Owner. Bill Rogers, Auctioneer.

SAT. FEB. a.m. mile East mile south of Gas City, 8 mi. SE of Marion, Farm Machinery dairy cattle, Saw Mill complete planer, walnut lumber, Henry Leffler, owner, Dick Beaty Bob Harris, auctioneers.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Death Notices HOPKINS, Nancy (Nannie) 1009 E. 27th St. Shawley Memorial Chapel. In Memoriam HOLLEY. In loving memory of Thelma Holley who passed away February 14th, 1954.

5 "Not dead us who loved her, Not lost, but gone before; She lives with us in memory And will forever more." Sadly missed by brothers, sister and husband. SHAVER In of our beloved Mother and Grandmother, Rillia Shaver, who departed this life, sixteen years ago, February 14th, 1948. It was a cold and blustery day When Jesus came and took Mother away. We were not there to say goodby. She had left before we had arrived.

The Memories of your Mother Grow sweeter as the years go by. Two more have gone to Heaven Since Mother went away. When this life is over And our work on earth is done. We will meet again in Heaven Around God's Holy Throne Missed By The Family. THOMAS- -In loving memory of Walter E.

Thomas, who passed away two years ago this St. Valentine's Day. Should you go first and I remain to walk the road alone, Ill live in Memories Garden Dear, with Happy Days we have known. In Spring Ill Watch for Roses red, when fade the Lilac's. Blue.

In early Fall when Brown Leaves fall. I'll catch a Breath of You. Should you first and I remain, one thing I'll have to do, Walk slowly down the Path of Death, for soon ru follow you. ril want to know each step you took, that I may walk the same, For some day down the Lonely Road You'll hear me call your name. Signed.

Widow-Fern, and niece Jill Ann, Gas City. Floral Tributes FUNERAL FLOWERS MARION FLORAL COMPANY 31st Meridian Ph. NO 2-2541 Funeral Directors JAY SWIFT Funeral Home Gas City Jonesboro Ph, Gas City OR OR NEEDHAM SON appreciate Your Confidence 814-S. Adams St. Ph.

1. NO 4-5168 Serving As We Would Be Served OWEN-WEILERT Funeral Home 2722 S. Washington NO 4-5765 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF. ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO. 11596 IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT OF GRANT Notice is hereby given that Howard Huffman was, son 5th day of February, appointed! Administrator of the estate of Marcaret June Huffman All persons having claims against said, estate, "whether or not now due, must tule same to said court six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred.

Dated: at Marion, Indiana, this 5th day of February, 1962. VICTOR C. DROOK Clerk of the, Grant Circuit Court (Seal) Torrance. Campbell Gemmill Browne' Attorneys BUY, SELL TRADE THE CLASSIFIED WAY 5 Funeral' Directors 5 RAVEN FUNERAL HOME "The HOME For Services' 911 S. Washington NO 4-2671 Worthy of a DIGGS FUNERAL SERVICE, Inc.

504 W. 3rd St. Phone NO 2-2503 SHAWLEY MEMORIAL CHAPEL Established 1888 2901 S. Ph. NO 8-8185 Personal VAPOR BATHS Massage for Arthritis, Nerves, Colds Muscular Ailments Reducing Earl Mickel.

212 W. 20th NO 4-7659 TAX SERVICE State Federal 3409 Home Ave. NO 4-1725. WANTED YOUR OLD GIRDLE We will give you $5 for your old girdle. regardless of brand or condition toward a custommade SPENCER or SPIRELLA foundation, individually designed for you.

Budget payments if you wish. Limited time offer. Mrs. Carmen Booth, 948 N.1 Wash. NO 2-2911.

NOTICE. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by any one, other than myself on or after this date February 14, 1962. Signed Max Haynes 1603 West 5th Marion, Ind. RENT PARTY SUPPLES A. A.

RENTS. and Western NO 4-1832 FOR ALL KINDS ADVERTISING. NO 4-8422. FRANK CARTER. 1827 S.

Adams Get Art Supplies ACME QUALITY PAINTS, Inc. North Park Plaza TAX RETURNS Federal State. Bookkeeping accounting service. Private office. mile E.

Swayzee. Ph. WA 1-7609 AX SERVICE Federal State For appointment. Call OR 4-5581 STATE FEDERAL Tax Returns. Experienced Accountant.

849 N. Washington NO 4-4320 ETHEL WILCOX Chiropractor For appointment Ph. NO 4-2749. PRIOR TO TRIAL DATE Criminal or civil. Call Rosc Agency, all types of bonds, and special insurance.

Ph. NO 4-3846 TAX SERVICE Evenings Weekends. 710 S. Gallatin NO 4-2817 or NO 4-6839 WHILE -WAIT HERB'S SHOE REPAIR 1214 W. 2nd St.

Rummage Sales 7A SINAI. TEMPLE: RUMMAGE Thurs, Fri. 7:30 A.M. 521 Boots. Thurs, Fri.

7:30 A.M. 521 Boots. RUMMAGE Girls shoe skates, back of Ackley's 38th Wash. WANTED To buy or accept all kinds used clothing underprivileged children. Greatly needed.

Ph. OR 4-3750. RUMMAGE- Ladies uniforms clothing. Symphonic 3 speed record player $30. Thurs Fri 2703 S.

Gallatin. 4r. Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 LOST- Female, long haired tiger cat black marking on forehead. Vicinity McCulloch school. OR 4-5858.

LOST Keys, white case, Mon. eve, outside Hostess House. rei ward, WI 8-4187, Fairmount. FOUND: Bird dog. Owner can have by describing and paying for this ad.

Shinkle, Grant Wabash Co. line between St. Rd. 15 FOUND- 9-37. German short hair point.

er. female, Identify pay for ad Phone NO 4-8839. AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles for Sale 1957 OLDS-98. power steering, power brakes. good rubber.

Phone 4-8756. 1955 CADILLAC Inquire Bolden's Texaco, 37th Washington. 1954 STUDEBAKER, V-8. $150. Phone 1953 PLYMOUTH New ring job, $100.

Ph. OR 4-6138; 616 South St. Gas City. 1957 DODGE 4 door, Royal, automatic transmission. A1 Runs very smooth.

$750. Can finance. 514 Race St. NO 4-9831. 954 BUICK- payments.

$18 per month. Ph. OR 4-2671. GOOD 1956 BUICK- $650. Phone NO 4-2567.

Local Long Distance Wrecker Service POWELL SON GARAGE 628 E. Swayzee Ph. NO 2-7755 1960 FALCON Wagon, 13,000 miles, $1400, NO 4-4473; NO 4-6554 59 FORD Galaxie convertible good condition. 1 owner, good tires. Ph.

OR 4-3725 or OR 4-351 anytime FOR QUALITY USED CARS SEE MOTOR SALES 312 W. 2nd St. Ph. NO 2-2574 WANTED Junk cars trucks. Dail Converse EX 5-3282.

DON MARSHALL INC.I: FOR O.K: USED CARS Upland, Ind, Phone WY 8-2570 Cash For Your Car or Equity MOTORS 38th Bypass- -Ph. OR 4-3313 1956 FORD Victoria, hardtop, $400; Phone NO: 4-4058. between and 6 p.m. NO CREDIT NEEDED I will carry balance myself 45 cars to choose from SCOTT'S CAR SALES Bypass at 38th Street Phone OR 44860 1956 MERCURY- Good, $400. 1952 OLDSMOBILE 88, good $100.

1950 CHEVROLET runs good, $50. 1702 W. 3rd. 1957. FORD Fairlane.

with HOLLINGSWORTH Inc. North on the ByPass Trucks. for Sale 12. 55 FORD ton truck. flat bed with racks also metal racks for ladders.

Ph. NO 4-4738 SPECIAL -1951 Ford 2 cab over. $395. Runs good. 630 Lincoln Blvd.

NO 2-6780 CHEVROLET TRUCK' Ton stake, excellent condition. Best offer. 454 N. Adams. FORD VANETTE-1 ton walk in L-180.

International Tractor. both in perfect condition, Ph. 4-8278 or OR 4-1801. 1956 FORD Ton Pickup SNYDER AUTO SALES Across from RCA1Ph. OR 4-5883 1950 CHEVROLET- Ton, good running condition, good tires, $300; Clyde Revis 426 South St.

Gas City. 1.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

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