15 Items to Resell for Profit - Buy and Sell Opportunities (2024)

Are you interested in a list of things to buy and sell to make money? There are great items which can be bought on eBay or other online retail stores and sold for profits.

As a result, this has grown into a form of business. We are happy to show you some of the best items to resell for profit.

These are items which are very marketable and helps you earn some income.

Let’s begin without further delay shall we? This list also include some things to look for at thrift stores to resell.


Best Things to Buy and Resell for Profit

  • Vintage Electronics

Vintage electronics can be bought from yard sales as well as thrift stores. These are catchy items that will be readily bought once you place them once you display them.

But to sell them fast, you’d need to know where to display such. eBay offers you an easy way to sell of these items. Vintage items are some profitable things to look for at thrift stores to resell.

  • Clothing

An assorted array of clothing will easily sell for profit. But such clothes will need to be good ones. We recommend going for branded or designer clothing.

These sell faster, though a lot of work needs to be done. This requires patience and an eye for detail when flipping through. You’d need to go with what works best for you when choosing your type of clothing.

Clothes are some of the easiest things to flip for profit.

  • Artwork

Artwork encompasses a lot of items. These will range from paintings, sculptures, frames, vases and many more. You must have an eye for appreciating beauty to find very captivating artwork.

Antique or ornate looking artwork attract the most demand. These can be bought and resold for a profit.

  • Books

Books remain highly marketable items you can resell for a profit. There are so many places to buy these and market online. Plus, they aren’t as hard to find like other items.

To sell faster, consider displaying these on book-focused sites.

  • Video Games

Video games never go out of fashion as long as they can be played on devices running current operating systems.

These can be found on thrift stores and garage sales.

Also, video games aren’t bulky and can be easily shipped to the buyer without significant shipment costs.

  • China

This is another item that can be resold for a profit. But first, you’d need to find out if such an item is valuable. If it’s attractive enough, then it may attract a buyer.

In addition to this, embossed stamps mean it’s valuable.

  • Shoes

Looking for the best items to flip? There are lots of shoe lovers that will go for any good shoe. But you also need to familiarize yourself with current trends.

There’s also the case of major shoe brands. It doesn’t matter if these are new or used, shoe freaks are likely to buy from you as long as it’s fascinating enough.

  • Board Games

Board games are a resellers favorite items. This is because you’d likely find a vintage product. When buying these, you should make sure you check if all the board pieces are intact. Once these items are on display, a buyer is likely to show interest in no time.

But your price also needs to be attractive.

  • Sporting Equipment

Sporting equipment attract high patronage. These items may be new or used, but must be in good condition.

Such may include hunting, fishing, softball, baseball or any other. Garage sales and thrift stores provide the best opportunities to get these items. But you’d need to frequent such places to find great deals.

  • Unused Printer Ink Cartridges

New printer ink cartridges sell fast on eBay. As such, selling these items isn’t that difficult. Apart from yard sales, these can be bought online.

You’d have to constantly look out for such opportunities for such printing items.

  • Kitchen Equipment and Gear

These items are easily resold for a profit and are found in rummage sales, yard sales and thrift stores.

They include a variety of gear such as coffee mixers, spatulas, vintage pyrex and more. You’d need to keep tabs on such sales to find great kitchen gear.

  • Collectible Toys

Are you intrigued and drawn to toys? You can start making money by buying to resell. There are so many categories to choose from. A few of these include movie patterned toys, vintage toys and so much more.

The secret is to find out what fascinates your buyers. This enables you choose appropriate collectibles to resell at a profit.

  • Stereos

Stereos are older technology that have continued to attract sales. However, not every stereo set will attract a purchase. Vintage stereos do.

So, you can hunt for these in yard, rummage, and thrift sales. Though this could be bought at a cheap price, it can easily be resold for a profit.

  • Camera

A lot of advances have been made in all areas of technology. But certain vintage cameras will quickly attract sales once displayed. But these aren’t always available.

So, you’d have to scout for them. Of course like most items, you’d likely find them in garage or backyard sales among others. Once purchased, you can resell it for a good profit.

  • Textbooks

Textbooks are among the fastest selling items you’d find. Such books will specialize on different subject matters.

As such, your audience will be varied. If you find such textbook deals, they can be resold for a profit on bookselling sites like eBay and Amazon etc.

What are your Niche Preferences?

You need to know your niche preferences right from the onset. This enables you narrow down to specific areas.

By doing so, you’re likely to resell better. But you also have the freedom of reselling whatever is available. However, this can be stressful and may take up a large portion of your time.

These are some of the best things to buy and resell for profit.

While you stand to benefit from this opportunity, it will also require putting in the required work. It means you’d have to frequently visit thrift stores, yard sales, rummage sales and garage sales to find great items and deals.

15 Items to Resell for Profit - Buy and Sell Opportunities (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.